Michael Flynn played himself in court

Not about "warning" him. Although if charges were even CONTEMPLATED, it should have been an OFFICIAL deposition so that TRANSCRIPTS and RECORDINGS would be available.

But instead a bigger question of WHY they were even trotting into the WHouse just days after the transition. Comey was asked that question yesterday and made up some bullshit excuse about the Logan Act.

Comey got LAUGHED at for that. The Logan act doesn't even APPLY to persons authorized to participate in foreign relations and affairs.. They had NO REASON to ambush him with intel acquired thru spying on an opposition political campaign. That's a LOT more important than whether he was "warned" or ambushed.

There's a lot of importance if he was warned or ambushed....according to you. Citing your imagination.

You're not citing the actual law or any requirement under the law. You're making shit up.

None of the pseudo-legal requirements you pulled out of your ass actually exist. Your babble about 'ambushes' has no legal relevance. Your babble ab out 'warnings' is legally meaningless.

As the only warning that is legally required is the Miranda Warnings....to somone in custody. Which Flynn never was. Shall we go through the Miranda V. Arizona ruling together and its commentary on 'custodial interrogation'?

Or am I boring you already with actual citations of actual case law.....rather than whatever you wish to make up?

Do you have anything but you making pseudo-legal gibberish up from your imagination?
Flynn's perjury trap is the best thing that ever happened to the crazy left wing. It inflames their hatred of the Military and the Trump administration even though it has nothing to do with the original allegation of "collusion".
The best defense against a perjury trap is not to lie. Flynn lied and admitted he lied. What else is he lying about or has omitted?
That group was SHELTERING an alleged mastermind and organizer of the Coup in Turkey.. That was their SOLE purpose.. To back and fund a coup in Turkey on behalf of this Guilen guy.. It quickly MAGNIFIES into a foreign interest lobbying effort. ESPECIALLY with Turkey as (theoretically) a strategic ALLY of the US...

Arguably, the U.S. is sheltering Gulen. And nope, this doesn't "magnify" into anything, mere allegations by Erdogan notwithstanding.

And, working for U.S. organizations doesn't require registration under FARA. Good we cleared that up.

But, let's for the sake of the argument assume, Tony Podesta violated FARA - jury is still out on that one. Why would Mueller (R) have any qualms at all indicting Podesta (lean D), given he has the evidence to do so? Qualms of such magnitude that he'd let Flynn skate rather than indicting both Flynn and Podesta? For me, that doesn't begin to make sense.
Flynn's perjury trap is the best thing that ever happened to the crazy left wing. It inflames their hatred of the Military and the Trump administration even though it has nothing to do with the original allegation of "collusion".
The best defense against a perjury trap is not to lie. Flynn lied and admitted he lied. What else is he lying about or has omitted?

A 'perjury trap' is what dishonest liars call being caught in their lies.
The best defense against a perjury trap is not to lie. Flynn lied and admitted he lied. What else is he lying about or has omitted?

You idiot...A perjury trap makes it so one can't not lie. That's why it's called a trap dufus.
The best defense against a perjury trap is not to lie. Flynn lied and admitted he lied. What else is he lying about or has omitted?

You idiot...A perjury trap makes it so one can't not lie. That's why it's called a trap dufus.
And you called me an idiot. How does anyone force you to lie? :rolleyes:

"Did you meet with the Ruskies on or about 10Jul2015?"

"I have never met with any Ruskies"

"Here we have a photo of you meeting with the Ruskies on 10Jul2015 1300 hours"

"Thats so fucking unfair. You perjury trapped me!"
Last edited:
And you called me an idiot

How does anyone force you to lie? :rolleyes:

I call 'em as I see 'em...fool.

"Did you meet with the Ruskies on or about 10Jul2015?"

"I have never met with any Ruskies"

"Here we have a photo of you meeting with the Ruskies on 10Jul2015 1300 hours"

"You perjury trapped me!"

