Mexican born women wins seat in Texas.

We care about the white values that made America great

People who are not white but share white values will always be welcome in the repub party
Then why did you put the word 'white' in your claim? Can't it be called 'American' values?
White nationalists aways seem to be republican.
no..actually not at all..the dems created the klan over 100 years ago…richard spensor…voted for xiden…xiden is one, his son, they were mentored by klansmen like Byrd, and segregationist like Eastland

it’s like you live in a cult…ignoring reality
no..actually not at all..the dems created the klan over 100 years ago…richard spensor…voted for xiden…xiden is one, his son, they were mentored by klansmen like Byrd, and segregationist like Eastland

it’s like you live in a cult…ignoring reality
white nationals are republicans. We know the south is like that, who has the south now, republicans. Byrd changed his mind around the 50's like everyone did.

Byrd changed his mind later in life. In some respects, that change seems to have been politically motivated; maybe it was only politics at first.In 1997, he had this advice for up-and-coming politicians: "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena." That sounds like a coldly calculated assessment of political risk. Byrd made no secret of the decision he made to downplay his segregationist views in order to advance in Washington and move toward the mainstream. republicans are in control of it, the south.
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Lol, you were ok when Clinton was cheating with every woman he could do. Remember a man's sex life isn't anyone's business. At least that's what I was told by you loons.

Anyone who will cheat on their spouse will cheat anyone. That's exactly what I said about Clinton.
Read on brother. The republicans ran a Mexican born women. You didn't hear about it?
Progs have demonized White People, particularly males for so long they finally came out several years ago to admit it publicly. There are people of all backgrounds who are prudent in their thinking and use common sense. Many are shamed and embarrassed and even have threats against them to vote Prog by other Progs. Having the road to power, money and good employment greased even if it is not deserved does not bode well for a nation. We achieved a lot in social justice but we never stop to take a rest and let it become foundation. That would mean less power for the Progs though. So they push more and more agendas that are insane. They themselves are insane when they spew all the nice 50 dollar words that when put into practice does not get back what is paid for by others.

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