MI Moving to a Right to Work State!!! Congrats!!!

I agree with that sentiment, but I don't see any reason to try and destroy them...Let the Market do what it does best: Level the playing field in each individual State as it sees fit...The diversity of life styles in each state and population densities require differing solutions.

I don't have a problem with unions existing. I have a problem with people being forced to join a union if they don't want to.

No one is forced to join a union if they don't want to.
I was in 1971. The first meeting I went to, this dirty old man got up in front of all us office girls and told us to wear miniskirts up to our navels if we wanted to to defy a 4-inches-above-the-knee limit set down by the company. What they were aiming at was to have Union office gals busting up Management marriages.

The meeting pissed me off after I had to give up 8% of my wages which were the lowest in the company on the ground floor, and I had a family to support all by myself. And I refused to bust up coworkers' marriages by dressing shamefully like the idiots wanted.

Don't lecture me about how people aren't forced to join a union. I was pulled aside by 2 ladies when I balked about joining before that meeting. They said they'd be forced to make my life hell on earth if I didn't sign pay and join. they had to answer for whether I joined the damn union.

You don't think that smells to high heaven?

It's called Omerta Union shenannigans. Nobody can prove anything because it just didn't happen the way (intimidated secretly) witnesses said. :evil:
Not true, it was substandard parts production by union workers.

And more than a little out and out SABOTAGE.

Because union workers want to sabotage their own jobs, sure.

The hatred of the American workers hasn't been this high in decades.
The hatred of the American workers hasn't been this high in decades.

That just isn't true, Doctor Doh. The American worker is not hated, but valued when they work hard and pull their weight in order to justify their pay. When that doesn't happen, or if some idiot sells American technology down the river like a President giving China a present of used government computers loaded with technological secrets, that information is used to take away American jobs by teaching the tricks to their own workers and shoving our workers under the bus.

Hiding the facts or blaming someone else did not work when Clinton did this, yet, people didn't think it was worth worrying about at the time. China gives its all to whoever it chooses.

It would've helped if Clinton hadn't been a dummy giv-a-mint to people who kissed his ass.
Way to go! Step in the right direction to save another state from Union Thuggery that destroys industries and decimates our manufacturing sector!!!

Politics: Michigan's Governor, Rick Snyder, announces right-to-work fight | CainTV
After living under the tax-and-spend yoke of Jennifer Granholm for eight years, Michigan was in complete financial disarray. The state changed course in 2011, after placing Republican Rick Snyder in the Governor's mansion. In just one year, he managed to begin the turnaround, posting a $457 million surplus. Since then, most believe he's done a solid job of steering Michigan toward a better future.

Snyder has announced that he wants to see Michigan's legislature pass right a right-to-work bill, and that he'll definitely sign it when it makes it to his office.

According to State House Speaker Jase Bolger, the move is a no-brainer. "Workers," he said, "deserve the freedom to decide which organizations they want to join and which organizations they do not want to join. These are values that should unite us, they should not divide us."

The new law would affect almost 20% of Michigan's workforce, though it would include exemptions for police and firefighter unions. These organizations are protected by existing law and the state constitution.

Given that GM, Ford, and Chrysler are all headquartered in the Detroit area, the repercussions are as much national as they are local. While spoiled, union-controlled, Detroit leadership demands a federal bailout, the rest of us have been fighting to free the area from their influence. In a state where the unions have spent eighty years cementing their power and buying their influence, you can rest assured that the battle is about to get very, very, nasty.

Just imagine a Michigan, and a big three, that had finally been relieved of an unalterable adherence to oppressive, lopsided, union contracts.

Good for them it took them awhile but nice to see they finally figured it out.
Will one of you American worker haters explain to me why all you do is bash workers while the CEO's sit on their asses and rip of companies and when this go south for the company they get a big pay out and this bothers you not?
What a large group of hypocritical lying Worker haters.
Maybe it is because you could not get a raise or hold a job and this pisses you off, while the workers who have negotiated a decent wage make you jealous. IS that it?

And more than a little out and out SABOTAGE.

Because union workers want to sabotage their own jobs, sure.

The hatred of the American workers hasn't been this high in decades.

No, because the union worker got paid to sit while the machine was repaired.
Will one of you American worker haters explain to me why all you do is bash workers while the CEO's sit on their asses and rip of companies and when this go south for the company they get a big pay out and this bothers you not?
What a large group of hypocritical lying Worker haters.
Maybe it is because you could not get a raise or hold a job and this pisses you off, while the workers who have negotiated a decent wage make you jealous. IS that it?

Because union workers want to sabotage their own jobs, sure.

The hatred of the American workers hasn't been this high in decades.

No, because the union worker got paid to sit while the machine was repaired.

