Message to the little girl worried mommy and daddy will be deported

We're ALL immigrants, (except, perhaps the Native Americans, and they're only a few millennia Native, anyhow!), and to adopt the stance that those less fortunate have no right to the opportunities we all enjoy, is unChristian, at least.

All of my people came here legally via Ellis Island.

My Mom kissed the ground at JFK when her flight landed, even Christ himself would tell you to please go fuck yourself

JFK isn't on Ellis Island, Frank.


Busted what??? My grandparents came in through Ellis Island. My Mom arrived at JFK in the 50's

You're contorting yourself to defend criminals

"Defend crinimals"? :rofl:

What criminals would this be, Frank? Ellis Island? Or JFK airport? Which by the way wasn't JFK in the '50s --- busted again.

"... There's a scout troop short a child,
Kruschev's due at Idlewild..."
It has to be regulated somehow, or the United States would be overflowing with useless people.

I'm not arguing it shouldn't be- I'm just trying to point out that most unauthorized immigrants never had the the choice to come to the U.S. legally.

Personally, I think there are too many as is, just look at all the Democrats living here.

Very funny :p.
Then they don't get to come here at all. If there is no path for entry, they stay home or find somewhere else to go.

Found an article I really think you should read. Here's an excerpt:
We have all heard the phrase that a parent will do anything for their child. However, for some of the 4.1 million Mexican women living undocumented in the United States, this may mean leaving their child behind while they illegally enter the United States to become a domestic worker. This population of women wants so much to provide for their family that they are willing to leave their children in order to improve the circumstances for them. However, no parent should be forced to make this choice.

There is a huge political debate on both sides of the aisle as whether family reunification should be one of the main goals of immigration laws. While both the Democratic andRepublican parties are hesitant to say anything that devalues the importance of family reunification, neither side is willing to make it the forefront of their immigration platform. However, this is a really important issue and should be addressed more seriously by both sides.

Often time these Mexican mothers are forced through tough economic, as well as social and political, issues to make the hard choice to leave their families behind. ‘“I came here because I didn’t have enough to feed my kids. I had nowhere to live because I was making so little money,”’ said Gloria Garcia, a 43 year old Mexican mother who was forced to part with her children.

Read more at: Immigrant mothers making tough choices for their families

It is not our fault or our responsibility that Mexico is a Third World shit hole.

Ah yes, the U.S., just minding its own business, is deluded by immigrants fleeing a system that failed them, that how it goes in your head? The truth has been somewhat different for some time now. For starters, there's Eduardo Galleano's book, written almost half a century ago, but still quite relevant today. Here's an excerpt from's review of the book:
Since its U.S. debut a quarter-century ago, this brilliant text has set a new standard for historical scholarship of Latin America. It is also an outstanding political economy, a social and cultural narrative of the highest quality, and perhaps the finest description of primitive capital accumulation since Marx.

Rather than chronology, geography, or political successions, Eduardo Galeano has organized the various facets of Latin American history according to the patterns of five centuries of exploitation. Thus he is concerned with gold and silver, cacao and cotton, rubber and coffee, fruit, hides and wool, petroleum, iron, nickel, manganese, copper, aluminum ore, nitrates, and tin. These are the veins which he traces through the body of the entire continent, up to the Rio Grande and throughout the Caribbean, and all the way to their open ends where they empty into the coffers of wealth in the United States and Europe.


Then there's NAFTA:
Globalization and NAFTA Caused Migration from Mexico | Political Research Associates

And let's not forget the Drug War:
How the Drug War Drives Child Migrants to the US Border

1. America isn't even 250 years old and you are holding her responsible for crimes going back 5 centuries? LOL!!!

LIke I said, not our fault, not our responsibility.

2. The US is running a 58 billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico. I want the US out of NAFTA for OUR benefit. Like I said, not our fault.

3. Fuck Mexico for failing to prevent the flow of drugs over their border.
Why, afraid it'll become obvious that Jesus would want no part in the anti immigrant furor going around in the U.S.?

