Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey


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Gold Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2011
Are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President. I heard Oprah say really stupid things. I know she’s tremendously wealthy and she has to have done a few things right to be as successful as she is, but let’s call a spade a spade, she’s not incredibly talented or intelligent. Her handlers in large part made her who she is. Michelle Obama has never had a tough interview in her life. If you disagree and believe she has please post it. Her claim to fame is who she married for God sakes. All she does is recite speeches people write for her and media acts like she’s a God. They also tell us she’s attractive. Huh? She’s not attractive. I’m not saying that because she’s black, I’m saying that because she’s not attractive. So the reason why they are glorified by the media is they’re black women. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. It’s incredibly insulting to everyone’s intelligence to pretend these women are exceptional. The reason we are told how great they are is they are black women. That’s soft racism right there.
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Are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President. I heard Oprah say really stupid things. I know she’s tremendously wealthy and she has to have done a few things right to be as successful as she is, but let’s call a spade a spade, she’s not incredibly talented or intelligent. Her handlers in large part made her who she is. Michelle Obama has never had a tough interview in her life. If you disagree and believe she has please post it. Her claim to fame is who she married for God sakes. All she does is recite speeches people write for her and media acts like she’s a God. They also tell us she’s attractive. Huh? She’s not attractive. I’m not saying that because she’s black, I’m saying that because she’s not attractive. So the reason why they are glorified by the media is they’re black women. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. It’s incredibly insulting to everyone’s intelligence to pretend these women are exceptional. The reason we are told how great they are is they are black women. That’s soft racism right there.
What are you rambling about? Did either one run for something? If you are going to effect the popularity of either one, you will have to start some kind of national campaign, not whine about them on an internet message board.
Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President.

  • Michelle Obama is as butt ugly as a baboon's ass and never said a single smart or funny thing in her life.
  • Oprah Winfrey is pretty in her own way and has an ease and personality and charisma before the camera. That and ten million drooling morons idiot enough to watch her shows and buy her products just because of that to fill their empty, worthless lives...
PROVES ONCE AGAIN WHY THIS NATION IS IN TROUBLE if there are that many brain-dead idiots on the planet to give all their money to either an afternoon talkshow host or idolize some two-bit failed lawyer who was never even proud of her country until it just happened to get her 45 minutes of fame.
Are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President. I heard Oprah say really stupid things. I know she’s tremendously wealthy and she has to have done a few things right to be as successful as she is, but let’s call a spade a spade, she’s not incredibly talented or intelligent. Her handlers in large part made her who she is. Michelle Obama has never had a tough interview in her life. If you disagree and believe she has please post it. Her claim to fame is who she married for God sakes. All she does is recite speeches people write for her and media acts like she’s a God. They also tell us she’s attractive. Huh? She’s not attractive. I’m not saying that because she’s black, I’m saying that because she’s not attractive. So the reason why they are glorified by the media is they’re black women. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. It’s incredibly insulting to everyone’s intelligence to pretend these women are exceptional. The reason we are told how great they are is they are black women. That’s soft racism right there.
What are you rambling about? Did either one run for something? If you are going to effect the popularity of either one, you will have to start some kind of national campaign, not whine about them on an internet message board.

The point is the media and Hollywood shape the opinions of a lot of people. Now I’m not upset that these women are beloved figures, but I am upset that their being sold to us as spectacular, when research will tell you they’re pretty ordinary. I think their portrayal by the media and Hollywood is racist and patronizing. That’s what I’m whining about.
Are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President. I heard Oprah say really stupid things. I know she’s tremendously wealthy and she has to have done a few things right to be as successful as she is, but let’s call a spade a spade, she’s not incredibly talented or intelligent. Her handlers in large part made her who she is. Michelle Obama has never had a tough interview in her life. If you disagree and believe she has please post it. Her claim to fame is who she married for God sakes. All she does is recite speeches people write for her and media acts like she’s a God. They also tell us she’s attractive. Huh? She’s not attractive. I’m not saying that because she’s black, I’m saying that because she’s not attractive. So the reason why they are glorified by the media is they’re black women. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. It’s incredibly insulting to everyone’s intelligence to pretend these women are exceptional. The reason we are told how great they are is they are black women. That’s soft racism right there.
What are you rambling about? Did either one run for something? If you are going to effect the popularity of either one, you will have to start some kind of national campaign, not whine about them on an internet message board.

