Mexican man charged trying to smuggle $689,506.00 out of US


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Mexican man charged trying to smuggle nearly $700G out of US

A Mexican man was arrested at an international bridge in El Paso, Texas, Sunday night after trying to cross the border with $689,506.

The man was traveling from El Paso to Juarez when Customs and Border Protection agents asked if he had any money, weapons, or ammunition to declare. The 28-year-old said he didn’t and agents decided to give his car an extra inspection. During the inspection, agents found the bundles of money in a speaker box.

“The currency was found in a large speaker that was operable. It’s easy to let it go because we are used to seeing these large speakers. In this case the officer was vigilant, talked to him a little longer, decided it was time to send it into secondary (inspection) and that’s how it was found,” said Ruben Jauregui, Chief Customs and Border Patrol Officer in the El Paso Field Office.

The driver was arrested and handed over to Homeland Security Investigations and faces charges associated with smuggling.

There is no limit to how much money travelers can bring back and forth across the border, but they have to declare amounts larger than $10,000. Travelers from El Paso are not allowed to bring weapons into Mexico.

Jauregui said a lot of the money that people try to smuggle out is the profit from narcotics drug cartels smuggle in. He added, it’s important to make these seizures because it disrupts the cartels ability to do business...

If this guy is a business owner, he needs to be audited. He should not see a dime of that money unless he can verify and document how he earned it legitimately. He should also go to prison for failing to declare the money. He obviously knew what he was doing since he hid the money in speakers.

Seize the money and put it towards the Build the Wall fund. If he's an illegal, deport him after his prison time.
Funny a mexican does this they get arrested, when a corporation does this, the gov't turns a blind eye.
Funny a mexican does this they get arrested, when a corporation does this, the gov't turns a blind eye.

What corporation was caught smuggling money stuffed in car speakers while traveling across an international border?

Good question.

Corporations are business entities and business entities do not drive cars. The people who work for corporations are the ones who drive cars. If these people violate currency laws they will be subjected to the same treatment as the Mexican guy. However, no one could seriously believe that the CEO of a corporation would ask an employee to stuff over half a million bucks in a speaker and try to sneak it across the border. Corporations engage in legitimate business and don't have to “sneak” money across borders. Unlike drug dealers, they keep their money in banks and they transfer funds electronically or by check. It is disingenuous to attempt to compare the lawful activity of corporations to the criminal acts of a Mexican drug dealer.
What corporation was caught smuggling money stuffed in car speakers while traveling across an international border?
Good question.

Corporations are business entities and business entities do not drive cars. The people who work for corporations are the ones who drive cars. If these people violate currency laws they will be subjected to the same treatment as the Mexican guy. However, no one could seriously believe that the CEO of a corporation would ask an employee to stuff over half a million bucks in a speaker and try to sneak it across the border. Corporations engage in legitimate business and don't have to “sneak” money across borders. Unlike drug dealers, they keep their money in banks and they transfer funds electronically or by check. It is disingenuous to attempt to compare the lawful activity of corporations to the criminal acts of a Mexican drug dealer
Oye vay...I don't think the comment was a literal comparison,
but, figuratively speaking... which definitely has merit!
What corporation was caught smuggling money stuffed in car speakers while traveling across an international border?
Good question.

Corporations are business entities and business entities do not drive cars. The people who work for corporations are the ones who drive cars. If these people violate currency laws they will be subjected to the same treatment as the Mexican guy. However, no one could seriously believe that the CEO of a corporation would ask an employee to stuff over half a million bucks in a speaker and try to sneak it across the border. Corporations engage in legitimate business and don't have to “sneak” money across borders. Unlike drug dealers, they keep their money in banks and they transfer funds electronically or by check. It is disingenuous to attempt to compare the lawful activity of corporations to the criminal acts of a Mexican drug dealer
Oye vay...I don't think the comment was a literal comparison,
but, figuratively speaking... which definitely has merit!

Thanks for jumping in. Now, since what AIRPLANEMECHANIC said was meant to be figurative perhaps you can explain what he was really trying to say. What specific laws are corporations breaking and getting away with? Or was his response so figurative it had nothing to do with breaking laws? You say his figurative response has merit. Would you care to offer an explanation with just a wee bit more specificity?

Remember, AIRPLANEMECHANIC was comparing the conduct of a drug dealer to corporations in general. I don't see any similarities but apparently you do so go ahead, enlighten me.

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