Nobody's "anti-immigrant" dipshit. There is a difference between an immigrant and an illegal alien.
Show me in the OP where it says mommy an daddy are illegal aliens, idiot.

It is racist thuggery, and it is a blatant lie to say staying here as an alien is illegal.

And there you have it.. the rally cry of the left-wing dipshit brigade... RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!

Because it is floridly racist. And it is an insane lie to say they are doing anything illegally. You can tell all your racist, fear mongering friends it is illegal. But that is a lie. And you won't bother showing us the law that says otherwise.

Because you are having too much fun mocking people and ginning up irrational fear.

Yup, Trump is a florid racist. Duh!
go tell mommy and daddy it's wrong to break laws, and America is great, because in many places they'd be dead.

What laws did they break, moron?

Don't let it worry you one bit that the real laws of the United States don't make it a crime for a “removable alien to remain in the United States.”

Indeed, that is perfectly legal. But don't tell racist thugs who are voting for Donald Trump. They only care about mob rule.

Try learning the laws before spouting off with racist fear mongering.

Of course you'll SHOW us what the "real" laws are?

Libs just say stuff. They don't mean nuffin by it.
Nobody's "anti-immigrant" dipshit. There is a difference between an immigrant and an illegal alien.
Show me in the OP where it says mommy an daddy are illegal aliens, idiot.

It is racist thuggery, and it is a blatant lie to say staying here as an alien is illegal.

And there you have it.. the rally cry of the left-wing dipshit brigade... RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!

Because it is floridly racist. And it is an insane lie to say they are doing anything illegally. You can tell all your racist, fear mongering friends it is illegal. But that is a lie. And you won't bother showing us the law that says otherwise.

Because you are having too much fun mocking people and ginning up irrational fear.

Yup, Trump is a florid racist. Duh!
Says the control freak
Nobody's "anti-immigrant" dipshit. There is a difference between an immigrant and an illegal alien.
Show me in the OP where it says mommy an daddy are illegal aliens, idiot.

It is racist thuggery, and it is a blatant lie to say staying here as an alien is illegal.

And there you have it.. the rally cry of the left-wing dipshit brigade... RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!

Because it is floridly racist. And it is an insane lie to say they are doing anything illegally. You can tell all your racist, fear mongering friends it is illegal. But that is a lie. And you won't bother showing us the law that says otherwise.

Because you are having too much fun mocking people and ginning up irrational fear.

Yup, Trump is a florid racist. Duh!

Really? How so?
Why, afraid it'll become obvious that Jesus would want no part in the anti immigrant furor going around in the U.S.?

Nobody's "anti-immigrant" dipshit. There is a difference between an immigrant and an illegal alien.
Show me in the OP where it says mommy an daddy are illegal aliens, idiot.

It is racist thuggery, and it is a blatant lie to say staying here as an alien is illegal.

And there you have it.. the rally cry of the left-wing dipshit brigade... RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!

Because it is floridly racist. And it is an insane lie to say they are doing anything illegally. You can tell all your racist, fear mongering friends it is illegal. But that is a lie. And you won't bother showing us the law that says otherwise.

Because you are having too much fun mocking people and ginning up irrational fear.

BTW, you're a moron.
You hate our constitution and our laws, don't you.

You prefer a racist authoritarian and mob rule. That is why you can't show me a law that this little girl's parents broke.
Last edited:
Nobody's "anti-immigrant" dipshit. There is a difference between an immigrant and an illegal alien.
Show me in the OP where it says mommy an daddy are illegal aliens, idiot.

It is racist thuggery, and it is a blatant lie to say staying here as an alien is illegal.

And there you have it.. the rally cry of the left-wing dipshit brigade... RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!

Because it is floridly racist. And it is an insane lie to say they are doing anything illegally. You can tell all your racist, fear mongering friends it is illegal. But that is a lie. And you won't bother showing us the law that says otherwise.

Because you are having too much fun mocking people and ginning up irrational fear.

BTW, you're a moron.
You have our constitution and our laws, don't you.

