CDZ Michael Moore's Take On This Election.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
this video clip is worth watching. If you are interested tell me what you think!

Sorry... 44 seconds of MSLSD is painful enough.

Is this where Mihkail Mooron said Trump's win had nothing to do with racism?

Broken clock analogy applies.

Sorry... 44 seconds of MSLSD is painful enough.

Is this where Mihkail Mooron said Trump's win had nothing to do with racism?

Broken clock analogy applies.

No actually it is not. MM is basically dressing down the elite media and the snobs on the east and west coast. You know the very liberals who sneer at the " uneducated white male" the redneck. What really astounded me was the ball cap! I am guilty of mocking Trump and his dumb ball Cap! The people talking are all liberal and they all come from different perspecti ves. I will let you guess which emphasizes race no matter what. I do not like MM but this time the guy nailed it.
I love the alleged "open minded liberal".

"Why do I have to understand middle america...why don't they just understand's a two way street".

Hence.... why Hillary lost.

On another note. Poor Joe...his own show and the wackaloons won't even let him talk.
Hillary lost because this is a divided nation due really to agitprop and not substance. Years of Hillary demonization created an imaginary effigy easy to hate. Every thing she said or did was glossed with a false narrative. But even with that she could have won had the poor and more minorities voted in key states. That an ignorant narcissist won only demonstrates the power hate and the promise of greatness have on the gullible. Already you see in Trump how weak he looked with Obama, how out of his element - a podium - where his every word is cheered. He looked kinda sad and weak, but narcissists live again and let's hope his retainers control this very weak man.

"Now because Trump is hollow at his core, and because he is an ignorant man who is now wholly out of his depth (I think he is actually a bit frightened right now at being humiliated on an international scale--there is an amusing analysis of Trump's body language here, consistent with this hypothesis), he is probably fluctuating, as narcissists do, to the other extreme of feeling deflated--this probably accounts for his more mellow persona lately. Again, foreign leaders will be watching these patterns, as, no doubt, will those around him, like the VP-elect Mike Pence. While VP Pence will no doubt be discharging a lot of the actual mundane business of governing--which is a very bad thing, of course, but very bad in the way Republicans are always very bad--I am skeptical that Trump is going to effectively defer: he has never done business that way, and I don't think that will change now. On major issues--ones with the potential for generating adulation--the decisions will be taken by Trump in consulation with his consigliere son-in-law, and his children." How Trump thinks


Donald Trump: Add Us to Trump's Enemies List
this video clip is worth watching. If you are interested tell me what you think!

I watched about half, Moore made good points but Scarborough is forever partisan and he wouldn't let the other two guys just speak and make their points, he continually cut them off. These conservative talk show hosts always do this, they have people on to speak and give their opinion but the host talks over them and doesn't let them answer a question or make their point.

Because they don't want them to answer any questions or make any points.
this video clip is worth watching. If you are interested tell me what you think!

I watched about half, Moore made good points but Scarborough is forever partisan and he wouldn't let the other two guys just speak and make their points, he continually cut them off. These conservative talk show hosts always do this, they have people on to speak and give their opinion but the host talks over them and doesn't let them answer a question or make their point.

Because they don't want them to answer any questions or make any points.

Too bad you did not finish it. All three guests got their points across. Remember the baseball cap!
Hillary lost because this is a divided nation due really to agitprop and not substance. Years of Hillary demonization created an imaginary effigy easy to hate. Every thing she said or did was glossed with a false narrative. But even with that she could have won had the poor and more minorities voted in key states. That an ignorant narcissist won only demonstrates the power hate and the promise of greatness have on the gullible. Already you see in Trump how weak he looked with Obama, how out of his element - a podium - where his every word is cheered. He looked kinda sad and weak, but narcissists live again and let's hope his retainers control this very weak man.

"Now because Trump is hollow at his core, and because he is an ignorant man who is now wholly out of his depth (I think he is actually a bit frightened right now at being humiliated on an international scale--there is an amusing analysis of Trump's body language here, consistent with this hypothesis), he is probably fluctuating, as narcissists do, to the other extreme of feeling deflated--this probably accounts for his more mellow persona lately. Again, foreign leaders will be watching these patterns, as, no doubt, will those around him, like the VP-elect Mike Pence. While VP Pence will no doubt be discharging a lot of the actual mundane business of governing--which is a very bad thing, of course, but very bad in the way Republicans are always very bad--I am skeptical that Trump is going to effectively defer: he has never done business that way, and I don't think that will change now. On major issues--ones with the potential for generating adulation--the decisions will be taken by Trump in consulation with his consigliere son-in-law, and his children." How Trump thinks


