Michigan police reform bill to requires ‘jiu jitsu’ blue belt for all officers

So if more people can use the tool properly....?
Yeah, exactly. IF. That's a big IF however and I wouldn't be shocked if some Michigan cops wind up
dead or severely hurt because they elected to put too much credence in their martial arts skill thinking
it a law enforcement panacea.
not always,, we teach them basic hand to hand,, so what this does is takes it to another level and gives them a higher advantage,,

go to youtube and search "cops get beaten up" and then come back and tell me they dont need a better advantage,,

FFS we teach it to women to defend themselves against attackers and youre complaining about cops being taught the same thing
In New Jersey Sonny Liston would take away the night sticks of cops there and beat them with their own
weapons into pulps.
Putting cops on more equal footing with hardened psycho criminals is never a good idea.
I think hand to hand fighting with a criminal is never a good idea.
I think what Michigan proposes is not a good idea.
The choke hold was the best martial art technique for subduing a bad guy even if he was on PCP. The problem is cops would apply far too much force while applying it.
My cousin tried it on me, I busted out of it and beat his ass to a pulp 30 years ago
sure you did,, and I am sure he was being careful to not hurt you,,
The cops came and wanted him to press charges against me when he started the fight.
if I did it we would be calling a coroner,, a proper choke hold takes about 5 seconds to kill you,,
He choked me for like 4 minutes, it takes a lot for me to have enough and flip his ass over and bust and ass.
like I said,, he was taking it easy on you,, if done proper you have 5 seconds to live or stay conscious,,

Bullshit like I said I had raccoon eyes for a month, I flipped his ass over my head and broke his jaw than he cried to the cops
because you got out is why he didnt do it right,,
He almost choked me to death, my eyes was blood shot, I didn't fight back until I had enough of his bullshit
what he did was using it in a restraint form,, if he wanted you dead that takes seconds,,

all you have to do it rotate the forearm to where the bone is against the neck and jerk,, what happens next depends on the amount of force applied,, one is instant death the other is a motionless body for the next several minutes,,
So if more people can use the tool properly....?
Yeah, exactly. IF. That's a big IF however and I wouldn't be shocked if some Michigan cops wind up
dead or severely hurt because they elected to put too much credence in their martial arts skill thinking
it a law enforcement panacea.
If someone doesn’t know how to use a firearm properly they can hurt themselves, right? So take away firearms from the police?
not always,, we teach them basic hand to hand,, so what this does is takes it to another level and gives them a higher advantage,,

go to youtube and search "cops get beaten up" and then come back and tell me they dont need a better advantage,,

FFS we teach it to women to defend themselves against attackers and youre complaining about cops being taught the same thing
In New Jersey Sonny Liston would take away the night sticks of cops there and beat them with their own
weapons into pulps.
Putting cops on more equal footing with hardened psycho criminals is never a good idea.
I think hand to hand fighting with a criminal is never a good idea.
I think what Michigan proposes is not a good idea.
The choke hold was the best martial art technique for subduing a bad guy even if he was on PCP. The problem is cops would apply far too much force while applying it.
My cousin tried it on me, I busted out of it and beat his ass to a pulp 30 years ago
sure you did,, and I am sure he was being careful to not hurt you,,
The cops came and wanted him to press charges against me when he started the fight.
if I did it we would be calling a coroner,, a proper choke hold takes about 5 seconds to kill you,,
He choked me for like 4 minutes, it takes a lot for me to have enough and flip his ass over and bust and ass.
like I said,, he was taking it easy on you,, if done proper you have 5 seconds to live or stay conscious,,

Bullshit like I said I had raccoon eyes for a month, I flipped his ass over my head and broke his jaw than he cried to the cops
You’re very lucky he didn’t know what he was doing.
He was 190 I was150 lbs, he knew what he was doing, he forgot I knew how to flip his ass over and bust his jaw.
not always,, we teach them basic hand to hand,, so what this does is takes it to another level and gives them a higher advantage,,

go to youtube and search "cops get beaten up" and then come back and tell me they dont need a better advantage,,

