Migrant kids outperform local kids

So it went from the lowest in 17 years in 2017 to a problem today and it's who's fault? Sorry GOP but you were in full control for a couple years. Please tell us what bills Nancy Pelosi passed in the House that made it through the Senate and past Trump that you want to now say it's her fault.

Actually, the Flores Decision and the rise of Sanctuary cities is what is the engine for increase illegals at the border. The Flores decision makes it impossible to just summarily deport Illegals, and with no wall they just walk right through.

The current procedures means that Illegals actually run TOWARD the border guards to turn themselves in, knowing they will be released quickly into America with a court date 4 years hence. The current rules promote people to bring their children with them across the border. They also encourage people with serious illness to make the trip, with the promise of Free Medical care in California.

In November of last year Donald Trump tweeted:

“CHAIN MIGRATION must end now! Some people come in, and they bring their whole family with them, who can be truly evil. NOT ACCEPTABLE!”

And now it turns out that Melania Trump’s parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, just became U.S. citizens through the process of “chain migration” that has been so heavily criticized by Trump. The Knavs were sworn in as U.S. citizens earlier Thursday, during a ceremony in New York. The couple is from Slovenia, where Melania Trump was born and raised.

The attorney for the first lady’s parents told The New York Times on Thursday that their daughter had sponsored them for a green card, and that they applied for citizenship once they were eligible using the family-based migration rules.

When asked if the couple became citizens through chain migration, Wildes replied, “I suppose. It’s a dirty — a dirtier word.”

The Knavs family weren't human traffickers, drug smugglers or MS13 people,sealy.

In fact, they were highly educated people , one and all.Mrs. Trump knows 5 languages.

Very intelligent, very qualified, the kind of immigrants we need in this country. I was particularly impressed with LGBTQ+-friendly photo shoot that Melania did. Shows the openness of the Trump family as well as the Knavs family to those of alternative lifestyles.
So it went from the lowest in 17 years in 2017 to a problem today and it's who's fault? Sorry GOP but you were in full control for a couple years. Please tell us what bills Nancy Pelosi passed in the House that made it through the Senate and past Trump that you want to now say it's her fault.

Actually, the Flores Decision and the rise of Sanctuary cities is what is the engine for increase illegals at the border. The Flores decision makes it impossible to just summarily deport Illegals, and with no wall they just walk right through.

The current procedures means that Illegals actually run TOWARD the border guards to turn themselves in, knowing they will be released quickly into America with a court date 4 years hence. The current rules promote people to bring their children with them across the border. They also encourage people with serious illness to make the trip, with the promise of Free Medical care in California.

In November of last year Donald Trump tweeted:

“CHAIN MIGRATION must end now! Some people come in, and they bring their whole family with them, who can be truly evil. NOT ACCEPTABLE!”

And now it turns out that Melania Trump’s parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, just became U.S. citizens through the process of “chain migration” that has been so heavily criticized by Trump. The Knavs were sworn in as U.S. citizens earlier Thursday, during a ceremony in New York. The couple is from Slovenia, where Melania Trump was born and raised.

The attorney for the first lady’s parents told The New York Times on Thursday that their daughter had sponsored them for a green card, and that they applied for citizenship once they were eligible using the family-based migration rules.

When asked if the couple became citizens through chain migration, Wildes replied, “I suppose. It’s a dirty — a dirtier word.”

ONe can benefit from a system, while realizing the system is flawed and support changing it.
So it went from the lowest in 17 years in 2017 to a problem today and it's who's fault? Sorry GOP but you were in full control for a couple years. Please tell us what bills Nancy Pelosi passed in the House that made it through the Senate and past Trump that you want to now say it's her fault.

Actually, the Flores Decision and the rise of Sanctuary cities is what is the engine for increase illegals at the border. The Flores decision makes it impossible to just summarily deport Illegals, and with no wall they just walk right through.

The current procedures means that Illegals actually run TOWARD the border guards to turn themselves in, knowing they will be released quickly into America with a court date 4 years hence. The current rules promote people to bring their children with them across the border. They also encourage people with serious illness to make the trip, with the promise of Free Medical care in California.

In November of last year Donald Trump tweeted:

“CHAIN MIGRATION must end now! Some people come in, and they bring their whole family with them, who can be truly evil. NOT ACCEPTABLE!”

