Microsoft and Google are collaborating with the Chinese military


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Apr 13, 2020
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Microsoft and Google collaborating with China, says AG Barr
Microsoft and Google collaborating with China, says AG Barr
Microsoft and Google collaborating with China, says AG Barr Stephen Warwick 12 mins ago Coronavirus updates: Nevada in 'red zone'; Georgia governor sues Atlanta over face mask mandate; Washington ...

AG Barr Accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of Collaborating With ...
AG Barr Accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of Collaborating With China
U.S. Attorney General William Barr took aim at Hollywood companies, including Walt Disney Co on Thursday as well as large technology firms like Apple, Alphabet's Google and Microsoft Corp over company actions with China.
US tech and film 'collaborating' with China - Barr
US tech and film 'collaborating' with China - Barr
Mr Barr is the latest US official to criticise China. US Attorney General William Barr has accused Hollywood and US tech firms of "collaborating" with the Chinese government to do business there. Companies like Disney routinely agreed to censor films while Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Apple were "all too willing" to work with Beijing, he said.
Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of ...
Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of collaborating with China
Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of collaborating with China. FILE PHOTO: Visitors hold face masks at the Shanghai Disneyland theme park as it reopens following a shutdown due to ...
Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of ...
Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of collaborating with China
Article content. WASHINGTON — U.S. Attorney General William Barr took aim at Hollywood companies, including Walt Disney Co on Thursday as well as large technology firms like Apple, Alphabet's Google and Microsoft Corp over company actions with China.
Will Microsoft's New Partnership with Open AI Benefit China?
Will Microsoft's New Partnership with Open AI Benefit China?
Aug 1, 2019And, this project is far from the only collaboration between Microsoft and China. Last year, the company hosted its first Microsoft AI Innovate conference in Beijing with 1,000 developers, where ...
Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood (Disney) and Big ...

Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood (Disney) and Big Tech (Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Apple) of collaborating with China
Blocking research with China would 'hurt', Microsoft boss ...
Halt to China research would 'hurt', Microsoft says
In April, it was reported by the Financial Times that Microsoft researchers were collaborating with teams at China's National University of Defence Technology, working on artificial intelligence ...
Amazon, Microsoft reportedly providing web services to ...
U.S. tech giants are reportedly providing web services to blacklisted Chinese surveillance firms
May 23, 2020A new report claims Amazon and Microsoft are among a number of firms providing web services to Chinese surveillance companies that are blacklisted in the U.S.
U.S. Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of ...
U.S. Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of collaborating with China
U.S. Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of collaborating with China U.S. Attorney General William Barr took aim at Hollywood companies, including Walt Disney Co on Thursday as well as large technology firms like Apple, Alphabet's Google and Microsoft Corp over company actions with China.

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Get ready to cook your dogs and cats

Microsoft and Google collaborating with China, says AG Barr
Microsoft and Google collaborating with China, says AG Barr
Microsoft and Google collaborating with China, says AG Barr Stephen Warwick 12 mins ago Coronavirus updates: Nevada in 'red zone'; Georgia governor sues Atlanta over face mask mandate; Washington ...

AG Barr Accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of Collaborating With ...
AG Barr Accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of Collaborating With China
U.S. Attorney General William Barr took aim at Hollywood companies, including Walt Disney Co on Thursday as well as large technology firms like Apple, Alphabet's Google and Microsoft Corp over company actions with China.
US tech and film 'collaborating' with China - Barr
US tech and film 'collaborating' with China - Barr
Mr Barr is the latest US official to criticise China. US Attorney General William Barr has accused Hollywood and US tech firms of "collaborating" with the Chinese government to do business there. Companies like Disney routinely agreed to censor films while Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Apple were "all too willing" to work with Beijing, he said.
Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of ...
Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of collaborating with China
Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of collaborating with China. FILE PHOTO: Visitors hold face masks at the Shanghai Disneyland theme park as it reopens following a shutdown due to ...
Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of ...
Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of collaborating with China
Article content. WASHINGTON — U.S. Attorney General William Barr took aim at Hollywood companies, including Walt Disney Co on Thursday as well as large technology firms like Apple, Alphabet's Google and Microsoft Corp over company actions with China.
Will Microsoft's New Partnership with Open AI Benefit China?
Will Microsoft's New Partnership with Open AI Benefit China?
Aug 1, 2019And, this project is far from the only collaboration between Microsoft and China. Last year, the company hosted its first Microsoft AI Innovate conference in Beijing with 1,000 developers, where ...
Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood (Disney) and Big ...

Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood (Disney) and Big Tech (Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Apple) of collaborating with China
Blocking research with China would 'hurt', Microsoft boss ...
Halt to China research would 'hurt', Microsoft says
In April, it was reported by the Financial Times that Microsoft researchers were collaborating with teams at China's National University of Defence Technology, working on artificial intelligence ...
Amazon, Microsoft reportedly providing web services to ...
U.S. tech giants are reportedly providing web services to blacklisted Chinese surveillance firms
May 23, 2020A new report claims Amazon and Microsoft are among a number of firms providing web services to Chinese surveillance companies that are blacklisted in the U.S.
U.S. Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of ...
U.S. Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of collaborating with China
U.S. Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of collaborating with China U.S. Attorney General William Barr took aim at Hollywood companies, including Walt Disney Co on Thursday as well as large technology firms like Apple, Alphabet's Google and Microsoft Corp over company actions with China.