You prefer a racist authoritarian and mob rule. That is why you can't show me a law that this little girl's parents broke.

(a) Classes of deportable aliensAny alien (including an alien crewman) in and admitted to the United States shall, upon the order of the Attorney General, be removed if the alien is within one or more of the following classes of deportable aliens:

B) Present in violation of law

Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this chapter or any other law of the United States, or whose nonimmigrant visa (or other documentation authorizing admission into the United States as a nonimmigrant) has been revoked under section 1201(i) of this title, is deportable.

8 U.S. Code § 1227 - Deportable aliens

Is that a "real" law?
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What if mommy and daddy respond that it's wronger to engage in broad-brush generalization fallacies?
I'd respond that "Wronger" isn't a word, that it's not a "Broad brush generalization fallacy" to say that illegals broke the law, because they wouldn't be illegals if they didn't, that they should leave the country and come here legally as they were supposed to in the first place, and that ignoring that option should have them deported to the middle of the ocean because it's blatant stupidity, and that if they cared about their child, they wouldn't have put themselves and her in this position in the first place. Stupidity: The 8th Wonder of the world, exhibited constantly by illegals jumping the border instead of coming here legally, and wondering why they are deported.

The way you put it, you make it sound like all immigrants have to do is check the "come legally" box and presto, everything's cool. The truth is another matter entirely:
No “line” is available for the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants.
Immigration to the United States on a temporary or permanent basis is generally limited to three different routes: employment, family reunification, or humanitarian protection. While the U.S. immigration system is generous, each of these possibilities is highly regulated and subject to numerical limitations and eligibility requirements. Most unauthorized immigrants do not have the necessary family or employment relationships and often cannot access humanitarian protection, such as refugee or asylum status...**

Source: Why Don’t They Just Get In Line?

Works for me. Go home and don't come back.

I wonder what you'd think if it was -your- family starving on the other side of a border. There's actually a film that presents this type of argument. Have you seen a film called Elesium? Here's the trailer:

An incredibly stupid film. You do realize why you can't have unlimited immigration to a SPACE STATION?!

Looks like the point I was trying to make completely escaped you -.- We also don't have a giant space station outside the earth where a bunch of rich people are living either. As you know, it's a work of fiction. The point I'm making is how the rich are walling themselves off from the rest of us, and encouraging everyone else to fight amongst themselves. This is the point that I haven't focused too much on yet- in the film, the war is essentially between the rich and the poor. I would argue that the same applies in the real world as well, but instead rich people like Trump encourage working class Americans to scapegoat the even less well off immigrants. I just found an interesting article that speaks a bit about Trump, but it's more about the politics of divide and conquer, and can be applied to many politicians today. Here's an excerpt:

Marginalized people have been fighting for equality for decades. Admittedly, in the quest to fight for the oppressed — people of color, women, religious minorities, the LGBTQ community — we often overlook the fact that classism never completely disappeared. For the white underclass, it’s tempting to feel left out of this fight. But how can people fighting for social equality include poor whites who see them as the enemy?

If poor and working class whites who chant, “Trump, Trump, Trump,” believe they have little in common with these “enemies,” they are mistaken. We are all sides of the same coin, a coin that has been held in the pocket of the elite class since the first settlers arrived in the American colonies.

I’m no one special. I am a poor, uneducated, white woman. I am the white underclass, and I am no one’s enemy. I fight for racial equality because people of color are not my enemy. Gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people are not my enemy. Immigrants and refugees are not my enemy. Muslims are not my enemy. Native Americans are not my enemy. Single mothers and fathers are not my enemy. People on Medicare, disability, food stamps, and unemployment are not my enemy. The homeless are not my enemy. And it turns out that the people of a small Arkansas town in the middle of the Ozarks are not my enemy.

Other poor people are not the enemy, no matter how they look, how they pray, or who they love. They are fighting to be heard. They are people who, like Trump supporters, agree with the statement, “People like me don’t have any say about what the government does.”

Trump supporters believe he’s different. They believe that he cares about us, that he tells it like it is, that he gives us a voice, that he can’t be bought because he’s already rich, that he’s railing against politics as usual.

