merkle now being called traitor


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
and it wasn't long ago people in here swore she was the defacto leader of the entire free world. her stance on immigration was spot on and oh, she dis'd trump. she had it all.

now she has a whole lot more on her plate. she will likely be re-elected but the voice of many tired of being told to stop taking care of yourself and take care of others is getting louder and louder.

ANNABERG-BUCHHOLZ, Germany (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel was greeted with shouts of "traitor" by a rowdy group of right-wing protesters in east Germany on Thursday as she defended her decision to allow hundreds of thousands of refugees into the country.

Roughly five weeks before an election in which she is expected to win a record-tying fourth term, Merkel veered from her stump speech, acknowledging "difficult times" in 2015 when a flood of asylum seekers, many from the Middle East, entered Germany.

It was her first campaign stop in eastern Germany, parts of which have been fertile ground for anti-immigration politics.

Merkel, called 'traitor', defends refugee stance in rowdy east Germany
Let's hope it will hurt her during the elections this fall. Germany needs a lot more honest and independent leader, not a Soros bi*ch.
and it wasn't long ago people in here swore she was the defacto leader of the entire free world. her stance on immigration was spot on and oh, she dis'd trump. she had it all.

now she has a whole lot more on her plate. she will likely be re-elected but the voice of many tired of being told to stop taking care of yourself and take care of others is getting louder and louder.

ANNABERG-BUCHHOLZ, Germany (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel was greeted with shouts of "traitor" by a rowdy group of right-wing protesters in east Germany on Thursday as she defended her decision to allow hundreds of thousands of refugees into the country.

Roughly five weeks before an election in which she is expected to win a record-tying fourth term, Merkel veered from her stump speech, acknowledging "difficult times" in 2015 when a flood of asylum seekers, many from the Middle East, entered Germany.

It was her first campaign stop in eastern Germany, parts of which have been fertile ground for anti-immigration politics.

Merkel, called 'traitor', defends refugee stance in rowdy east Germany

Wait. wut?

They are right winged nationalists?

Is Putin behind this?
and it wasn't long ago people in here swore she was the defacto leader of the entire free world. her stance on immigration was spot on and oh, she dis'd trump. she had it all.

now she has a whole lot more on her plate. she will likely be re-elected but the voice of many tired of being told to stop taking care of yourself and take care of others is getting louder and louder.

ANNABERG-BUCHHOLZ, Germany (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel was greeted with shouts of "traitor" by a rowdy group of right-wing protesters in east Germany on Thursday as she defended her decision to allow hundreds of thousands of refugees into the country.

Roughly five weeks before an election in which she is expected to win a record-tying fourth term, Merkel veered from her stump speech, acknowledging "difficult times" in 2015 when a flood of asylum seekers, many from the Middle East, entered Germany.

It was her first campaign stop in eastern Germany, parts of which have been fertile ground for anti-immigration politics.

Merkel, called 'traitor', defends refugee stance in rowdy east Germany
Don't worry, it only took 8 years before NORMAL, US citizens woke the fuck up, and voted against the treasonous bitch, crooked Hillary. At least we can now stop the insanity of the left and Make America Great Again.
Nah, she's been being called all kinds of things by a certain torch bearing faction of americans for quite some time now. Over refugees that the US has had a major hand in creating with its 7 endless wars of occupation and economic colonialism.
and it wasn't long ago people in here swore she was the defacto leader of the entire free world. her stance on immigration was spot on and oh, she dis'd trump. she had it all.

now she has a whole lot more on her plate. she will likely be re-elected but the voice of many tired of being told to stop taking care of yourself and take care of others is getting louder and louder.

ANNABERG-BUCHHOLZ, Germany (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel was greeted with shouts of "traitor" by a rowdy group of right-wing protesters in east Germany on Thursday as she defended her decision to allow hundreds of thousands of refugees into the country.

Roughly five weeks before an election in which she is expected to win a record-tying fourth term, Merkel veered from her stump speech, acknowledging "difficult times" in 2015 when a flood of asylum seekers, many from the Middle East, entered Germany.

It was her first campaign stop in eastern Germany, parts of which have been fertile ground for anti-immigration politics.

Merkel, called 'traitor', defends refugee stance in rowdy east Germany
Don't worry, it only took 8 years before NORMAL, US citizens woke the fuck up, and voted against the treasonous bitch, crooked Hillary. At least we can now stop the insanity of the left and Make America Great Again.