More Results

Collaborating with them in order to do business there.....

It's called catering to your customers. Every business does it and it is only a problem if it begins to infringe on your rights as American citizens.
That's my honest feelings on the matter.

Now if it were up to me I would consider banning American companies from doing business with China by citing national security concerns.
Microsoft is the government since they handed over the win source code

If you have a packet monitoring service on your PC, you will see that Microsoft (through numerous proxies) downloads your files and personal content continuously.

Why the Freak do you think they made Win10 free ???

Ubuntu used to be the way to get around MS....but the UK government forced Ubuntu to provide the same background services to their government.
There was a HUGE shake up at Ubuntu when this happened. Many of their directors came and went.
To have an OP SYS that won't do that you have to now use a more obscure OS.
Get ready to cook your dogs and cats

Microsoft and Google collaborating with China, says AG Barr
Microsoft and Google collaborating with China, says AG Barr
Microsoft and Google collaborating with China, says AG Barr Stephen Warwick 12 mins ago Coronavirus updates: Nevada in 'red zone'; Georgia governor sues Atlanta over face mask mandate; Washington ...

AG Barr Accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of Collaborating With ...
AG Barr Accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of Collaborating With China
U.S. Attorney General William Barr took aim at Hollywood companies, including Walt Disney Co on Thursday as well as large technology firms like Apple, Alphabet's Google and Microsoft Corp over company actions with China.
US tech and film 'collaborating' with China - Barr
US tech and film 'collaborating' with China - Barr
Mr Barr is the latest US official to criticise China. US Attorney General William Barr has accused Hollywood and US tech firms of "collaborating" with the Chinese government to do business there. Companies like Disney routinely agreed to censor films while Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Apple were "all too willing" to work with Beijing, he said.
Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of ...
Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of collaborating with China
Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of collaborating with China. FILE PHOTO: Visitors hold face masks at the Shanghai Disneyland theme park as it reopens following a shutdown due to ...
Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of ...
Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of collaborating with China
Article content. WASHINGTON — U.S. Attorney General William Barr took aim at Hollywood companies, including Walt Disney Co on Thursday as well as large technology firms like Apple, Alphabet's Google and Microsoft Corp over company actions with China.
Will Microsoft's New Partnership with Open AI Benefit China?
Will Microsoft's New Partnership with Open AI Benefit China?
Aug 1, 2019And, this project is far from the only collaboration between Microsoft and China. Last year, the company hosted its first Microsoft AI Innovate conference in Beijing with 1,000 developers, where ...
Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood (Disney) and Big ...

Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood (Disney) and Big Tech (Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Apple) of collaborating with China
Blocking research with China would 'hurt', Microsoft boss ...
Halt to China research would 'hurt', Microsoft says
In April, it was reported by the Financial Times that Microsoft researchers were collaborating with teams at China's National University of Defence Technology, working on artificial intelligence ...
Amazon, Microsoft reportedly providing web services to ...
U.S. tech giants are reportedly providing web services to blacklisted Chinese surveillance firms
May 23, 2020A new report claims Amazon and Microsoft are among a number of firms providing web services to Chinese surveillance companies that are blacklisted in the U.S.
U.S. Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of ...
U.S. Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of collaborating with China
U.S. Attorney General Barr accuses Hollywood, Big Tech of collaborating with China U.S. Attorney General William Barr took aim at Hollywood companies, including Walt Disney Co on Thursday as well as large technology firms like Apple, Alphabet's Google and Microsoft Corp over company actions with China.

More Results

It started in 2000.
But money is money.
I'm pretty sure this happened under Trump.

Unfortunately, it happens under ALL Presidents and elected officials.
Few people really get it......that it's Wash DC vs the rest of the American People.
Trump put not one but TWO Establishment loving Justices on the court.
Obama supported the establishment just as much or more.
They don't really have a choice.
Collaborating with them in order to do business there.....

It's called catering to your customers. Every business does it and it is only a problem if it begins to infringe on your rights as American citizens.
That's my honest feelings on the matter.

Now if it were up to me I would consider banning American companies from doing business with China by citing national security concerns.
The problem is that microsoft will not work with the american military but is designing for the chinese military
The government says that Microsoft is working with the Chinese military.

The government gives Microsoft a 10 billion dollar military contract.

What's wrong with this picture?
I agree. Microsoft can't have one foot in both camps and maintain proper security. The Pentagon needs to either cut ties with MS or demand that MS cut ties with China all together.
I agree. Microsoft can't have one foot in both camps and maintain proper security. The Pentagon needs to either cut ties with MS or demand that MS cut ties with China all together.

I don't consider China the threat that others do but all the same, this just doesn't seem right.
Its worse than that if ms collaborates with china they must be expelled from the usa, and why would gates care when he now has 1.4 billion new fello compadres
Given what we know from the espionage committed by Chinese companies like Huawei, Every American computer could be compromised to the detriment of Americans. It is a national security issue for private American citizens. MS needs a realistic competitor.
Given the amount of spying our government does on us, I really don’t take their concern that seriously.
Given what we know from the espionage committed by Chinese companies like Huawei, Every American computer could be compromised to the detriment of Americans. It is a national security issue for private American citizens. MS needs a realistic competitor.
The government here will not allow that because ms is an arm of the nsa since they gave the nsa all win codes

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