Media now loves McCain, but in 2008 he was a racist.

I will never forget in one of the 2008 Obama-McCain debates, McCain pointed to Obama and referred to him as “that guy”. The Media went apeshit and was sure it had racial overtones from McCain.

BULLSHIT. What he said was "that one", which has never had any "racial overtones" so you're Brian WIlliamsing this one too. I remember that specifically because my wife used to call me 'that one'.

Go ahead, check me on that. Look it up all day. I don't take counterfeit news.

Why are y'all obsessed with making shit up?

McCain Calls Obama ‘That One’: Why?

I stated corrected on “that guy” vs “that one”. I stand and maintain that the left side of the media had to even ask the question if it were racist. Pathetic.

Your own link proves you wrong about that too. Dozens of comments quoted, two refer to racism, one from the right (National Review) and the other from the left (Mother Jones), both correctly dismissing the idea as absurd because it's never had such a connotation. The rest of the list of comments from all corners correctly describe it as aloofly dismissive of an inferior such as a child. Nobody claimed it was "racist". Trying to make it up now ten years later is indeed "pathetic".

The question remains on the table --- why are y'all obsessed with making shit up? Don't you get that there are witnesses here who can and will call you on it? Are y'all just not sated unless you're finding ways to divide people, or what the fuck?

McCain’s 'that one' takes off online

Politico sited Liberals who argued the term was in reference to “those people”

Don’t lecture me about trying to divide when the division was always there.
Same with Huffpost

McCain's Racist Surge | HuffPost

This article tells McCain to apologize to Obama for calling him “that one” under the theme that he is racist as well as Palin.
(title) Media now loves McCain, but in 2008 he was a racist.

Really gotta wonder, what kind of hapless loser goes "Hey! John McCain died! Here's my chance to go to a message board and score hack-points by constructing retroactive strawmen and pointing fingers like a retard!!"

What a fucking loser. Let the man rest in peace already.
That are hundreds of articles from 2008 that accuse McCain of being racist.

Liberals are liars.

This is why I haven’t trusted the media since I was old enough to consume media.

The left want to blame Trump.....blame fucking Dan Rather. That POS KNOWINGLY AIRED A FAKE DOCUMENT AS NEWS AND THEN DOUBLED DOWN ON THE STORY...just to try to embarrass Bush.

“Although the document was not authentic, the information in the document was.”

We are supposed to trust that LYING PIECE OF SHIT?

Media now loves McCain, but in 2008 he was a racist.

Funny, when specifically was he no longer a racist?

He was in 2008.

LMGTFY- Media :John McCain is a racist.LMGTFY

Bush, McCain, Romney, Trump....they are all racists according to the left.

The lefts playbook is thin, but often effective . :113:

Never heard of this characterization. And if you took the minute and a half to watch your own video instead of just salivating at a bullshit title --- he's saying the opposite of what you want him to say. So you lied.

Pretty goddam desperate stretch too, jumping on the dead to score message board points before rigor mortis sets in.


So the news anchor in that video is or isnt confirming that news outlets were reporting that McCain was linked to racist groups?

There isn't any "news anchor" commenting in that video. There's a talking head commentator talking about a Guilt by Association fallacy and illustrating why it won't work. That very commentator then dismisses the idea that --- in the example -- he could be associated with racism. Specifically he says "that's not John McCain".

It's simple English.

So was there or wasnt there a story about McCain being tied to racist groups? You said the title of this thread was bullshit. Is it bullshit, or are you the only one full of shit here? My links say youre a fucking retard. :laugh:

McCain Advised Ultra-Right Group Tied to Death Squads | HuffPost

Are you just unable to watch a 93 second video or what? Does it not play in your browser?

Paul Begala --- who is not and never has been a "news anchor" --- is opining that McCain would be unwise to pursue the Guilt by Association trip, presumably referring to Bill Ayers (that part isn't shown).

Still with us or you need a break here? Wanna go take a walk, clear your head? I know it's a lot to digest...

THEN, Begala gives an example of how that ploy could come back to bite him in the ass: he was on the board (one degree of separation) of an organization whose parent organization (two degrees) was described by the ADL (three) as being racist. That is, an example of the same Guilt by Association fallacy argument that could be return-fired to McCain.

Still here? Head spinning yet? This is really really deep stuff man, I know.

THEN with the example finished he looks up and declares "that's not John McCain"---- but this is how it could come back if he goes down this Guilt by Association road.


Hard to believe one has to sit here and place Arthur Murray dance steps to a 90-second video that a child could follow.

How come y'all want to sit here and pretend a video says the opposite of what everybody can clearly see? Are y'all just stupid?

So the media DID in fact accuse McCain of being linked to racist groups, and Paul said it was unfair. That means the OP was right and you were wrong when you said it was "bullshit", Thanks for clearing up that obvious fact for us.