Thank Jeebus Don has drained the swamp and Goldman Sachs is no longer in the white house.

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Same as it ever was, same as it would have been with her.
Nah, she's been being called all kinds of things by a certain torch bearing faction of americans for quite some time now. Over refugees that the US has had a major hand in creating with its 7 endless wars of occupation and economic colonialism.
kinda sounds like trump but the other side has the torches. if the criticism of her isn't fair why is it for trump other than how you "feelz"?

and yea, how many drones did obama use and how did he help create this global shitstorm of a mess?

oh yea, he was trying to do it "your way" so failures can be forgiven. yet try another way, failures suddenly become demonized.

funny how that works.
Nah, she's been being called all kinds of things by a certain torch bearing faction of americans for quite some time now. Over refugees that the US has had a major hand in creating with its 7 endless wars of occupation and economic colonialism.
kinda sounds like trump but the other side has the torches. if the criticism of her isn't fair why is it for trump other than how you "feelz"?

and yea, how many drones did obama use and how did he help create this global shitstorm of a mess?

oh yea, he was trying to do it "your way" so failures can be forgiven. yet try another way, failures suddenly become demonized.

funny how that works.
That's how you operate yes, endless wars shoog, they span administrations, get it? Yes, Bush and Obama too, that's where all the money goes, that's why you trail the advanced world in social mobility, education, infrastructure and healthcare.

Partisanshitheads always have difficulty with that.
Nah, she's been being called all kinds of things by a certain torch bearing faction of americans for quite some time now. Over refugees that the US has had a major hand in creating with its 7 endless wars of occupation and economic colonialism.
kinda sounds like trump but the other side has the torches. if the criticism of her isn't fair why is it for trump other than how you "feelz"?

and yea, how many drones did obama use and how did he help create this global shitstorm of a mess?

oh yea, he was trying to do it "your way" so failures can be forgiven. yet try another way, failures suddenly become demonized.

funny how that works.
That's how you operate yes, endless wars shoog, they span administrations, get it? Yes, Bush and Obama too, that's where all the money goes, that's why you trail the advanced world in social mobility, education, infrastructure and healthcare.

Partisanshitheads always have difficulty with that.
just what the fuck is social mobility?
Nah, she's been being called all kinds of things by a certain torch bearing faction of americans for quite some time now. Over refugees that the US has had a major hand in creating with its 7 endless wars of occupation and economic colonialism.
kinda sounds like trump but the other side has the torches. if the criticism of her isn't fair why is it for trump other than how you "feelz"?

and yea, how many drones did obama use and how did he help create this global shitstorm of a mess?

oh yea, he was trying to do it "your way" so failures can be forgiven. yet try another way, failures suddenly become demonized.

funny how that works.
That's how you operate yes, endless wars shoog, they span administrations, get it? Yes, Bush and Obama too, that's where all the money goes, that's why you trail the advanced world in social mobility, education, infrastructure and healthcare.

Partisanshitheads always have difficulty with that.
just what the fuck is social mobility?
I don't do remedial tutoring, educate yourself, you have quite a cavernous deficiency in that regard.
Nah, she's been being called all kinds of things by a certain torch bearing faction of americans for quite some time now. Over refugees that the US has had a major hand in creating with its 7 endless wars of occupation and economic colonialism.
kinda sounds like trump but the other side has the torches. if the criticism of her isn't fair why is it for trump other than how you "feelz"?

and yea, how many drones did obama use and how did he help create this global shitstorm of a mess?

oh yea, he was trying to do it "your way" so failures can be forgiven. yet try another way, failures suddenly become demonized.

funny how that works.
That's how you operate yes, endless wars shoog, they span administrations, get it? Yes, Bush and Obama too, that's where all the money goes, that's why you trail the advanced world in social mobility, education, infrastructure and healthcare.

Partisanshitheads always have difficulty with that.
just what the fuck is social mobility?
I don't do remedial tutoring, educate yourself, you have quite a cavernous deficiency in that regard.
ooo - someone got a thesaurus for xmas and has random bets from their friends on how many big words they can get into an insult while coming off as pompous as possible.

you go you. socially mobile and all.
she looks so cute -----like a little tyrolean milkmaid ---- with that blond pixie hair style

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