And now it turns out that Melania Trump’s parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, just became U.S. citizens through the process of “chain migration” that has been so heavily criticized by Trump. The Knavs were sworn in as U.S. citizens earlier Thursday, during a ceremony in New York. The couple is from Slovenia, where Melania Trump was born and raised.

The attorney for the first lady’s parents told The New York Times on Thursday that their daughter had sponsored them for a green card, and that they applied for citizenship once they were eligible using the family-based migration rules.

When asked if the couple became citizens through chain migration, Wildes replied, “I suppose. It’s a dirty — a dirtier word.”

ONe can benefit from a system, while realizing the system is flawed and support changing it.

Look who's back, the guy who thinks trying to learn and achieve is "ruining life," is terrified of people who look in any superficial way different than himself, and that Americans are incapable of competing and winning.
So it went from the lowest in 17 years in 2017 to a problem today and it's who's fault? Sorry GOP but you were in full control for a couple years. Please tell us what bills Nancy Pelosi passed in the House that made it through the Senate and past Trump that you want to now say it's her fault.

Actually, the Flores Decision and the rise of Sanctuary cities is what is the engine for increase illegals at the border. The Flores decision makes it impossible to just summarily deport Illegals, and with no wall they just walk right through.

The current procedures means that Illegals actually run TOWARD the border guards to turn themselves in, knowing they will be released quickly into America with a court date 4 years hence. The current rules promote people to bring their children with them across the border. They also encourage people with serious illness to make the trip, with the promise of Free Medical care in California.

In November of last year Donald Trump tweeted:

“CHAIN MIGRATION must end now! Some people come in, and they bring their whole family with them, who can be truly evil. NOT ACCEPTABLE!”

And now it turns out that Melania Trump’s parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, just became U.S. citizens through the process of “chain migration” that has been so heavily criticized by Trump. The Knavs were sworn in as U.S. citizens earlier Thursday, during a ceremony in New York. The couple is from Slovenia, where Melania Trump was born and raised.

The attorney for the first lady’s parents told The New York Times on Thursday that their daughter had sponsored them for a green card, and that they applied for citizenship once they were eligible using the family-based migration rules.

When asked if the couple became citizens through chain migration, Wildes replied, “I suppose. It’s a dirty — a dirtier word.”

The Knavs family weren't human traffickers, drug smugglers or MS13 people,sealy.

In fact, they were highly educated people , one and all.Mrs. Trump knows 5 languages.

Very intelligent, very qualified, the kind of immigrants we need in this country. I was particularly impressed with LGBTQ+-friendly photo shoot that Melania did. Shows the openness of the Trump family as well as the Knavs family to those of alternative lifestyles.
But their daughter was poor af.
So it went from the lowest in 17 years in 2017 to a problem today and it's who's fault? Sorry GOP but you were in full control for a couple years. Please tell us what bills Nancy Pelosi passed in the House that made it through the Senate and past Trump that you want to now say it's her fault.

Actually, the Flores Decision and the rise of Sanctuary cities is what is the engine for increase illegals at the border. The Flores decision makes it impossible to just summarily deport Illegals, and with no wall they just walk right through.

The current procedures means that Illegals actually run TOWARD the border guards to turn themselves in, knowing they will be released quickly into America with a court date 4 years hence. The current rules promote people to bring their children with them across the border. They also encourage people with serious illness to make the trip, with the promise of Free Medical care in California.

In November of last year Donald Trump tweeted:

“CHAIN MIGRATION must end now! Some people come in, and they bring their whole family with them, who can be truly evil. NOT ACCEPTABLE!”

And now it turns out that Melania Trump’s parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, just became U.S. citizens through the process of “chain migration” that has been so heavily criticized by Trump. The Knavs were sworn in as U.S. citizens earlier Thursday, during a ceremony in New York. The couple is from Slovenia, where Melania Trump was born and raised.

The attorney for the first lady’s parents told The New York Times on Thursday that their daughter had sponsored them for a green card, and that they applied for citizenship once they were eligible using the family-based migration rules.

When asked if the couple became citizens through chain migration, Wildes replied, “I suppose. It’s a dirty — a dirtier word.”

ONe can benefit from a system, while realizing the system is flawed and support changing it.

Look who's back, the guy who thinks trying to learn and achieve is "ruining life," is terrified of people who look in any superficial way different than himself, and that Americans are incapable of competing and winning.

What he doesn’t realize is his struggles are no more the fault of poor brown people as they are poor whites.

