Mexican President Kills Trumps "Wall" Idea

Looks like the Mexican president thinks Trump is a big fool the same way lots of intelligent people think Trump is a fool. He was emphatic in stating there was absolutely no way Mexico was paying for any wall.

'No way' Mexico will pay for wall, its leader says -
Well, I would like to know how Trump thought he could make Mexico do such a thing anyway. He just says stuff as if that will make it happen. What an egotistical jerk.
By imposing tariffs honey pot. Tariffs.
Obviously you dont understand economics. Tariffs force the consumer to pay not the people that manufacture the item.

Obviously YOU are the one that doesn't understand tariffs...yes the consumer will pay more for that particular product made by cheaper labor from a foreign country but it evens the playing field for the manufacturer here that pays a decent wage. I really gave you more credit then you deserved when I first started posting here....I thought you were smarter and more awake than you actually bad.
Looks like the Mexican president thinks Trump is a big fool the same way lots of intelligent people think Trump is a fool. He was emphatic in stating there was absolutely no way Mexico was paying for any wall.

'No way' Mexico will pay for wall, its leader says -
Traitor. You support the Mexican government more than you support people in your own country. BOY.
Yes. I support people that prove you idiots believe anything Trump tells you. Dont get mad you were lied to cave gibbon.
Looks like the Mexican president thinks Trump is a big fool the same way lots of intelligent people think Trump is a fool. He was emphatic in stating there was absolutely no way Mexico was paying for any wall.

'No way' Mexico will pay for wall, its leader says -
Traitor. You support the Mexican government more than you support people in your own country. BOY.
Yes. I support people that prove you idiots believe anything Trump tells you. Dont get mad you were lied to cave gibbon.

Thanks for proving your kind can't be trusted. The only thing we can be sure your people will do is have bastard children and live off white taxpayers.
Looks like the Mexican president thinks Trump is a big fool the same way lots of intelligent people think Trump is a fool. He was emphatic in stating there was absolutely no way Mexico was paying for any wall.

'No way' Mexico will pay for wall, its leader says -
Traitor. You support the Mexican government more than you support people in your own country. BOY.
Yes. I support people that prove you idiots believe anything Trump tells you. Dont get mad you were lied to cave gibbon.

Thanks for proving your kind can't be trusted. The only thing we can be sure your people will do is have bastard children and live off white taxpayers.
Not my concern what you cave monkeys trust or dont trust. Nothing I do is in an effort to earn your trust. Youre are just a pallid cave dwelling eyesore I have to deal with when I go out. I love seeing all the brown and Black people that make your hair lice act up though. Thats why the President of Mexico making your leader look dumb is so amusing to me.
Looks like the Mexican president thinks Trump is a big fool the same way lots of intelligent people think Trump is a fool. He was emphatic in stating there was absolutely no way Mexico was paying for any wall.

'No way' Mexico will pay for wall, its leader says -
Traitor. You support the Mexican government more than you support people in your own country. BOY.
Yes. I support people that prove you idiots believe anything Trump tells you. Dont get mad you were lied to cave gibbon.

Thanks for proving your kind can't be trusted. The only thing we can be sure your people will do is have bastard children and live off white taxpayers.
Not my concern what you cave monkeys trust or dont trust. Nothing I do is in an effort to earn your trust. Your are just a pallid cave dwelling eyesore I have to deal with when I go out

Deal with me? You run like a coward unless you have three of your black sub humans with you.
Looks like the Mexican president thinks Trump is a big fool the same way lots of intelligent people think Trump is a fool. He was emphatic in stating there was absolutely no way Mexico was paying for any wall.

'No way' Mexico will pay for wall, its leader says -
Traitor. You support the Mexican government more than you support people in your own country. BOY.
Yes. I support people that prove you idiots believe anything Trump tells you. Dont get mad you were lied to cave gibbon.

Thanks for proving your kind can't be trusted. The only thing we can be sure your people will do is have bastard children and live off white taxpayers.
Not my concern what you cave monkeys trust or dont trust. Nothing I do is in an effort to earn your trust. Your are just a pallid cave dwelling eyesore I have to deal with when I go out

Deal with me? You run like a coward unless you have three of your black sub humans with you.
Run from a cave gibbon? That was funny. :laugh:

So why did you believe Trump when he told you he was going to make Mexico pay for a wall that he wants to build?
Traitor. You support the Mexican government more than you support people in your own country. BOY.
Yes. I support people that prove you idiots believe anything Trump tells you. Dont get mad you were lied to cave gibbon.

Thanks for proving your kind can't be trusted. The only thing we can be sure your people will do is have bastard children and live off white taxpayers.
Not my concern what you cave monkeys trust or dont trust. Nothing I do is in an effort to earn your trust. Your are just a pallid cave dwelling eyesore I have to deal with when I go out

Deal with me? You run like a coward unless you have three of your black sub humans with you.
Run from a cave gibbon? That was funny. :laugh:

So why did you believe Trump when he told you he was going to make Mexico pay for a wall that he wants to build?

