Mexican girl roughed up at Trump rally - Almost dies

Trump rallies are getting pretty rough these days, it's a miracle that she survived.

Shes an actress, wow. I'm willing to bet lots of mexican americans attend Trump rallies as well, so race has nothing to do with it.
Thanks JG!
Nice touch. Thanking yourself like that, sock.
Dude, what's your obsession with socks? I'm thinking either you got one pregnant or one called you out during that #metoo drama?
Does that definition come with a picture of Creepy Joe? So you think I'm the same person as JGalt? That's funny. Ignorance & TDS. You could work for CNN
Trumpers hate Mexicans.
If that Karen is Mexican then I'm Rosie O'Donnell
Hate to break it to ya, she is of Mexican/Honduran decent.
Well I'm Welsh and Danish, but I was born in America and so was she.
So she's an American.
Based on your lack of logic every black person who was born here is not black. :ahole-1:
No, dipshit.
Being Mexican is a nationality.
It's not a race.
Being black is an ethnic group.
I bet you think being white doesn't count as an ethnic group.
Only people of color matter.
Trumpers hate Mexicans.
If that Karen is Mexican then I'm Rosie O'Donnell
Hate to break it to ya, she is of Mexican/Honduran decent.
Well I'm Welsh and Danish, but I was born in America and so was she.
So she's an American.
Based on your lack of logic every black person who was born here is not black. :ahole-1:
No, dipshit.
Being Mexican is a nationality.
It's not a race.
Being black is an ethnic group.
I bet you think being white doesn't count as an ethnic group.
Only people of color matter.

In order to SWELL THEIR RANKS-----persons of the negro race in the USA have REDEFINED the usual term for persons of the NEGRO race as
BLACK----and have redefined lots and lots of people as being members of a NEW RACE called PERSONS OF COLOR-----Mexicans are now
Too many uneducated trumpoholic animals are roaming free.

I'd take my chances at a Trump rally over Biden rally's. The ones in Portland were pretty violent as was Seattle and several other cities. The one in Seattle with CHOP, how many died? Three? As long as the Democratic animals roam, death will be near.
Lupe, what in the frijole fuck are you doing on the freeway??? You're supposed to be cleaning the pool house and then picking up Juno's loads in the back yard. I don't pay you $250 a week to whine on El Tick Taco or whatever the fuck you are doing.

Get it together pendejo!!!!!

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