It may be true that illegals bring down wages but he won’t admit we have an illegal employer problem.

Since Reagan the corporations have completely taken over the Republican Party. Anytime bill Clinton sold out the middle class was when he went along with republican policies. So democrats are pro corporation too but they also advocate for labor, another thing republicans hate. Ask any of them how they feel about unions.

The rich have gotten richer every decade and the middle class poorer. Republicans want to cut social security to give the rich more tax breaks.

Wake up america
So it went from the lowest in 17 years in 2017 to a problem today and it's who's fault? Sorry GOP but you were in full control for a couple years. Please tell us what bills Nancy Pelosi passed in the House that made it through the Senate and past Trump that you want to now say it's her fault.

Actually, the Flores Decision and the rise of Sanctuary cities is what is the engine for increase illegals at the border. The Flores decision makes it impossible to just summarily deport Illegals, and with no wall they just walk right through.

The current procedures means that Illegals actually run TOWARD the border guards to turn themselves in, knowing they will be released quickly into America with a court date 4 years hence. The current rules promote people to bring their children with them across the border. They also encourage people with serious illness to make the trip, with the promise of Free Medical care in California.

In November of last year Donald Trump tweeted:

“CHAIN MIGRATION must end now! Some people come in, and they bring their whole family with them, who can be truly evil. NOT ACCEPTABLE!”

And now it turns out that Melania Trump’s parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, just became U.S. citizens through the process of “chain migration” that has been so heavily criticized by Trump. The Knavs were sworn in as U.S. citizens earlier Thursday, during a ceremony in New York. The couple is from Slovenia, where Melania Trump was born and raised.

The attorney for the first lady’s parents told The New York Times on Thursday that their daughter had sponsored them for a green card, and that they applied for citizenship once they were eligible using the family-based migration rules.

When asked if the couple became citizens through chain migration, Wildes replied, “I suppose. It’s a dirty — a dirtier word.”

ONe can benefit from a system, while realizing the system is flawed and support changing it.

Look who's back, the guy who thinks trying to learn and achieve is "ruining life," is terrified of people who look in any superficial way different than himself, and that Americans are incapable of competing and winning.

What he doesn’t realize is his struggles are no more the fault of poor brown people as they are poor whites.

It may be true that illegals bring down wages but he won’t admit we have an illegal employer problem.

Since Reagan the corporations have completely taken over the Republican Party. Anytime bill Clinton sold out the middle class was when he went along with republican policies. So democrats are pro corporation too but they also advocate for labor, another thing republicans hate. Ask any of them how they feel about unions.

The rich have gotten richer every decade and the middle class poorer. Republicans want to cut social security to give the rich more tax breaks.

Wake up america

Republicans don't want to cut Social Security at all.

The problem with social security is that people are living a lot longer so the the government has to pay more.

And of course, during the Obama Regime, millions of American were put on SS disability payments for bullshit disabilities.

"I'm Depressed" was the favorite one.

If I would have told my dad "I'm Depressed", he would have told me "Boo fucking hoo" and "Tough shit".

In any event, President Bush had the perfect plan for Social Security invest it into the market. . Since then, stocks have risen, old people could have had their checks doubled.
Migrant students ‘more motivated to learn’ - BBC News

I guess they appreciate education more when they have to struggle to get it.
That's in Britain. Look at what they're competing against. Americans outperform Brits when we migrate there, too.

From the link you ignorant Twat. Even bolded the important part just for your thick brain.

While immigrant youngsters might face cultural, social and economic disadvantages, the top 10% of 15-year-old students with an immigrant background in the United States did just as well as the top 10% without an immigrant background, as measured by the international Pisa tests.

Also, link please to back up your assertion that US immigrants fare better in the UK when they get there.
So it went from the lowest in 17 years in 2017 to a problem today and it's who's fault? Sorry GOP but you were in full control for a couple years. Please tell us what bills Nancy Pelosi passed in the House that made it through the Senate and past Trump that you want to now say it's her fault.

Actually, the Flores Decision and the rise of Sanctuary cities is what is the engine for increase illegals at the border. The Flores decision makes it impossible to just summarily deport Illegals, and with no wall they just walk right through.

The current procedures means that Illegals actually run TOWARD the border guards to turn themselves in, knowing they will be released quickly into America with a court date 4 years hence. The current rules promote people to bring their children with them across the border. They also encourage people with serious illness to make the trip, with the promise of Free Medical care in California.