The point is the media and Hollywood shape the opinions of a lot of people. Now I’m not upset that these women are beloved figures, but I am upset that their being sold to us as spectacular, when research will tell you they’re pretty ordinary. I think their portrayal by the media and Hollywood is racist and patronizing. That’s what I’m whining about.
Nothing new there. I cannot think of any public figure that isn't overblown, especially on the entertainment side.
Are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President. I heard Oprah say really stupid things. I know she’s tremendously wealthy and she has to have done a few things right to be as successful as she is, but let’s call a spade a spade, she’s not incredibly talented or intelligent. Her handlers in large part made her who she is. Michelle Obama has never had a tough interview in her life. If you disagree and believe she has please post it. Her claim to fame is who she married for God sakes. All she does is recite speeches people write for her and media acts like she’s a God. They also tell us she’s attractive. Huh? She’s not attractive. I’m not saying that because she’s black, I’m saying that because she’s not attractive. So the reason why they are glorified by the media is they’re black women. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. It’s incredibly insulting to everyone’s intelligence to pretend these women are exceptional. The reason we are told how great they are is they are black women. That’s soft racism right there.
What are you rambling about? Did either one run for something? If you are going to effect the popularity of either one, you will have to start some kind of national campaign, not whine about them on an internet message board.

The point is the media and Hollywood shape the opinions of a lot of people. Now I’m not upset that these women are beloved figures, but I am upset that their being sold to us as spectacular, when research will tell you they’re pretty ordinary. I think their portrayal by the media and Hollywood is racist and patronizing. That’s what I’m whining about.
Nothing new there. I cannot think of any public figure that isn't overblown, especially on the entertainment side.

So you don’t feel them being black women has anything to with the constant adulation from the media?
Are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President. I heard Oprah say really stupid things. I know she’s tremendously wealthy and she has to have done a few things right to be as successful as she is, but let’s call a spade a spade, she’s not incredibly talented or intelligent. Her handlers in large part made her who she is. Michelle Obama has never had a tough interview in her life. If you disagree and believe she has please post it. Her claim to fame is who she married for God sakes. All she does is recite speeches people write for her and media acts like she’s a God. They also tell us she’s attractive. Huh? She’s not attractive. I’m not saying that because she’s black, I’m saying that because she’s not attractive. So the reason why they are glorified by the media is they’re black women. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. It’s incredibly insulting to everyone’s intelligence to pretend these women are exceptional. The reason we are told how great they are is they are black women. That’s soft racism right there.
Oprah was born with verbal abilities which made her a natural for TV talk shows. She built an empire by yacking it up and getting millions of women fans and advertisers. So I give her credit for that but Mooch didn't earn anything. She did even less than Hillary but they both rode their hubbies' coattails to success. They had nothing to do with it.
Are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President. I heard Oprah say really stupid things. I know she’s tremendously wealthy and she has to have done a few things right to be as successful as she is, but let’s call a spade a spade, she’s not incredibly talented or intelligent. Her handlers in large part made her who she is. Michelle Obama has never had a tough interview in her life. If you disagree and believe she has please post it. Her claim to fame is who she married for God sakes. All she does is recite speeches people write for her and media acts like she’s a God. They also tell us she’s attractive. Huh? She’s not attractive. I’m not saying that because she’s black, I’m saying that because she’s not attractive. So the reason why they are glorified by the media is they’re black women. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. It’s incredibly insulting to everyone’s intelligence to pretend these women are exceptional. The reason we are told how great they are is they are black women. That’s soft racism right there.
Oprah was born with verbal abilities which made her a natural for TV talk shows. She built an empire by yacking it up and getting millions of women fans and advertisers. So I give her credit for that but Mooch didn't earn anything. She did even less than Hillary but they both rode their hubbies' coattails to success. They had nothing to do with it.