But does Trump care about the white underclass, or does he still think poor people are “morons”?

Did slave owners care about white indentured servants when they pitted them against African slaves, or did they want to ensure a steady supply of cheap labor? Did Ronald Reagan care about poor white people when he trotted out the fictional welfare queen, or did he need a budget item to cut? Do wealthy elites and politicians care about poor and middle class people when they send them off to war, or are they anticipating massive profits?

Trump is railing against establishment politics not because he cares about the white underclass, but because he needs us — for now. He isn’t reaching out a hand to lift us up. He wants to stand on our shoulders so we can lift him up.

For more than four hundred years, wealthy elites have depended on the white underclass to “help keep America great.” But who are we keeping it great for? When will we realize we have more in common with all poor people than with rich capitalists and corrupt politicians who manipulate the system to increase their own wealth, power, and control? Instead of wondering which billionaire will finally reach out a hand to raise us up, we should stop waiting and start acting.

“The Revolution is coming and it is a very beautiful revolution.”

“There must be better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism.”

One of these quotes is from Martin Luther King Jr. in 1966; the other is from Bernie Sanders in 1969.


Source: I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

Further recommended reading:
O’ Say! Can You See The Oligarchy?
go tell mommy and daddy it's wrong to break laws, and America is great, because in many places they'd be dead.

What laws did they break, moron?

Don't let it worry you one bit that the real laws of the United States don't make it a crime for a “removable alien to remain in the United States.”

Indeed, that is perfectly legal. But don't tell racist thugs who are voting for Donald Trump. They only care about mob rule.

Try learning the laws before spouting off with racist fear mongering.

Of course you'll SHOW us what the "real" laws are?

Libs just say stuff. They don't mean nuffin by it.
This is for all you racist liars, who think scaring little children with lies is okay.

As a general rule, it is not a crime for a removable alien to remain present in the United States.
go tell mommy and daddy it's wrong to break laws, and America is great, because in many places they'd be dead.

What laws did they break, moron?

Don't let it worry you one bit that the real laws of the United States don't make it a crime for a “removable alien to remain in the United States.”

Indeed, that is perfectly legal. But don't tell racist thugs who are voting for Donald Trump. They only care about mob rule.

Try learning the laws before spouting off with racist fear mongering.

Of course you'll SHOW us what the "real" laws are?

Libs just say stuff. They don't mean nuffin by it.
This is for all you racist liars, who think scaring little children with lies is okay.

As a general rule, it is not a crime for a removable alien to remain present in the United States.

(a) Classes of deportable aliensAny alien (including an alien crewman) in and admitted to the United States shall, upon the order of the Attorney General, be removed if the alien is within one or more of the following classes of deportable aliens:

B) Present in violation of law

Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this chapter or any other law of the United States, or whose nonimmigrant visa (or other documentation authorizing admission into the United States as a nonimmigrant) has been revoked under section 1201(i) of this title, is deportable.

8 U.S. Code § 1227 - Deportable aliens

Is that a "real" law?
go tell mommy and daddy it's wrong to break laws, and America is great, because in many places they'd be dead.

What laws did they break, moron?

Don't let it worry you one bit that the real laws of the United States don't make it a crime for a “removable alien to remain in the United States.”

Indeed, that is perfectly legal. But don't tell racist thugs who are voting for Donald Trump. They only care about mob rule.

Try learning the laws before spouting off with racist fear mongering.

Of course you'll SHOW us what the "real" laws are?

Libs just say stuff. They don't mean nuffin by it.
This is for all you racist liars, who think scaring little children with lies is okay.

As a general rule, it is not a crime for a removable alien to remain present in the United States.

Look you white moron... look up "generally".

Fucking racist.
I'm not arguing it shouldn't be- I'm just trying to point out that most unauthorized immigrants never had the the choice to come to the U.S. legally.

Very funny :p.
Then they don't get to come here at all. If there is no path for entry, they stay home or find somewhere else to go.