In November of last year Donald Trump tweeted:

“CHAIN MIGRATION must end now! Some people come in, and they bring their whole family with them, who can be truly evil. NOT ACCEPTABLE!”

And now it turns out that Melania Trump’s parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, just became U.S. citizens through the process of “chain migration” that has been so heavily criticized by Trump. The Knavs were sworn in as U.S. citizens earlier Thursday, during a ceremony in New York. The couple is from Slovenia, where Melania Trump was born and raised.

The attorney for the first lady’s parents told The New York Times on Thursday that their daughter had sponsored them for a green card, and that they applied for citizenship once they were eligible using the family-based migration rules.

When asked if the couple became citizens through chain migration, Wildes replied, “I suppose. It’s a dirty — a dirtier word.”

ONe can benefit from a system, while realizing the system is flawed and support changing it.

Look who's back, the guy who thinks trying to learn and achieve is "ruining life," is terrified of people who look in any superficial way different than himself, and that Americans are incapable of competing and winning.

Said the man unable to place an upper limit on the amount of work to be expected from a child.
So it went from the lowest in 17 years in 2017 to a problem today and it's who's fault? Sorry GOP but you were in full control for a couple years. Please tell us what bills Nancy Pelosi passed in the House that made it through the Senate and past Trump that you want to now say it's her fault.

Actually, the Flores Decision and the rise of Sanctuary cities is what is the engine for increase illegals at the border. The Flores decision makes it impossible to just summarily deport Illegals, and with no wall they just walk right through.

The current procedures means that Illegals actually run TOWARD the border guards to turn themselves in, knowing they will be released quickly into America with a court date 4 years hence. The current rules promote people to bring their children with them across the border. They also encourage people with serious illness to make the trip, with the promise of Free Medical care in California.

In November of last year Donald Trump tweeted:

“CHAIN MIGRATION must end now! Some people come in, and they bring their whole family with them, who can be truly evil. NOT ACCEPTABLE!”

And now it turns out that Melania Trump’s parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, just became U.S. citizens through the process of “chain migration” that has been so heavily criticized by Trump. The Knavs were sworn in as U.S. citizens earlier Thursday, during a ceremony in New York. The couple is from Slovenia, where Melania Trump was born and raised.

The attorney for the first lady’s parents told The New York Times on Thursday that their daughter had sponsored them for a green card, and that they applied for citizenship once they were eligible using the family-based migration rules.

When asked if the couple became citizens through chain migration, Wildes replied, “I suppose. It’s a dirty — a dirtier word.”

ONe can benefit from a system, while realizing the system is flawed and support changing it.

Look who's back, the guy who thinks trying to learn and achieve is "ruining life," is terrified of people who look in any superficial way different than himself, and that Americans are incapable of competing and winning.

What he doesn’t realize is his struggles are no more the fault of poor brown people as they are poor whites.

It may be true that illegals bring down wages but he won’t admit we have an illegal employer problem.

Since Reagan the corporations have completely taken over the Republican Party. Anytime bill Clinton sold out the middle class was when he went along with republican policies. So democrats are pro corporation too but they also advocate for labor, another thing republicans hate. Ask any of them how they feel about unions.

The rich have gotten richer every decade and the middle class poorer. Republicans want to cut social security to give the rich more tax breaks.

Wake up america

Ever time you bring up the employers, I agree that we have an employer problem.

Most of my complaints are about white liberals and/or the policies they push. You saying "brown people" is just race baiting.

It is insane to doubt for a second that flooding the labor market with cheap third world labor, illegal and legal, does not lower wages. Supply and Demand.


So it went from the lowest in 17 years in 2017 to a problem today and it's who's fault? Sorry GOP but you were in full control for a couple years. Please tell us what bills Nancy Pelosi passed in the House that made it through the Senate and past Trump that you want to now say it's her fault.

Actually, the Flores Decision and the rise of Sanctuary cities is what is the engine for increase illegals at the border. The Flores decision makes it impossible to just summarily deport Illegals, and with no wall they just walk right through.

The current procedures means that Illegals actually run TOWARD the border guards to turn themselves in, knowing they will be released quickly into America with a court date 4 years hence. The current rules promote people to bring their children with them across the border. They also encourage people with serious illness to make the trip, with the promise of Free Medical care in California.

