Media Slipping Off The Cracker, One By One


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
The WaPo's pet "conservative" goes off her medication.

Washington Post neoconservative pundit Jennifer Rubin called for Joe Biden to descend to a new political low in a Thursday tweet, stating that the presumptive Democratic nominee needed to accuse Donald Trump of “willingness to kill people.“

Jennifer Rubin Calls for Biden to Accuse Trump of Willingness to Kill People - Big League Politics
Media "Slipping" Off The Cracker? They slipped COMPLETELY off the cracker the day Donald Trump beat the Hildebeast in November of 2016. And they haven't slithered back on since.
The WaPo's pet "conservative" goes off her medication.

Washington Post neoconservative pundit Jennifer Rubin called for Joe Biden to descend to a new political low in a Thursday tweet, stating that the presumptive Democratic nominee needed to accuse Donald Trump of “willingness to kill people.“

Jennifer Rubin Calls for Biden to Accuse Trump of Willingness to Kill People - Big League Politics

It never fails to amaze me the lengths to which the right wing will go to plumb the depths of the Internet to find the most fringe sites for their hysterical rantings. I tell you what, I'll get outraged by what a Post columnist said just as soon as right wing media stop with their constant borderline slander, libel, reliance on conspiracy theories, and straight up will?..No?. Yeah. About what I thought. No one cares (except maybe Rubin's employer if they think she crossed a line). But a comment on Twitter? After the crap I see Trump and some of the rest of the right wing media pundits throw around on social media? Sorry, this one isn't even moving the needle.
The WaPo's pet "conservative" goes off her medication.

Washington Post neoconservative pundit Jennifer Rubin called for Joe Biden to descend to a new political low in a Thursday tweet, stating that the presumptive Democratic nominee needed to accuse Donald Trump of “willingness to kill people.“

Jennifer Rubin Calls for Biden to Accuse Trump of Willingness to Kill People - Big League Politics

It never fails to amaze me the lengths to which the right wing will go to plumb the depths of the Internet to find the most fringe sites for their hysterical rantings.

You think Rubin is fringe? There may yet be hope for you.

Well, maybe not.

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