Found an article I really think you should read. Here's an excerpt:
We have all heard the phrase that a parent will do anything for their child. However, for some of the 4.1 million Mexican women living undocumented in the United States, this may mean leaving their child behind while they illegally enter the United States to become a domestic worker. This population of women wants so much to provide for their family that they are willing to leave their children in order to improve the circumstances for them. However, no parent should be forced to make this choice.

There is a huge political debate on both sides of the aisle as whether family reunification should be one of the main goals of immigration laws. While both the Democratic andRepublican parties are hesitant to say anything that devalues the importance of family reunification, neither side is willing to make it the forefront of their immigration platform. However, this is a really important issue and should be addressed more seriously by both sides.

Often time these Mexican mothers are forced through tough economic, as well as social and political, issues to make the hard choice to leave their families behind. ‘“I came here because I didn’t have enough to feed my kids. I had nowhere to live because I was making so little money,”’ said Gloria Garcia, a 43 year old Mexican mother who was forced to part with her children.

Read more at: Immigrant mothers making tough choices for their families

It is not our fault or our responsibility that Mexico is a Third World shit hole.

Ah yes, the U.S., just minding its own business, is deluded by immigrants fleeing a system that failed them, that how it goes in your head? The truth has been somewhat different for some time now. For starters, there's Eduardo Galleano's book, written almost half a century ago, but still quite relevant today. Here's an excerpt from's review of the book:
Since its U.S. debut a quarter-century ago, this brilliant text has set a new standard for historical scholarship of Latin America. It is also an outstanding political economy, a social and cultural narrative of the highest quality, and perhaps the finest description of primitive capital accumulation since Marx.

Rather than chronology, geography, or political successions, Eduardo Galeano has organized the various facets of Latin American history according to the patterns of five centuries of exploitation. Thus he is concerned with gold and silver, cacao and cotton, rubber and coffee, fruit, hides and wool, petroleum, iron, nickel, manganese, copper, aluminum ore, nitrates, and tin. These are the veins which he traces through the body of the entire continent, up to the Rio Grande and throughout the Caribbean, and all the way to their open ends where they empty into the coffers of wealth in the United States and Europe.


Then there's NAFTA:
Globalization and NAFTA Caused Migration from Mexico | Political Research Associates

And let's not forget the Drug War:
How the Drug War Drives Child Migrants to the US Border

1. America isn't even 250 years old and you are holding her responsible for crimes going back 5 centuries? LOL!!!

Where did I say that?

2. The US is running a 58 billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico. I want the US out of NAFTA for OUR benefit.

It wouldn't just benefit the U.S. working class. If the US got out of NAFTA, all those migrants who left Mexico due to the U.S. dumping cheap corn on the market could also go back to farming in Mexico. This is the type of thing that would benefit all of those on the lower end of the economic scale. It's only the rich that benefit from the current system.

3. Fuck Mexico for failing to prevent the flow of drugs over their border.

There is one thing I definitely believe in- the law of supply and demand. People need money to buy the food they need. Selling drugs provides money. Conversely, Mexico wouldn't be selling drugs to Americans if Americans weren't buying them. The solution, in my view, is to decriminalize more if not all drugs, and regulate them instead, just as alcohol was decriminalized a long time ago. Doing the opposite just gives more power to those who are willing to break the law in order to make money. There's a good book I read on the subject by a self described conservative, no less. Here's a review of the book:
From Library Journal
Eldredge, a former Reagan campaigner and entrepreneur, believes that America's War on Drugs is an utter failure, and he pleads for legalization. Arguing that nothing seems to have been learned from the experiment with Prohibition, he points out the negative impacts of the drug war on crime rates, corruption, prison crowding, public health, civil liberties, and race relations. He proposes that the government sell illicit drugs in a system similar to state liquor stores, with the profits used for treatment and education. He argues that realizing there will always be a market for mind-altering substances will permit us to search for a "good" realistic solution rather than the "perfect" chimera of total interdiction. Eldredge's suggestions are not novel, but his book is a concise review of the case for legalization of drugs.**

go tell mommy and daddy it's wrong to break laws, and America is great, because in many places they'd be dead.