Meeting with the 'Ruskies' (who ever they are) is not a crime so why would you set up a perjury trap to get the person to make a misstatement so you could call it a lie? You really need to get more informed it's obvious you have only skimmed the top of the story until you found something to satiate your complete hatred of Trump.[/QUOTE]
And you called me an idiot
I call em as I see em

How does anyone force you to lie? :rolleyes:

"Did you meet with the Ruskies on or about 10Jul2015?"

"I have never met with any Ruskies"

"Here we have a photo of you meeting with the Ruskies on 10Jul2015 1300 hours"

"You perjury trapped me!"

Meeting with the 'Ruskies' (who ever they are) is not a crime so why would you set up a perjury trap to get the person to make a misstatement so you could call it a lie? You really need to get more informed it's obvious you have only skimmed the top of the story until you found something to satiate your complete hatred of Trump.

Meeting with the Ruskies is not a crime. Lying about it to federal authorities is.

Keep running.
And you called me an idiot
I call em as I see em

How does anyone force you to lie? :rolleyes:

"Did you meet with the Ruskies on or about 10Jul2015?"

"I have never met with any Ruskies"

"Here we have a photo of you meeting with the Ruskies on 10Jul2015 1300 hours"

"You perjury trapped me!"

Meeting with the 'Ruskies' (who ever they are) is not a crime so why would you set up a perjury trap to get the person to make a misstatement so you could call it a lie? You really need to get more informed it's obvious you have only skimmed the top of the story until you found something to satiate your complete hatred of Trump.
Being on 12th street during the time a bank is robbed isnt a crime either. However, if you lie about it to the FBI you have committed a crime. :rolleyes:
No one forces you to lie unless youre some kind of idiot that lies out of habit.
And you called me an idiot
I call em as I see em

How does anyone force you to lie? :rolleyes:

"Did you meet with the Ruskies on or about 10Jul2015?"

"I have never met with any Ruskies"

"Here we have a photo of you meeting with the Ruskies on 10Jul2015 1300 hours"

"You perjury trapped me!"

Meeting with the 'Ruskies' (who ever they are) is not a crime so why would you set up a perjury trap to get the person to make a misstatement so you could call it a lie? You really need to get more informed it's obvious you have only skimmed the top of the story until you found something to satiate your complete hatred of Trump.
Being on 12th street during the time a bank is robbed isnt a crime either. However, if you lie about it to the FBI you have committed a crime. :rolleyes:
No one forces you to lie unless youre some kind of idiot that lies out of habit.

But the blogger named Marc said differently!

Surely a blogger named Marc's personal opinion is enough to overturn a plea agreement, a Defendant's Acceptance of the Statement of Offenses, Flynn's court confessions, the Judge's finding and the United States Code Title 18, Section 1001 (2)(a), and admissions of their client's guilt by Flynn's own lawyers.

Surely it does.
And you called me an idiot
I call em as I see em

How does anyone force you to lie? :rolleyes:

"Did you meet with the Ruskies on or about 10Jul2015?"

"I have never met with any Ruskies"

"Here we have a photo of you meeting with the Ruskies on 10Jul2015 1300 hours"

"You perjury trapped me!"

Meeting with the 'Ruskies' (who ever they are) is not a crime so why would you set up a perjury trap to get the person to make a misstatement so you could call it a lie? You really need to get more informed it's obvious you have only skimmed the top of the story until you found something to satiate your complete hatred of Trump.
Being on 12th street during the time a bank is robbed isnt a crime either. However, if you lie about it to the FBI you have committed a crime. :rolleyes:
No one forces you to lie unless youre some kind of idiot that lies out of habit.

But the blogger named Marc said differently!

Surely a blogger named Marc's personal opinion is enough to overturn a plea agreement, a Defendant's Acceptance of the Statement of Offenses, Flynn's court confessions, the Judge's finding and the United States Code Title 18, Section 1001 (2)(a), and admissions of their client's guilt by Flynn's own lawyers.

Surely it does.
I dont know who Marc is but they better hurry and get that guy appointed to a court to save Flynn.
And you called me an idiot
I call em as I see em

How does anyone force you to lie? :rolleyes:

"Did you meet with the Ruskies on or about 10Jul2015?"