In November of last year Donald Trump tweeted:

“CHAIN MIGRATION must end now! Some people come in, and they bring their whole family with them, who can be truly evil. NOT ACCEPTABLE!”

And now it turns out that Melania Trump’s parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, just became U.S. citizens through the process of “chain migration” that has been so heavily criticized by Trump. The Knavs were sworn in as U.S. citizens earlier Thursday, during a ceremony in New York. The couple is from Slovenia, where Melania Trump was born and raised.

The attorney for the first lady’s parents told The New York Times on Thursday that their daughter had sponsored them for a green card, and that they applied for citizenship once they were eligible using the family-based migration rules.

When asked if the couple became citizens through chain migration, Wildes replied, “I suppose. It’s a dirty — a dirtier word.”

ONe can benefit from a system, while realizing the system is flawed and support changing it.

Look who's back, the guy who thinks trying to learn and achieve is "ruining life," is terrified of people who look in any superficial way different than himself, and that Americans are incapable of competing and winning.

Said the man unable to place an upper limit on the amount of work to be expected from a child.

Because every child is exactly the same. :rolleyes:
Actually, the Flores Decision and the rise of Sanctuary cities is what is the engine for increase illegals at the border. The Flores decision makes it impossible to just summarily deport Illegals, and with no wall they just walk right through.

The current procedures means that Illegals actually run TOWARD the border guards to turn themselves in, knowing they will be released quickly into America with a court date 4 years hence. The current rules promote people to bring their children with them across the border. They also encourage people with serious illness to make the trip, with the promise of Free Medical care in California.

In November of last year Donald Trump tweeted:

“CHAIN MIGRATION must end now! Some people come in, and they bring their whole family with them, who can be truly evil. NOT ACCEPTABLE!”

And now it turns out that Melania Trump’s parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, just became U.S. citizens through the process of “chain migration” that has been so heavily criticized by Trump. The Knavs were sworn in as U.S. citizens earlier Thursday, during a ceremony in New York. The couple is from Slovenia, where Melania Trump was born and raised.

The attorney for the first lady’s parents told The New York Times on Thursday that their daughter had sponsored them for a green card, and that they applied for citizenship once they were eligible using the family-based migration rules.

When asked if the couple became citizens through chain migration, Wildes replied, “I suppose. It’s a dirty — a dirtier word.”

ONe can benefit from a system, while realizing the system is flawed and support changing it.

Look who's back, the guy who thinks trying to learn and achieve is "ruining life," is terrified of people who look in any superficial way different than himself, and that Americans are incapable of competing and winning.

Said the man unable to place an upper limit on the amount of work to be expected from a child.

Because every child is exactly the same. :rolleyes:

Never said they were. Your inability to give an upper limit, still shows the flaw in your position.

If there is no upper limit, in your position, to the amount of work to be placed on children, then yes, at some point, their lives will be ruined.

Your refusal to address that, shows that you are prepared to accept it, or just operating in denial.
In November of last year Donald Trump tweeted:

“CHAIN MIGRATION must end now! Some people come in, and they bring their whole family with them, who can be truly evil. NOT ACCEPTABLE!”

And now it turns out that Melania Trump’s parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, just became U.S. citizens through the process of “chain migration” that has been so heavily criticized by Trump. The Knavs were sworn in as U.S. citizens earlier Thursday, during a ceremony in New York. The couple is from Slovenia, where Melania Trump was born and raised.

The attorney for the first lady’s parents told The New York Times on Thursday that their daughter had sponsored them for a green card, and that they applied for citizenship once they were eligible using the family-based migration rules.

When asked if the couple became citizens through chain migration, Wildes replied, “I suppose. It’s a dirty — a dirtier word.”

ONe can benefit from a system, while realizing the system is flawed and support changing it.

Look who's back, the guy who thinks trying to learn and achieve is "ruining life," is terrified of people who look in any superficial way different than himself, and that Americans are incapable of competing and winning.

Said the man unable to place an upper limit on the amount of work to be expected from a child.

Because every child is exactly the same. :rolleyes:

Never said they were. ......ial.

That’s what assuming the same “upper limit” for everyone means, dumbass.

You’ve made it very clear that you are afraid of hard work and competition. Don’t try to change your story now.
Actually, the Flores Decision and the rise of Sanctuary cities is what is the engine for increase illegals at the border. The Flores decision makes it impossible to just summarily deport Illegals, and with no wall they just walk right through.