What laws did they break, moron?

Don't let it worry you one bit that the real laws of the United States don't make it a crime for a “removable alien to remain in the United States.”

Indeed, that is perfectly legal. But don't tell racist thugs who are voting for Donald Trump. They only care about mob rule.

Try learning the laws before spouting off with racist fear mongering.

Of course you'll SHOW us what the "real" laws are?

Libs just say stuff. They don't mean nuffin by it.
This is for all you racist liars, who think scaring little children with lies is okay.

As a general rule, it is not a crime for a removable alien to remain present in the United States.

Thanks, I hadn't know that.
Nobody's "anti-immigrant" dipshit. There is a difference between an immigrant and an illegal alien.
Show me in the OP where it says mommy an daddy are illegal aliens, idiot.

It is racist thuggery, and it is a blatant lie to say staying here as an alien is illegal.

And there you have it.. the rally cry of the left-wing dipshit brigade... RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!

Because it is floridly racist. And it is an insane lie to say they are doing anything illegally. You can tell all your racist, fear mongering friends it is illegal. But that is a lie. And you won't bother showing us the law that says otherwise.

Because you are having too much fun mocking people and ginning up irrational fear.

BTW, you're a moron.
You hate our constitution and our laws, don't you.

You prefer a racist authoritarian and mob rule. That is why you can't show me a law that this little girl's parents broke.

If you can't make the case for your position based on it's merits, without calling someone a racist,

then you can't make the case for your position based on it's merits.
Then they don't get to come here at all. If there is no path for entry, they stay home or find somewhere else to go.

Found an article I really think you should read. Here's an excerpt:
We have all heard the phrase that a parent will do anything for their child. However, for some of the 4.1 million Mexican women living undocumented in the United States, this may mean leaving their child behind while they illegally enter the United States to become a domestic worker. This population of women wants so much to provide for their family that they are willing to leave their children in order to improve the circumstances for them. However, no parent should be forced to make this choice.

There is a huge political debate on both sides of the aisle as whether family reunification should be one of the main goals of immigration laws. While both the Democratic andRepublican parties are hesitant to say anything that devalues the importance of family reunification, neither side is willing to make it the forefront of their immigration platform. However, this is a really important issue and should be addressed more seriously by both sides.

Often time these Mexican mothers are forced through tough economic, as well as social and political, issues to make the hard choice to leave their families behind. ‘“I came here because I didn’t have enough to feed my kids. I had nowhere to live because I was making so little money,”’ said Gloria Garcia, a 43 year old Mexican mother who was forced to part with her children.

Read more at: Immigrant mothers making tough choices for their families

It is not our fault or our responsibility that Mexico is a Third World shit hole.

Ah yes, the U.S., just minding its own business, is deluded by immigrants fleeing a system that failed them, that how it goes in your head? The truth has been somewhat different for some time now. For starters, there's Eduardo Galleano's book, written almost half a century ago, but still quite relevant today. Here's an excerpt from's review of the book:
Since its U.S. debut a quarter-century ago, this brilliant text has set a new standard for historical scholarship of Latin America. It is also an outstanding political economy, a social and cultural narrative of the highest quality, and perhaps the finest description of primitive capital accumulation since Marx.

Rather than chronology, geography, or political successions, Eduardo Galeano has organized the various facets of Latin American history according to the patterns of five centuries of exploitation. Thus he is concerned with gold and silver, cacao and cotton, rubber and coffee, fruit, hides and wool, petroleum, iron, nickel, manganese, copper, aluminum ore, nitrates, and tin. These are the veins which he traces through the body of the entire continent, up to the Rio Grande and throughout the Caribbean, and all the way to their open ends where they empty into the coffers of wealth in the United States and Europe.


Then there's NAFTA:
Globalization and NAFTA Caused Migration from Mexico | Political Research Associates

And let's not forget the Drug War:
How the Drug War Drives Child Migrants to the US Border

1. America isn't even 250 years old and you are holding her responsible for crimes going back 5 centuries? LOL!!!

Where did I say that?