FFS we teach it to women to defend themselves against attackers and youre complaining about cops being taught the same thing
In New Jersey Sonny Liston would take away the night sticks of cops there and beat them with their own
weapons into pulps.
Putting cops on more equal footing with hardened psycho criminals is never a good idea.
I think hand to hand fighting with a criminal is never a good idea.
I think what Michigan proposes is not a good idea.
The choke hold was the best martial art technique for subduing a bad guy even if he was on PCP. The problem is cops would apply far too much force while applying it.
My cousin tried it on me, I busted out of it and beat his ass to a pulp 30 years ago
sure you did,, and I am sure he was being careful to not hurt you,,
The cops came and wanted him to press charges against me when he started the fight.
if I did it we would be calling a coroner,, a proper choke hold takes about 5 seconds to kill you,,
He choked me for like 4 minutes, it takes a lot for me to have enough and flip his ass over and bust and ass.
like I said,, he was taking it easy on you,, if done proper you have 5 seconds to live or stay conscious,,

Bullshit like I said I had raccoon eyes for a month, I flipped his ass over my head and broke his jaw than he cried to the cops
You’re very lucky he didn’t know what he was doing.
..., he knew what he was doing, ...

Not according to your story.
not always,, we teach them basic hand to hand,, so what this does is takes it to another level and gives them a higher advantage,,

go to youtube and search "cops get beaten up" and then come back and tell me they dont need a better advantage,,

FFS we teach it to women to defend themselves against attackers and youre complaining about cops being taught the same thing
In New Jersey Sonny Liston would take away the night sticks of cops there and beat them with their own
weapons into pulps.
Putting cops on more equal footing with hardened psycho criminals is never a good idea.
I think hand to hand fighting with a criminal is never a good idea.
I think what Michigan proposes is not a good idea.
The choke hold was the best martial art technique for subduing a bad guy even if he was on PCP. The problem is cops would apply far too much force while applying it.
My cousin tried it on me, I busted out of it and beat his ass to a pulp 30 years ago
sure you did,, and I am sure he was being careful to not hurt you,,
The cops came and wanted him to press charges against me when he started the fight.
if I did it we would be calling a coroner,, a proper choke hold takes about 5 seconds to kill you,,
He choked me for like 4 minutes, it takes a lot for me to have enough and flip his ass over and bust and ass.
like I said,, he was taking it easy on you,, if done proper you have 5 seconds to live or stay conscious,,

Bullshit like I said I had raccoon eyes for a month, I flipped his ass over my head and broke his jaw than he cried to the cops
You’re very lucky he didn’t know what he was doing.
..., he knew what he was doing, ...

Not according to your story.
My story is true, we were playing basketball at his brothers wedding reception, we were doing a lot of cocaine and drinking a lot of beer, I wanted to go home he wanted me to stay and give him lines, I said nope out of here

So he jumped me and did a choke hold on me I laughed at his ass , waited, flipped him over while he was on the ground I broke his jaw, than he ran in and called the cops on me..

The cops came saw me with racoon eyes him with a busted jaw and took us both to the hospital

No charges was filed
Bjj is a ground combat system and is useless against any weapon
It only works in the cage ..not in real life
not always,, we teach them basic hand to hand,, so what this does is takes it to another level and gives them a higher advantage,,

go to youtube and search "cops get beaten up" and then come back and tell me they dont need a better advantage,,

