Michael Moore: "We Are All Muslim"


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Speak for yoself liberal sucker...
Michael Moore: "We Are All Muslim"
Does Michael Moore realize that Muslims aren't supposed to eat bacon and drink beer?
December 17, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Does Michael Moore realize that Muslims aren't supposed to eat bacon and drink beer? If he really goes through with the Muslim thing, he might actually lose weight.


But you have to feel sorry for Moore. The Obama years have been terrible to him. During the Bush Years, the Democrats embraced his fake working class shtick and made him a very rich man. No one needs him anymore. His biggest hit was a cynical attack at the Bush Administration over 9/11. He's had nothing worth mentioning since then and it's easy to see why he's smelling opportunity if a Republican, especially Donald Trump, gets in the White House.

So here he is standing in front of Trump Tower in his fake working class togs looking vaguely embarrassed with a "We Are All Muslims" sign as if he's back to playing 'ordinary guy' protester even though he could easily afford Trump Tower

And what does that even mean? Islam is a religion. If we were all Muslims, we would convert to Islam. And that's what ISIS is trying to do.

In what sense is Michael Moore a Muslim? In no sense at all.

The attached letter is typical Moore self-promotional blather that is 90% imaginary. Moore claims that Donald Trump was terrified of him. Even the biggest Trump hater would have trouble believing that. They would have an easier time accepting that Trump is the literal recreation of Hitler than that he was afraid of a weasely fat guy who has to go everywhere with nine bodyguards while making up fake stories about all the times his bodyguards had to risk their lives to defend him from pencils and hot coffee.

Long since upstaged by the likes of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, Michael Moore sounds exactly like what he is, an aging baby boomer leftist who barely understands what he's talking about.

"That bogeyman, in your mind, are all Muslims. Not just the ones who have killed, but ALL MUSLIMS," Moore squeals.


From there, Michael Moore tries to create a #WeAreAllMuslim hashtag, whose real point has less to do with Muslims and more to do with trying to restart Michael Moore's failed career as a provocateur. Like all his attempts, it's lame and eye-rolling. Another reminder that Moore's only hope for the future is a Republican in the White House.

Michael Moore: "We Are All Muslim"
Oh jeez, you actually think he meant that everyone is a Muslim? I'm sorry for you.... it must be hard, I'm sure you could help from somewhere.
il Tupe is going for the easy shots with Mexicans and Muslims. But even Elf on the Shelf has Trump's number.

Good to have Michael Moore out there. He has a strong point of view that should be heard. The U.S. will only get better when people stop thinking that everything we have is the best in the world.
Oh jeez, you actually think he meant that everyone is a Muslim? I'm sorry for you.... it must be hard, I'm sure you could help from somewhere.
Don't defend him. He's an idiot. Michael Moore does more damage for his causes than good.
He does what he wants to do, he's free to do so. On the other hand those who are fighting against him are people who'd have the Constitution re-written to remove rights.
Oh jeez, you actually think he meant that everyone is a Muslim? I'm sorry for you.... it must be hard, I'm sure you could help from somewhere.
Don't defend him. He's an idiot. Michael Moore does more damage for his causes than good.
He does what he wants to do, he's free to do so. On the other hand those who are fighting against him are people who'd have the Constitution re-written to remove rights.
haw , seems to me that its you if you are the younger generation of college student that needs to be coddled with safe zones and the getting rid of 'micro aggressions' and other coddling laws and rules . Heck , you guys even need a college approved contract to get some 'nookie' on a beer drinking Friday night FWierdo' !!
Moore is against health care insurers. Is anyone for them except their executives, employees and investors? Moore believes our corporations are often corrupt. Is that a misnomer?
I wonder how much CAIR paid him to go do that? they are sitting back laughing their asses off pointing out. that there is a useful idiot for sure.

they are telling them to Add him onto our list of useful tools with Obama, Hillary and all the Progressive/socialist/democrat party.

the stupid over these Muslims is ridiculous. last week they were using Blacks and before that Hispanics, the week before they were using homosexuals. that is the Democrat party. break down into groups and use that for division against the rest of us.
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Michael Moore is a blooming I and at no time should he be taken seriously.
Michael Moore is a blooming I and at no time should he be taken seriously.

what make him a two headed snake. He got rich off selling his crockumentary's to the low info citizen where he rails against capitalism and the Republicans. He's two faced hypocrite and also a slob.

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