I am a worker, worked another 60+ hours this week.
I am the CEO of my company. I set the example.
You have it backwards. You hate us.
It will be overturned in 2 years after mich. Falls lower down the scale in workers rights, notice this the states who have the strongest local econs are all union states, republicans fucked them selves in yet another state, so yes good job repubs, mi will now firmly be under democrat, liberal control 2014 baby!!!!!!! Hehe love it when the repubs still don't understand demographics.
Will one of you American worker haters explain to me why all you do is bash workers while the CEO's sit on their asses and rip of companies and when this go south for the company they get a big pay out and this bothers you not?
What a large group of hypocritical lying Worker haters.
Maybe it is because you could not get a raise or hold a job and this pisses you off, while the workers who have negotiated a decent wage make you jealous. IS that it?
Who said that doesn't bother folks? Oh, that was you who said that.

I'll leave you to keep arguing with yourself.

No, you hate workers that stand up for themselves. Maybe you are the kind that thinks they are subservient to you. That is wrong. You may , and that is a big may, own the company. I have no way of knowing that, but if you think your workers are subservient forget it.
No one should treat anyone that way.
You still have not answered the question.

Will one of you American worker haters explain to me why all you do is bash workers while the CEO's sit on their asses and rip of companies and when this go south for the company they get a big pay out and this bothers you not?
What a large group of hypocritical lying Worker haters.
Maybe it is because you could not get a raise or hold a job and this pisses you off, while the workers who have negotiated a decent wage make you jealous. IS that it?

No, because the union worker got paid to sit while the machine was repaired.

I am a worker, worked another 60+ hours this week.
I am the CEO of my company. I set the example.
You have it backwards. You hate us.
And more than a little out and out SABOTAGE.

Because union workers want to sabotage their own jobs, sure.

The hatred of the American workers hasn't been this high in decades.
The hatred of the American workers hasn't been this high in decades.

That just isn't true, Doctor Doh. The American worker is not hated, but valued when they work hard and pull their weight in order to justify their pay. When that doesn't happen, or if some idiot sells American technology down the river like a President giving China a present of used government computers loaded with technological secrets, that information is used to take away American jobs by teaching the tricks to their own workers and shoving our workers under the bus.

Hiding the facts or blaming someone else did not work when Clinton did this, yet, people didn't think it was worth worrying about at the time. China gives its all to whoever it chooses.

It would've helped if Clinton hadn't been a dummy giv-a-mint to people who kissed his ass.

Ha yes free dumb becki speaks, i love it when you open your mouth, it makes me feel like climaxing!
I don't have a problem with unions existing. I have a problem with people being forced to join a union if they don't want to.

No one is forced to join a union if they don't want to.
I was in 1971. The first meeting I went to, this dirty old man got up in front of all us office girls and told us to wear miniskirts up to our navels if we wanted to to defy a 4-inches-above-the-knee limit set down by the company. What they were aiming at was to have Union office gals busting up Management marriages.

The meeting pissed me off after I had to give up 8% of my wages which were the lowest in the company on the ground floor, and I had a family to support all by myself. And I refused to bust up coworkers' marriages by dressing shamefully like the idiots wanted.

Don't lecture me about how people aren't forced to join a union. I was pulled aside by 2 ladies when I balked about joining before that meeting. They said they'd be forced to make my life hell on earth if I didn't sign pay and join. they had to answer for whether I joined the damn union.

You don't think that smells to high heaven?

It's called Omerta Union shenannigans. Nobody can prove anything because it just didn't happen the way (intimidated secretly) witnesses said. :evil:

There are laws against intimidating people into joining a union. If you didn't report the crime that's your problem. Its hardly fair to pass laws prohibiting what kinds of agreements unions and business can make with one another just because some folks are too chicken to report crimes against them.

If a union wants a union shop and the business they work for agrees to that condition in writing, then being made to pay union dues as a condition of employment is no different than any other condition an employer may make on employment.

"Right to work" laws don't give you any more a right to work than you did before - rather, instead, those laws infringe on the rights of business and labor to determine between themselves what kind of contract they would like to have with each other.
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What this boils down to is that the unions are pissed that workers GET TO CHOOSE if they want to join the union or not.
And why are they pissed? Because THEY KNOW more and more and more workers are choosing NOT TO JOIN THE UNION.
Workers these days are smart enough to negotiate their own deal themselves. Why else would they NOT want to join the union? Mediocre workers love unions. The better than average worker wants MORE than the median union wage that the average worker gets.
Everyone getting paid the same? WTF kind of capitalism is that?!!
Under the current law just passed workers STILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO JOIN THE UNION.
So why all the fuss? Unions have lost their goon thug advantage.
Nice little try but you just cannot answer the question now can you.

