Migrant kids outperform local kids

Remember the only reason ford and GM factory workers made good money was because they were unionized. Otherwise, none of them were qualified to make the kind of money they were making. So you keep hoping that Trump will kick out enough illegals that it's going to cause blue collar wages to go up enough to make a difference. It won't. ESPECIALLY when they won't go after illegal employers.

You're being duped.

Not true at all. Non-unionized auto workers for VW and Toyota and Honda make wages comparable to Ford and GM.

Ford workers did well long before the UAW came in. Henry Ford raised their wages to encourage stability in the work force and achieve consistency in the end product.

If it weren't for the threat that the companies would move VW, Toyota and Honda workers wanted to unionize. They were threatened not to.

And why do you think those companies pay comparable wages to what the union auto companies pay? Those VW workers should thank the unions. If not for them and the fear of unionizing those employees would be making $15 and no benefits just like Walmart pays.

Ah, if only Walton's were as kind as Henry Ford

Walton family - Wikipedia

The Walton's are greedy billionaires you agree?
Remember the only reason ford and GM factory workers made good money was because they were unionized. Otherwise, none of them were qualified to make the kind of money they were making. So you keep hoping that Trump will kick out enough illegals that it's going to cause blue collar wages to go up enough to make a difference. It won't. ESPECIALLY when they won't go after illegal employers.

You're being duped.

Not true at all. Non-unionized auto workers for VW and Toyota and Honda make wages comparable to Ford and GM.

Ford workers did well long before the UAW came in. Henry Ford raised their wages to encourage stability in the work force and achieve consistency in the end product.
Yea but most of the people who work in those VW and Toyota and Honda plants are temp workers or private contractors who don't make as much and don't get nearly the same benefits. Do you know this?

What I know is that the VW workers in Chattanooga voted against Big Labor TWICE. Even after the UAW spent millions on a recruitment drive and the German management really wanted Big Labor to come in.

Had VW agreed to pay a lot more, so the workers would be able to pay union dues and still make a nice profit, the Union might have got it.

But companies have to pay a lot more if they want their workers to unionize nowadays.
Remember the only reason ford and GM factory workers made good money was because they were unionized. Otherwise, none of them were qualified to make the kind of money they were making. So you keep hoping that Trump will kick out enough illegals that it's going to cause blue collar wages to go up enough to make a difference. It won't. ESPECIALLY when they won't go after illegal employers.

You're being duped.

Not true at all. Non-unionized auto workers for VW and Toyota and Honda make wages comparable to Ford and GM.

Ford workers did well long before the UAW came in. Henry Ford raised their wages to encourage stability in the work force and achieve consistency in the end product.

If it weren't for the threat that the companies would move VW, Toyota and Honda workers wanted to unionize. They were threatened not to.

And why do you think those companies pay comparable wages to what the union auto companies pay? Those VW workers should thank the unions. If not for them and the fear of unionizing those employees would be making $15 and no benefits just like Walmart pays.

Ah, if only Walton's were as kind as Henry Ford

Walton family - Wikipedia

The Walton's are greedy billionaires you agree?

I disagree totally.

If there are 2 million Walmart Employees on the pay roll now, there are at least 20 million ex Walmart employees considering their turnover.

If Walmart was the bastard to work for that unionists say, they would have collapsed with those many ex-associates out there hating their guts.
Remember the only reason ford and GM factory workers made good money was because they were unionized. Otherwise, none of them were qualified to make the kind of money they were making. So you keep hoping that Trump will kick out enough illegals that it's going to cause blue collar wages to go up enough to make a difference. It won't. ESPECIALLY when they won't go after illegal employers.

You're being duped.

Not true at all. Non-unionized auto workers for VW and Toyota and Honda make wages comparable to Ford and GM.

Ford workers did well long before the UAW came in. Henry Ford raised their wages to encourage stability in the work force and achieve consistency in the end product.
Yea but most of the people who work in those VW and Toyota and Honda plants are temp workers or private contractors who don't make as much and don't get nearly the same benefits. Do you know this?

What I know is that the VW workers in Chattanooga voted against Big Labor TWICE. Even after the UAW spent millions on a recruitment drive and the German management really wanted Big Labor to come in.

Had VW agreed to pay a lot more, so the workers would be able to pay union dues and still make a nice profit, the Union might have got it.

But companies have to pay a lot more if they want their workers to unionize nowadays.
No shit. But their workers make more.

I think unions have been all but broken. If Ford wants to move all jobs to Mexico they can so what power do auto unions have?

I know they do, but I'm hoping one day the Walmart and McD workers will unionize together one day. It's them who needs it most.