I mean maybe Oprah appeals to a broad audience. I can’t take that away from her, but I’m hesitant to say her success is a product of her skill and hard work. Not saying she doesn’t have a talent or that she didn’t bust her ass, but I think there’s other people that helped brand her that has ultimately made it possible for her to cash in. Hilary, while I hate her, and it’s hard for me to give her credit, at least has been challenged before. Michelle Obama has literally never had the media do anything but kiss her ass.
Are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President. I heard Oprah say really stupid things. I know she’s tremendously wealthy and she has to have done a few things right to be as successful as she is, but let’s call a spade a spade, she’s not incredibly talented or intelligent. Her handlers in large part made her who she is. Michelle Obama has never had a tough interview in her life. If you disagree and believe she has please post it. Her claim to fame is who she married for God sakes. All she does is recite speeches people write for her and media acts like she’s a God. They also tell us she’s attractive. Huh? She’s not attractive. I’m not saying that because she’s black, I’m saying that because she’s not attractive. So the reason why they are glorified by the media is they’re black women. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. It’s incredibly insulting to everyone’s intelligence to pretend these women are exceptional. The reason we are told how great they are is they are black women. That’s soft racism right there.
I can understand the respect for Oprah, I think she is a success because she actually accomplished things and she has good character. I'd like to think she is mostly responsible for here own success.

Mooch on the other hand is an oxygen thief. Ugly on the inside as well as the outside. A truly miserable person of bad character and no skills at all. She in no way at all deserves any respect or the attention she gets.

The point is the media and Hollywood shape the opinions of a lot of people. Now I’m not upset that these women are beloved figures, but I am upset that their being sold to us as spectacular, when research will tell you they’re pretty ordinary. I think their portrayal by the media and Hollywood is racist and patronizing. That’s what I’m whining about.
Much better - you did not have to go on and on as in the opening post.
Ms. Winfrey has talent to empathize with her audience, and that is how she got her start (read the Wikipedia biography), but she is getting old and new talent is poised to replace her. All T.V. talent gets old. Ms. Winfrey was probably courted by the Democrats in the 90's, but she realized that she did not have the talent and skills for campaigning.

Mrs. Obama seems to have a descent talent for gabbing, but it seems to be very limited, because she is telling stories about "mild depression," menopause, and that self-help books do not work. She does not seem to have the speaking skills of a litigation lawyer or politician. She was probably a good speller and followed directions and that got her into law school. She is probably a good secretary, although she claims to have been "an executive professional." I doubt it, because then she would be a decent politician.

Mrs. Obama did a tough interview with Ms. Winfrey upon the final days in the White House. during the interview, the subject got to whether or not the DNC had been courting her. Mrs. Obama, when answering the questioned seemed to be oblivious to Ms. Winfrey's popularity in the nineties - Mrs Obama probably was not following politics in the nineties, nor Ms. Winfrey's popularity with the DNC. And then at the end of the interview, Mrs. Obama was answering a question and said something to the effect that she was losing hope, because of Trump; and Mr. Obama walks in and scares the hell out of her saying just the opposite.
Are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President. I heard Oprah say really stupid things. I know she’s tremendously wealthy and she has to have done a few things right to be as successful as she is, but let’s call a spade a spade, she’s not incredibly talented or intelligent. Her handlers in large part made her who she is. Michelle Obama has never had a tough interview in her life. If you disagree and believe she has please post it. Her claim to fame is who she married for God sakes. All she does is recite speeches people write for her and media acts like she’s a God. They also tell us she’s attractive. Huh? She’s not attractive. I’m not saying that because she’s black, I’m saying that because she’s not attractive. So the reason why they are glorified by the media is they’re black women. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. It’s incredibly insulting to everyone’s intelligence to pretend these women are exceptional. The reason we are told how great they are is they are black women. That’s soft racism right there.
What are you rambling about? Did either one run for something? If you are going to effect the popularity of either one, you will have to start some kind of national campaign, not whine about them on an internet message board.

