Merrick's feds show up at school boarding meeting in DHS, unmarked cars, and helicopter.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
And he is claiming under oath he is not trying to intimidate parents.

Stacy Langton


Went to @fcpsnews #schoolboardmeeting last night. Heavy #Fed presence. Unmarked fed vehicles, @DHSgov vehicles, even helicopter circling overhead with spotlight on Moms & Dads. All on the night #DOJ Merrick Garland testifies. A little over the top, no? @SebGorka @AsraNomani


8:43 AM · Oct 22, 2021



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And he is claiming under oath he is not trying to intimidate parents.

Stacy Langton
Went to @fcpsnews #schoolboardmeeting last night. Heavy #Fed presence. Unmarked fed vehicles, @DHSgov vehicles, even helicopter circling overhead with spotlight on Moms & Dads. All on the night #DOJ Merrick Garland testifies. A little over the top, no? @SebGorka @AsraNomani
8:43 AM · Oct 22, 2021

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The British weren't this Nazi-like to the Colonists.

This is why we have a 2nd Amendment.
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And he is claiming under oath he is not trying to intimidate parents.

Stacy Langton
Went to @fcpsnews #schoolboardmeeting last night. Heavy #Fed presence. Unmarked fed vehicles, @DHSgov vehicles, even helicopter circling overhead with spotlight on Moms & Dads. All on the night #DOJ Merrick Garland testifies. A little over the top, no? @SebGorka @AsraNomani
8:43 AM · Oct 22, 2021

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Act like a crazy mob, don't be surprised if the cops show up.
Act like a crazy mob, don't be surprised if the cops show up.
If they ever fight back, guerilla warfare is the best way. They can burn down whole areas including schools. Lots of trained people who have great abilities. No signs of that. I still remember old people being dragged out of cars in the cities over the last several years. Great memories. Kodak moments.
Act like a crazy mob, don't be surprised if the cops show up.
@DHSgov vehicles, even helicopter circling overhead with spotlight on Moms & Dads.

Gee I hope no one gets crazy and shoots the DHS chopper down! We can't afford to replace any more of these after Joe gave 28 billion dollars worth of them away to the Taliban and now wants to spend trillions of borrowed money from the chinese. :smoke:

The FBI needs to take out the "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;" from their oath since they are now the domestic terrorists if they are willing to look the other way after all the BLM and ANTIFA insurrectional rioting last year and go after parents instead.


Act like a crazy mob, don't be surprised if the cops show up.

Ok now show us the proof of this crazy mob.

But I get it. You have no proof, you're just someone that gets off on randomly saying things online just to try and piss people off and be a contrarian.

You're no different than a dog that aimlessly wanders into someone yard, takes a shit, and then just wanders back off again.
Ok now show us the proof of this crazy mob.

But I get it. You have no proof, you're just someone that gets off on randomly saying things online just to try and piss people off and be a contrarian.

You're no different than a dog that aimlessly wanders into someone yard, takes a shit, and then just wanders back off again.
Lol at leftist commie scum that torched cities at will and police were given stand down orders. But parents who show up to protest satanic CRT garbage hey keep an eye on them.

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