FFS we teach it to women to defend themselves against attackers and youre complaining about cops being taught the same thing
In New Jersey Sonny Liston would take away the night sticks of cops there and beat them with their own
weapons into pulps.
Putting cops on more equal footing with hardened psycho criminals is never a good idea.
I think hand to hand fighting with a criminal is never a good idea.
I think what Michigan proposes is not a good idea.
The choke hold was the best martial art technique for subduing a bad guy even if he was on PCP. The problem is cops would apply far too much force while applying it.
My cousin tried it on me, I busted out of it and beat his ass to a pulp 30 years ago
sure you did,, and I am sure he was being careful to not hurt you,,
The cops came and wanted him to press charges against me when he started the fight.
if I did it we would be calling a coroner,, a proper choke hold takes about 5 seconds to kill you,,
He choked me for like 4 minutes, it takes a lot for me to have enough and flip his ass over and bust and ass.
like I said,, he was taking it easy on you,, if done proper you have 5 seconds to live or stay conscious,,

Bullshit like I said I had raccoon eyes for a month, I flipped his ass over my head and broke his jaw than he cried to the cops
You’re very lucky he didn’t know what he was doing.
..., he knew what he was doing, ...

Not according to your story.
My story is true, we were playing basketball at his brothers wedding reception, we were doing a lot of cocaine and drinking a lot of beer, I wanted to go home he wanted me to stay and give him lines, I said nope out of here

So he jumped me and did a choke hold on me I laughed at his ass , waited, flipped him over while he was on the ground I broke his jaw, than he ran in and called the cops on me..

The cops came saw me with racoon eyes him with a busted jaw and took us both to the hospital

No charges was filed
The fact that you were on drugs throws the credibility of your memory into question. If any of that did happen, he clearly did not know what he was doing.
A blue belt in BJJ can take 3 years
That is just the first belt lol

A black belt can take 15 yrs lol
not always,, we teach them basic hand to hand,, so what this does is takes it to another level and gives them a higher advantage,,

go to youtube and search "cops get beaten up" and then come back and tell me they dont need a better advantage,,

FFS we teach it to women to defend themselves against attackers and youre complaining about cops being taught the same thing
In New Jersey Sonny Liston would take away the night sticks of cops there and beat them with their own
weapons into pulps.
Putting cops on more equal footing with hardened psycho criminals is never a good idea.
I think hand to hand fighting with a criminal is never a good idea.
I think what Michigan proposes is not a good idea.
The choke hold was the best martial art technique for subduing a bad guy even if he was on PCP. The problem is cops would apply far too much force while applying it.
My cousin tried it on me, I busted out of it and beat his ass to a pulp 30 years ago
sure you did,, and I am sure he was being careful to not hurt you,,
The cops came and wanted him to press charges against me when he started the fight.
if I did it we would be calling a coroner,, a proper choke hold takes about 5 seconds to kill you,,
He choked me for like 4 minutes, it takes a lot for me to have enough and flip his ass over and bust and ass.
like I said,, he was taking it easy on you,, if done proper you have 5 seconds to live or stay conscious,,

Bullshit like I said I had raccoon eyes for a month, I flipped his ass over my head and broke his jaw than he cried to the cops
You’re very lucky he didn’t know what he was doing.
..., he knew what he was doing, ...

Not according to your story.
My story is true, we were playing basketball at his brothers wedding reception, we were doing a lot of cocaine and drinking a lot of beer, I wanted to go home he wanted me to stay and give him lines, I said nope out of here

So he jumped me and did a choke hold on me I laughed at his ass , waited, flipped him over while he was on the ground I broke his jaw, than he ran in and called the cops on me..

The cops came saw me with racoon eyes him with a busted jaw and took us both to the hospital

No charges was filed
The fact that you were on drugs throws the credibility of your memory into question. If any of that did happen, he clearly did not know what he was doing.
I had blood shot racoon eyes, I was close to death, you don't know me I can take a lot of punishment before I actually will fight back
I have been doing some bjj for 3 yrs and I am guessing I am just your average white belt lol
A blue belt in BJJ can take 3 years
That is just the first belt lol

A black belt can take 15 yrs lol
You can still learn and use techniques you are taught in a jujitsu class even if you haven’t earned your first belt.