The point is the media and Hollywood shape the opinions of a lot of people. Now I’m not upset that these women are beloved figures, but I am upset that their being sold to us as spectacular, when research will tell you they’re pretty ordinary. I think their portrayal by the media and Hollywood is racist and patronizing. That’s what I’m whining about.
Nothing new there. I cannot think of any public figure that isn't overblown, especially on the entertainment side.

So you don’t feel them being black women has anything to with the constant adulation from the media?
People have liked Opra since she was on WMC Nashville, local in mid to late 70s. I don't remember black women being particularly popular for their blackness back then. She she spoke well, with smooth fluid delivery for a girl of her age and good on a teleprompter, which is a lot more than I can say for most of the local talent (if you call it that) here in Jackson, but of course Nashville being a much larger market, and her being experienced from radio in Nashville, got her foot in the door and the rest is history, as popularity increased as she appears to speak from the heart on subjects she really cares about, in a way particularly appealing to women. I have not watched since she got picked up in Chicago as daytime ladies talk show is not a programing format, I ever had time for. Not to change subject, but Pat Sayjak of Wheel of Fortune fame was a weatherman at the same time Opra was doing location stuff for WSM. Both very popular, but neither remotely good for a president or VP. People that would vote for somebody because they are an entertainment star are idiot.
Michelle was a good first lady, with a good education and speaks well. Her popularity stems partly from her husband and partly from her blackness. I have absolutely nothing against the lady and do consider her a lady. Would not favor her for public office accept in the House of Representatives in her district. She would be fine. At the same time, she would be a cluster-F#ck as a mayor of a mid to large city, as there are just too many moving parts and she has no proven management experience. Being married to the guy that sat in the big chair is not experience of sitting in the big chair.
If either was speaking at one of the local colleges, I would try to attend, especially if at Freed Hardeman or my alma mater, Union University as they are both well spoken and neither has ever really pissed me off. I would not see her at Lane College, as I would not park my car and walk around over there unarmed at night unless Jesus himself was speaking and called me to be there.
One more aspect, that I forgot; the conventional wisdom is to exploit successful Black (women) in an effort to inspire black children to pursue education and entrepreneurship.

The situation is really bad with some of the Black women in politics. I know that the Attorney General of New York, Lita James, from the City, has a very skimpy resume; but she can go around the state making speeches to Black school children in an effort to inspire them, because the State Attorney General is just a figure head for all of the local district attorneys who, if competent, actually do all of the work. So, NYS AG James is poised to be the front runner for the governorship, and the State of New York is heading towards bankruptcy.

In New Orleans, the Black woman mayor has been absent from a couple of recent disasters, hotel fires, the collapse of the Hard Rock Hotel, and the COVID 19 Mardi Gras, where she blamed the federal government for not cancelling. And then there was a Black man mayor before her who wanted to make New Orleans "more chocolate," and he went to prison for corruption.
Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President.