Will one of you American worker haters explain to me why all you do is bash workers while the CEO's sit on their asses and rip of companies and when this go south for the company they get a big pay out and this bothers you not?
What a large group of hypocritical lying Worker haters.
Maybe it is because you could not get a raise or hold a job and this pisses you off, while the workers who have negotiated a decent wage make you jealous. IS that it?
Who said that doesn't bother folks? Oh, that was you who said that.

I'll leave you to keep arguing with yourself.

No one is forced to join a union if they don't want to.
I was in 1971. The first meeting I went to, this dirty old man got up in front of all us office girls and told us to wear miniskirts up to our navels if we wanted to to defy a 4-inches-above-the-knee limit set down by the company. What they were aiming at was to have Union office gals busting up Management marriages.

The meeting pissed me off after I had to give up 8% of my wages which were the lowest in the company on the ground floor, and I had a family to support all by myself. And I refused to bust up coworkers' marriages by dressing shamefully like the idiots wanted.

Don't lecture me about how people aren't forced to join a union. I was pulled aside by 2 ladies when I balked about joining before that meeting. They said they'd be forced to make my life hell on earth if I didn't sign pay and join. they had to answer for whether I joined the damn union.

You don't think that smells to high heaven?

It's called Omerta Union shenannigans. Nobody can prove anything because it just didn't happen the way (intimidated secretly) witnesses said. :evil:

There are laws against intimidating people into joining a union. If you didn't report the crime that's your problem. Its hardly fair to pass laws prohibiting what kinds of agreements unions and business can make with one another just because some folks are too chicken to report crimes against them.

You do not know that in a union shop state EVERYONE is required to join the union before they can get a job in a union company?
That is the law Moe. You HAVE to join the union to work in those union shop states if a union is in place.
WTF do you think they call it a "union shop state"?
Nice little try but you just cannot answer the question now can you.

Will one of you American worker haters explain to me why all you do is bash workers while the CEO's sit on their asses and rip of companies and when this go south for the company they get a big pay out and this bothers you not?
What a large group of hypocritical lying Worker haters.
Maybe it is because you could not get a raise or hold a job and this pisses you off, while the workers who have negotiated a decent wage make you jealous. IS that it?
Who said that doesn't bother folks? Oh, that was you who said that.

I'll leave you to keep arguing with yourself.


I worked for 30 years without paying a cent in union dues. Made good money too and look at what I saved by not paying union dues! People should have the choice.
Will one of you American worker haters explain to me why all you do is bash workers while the CEO's sit on their asses and rip of companies and when this go south for the company they get a big pay out and this bothers you not?
What a large group of hypocritical lying Worker haters.
Maybe it is because you could not get a raise or hold a job and this pisses you off, while the workers who have negotiated a decent wage make you jealous. IS that it?

Because union workers want to sabotage their own jobs, sure.

The hatred of the American workers hasn't been this high in decades.

No, because the union worker got paid to sit while the machine was repaired.
Can you explain how giving someone the right to choose if they want to join a union is hating the American worker?
No one is forced to join a union if they don't want to.
I was in 1971. The first meeting I went to, this dirty old man got up in front of all us office girls and told us to wear miniskirts up to our navels if we wanted to to defy a 4-inches-above-the-knee limit set down by the company. What they were aiming at was to have Union office gals busting up Management marriages.

The meeting pissed me off after I had to give up 8% of my wages which were the lowest in the company on the ground floor, and I had a family to support all by myself. And I refused to bust up coworkers' marriages by dressing shamefully like the idiots wanted.

Don't lecture me about how people aren't forced to join a union. I was pulled aside by 2 ladies when I balked about joining before that meeting. They said they'd be forced to make my life hell on earth if I didn't sign pay and join. they had to answer for whether I joined the damn union.

You don't think that smells to high heaven?

It's called Omerta Union shenannigans. Nobody can prove anything because it just didn't happen the way (intimidated secretly) witnesses said. :evil:

There are laws against intimidating people into joining a union. If you didn't report the crime that's your problem. Its hardly fair to pass laws prohibiting what kinds of agreements unions and business can make with one another just because some folks are too chicken to report crimes against them.

If a union wants a union shop and the business they work for agrees to that condition in writing, then being made to pay union dues as a condition of employment is no different than any other condition an employer may make on employment.

"Right to work" laws don't give you any more a right to work than you did before - rather, instead, those laws infringe on the rights of business and labor to determine between themselves what kind of contract they would like to have with each other.

Union shop is STATE LAW. That is why it took the legislature TO CHANGE THAT LAW.
NOTHING to do with businesses and unions negotiating together. That is THE LAW of the state, MANDATORY! NO EXCEPTIONS.
Until now, freedom for workers as they now have a right to work.

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