I don’t think police departments can wait three years for a candidate to get a blue belt before they hire him.
not always,, we teach them basic hand to hand,, so what this does is takes it to another level and gives them a higher advantage,,

go to youtube and search "cops get beaten up" and then come back and tell me they dont need a better advantage,,

FFS we teach it to women to defend themselves against attackers and youre complaining about cops being taught the same thing
In New Jersey Sonny Liston would take away the night sticks of cops there and beat them with their own
weapons into pulps.
Putting cops on more equal footing with hardened psycho criminals is never a good idea.
I think hand to hand fighting with a criminal is never a good idea.
I think what Michigan proposes is not a good idea.
The choke hold was the best martial art technique for subduing a bad guy even if he was on PCP. The problem is cops would apply far too much force while applying it.
My cousin tried it on me, I busted out of it and beat his ass to a pulp 30 years ago
sure you did,, and I am sure he was being careful to not hurt you,,
The cops came and wanted him to press charges against me when he started the fight.
if I did it we would be calling a coroner,, a proper choke hold takes about 5 seconds to kill you,,
He choked me for like 4 minutes, it takes a lot for me to have enough and flip his ass over and bust and ass.
like I said,, he was taking it easy on you,, if done proper you have 5 seconds to live or stay conscious,,

Bullshit like I said I had raccoon eyes for a month, I flipped his ass over my head and broke his jaw than he cried to the cops
You’re very lucky he didn’t know what he was doing.
..., he knew what he was doing, ...

Not according to your story.
My story is true, we were playing basketball at his brothers wedding reception, we were doing a lot of cocaine and drinking a lot of beer, I wanted to go home he wanted me to stay and give him lines, I said nope out of here

So he jumped me and did a choke hold on me I laughed at his ass , waited, flipped him over while he was on the ground I broke his jaw, than he ran in and called the cops on me..

The cops came saw me with racoon eyes him with a busted jaw and took us both to the hospital

No charges was filed
The fact that you were on drugs throws the credibility of your memory into question. If any of that did happen, he clearly did not know what he was doing.
I had blood shot racoon eyes, I was close to death, you don't know me I can take a lot of punishment before I actually will fight back
Clearly full of shit.
I'm all for police with more tools at their disposal to defend themselves and subdue criminals.

Police need all they can't get. The best tool we can give them though is for society to stop screaming "cops are racist" and "fuck the police" and instead society should be preaching "stop breaking law and resisting arrest and the cops won't come after you"
You can still learn and use techniques you are taught in a jujitsu class even if you haven’t earned your first belt.

I don’t think police departments can wait three years for a candidate to get a blue belt before they hire him.
Yes. Clearly an unrealistic qualification.
So if more people can use the tool properly....?
Yeah, exactly. IF. That's a big IF however and I wouldn't be shocked if some Michigan cops wind up
dead or severely hurt because they elected to put too much credence in their martial arts skill thinking
it a law enforcement panacea.
If someone doesn’t know how to use a firearm properly they can hurt themselves, right? So take away firearms from the police?
Would you volunteer to be a cop in today’s environment without a firearm?

Even Barney Fife had a S&W revolver and one bullet back in the nice peaceful 1960s town of ;Mayberry.

You said it wont change anything,, and the facts are you couldnt know that and if you search it out you will see where its changed a lot of interactions,,
I just advised people to take up judo if that flips their lid around.
So clearly you have an agenda and no matter what I say you will cling to that prejudice of yours.
You said it wont change anything,, and the facts are you couldnt know that and if you search it out you will see where its changed a lot of interactions,,
I just advised people to take up judo if that flips their lid around.
So clearly you have an agenda and no matter what I say you will cling to that prejudice of yours.
thats not all you said,,,

my agenda is having well trained cops so they dont get killed or put in jail when some leftist DA comes after them,,,
So the defund the police wants cops to go hand to hand combat now?
sounds reasonable,, it gives them an edge
Sounds reasonable until you add up the number of hours on the mat it takes to reach that level, then multiply that times the number of patrol officers that aren't on patrol while they're in the Jiu jitsu class, but are still on the clock getting paid.

It's going to get really expensive, really fast.

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