Donald Trump: Add Us to Trump's Enemies List

Typical vile leftwing projection
Hillary lost because this is a divided nation due really to agitprop and not substance. Years of Hillary demonization created an imaginary effigy easy to hate. Every thing she said or did was glossed with a false narrative. But even with that she could have won had the poor and more minorities voted in key states. That an ignorant narcissist won only demonstrates the power hate and the promise of greatness have on the gullible. Already you see in Trump how weak he looked with Obama, how out of his element - a podium - where his every word is cheered. He looked kinda sad and weak, but narcissists live again and let's hope his retainers control this very weak man.

"Now because Trump is hollow at his core, and because he is an ignorant man who is now wholly out of his depth (I think he is actually a bit frightened right now at being humiliated on an international scale--there is an amusing analysis of Trump's body language here, consistent with this hypothesis), he is probably fluctuating, as narcissists do, to the other extreme of feeling deflated--this probably accounts for his more mellow persona lately. Again, foreign leaders will be watching these patterns, as, no doubt, will those around him, like the VP-elect Mike Pence. While VP Pence will no doubt be discharging a lot of the actual mundane business of governing--which is a very bad thing, of course, but very bad in the way Republicans are always very bad--I am skeptical that Trump is going to effectively defer: he has never done business that way, and I don't think that will change now. On major issues--ones with the potential for generating adulation--the decisions will be taken by Trump in consulation with his consigliere son-in-law, and his children." How Trump thinks


Donald Trump: Add Us to Trump's Enemies List
Lib snobs. Always the Victim. Hense....why Hillary lost.
Moore is an asshole but sometimes having an asshole is a good thing. Just be careful about when you trust yours.
Yeah...he was doing well right up to the point where he lobbed that huge ass lie where he claimed Hillary ran a clean campaign with no name calling etc...
Moore is an asshole but sometimes having an asshole is a good thing. Just be careful about when you trust yours.
Yeah...he was doing well right up to the point where he lobbed that huge ass lie where he claimed Hillary ran a clean campaign with no name calling etc...

Deplorables, basket of losers isn't name calling? I didn't watch it because I'd rather have a root canal than listen to Moore. He's repulsive and the poster child for leftist hypocrisy
Moore is an asshole but sometimes having an asshole is a good thing. Just be careful about when you trust yours.
Yeah...he was doing well right up to the point where he lobbed that huge ass lie where he claimed Hillary ran a clean campaign with no name calling etc...

Deplorables, basket of losers isn't name calling? I didn't watch it because I'd rather have a root canal than listen to Moore. He's repulsive and the poster child for leftist hypocrisy
Yeah....the smarmy elitist New York liberal couldn't seem to wrap his mind around why he should sympathize with the poor out of work midwesterners who the government keeps blowing off...even in regards to the poisoned water they are still forced to drink. know...they should vote on liberal based philosophy not to improve their own situation.
Moore is an asshole but sometimes having an asshole is a good thing. Just be careful about when you trust yours.
Yeah...he was doing well right up to the point where he lobbed that huge ass lie where he claimed Hillary ran a clean campaign with no name calling etc...

Deplorables, basket of losers isn't name calling? I didn't watch it because I'd rather have a root canal than listen to Moore. He's repulsive and the poster child for leftist hypocrisy
Yeah....the smarmy elitist New York liberal couldn't seem to wrap his mind around why he should sympathize with the poor out of work midwesterners who the government keeps blowing off...even in regards to the poisoned water they are still forced to drink. know...they should vote on liberal based philosophy not to improve their own situation.

I'm still waiting on him to house some refugees.
Moore is an asshole but sometimes having an asshole is a good thing. Just be careful about when you trust yours.
Yeah...he was doing well right up to the point where he lobbed that huge ass lie where he claimed Hillary ran a clean campaign with no name calling etc...

Deplorables, basket of losers isn't name calling? I didn't watch it because I'd rather have a root canal than listen to Moore. He's repulsive and the poster child for leftist hypocrisy
Yeah....the smarmy elitist New York liberal couldn't seem to wrap his mind around why he should sympathize with the poor out of work midwesterners who the government keeps blowing off...even in regards to the poisoned water they are still forced to drink. know...they should vote on liberal based philosophy not to improve their own situation.

I'm still waiting on him to house some refugees.
As if.

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