"I have never met with any Ruskies"

"Here we have a photo of you meeting with the Ruskies on 10Jul2015 1300 hours"

"You perjury trapped me!"

Meeting with the 'Ruskies' (who ever they are) is not a crime so why would you set up a perjury trap to get the person to make a misstatement so you could call it a lie? You really need to get more informed it's obvious you have only skimmed the top of the story until you found something to satiate your complete hatred of Trump.
Being on 12th street during the time a bank is robbed isnt a crime either. However, if you lie about it to the FBI you have committed a crime. :rolleyes:
No one forces you to lie unless youre some kind of idiot that lies out of habit.

But the blogger named Marc said differently!

Surely a blogger named Marc's personal opinion is enough to overturn a plea agreement, a Defendant's Acceptance of the Statement of Offenses, Flynn's court confessions, the Judge's finding and the United States Code Title 18, Section 1001 (2)(a), and admissions of their client's guilt by Flynn's own lawyers.

Surely it does.
I dont know who Marc is but they better hurry and get that guy appointed to a court to save Flynn.

I see you like my Avatar so much you copied it. Now....try to read and comprehend what I write. You are becoming a dismal failure.
And you called me an idiotMeeting with the 'Ruskies' (who ever they are) is not a crime so why would you set up a perjury trap to get the person to make a misstatement so you could call it a lie? You really need to get more informed it's obvious you have only skimmed the top of the story until you found something to satiate your complete hatred of Trump.
Being on 12th street during the time a bank is robbed isnt a crime either. However, if you lie about it to the FBI you have committed a crime. :rolleyes:
No one forces you to lie unless youre some kind of idiot that lies out of habit.

But the blogger named Marc said differently!

Surely a blogger named Marc's personal opinion is enough to overturn a plea agreement, a Defendant's Acceptance of the Statement of Offenses, Flynn's court confessions, the Judge's finding and the United States Code Title 18, Section 1001 (2)(a), and admissions of their client's guilt by Flynn's own lawyers.

Surely it does.
I dont know who Marc is but they better hurry and get that guy appointed to a court to save Flynn.

I see you like my Avatar so much you copied it. Now....try to read and comprehend what I write. You are becoming a dismal failure.
I copied your avatar? Are you drunk or just stupid? I already read what you wrote. Youre already a dismal failure. You think someone can force you to lie. :rolleyes:
And you called me an idiotMeeting with the 'Ruskies' (who ever they are) is not a crime so why would you set up a perjury trap to get the person to make a misstatement so you could call it a lie? You really need to get more informed it's obvious you have only skimmed the top of the story until you found something to satiate your complete hatred of Trump.
Being on 12th street during the time a bank is robbed isnt a crime either. However, if you lie about it to the FBI you have committed a crime. :rolleyes:
No one forces you to lie unless youre some kind of idiot that lies out of habit.

But the blogger named Marc said differently!

Surely a blogger named Marc's personal opinion is enough to overturn a plea agreement, a Defendant's Acceptance of the Statement of Offenses, Flynn's court confessions, the Judge's finding and the United States Code Title 18, Section 1001 (2)(a), and admissions of their client's guilt by Flynn's own lawyers.

Surely it does.
I dont know who Marc is but they better hurry and get that guy appointed to a court to save Flynn.

I see you like my Avatar so much you copied it. Now....try to read and comprehend what I write. You are becoming a dismal failure.


You may want to take your meds.
And you called me an idiot
I call em as I see em

How does anyone force you to lie? :rolleyes:

"Did you meet with the Ruskies on or about 10Jul2015?"

"I have never met with any Ruskies"

"Here we have a photo of you meeting with the Ruskies on 10Jul2015 1300 hours"

"You perjury trapped me!"

Meeting with the 'Ruskies' (who ever they are) is not a crime so why would you set up a perjury trap to get the person to make a misstatement so you could call it a lie? You really need to get more informed it's obvious you have only skimmed the top of the story until you found something to satiate your complete hatred of Trump.
Being on 12th street during the time a bank is robbed isnt a crime either. However, if you lie about it to the FBI you have committed a crime. :rolleyes:
No one forces you to lie unless youre some kind of idiot that lies out of habit.