They say McD workers would be unionized in a heartbeat if they weren't all spread out between franchises. GM workers could organize because they all worked under the same roof. Harder for McD workers to organize. But they don't have to worry about their jobs going to mexico. McD has to hire American workers. If the workers were smart they'd demand a living wage.

And I don't care if McD goes to automation and 75% of the workers lose their shitty paying jobs. I'd rather the jobs left that humans have to do pay well.

Or college kids can do those jobs. It's not McD's responsibility to hire workers they don't need. If they can automate do it. I don't like deplorables touching my food anyways. I'd rather it be a robot.
Remember the only reason ford and GM factory workers made good money was because they were unionized. Otherwise, none of them were qualified to make the kind of money they were making. So you keep hoping that Trump will kick out enough illegals that it's going to cause blue collar wages to go up enough to make a difference. It won't. ESPECIALLY when they won't go after illegal employers.

You're being duped.

Not true at all. Non-unionized auto workers for VW and Toyota and Honda make wages comparable to Ford and GM.

Ford workers did well long before the UAW came in. Henry Ford raised their wages to encourage stability in the work force and achieve consistency in the end product.

If it weren't for the threat that the companies would move VW, Toyota and Honda workers wanted to unionize. They were threatened not to.

And why do you think those companies pay comparable wages to what the union auto companies pay? Those VW workers should thank the unions. If not for them and the fear of unionizing those employees would be making $15 and no benefits just like Walmart pays.

Ah, if only Walton's were as kind as Henry Ford

Walton family - Wikipedia

The Walton's are greedy billionaires you agree?

I disagree totally.

If there are 2 million Walmart Employees on the pay roll now, there are at least 20 million ex Walmart employees considering their turnover.

If Walmart was the bastard to work for that unionists say, they would have collapsed with those many ex-associates out there hating their guts.

Are you kidding me? People who work for Walmart have no other options.

My buddy here at work has a step son. He has been living in his basement and doesn't know if he wants to go to college. So he got a job at the Walmart. Good for him. That job should only pay $10 hr. I agree with you. But people who do a good job should be able to find a $30,000 career there. Or else Walmart has built their business model on taking advantage of the poor and the system. These employees qualify for food stamps which they use at Walmart. Brilliant right?

I don't know why/how if the economy is so great and unemployment is so low and companies are saying they can't find workers, why anyone even still works at Walmart. Probably because the economy is not that great and wages are still what they were under Obama. Maybe a little better but MAGA?
.... If the workers were smart they'd demand a living wage.


There is no such thing. It is an empty lefty slogan.

You seem to understand the concept when it comes to your job. Us Republicans think you public school teachers are way over paid. You claim you can barely make ends meet. How much do you make?

I think a Walmart worker who works 40 hours a week should make $600 at least. That's $30,000 a year. You make how much and you only work 8 months a year. And us tax payers pay your salary. I don't think you should make any more than $50,000 a year. So now explain to me why a Walmart worker can't make $30,000 but you can make $50,000 a year? Us tax payers aren't billionaires but the Walmart family is.

You need to go work for Walmart and get some real world experience.

And I don't care if McD goes to automation and 75% of the workers lose their shitty paying jobs. ....

Typical democrat not to give a shit about actual human beings.

Neither do corporations. If they can automate and save money, you don't avoid automation because you want to save jobs. No Republican cares about the people of the company. They only care about the profits. So don't judge me any more harshly than you would a corporation. If they can save money by automating you better fucking believe they will and they should.

Stupid question to ask a guy who's a public teacher in a union and who's never had a real job but what would you do? Would you hire 3 people for $90K a year or hire one robot that can do the same amount of work for $30,000 a year? That's why you would be a failure at business. Wrong answer.
... McD has to hire American workers. ....

Good for you that you have very obviously not been to a McDonald's in a very long time.
The point is you stupid twat is that McD can't threaten to move their locations down the Mexico. If they want to sell burgers to losers in your town, they have to be located in your town. So they have to hire an American. When I say American I mean someone living here. That person is going to spend that money here.

Can you prove to me that McD hires non Americans or did you just prove you are a racist? Because you are assuming those latino looking employees aren't Americans, aren't you? You racist fuck. Finally you opened your mouth and racism came out. I knew it, fish.
... McD has to hire American workers. ....

Good for you that you have very obviously not been to a McDonald's in a very long time.
...Because you are assuming those latino looking employees aren't Americans, aren't you? ...

No I am not, dumbass. I’m talking about people I personally know are not here legally and who are working at McDonald’s and other similar establishments.
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