Meet The Libertarian Presidential Contender Looking To Be The 'Adult In The Room'

I was. Then I found a cheaper place to live, in a state that was affordable. I've since retired and simply couldn't afford to live in Texas. Houses that used to cost only $1000 per month, were now close to $2000.
They were renting slightly renovated tool sheds for $750 per month.
Greg Abbott and his RINO congress, slightly lowered the property tax rate, but doubled or tripled the property values. The whole time he's bragging about cutting the tax rate, he and the state were doubling their tax revenue.
Sounds like you fucked up…
Even atheists are down with natural law, which requires no supreme being for one to have the right to property....Telling that a nihilist who claims to know everything about libertarians doesn't know that.

If you really believe that all your rights come from The State, then you have no rights.....You're a fucking serf, serving at the whims of the latest Burgermeister.
The fantasies of other people don't really pertain to me. I was addressing libertarian irrationality but I'm more than capable of addressing others. You don't seem capable of anything other than name calling.

Natural law is silly. We do come from nature, that still doesn't imbue us with special, mystical rights.
Oh, I think they realize it......There's no illusion....They're going with what they can get, until they can get what they want....But the "what they want" never comes....It's a common affliction with republicants.

I've just about concluded that I'll never get what I want either. A majority of fiscal conservatives in government. Once might think that once we hit $10 trillion in debt, Republicans would be screaming for a government that lived within it's means. I think that's why Trump got elected, because that's exactly what he campaigned on.
Now we're at $34 trillion, and for most voters, it's not even important.
But I think the reason for much of that is because Trump spent so much, that even mentioning over spending is going to trap themselves into that conversation. So they avoid it.
Now it's immigration. As if that was more important than the debt increases.

Holy hell. That's makes perfect sense. Avoid the spending issue and focus squarely on an issue that Trump has a decent record of trying to solve.
This is the same tactic he used in 2016. Avoiding all instances paying off people to keep them silenced during the campaign. (stormy Daniels and others). I'll see if I can find it now. But there was a list of like 8 people that he paid off to keep them quiet. A couple of women and some bad business dealings, where he stiffed some folks. Like he's now doing with Giuliani.
Sounds like you fucked up…

Well, selling my business and my house too soon (before the property values were overinflated) wasn't a fuck up, because I didn't know it was going to happen. Only those in the business knew what was coming. I made decent profit on both. Had I waited 1/2 years, I could've doubled my profits.

Plus, I didn't think a Republican governor and a 75% republican majority would screw over 90% of the entire state, so they could refill their slush funds.
The fantasies of other people don't really pertain to me. I was addressing libertarian irrationality

The only thing irrational about what you said was all the misinformation you added. And the fact that you did it just to argue with people.
The fantasies of other people don't really pertain to me. I was addressing libertarian irrationality but I'm more than capable of addressing others. You don't seem capable of anything other than name calling.

Natural law is silly. We do come from nature, that still doesn't imbue us with special, mystical rights.
IOW, you believe in the law of capricious compulsion, led by whomsoever can seize power...You're a fucking nihilist.

You don't seem capable of anything other than name calling.
Fuck off, "bingo".
The only thing irrational about what you said was all the misinformation you added. And the fact that you did it just to argue with people.
What misinformation?
This is a question only asked by someone who's trying to argue.
This is a debate board. Excuse me if I don't fall all over myself accepting your premise and actually think you should prove it before I agree to it.
IOW, you believe in the law of capricious compulsion, led by whomsoever can seize power...You're a fucking nihilist.

Fuck off, "bingo".

The sheer irony of a poster that has a vocabulary of two words.
Cuck and Bingo.

Slurried Swine has zero self awareness.
IOW, you believe in the law of capricious compulsion, led by whomsoever can seize power...You're a fucking nihilist.

Fuck off, "bingo".
No....I'm a realist. Maybe you don't know what nihilists are? My life is very meaningful to me. Just because you believe life is meanigless without God doesn't make me a nihilist.

What I believe in is science and that teaches us that work, or action, is what causes change. Nature gives you life. If you want a right to life that you have to forge either by cooperation or conquest.
The sheer irony of a poster that has a vocabulary of two words.
Cuck and Bingo.

Slurried Swine has zero self awareness.
I can debate you and make fun of you all while getting high and listening to podcasts. Refuting the inanity found here requires very little of my brain power.
No....I'm a realist. Maybe you don't know what nihilists are? My life is very meaningful to me. Just because you believe life is meanigless without God doesn't make me a nihilist.

What I believe in is science and that teaches us that work, or action, is what causes change. Nature gives you life. If you want a right to life that you have to forge either by cooperation or conquest.
No, you're a nihilist, who believes that his "rights" come from whichever mob can seize the reigns of The State....Therefore, nobody -including you- has any rights.....You only have privileges that can be taken away at any time, by any whim of your betters.

You literally believe in nothing.
No, you're a nihilist, who believes that his "rights" come from whichever mob can seize the reigns of The State....Therefore nobody -including you- has any rights.....You only have privileges that can be taken away at any time, by any whim of your betters.

You literally believe in nothing.
What rights do you have outside of legal rights and where do they come from? Calling names isn't the same as making rational counter points.

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