But the blogger named Marc said differently!

Surely a blogger named Marc's personal opinion is enough to overturn a plea agreement, a Defendant's Acceptance of the Statement of Offenses, Flynn's court confessions, the Judge's finding and the United States Code Title 18, Section 1001 (2)(a), and admissions of their client's guilt by Flynn's own lawyers.

Surely it does.
I dont know who Marc is but they better hurry and get that guy appointed to a court to save Flynn.

Marc the blogger is Leo's source for his entire argument. He's a blogger that posts his personal opinions on American Thinker.

Odd, Judge Sullivan didn't cite Marc the Blogger in Flynn's sentencing hearing. Odd, that.
Do they generally giggle about suspect comments like "Do I need a lawyer for this"???

Almost ALL of Mueller "plea deals" about lying to the FBI came out of encounters with no recordings or transcripts. Didn't even GET to a "criminal investigation" level because it WASN'T a criminal investigation for PapaDop or Flynn or Page or most of the others.

They were SET-UP by spying on the campaign with NSA assets used for terrorists and foreign spies. And all they had to do was flush them out into a lie. Even if that LIE -- like in Flynns case is COMPLETELY arguable.

The "lie" was in response to a question about "discussing sanctions".. Flynn said no. And embellished it to add that he was ASKED about sanctions by the Russian and told him QUOTE "We're not gonna discuss sanctions until the actual transistion"... That's IT.. THAT's what they HAD... And the agents present said they "thought Flynn was telling the truth"... Deal with it...

There are so many inaccuracies in the above, I'd really like to know whence you get that stuff.

Of course, Flynn's interview (and others') were not done pursuant a "criminal investigation". It's been a counter-intelligence operation. They were not "spying on a campaign", they were investigating some folks allegedly colluding with a foreign power during the campaign, or conducting foreign policy during the transition behind the back of a sitting President.

They were not set up, they lied about what they were doing, and for good reasons.

The agents interviewing Flynn didn't say he was "telling the truth". They said he didn't lie. That means, they thought what he told was inaccurate, but not demonstrably with the intent to deceive. Huge, huge difference. If you read the 302, the inaccuracies are pretty obvious, the conclusion he lied may be a judgment call. Only when Mueller took over was that further scrutinized, and Mueller arrived at a different conclusion, which none other than Flynn by now has confirmed.
And you called me an idiotMeeting with the 'Ruskies' (who ever they are) is not a crime so why would you set up a perjury trap to get the person to make a misstatement so you could call it a lie? You really need to get more informed it's obvious you have only skimmed the top of the story until you found something to satiate your complete hatred of Trump.
Being on 12th street during the time a bank is robbed isnt a crime either. However, if you lie about it to the FBI you have committed a crime. :rolleyes:
No one forces you to lie unless youre some kind of idiot that lies out of habit.

But the blogger named Marc said differently!

Surely a blogger named Marc's personal opinion is enough to overturn a plea agreement, a Defendant's Acceptance of the Statement of Offenses, Flynn's court confessions, the Judge's finding and the United States Code Title 18, Section 1001 (2)(a), and admissions of their client's guilt by Flynn's own lawyers.

Surely it does.
I dont know who Marc is but they better hurry and get that guy appointed to a court to save Flynn.

Marc the blogger is Leo's source for his entire argument. He's a blogger that posts his personal opinions on American Thinker.

Odd, Judge Sullivan didn't cite Marc the Blogger in Flynn's sentencing hearing. Odd, that.
Ah...No wonder Leo is a failure. He thinks all bloggers are court judges and experts in law.
Ah...No wonder Leo is a failure. He thinks all bloggers are court judges and experts in law.

You talking to the mirror again? :10:

You're the one citing Marc the blogger while ignoring Michael Flynn, Flynn's lawyers, the judge, the prosecutors, everyone.

Sorry....but Marc the blogger's personal opinions don't really have any legal relevance.

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