  • Michelle Obama is as butt ugly as a baboon's ass and never said a single smart or funny thing in her life.
  • Oprah Winfrey is pretty in her own way and has an ease and personality and charisma before the camera. That and ten million drooling morons idiot enough to watch her shows and buy her products just because of that to fill their empty, worthless lives...
PROVES ONCE AGAIN WHY THIS NATION IS IN TROUBLE if there are that many brain-dead idiots on the planet to give all their money to either an afternoon talkshow host or idolize some two-bit failed lawyer who was never even proud of her country until it just happened to get her 45 minutes of fame.

pretty sure oprah pimped children out for epstein and hillary/bill.
Are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President. I heard Oprah say really stupid things. I know she’s tremendously wealthy and she has to have done a few things right to be as successful as she is, but let’s call a spade a spade, she’s not incredibly talented or intelligent. Her handlers in large part made her who she is. Michelle Obama has never had a tough interview in her life. If you disagree and believe she has please post it. Her claim to fame is who she married for God sakes. All she does is recite speeches people write for her and media acts like she’s a God. They also tell us she’s attractive. Huh? She’s not attractive. I’m not saying that because she’s black, I’m saying that because she’s not attractive. So the reason why they are glorified by the media is they’re black women. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. It’s incredibly insulting to everyone’s intelligence to pretend these women are exceptional. The reason we are told how great they are is they are black women. That’s soft racism right there.

Even Born in Kenya Barack called "Michelle" Mike
One more aspect, that I forgot; the conventional wisdom is to exploit successful Black (women) in an effort to inspire black children to pursue education and entrepreneurship.

The situation is really bad with some of the Black women in politics. I know that the Attorney General of New York, Lita James, from the City, has a very skimpy resume; but she can go around the state making speeches to Black school children in an effort to inspire them, because the State Attorney General is just a figure head for all of the local district attorneys who, if competent, actually do all of the work. So, NYS AG James is poised to be the front runner for the governorship, and the State of New York is heading towards bankruptcy.

In New Orleans, the Black woman mayor has been absent from a couple of recent disasters, hotel fires, the collapse of the Hard Rock Hotel, and the COVID 19 Mardi Gras, where she blamed the federal government for not cancelling. And then there was a Black man mayor before her who wanted to make New Orleans "more chocolate," and he went to prison for corruption.

Kamala was a huge success! Between Kamala and Epstein Island, I think the democrat Party has a brave new vision for young girls, right?
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Are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President. I heard Oprah say really stupid things. I know she’s tremendously wealthy and she has to have done a few things right to be as successful as she is, but let’s call a spade a spade, she’s not incredibly talented or intelligent. Her handlers in large part made her who she is. Michelle Obama has never had a tough interview in her life. If you disagree and believe she has please post it. Her claim to fame is who she married for God sakes. All she does is recite speeches people write for her and media acts like she’s a God. They also tell us she’s attractive. Huh? She’s not attractive. I’m not saying that because she’s black, I’m saying that because she’s not attractive. So the reason why they are glorified by the media is they’re black women. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. It’s incredibly insulting to everyone’s intelligence to pretend these women are exceptional. The reason we are told how great they are is they are black women. That’s soft racism right there.
Respected by whom ?? Lol
Both are vile and disgusting “ race hustlers “ who act like they are “ down for the revolution “
All they care about is wealth and stuffing their fat ugly faces
Are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President. I heard Oprah say really stupid things. I know she’s tremendously wealthy and she has to have done a few things right to be as successful as she is, but let’s call a spade a spade, she’s not incredibly talented or intelligent. Her handlers in large part made her who she is. Michelle Obama has never had a tough interview in her life. If you disagree and believe she has please post it. Her claim to fame is who she married for God sakes. All she does is recite speeches people write for her and media acts like she’s a God. They also tell us she’s attractive. Huh? She’s not attractive. I’m not saying that because she’s black, I’m saying that because she’s not attractive. So the reason why they are glorified by the media is they’re black women. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. It’s incredibly insulting to everyone’s intelligence to pretend these women are exceptional. The reason we are told how great they are is they are black women. That’s soft racism right there.
Respected by whom ?? Lol
Both are vile and disgusting “ race hustlers “ who act like they are “ down for the revolution “
All they care about is wealth and stuffing their fat ugly faces

Plus half of them aren't even real women

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