The current procedures means that Illegals actually run TOWARD the border guards to turn themselves in, knowing they will be released quickly into America with a court date 4 years hence. The current rules promote people to bring their children with them across the border. They also encourage people with serious illness to make the trip, with the promise of Free Medical care in California.

In November of last year Donald Trump tweeted:

“CHAIN MIGRATION must end now! Some people come in, and they bring their whole family with them, who can be truly evil. NOT ACCEPTABLE!”

And now it turns out that Melania Trump’s parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, just became U.S. citizens through the process of “chain migration” that has been so heavily criticized by Trump. The Knavs were sworn in as U.S. citizens earlier Thursday, during a ceremony in New York. The couple is from Slovenia, where Melania Trump was born and raised.

The attorney for the first lady’s parents told The New York Times on Thursday that their daughter had sponsored them for a green card, and that they applied for citizenship once they were eligible using the family-based migration rules.

When asked if the couple became citizens through chain migration, Wildes replied, “I suppose. It’s a dirty — a dirtier word.”

ONe can benefit from a system, while realizing the system is flawed and support changing it.

Look who's back, the guy who thinks trying to learn and achieve is "ruining life," is terrified of people who look in any superficial way different than himself, and that Americans are incapable of competing and winning.

What he doesn’t realize is his struggles are no more the fault of poor brown people as they are poor whites.

It may be true that illegals bring down wages but he won’t admit we have an illegal employer problem.

Since Reagan the corporations have completely taken over the Republican Party. Anytime bill Clinton sold out the middle class was when he went along with republican policies. So democrats are pro corporation too but they also advocate for labor, another thing republicans hate. Ask any of them how they feel about unions.

The rich have gotten richer every decade and the middle class poorer. Republicans want to cut social security to give the rich more tax breaks.

Wake up america

Ever time you bring up the employers, I agree that we have an employer problem.

Most of my complaints are about white liberals and/or the policies they push. You saying "brown people" is just race baiting.

It is insane to doubt for a second that flooding the labor market with cheap third world labor, illegal and legal, does not lower wages. Supply and Demand.



Well I can tell you this. The Republican party is run by corporations. They are going to tell the GOP to increase immigration if wages get too high. Or, if the poor who are looking for work aren't qualified to fill the good jobs that are unfilled. Don't expect Walmart workers to ever make a wage that can support a family. Not if you vote GOP.

Someone the other day said Michigan alone has 9000 unfilled trade jobs. So tell me this. Why don't these companies go to Walmart and recruit 9000 of them to come work at a better paying trade job? It's because the poorly educated blue collar people who are struggling aren't qualified to do the work. So this is why the GOP and corporations want more HB1 visa's. They need to go to other countries to recruit people who are smart enough to do those jobs.

Remember the only reason ford and GM factory workers made good money was because they were unionized. Otherwise, none of them were qualified to make the kind of money they were making. So you keep hoping that Trump will kick out enough illegals that it's going to cause blue collar wages to go up enough to make a difference. It won't. ESPECIALLY when they won't go after illegal employers.

You're being duped.
Remember the only reason ford and GM factory workers made good money was because they were unionized. Otherwise, none of them were qualified to make the kind of money they were making. So you keep hoping that Trump will kick out enough illegals that it's going to cause blue collar wages to go up enough to make a difference. It won't. ESPECIALLY when they won't go after illegal employers.

You're being duped.

Not true at all. Non-unionized auto workers for VW and Toyota and Honda make wages comparable to Ford and GM.

Ford workers did well long before the UAW came in. Henry Ford raised their wages to encourage stability in the work force and achieve consistency in the end product.
Remember the only reason ford and GM factory workers made good money was because they were unionized. Otherwise, none of them were qualified to make the kind of money they were making. So you keep hoping that Trump will kick out enough illegals that it's going to cause blue collar wages to go up enough to make a difference. It won't. ESPECIALLY when they won't go after illegal employers.

You're being duped.

Not true at all. Non-unionized auto workers for VW and Toyota and Honda make wages comparable to Ford and GM.

Ford workers did well long before the UAW came in. Henry Ford raised their wages to encourage stability in the work force and achieve consistency in the end product.
Yea but most of the people who work in those VW and Toyota and Honda plants are temp workers or private contractors who don't make as much and don't get nearly the same benefits. Do you know this?

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