When your ridiculed the idea that America was just minding it's own business and supported that position by citing an history of 5 centuries of supposed exploitation.

2. The US is running a 58 billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico. I want the US out of NAFTA for OUR benefit.

It wouldn't just benefit the U.S. working class. If the US got out of NAFTA, all those migrants who left Mexico due to the U.S. dumping cheap corn on the market could also go back to farming in Mexico. This is the type of thing that would benefit all of those on the lower end of the economic scale. It's only the rich that benefit from the current system.[/QUOTE]

Mexico's democratically elected government signed on to NAFTA. They have the surplus in this arrangement. Any downside of the deal to them is on them.

And does not justify illegal aliens entering our nation illegally.

3. Fuck Mexico for failing to prevent the flow of drugs over their border.

There is one thing I definitely believe in- the law of supply and demand. People need money to buy the food they need. Selling drugs provides money. Conversely, Mexico wouldn't be selling drugs to Americans if Americans weren't buying them. The solution, in my view, is to decriminalize more if not all drugs, and regulate them instead, just as alcohol was decriminalized a long time ago. Doing the opposite just gives more power to those who are willing to break the law in order to make money. There's a good book I read on the subject by a self described conservative, no less. Here's a review of the book:

THat's nice.

Regardless, no one is stopping them from sealing the border and control their shit. That's their failing and their responsibility.
Show me in the OP where it says mommy an daddy are illegal aliens, idiot.

It is racist thuggery, and it is a blatant lie to say staying here as an alien is illegal.

And there you have it.. the rally cry of the left-wing dipshit brigade... RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!

Because it is floridly racist. And it is an insane lie to say they are doing anything illegally. You can tell all your racist, fear mongering friends it is illegal. But that is a lie. And you won't bother showing us the law that says otherwise.

Because you are having too much fun mocking people and ginning up irrational fear.

BTW, you're a moron.
You hate our constitution and our laws, don't you.

You prefer a racist authoritarian and mob rule. That is why you can't show me a law that this little girl's parents broke.

If you can't make the case for your position based on it's merits, without calling someone a racist,

then you can't make the case for your position based on it's merits.
You ignored my citation. And you are still rejoicing as people fear monger and scare little girls based on false information.

What do you call that?

After all, you're clearly not talking about Canadian little girls.
What if mommy and daddy respond that it's wronger to engage in broad-brush generalization fallacies?
I'd respond that "Wronger" isn't a word, that it's not a "Broad brush generalization fallacy" to say that illegals broke the law, because they wouldn't be illegals if they didn't, that they should leave the country and come here legally as they were supposed to in the first place, and that ignoring that option should have them deported to the middle of the ocean because it's blatant stupidity, and that if they cared about their child, they wouldn't have put themselves and her in this position in the first place. Stupidity: The 8th Wonder of the world, exhibited constantly by illegals jumping the border instead of coming here legally, and wondering why they are deported.

The way you put it, you make it sound like all immigrants have to do is check the "come legally" box and presto, everything's cool. The truth is another matter entirely:
No “line” is available for the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants.
Immigration to the United States on a temporary or permanent basis is generally limited to three different routes: employment, family reunification, or humanitarian protection. While the U.S. immigration system is generous, each of these possibilities is highly regulated and subject to numerical limitations and eligibility requirements. Most unauthorized immigrants do not have the necessary family or employment relationships and often cannot access humanitarian protection, such as refugee or asylum status...**

Source: Why Don’t They Just Get In Line?
It has to be regulated somehow, or the United States would be overflowing with useless people. Personally, I think there are too many as is, just look at all the Democrats living here.

We're already down to a Duopoly of two interchangeable "parties" ---- you want to do away with the charade and just go with one huh?

Good luck wit dat.

There are actually other parties, the most notable being the Libertarian party (currently worse than Hillary in my view) and the Green party (who I support).
You shouldn't so readily admit you know nothing about the economy or politics in general, if you want people to take you seriously.

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