Unless there are three or more of you, you run. All you have to do is remember the phrase Three on One is N*gger fun.
That was funny too.

So no explanation as to why you believed Trump when he said he was going to make Mexico build a wall?
Rest assured, Mexico will pay for the Wall one way or the other.

Be it higher taxes on Mexican goods coming across the border, higher tariffs, extra surcharges, or something else. ..... :cool:

Let's say a company in Mexico produces a product - call it a "widget". Could be a food product, textile, part used in something assembled in the US and that the cost of the widget to the US consumer is $10.00.

Now apply a 10% Wall Tax, Tariff, Surcharge or call it something else.

The cost to Mexico to manufacture doesn't change, what does change is that the US consumer is not paying $11.00 and item instead of $10.00 and item.

So the 10% Wall Tax, Tariff, Surcharge or call it something else rate of $1.00 isn't being paid by anyone in Mexico, it's paid by the US consumer paying a higher price for the same widget.

Wall off Mexico and build your own widgets. When did you lefty Americans become so damn helpless?
But Trump keeps having his merchandise made in Mexico.
Fuck Mexico and Fuck what he thinks too.

I don't blame the Mexican people whom have no control of the cartels that also control their Gov't.........but I'm biased, as I'm going down to Cabo for one week in Nov..
Not if Willow has any authority and closes off the roads into Mexico. Sorry.

I'm flying. The bottom of the 'Baja' too far to drive to, even from Vegas.

So you love going to Mexico for a vacation......... So why do you hate Mexico?
Because he made Trump look like a bigger fool than he already is by stating Mexico was not going to pay for a wall like Trump claimed they would.
Rest assured, Mexico will pay for the Wall one way or the other.

Be it higher taxes on Mexican goods coming across the border, higher tariffs, extra surcharges, or something else. ..... :cool:

And Mexico will apply the same high tariffs and extra surcharges. Not just Mexico but any country that don't go along with Trump............
Who will pay for higher prices? YOU but NOT ME...... Because I will charge you arm and legs when you go to hospital.
Tell me if that will make America great? Dude get real.
Trump economic plan was blasted by independent well know economist plus chamber of commerce. So far I have not seen any economist blasting Hillary.
More than 17 billion dollars a year is spent on paying for the anchor babies that get squirted out along with their follow up medical care. It costs 5K for an illegal to drop one and that is if there is no complications. Build the wall, Joe Asswipe....

Your numbers are even more questionable than your conspiracy theories, Dale Crazy.

the 17 Billion figure was just for MATERIALS. Then you have labor, land acquisition (You think some rancher is just going to let you tear up his land without compensation?) transportation and the costs of patroling it when it is built.

Last time I heard was 25 billions just the materials.
It does not include design, maintenance, housing of construction people, housing of BP, travel expenses of workers, power for housings and wall, purchase of private properties, paving the road for constructions, heavy equipments.
Mexico will end up paying for it one way or the other and maybe they will have to start dealing with their ultra poor instead of pawning them off on us. BTW, don't you find it rather insulting that businesses would rather hire an illegal that can't even speak the language or use indoor plumbing in lieu of hiring a black American being that the unemployment rate for blacks (especially the youth) is so high???? Personally, I would feel very insulted.....just sayin'. (snicker)

You right. Blacks might actually demand getting paid and complain about unsafe working conditions.

You see, this is where the enforcement is messed up. INstead of trying to catch them at hte border, they need to go after the employers.

Give out bounties for employees who turn in their bosses.

But yet the leftard clown posse promotes sanctuary cities. I agree that employers should have their feet held to the fire. They should have to pay huge fines. Take away the entitlements and take away their ability to work under the table. Stop paying for their anchor babies and they will "self deport". They got here on their own...they can leave on their own once their freebies dry up.

Anchor babies are American citizens have jobs and paying taxes. I have lot of them working for me....... Why in the world they will self deport when they don't even know how to live there? Some don't even speak Spanish.

Since you don't have a clue about Mexicans except your conspiracy theory......... Let me repeat this again to you....... There is NO such thing as self deportations.
Looks like the Mexican president thinks Trump is a big fool the same way lots of intelligent people think Trump is a fool. He was emphatic in stating there was absolutely no way Mexico was paying for any wall.

'No way' Mexico will pay for wall, its leader says -

Of course he doesn't want a wall. Mexico depends on those American dollars that the Mexicans send home every week.

He has no problem with his people coming to America. They send that money back to Mexico.

If there is a wall and the illegals can't get to America then he can kiss those American dollars goodbye.
But yet the leftard clown posse promotes sanctuary cities. I agree that employers should have their feet held to the fire. They should have to pay huge fines. Take away the entitlements and take away their ability to work under the table. Stop paying for their anchor babies and they will "self deport". They got here on their own...they can leave on their own once their freebies dry up.

Local cities aren't in the immigration business.

And unless you want to change the constitution, you aren't going to fix "anchor babies".

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