Ready to admit you were wrong now?
Media now loves McCain, but in 2008 he was a racist.

Never heard of this characterization. And if you took the minute and a half to watch your own video instead of just salivating at a bullshit title --- he's saying the opposite of what you want him to say. So you lied.

Pretty goddam desperate stretch too, jumping on the dead to score message board points before rigor mortis sets in.

So the news anchor in that video is or isnt confirming that news outlets were reporting that McCain was linked to racist groups?

There isn't any "news anchor" commenting in that video. There's a talking head commentator talking about a Guilt by Association fallacy and illustrating why it won't work. That very commentator then dismisses the idea that --- in the example -- he could be associated with racism. Specifically he says "that's not John McCain".

It's simple English.
So was there or wasnt there a story about McCain being tied to racist groups? You said the title of this thread was bullshit. Is it bullshit, or are you the only one full of shit here? My links say youre a fucking retard. :laugh:

McCain Advised Ultra-Right Group Tied to Death Squads | HuffPost

Are you just unable to watch a 93 second video or what? Does it not play in your browser?

Paul Begala --- who is not and never has been a "news anchor" --- is opining that McCain would be unwise to pursue the Guilt by Association trip, presumably referring to Bill Ayers (that part isn't shown).

Still with us or you need a break here? Wanna go take a walk, clear your head? I know it's a lot to digest...

THEN, Begala gives an example of how that ploy could come back to bite him in the ass: he was on the board (one degree of separation) of an organization whose parent organization (two degrees) was described by the ADL (three) as being racist. That is, an example of the same Guilt by Association fallacy argument that could be return-fired to McCain.

Still here? Head spinning yet? This is really really deep stuff man, I know.

THEN with the example finished he looks up and declares "that's not John McCain"---- but this is how it could come back if he goes down this Guilt by Association road.


Hard to believe one has to sit here and place Arthur Murray dance steps to a 90-second video that a child could follow.

How come y'all want to sit here and pretend a video says the opposite of what everybody can clearly see? Are y'all just stupid?
So the media DID in fact accuse McCain of being linked to racist groups, and Paul said it was unfair. That means the OP was right and you were wrong when you said it was "bullshit", Thanks for clearing up that obvious fact for us.

Ready to admit you were wrong now?

Hard to believe you're willing to spend your Sunday afternoon playing "I'm a retard" on the internets just to score your meaningless I-have-no-life message board points.

NO, the media did not. Begala presented a hypothetical. If that word's too long it means a "what-if". Ask your second-grade teacher to explain how that works and I don't envy her the task.
So the news anchor in that video is or isnt confirming that news outlets were reporting that McCain was linked to racist groups?

There isn't any "news anchor" commenting in that video. There's a talking head commentator talking about a Guilt by Association fallacy and illustrating why it won't work. That very commentator then dismisses the idea that --- in the example -- he could be associated with racism. Specifically he says "that's not John McCain".

It's simple English.
So was there or wasnt there a story about McCain being tied to racist groups? You said the title of this thread was bullshit. Is it bullshit, or are you the only one full of shit here? My links say youre a fucking retard. :laugh:

McCain Advised Ultra-Right Group Tied to Death Squads | HuffPost

Are you just unable to watch a 93 second video or what? Does it not play in your browser?

Paul Begala --- who is not and never has been a "news anchor" --- is opining that McCain would be unwise to pursue the Guilt by Association trip, presumably referring to Bill Ayers (that part isn't shown).

Still with us or you need a break here? Wanna go take a walk, clear your head? I know it's a lot to digest...

THEN, Begala gives an example of how that ploy could come back to bite him in the ass: he was on the board (one degree of separation) of an organization whose parent organization (two degrees) was described by the ADL (three) as being racist. That is, an example of the same Guilt by Association fallacy argument that could be return-fired to McCain.

Still here? Head spinning yet? This is really really deep stuff man, I know.

THEN with the example finished he looks up and declares "that's not John McCain"---- but this is how it could come back if he goes down this Guilt by Association road.


Hard to believe one has to sit here and place Arthur Murray dance steps to a 90-second video that a child could follow.

How come y'all want to sit here and pretend a video says the opposite of what everybody can clearly see? Are y'all just stupid?
So the media DID in fact accuse McCain of being linked to racist groups, and Paul said it was unfair. That means the OP was right and you were wrong when you said it was "bullshit", Thanks for clearing up that obvious fact for us.

Ready to admit you were wrong now?

Hard to believe you're willing to spend your Sunday afternoon playing "I'm a retard" on the internets just to score your meaningless I-have-no-life message board points.

NO, the media did not. Begala presented a hypothetical. If that word's too long it means a "what-if". Ask your second-grade teacher to explain how that works and I don't envy her the task.
Is this a media source?

McCain will be accused of racism regardless - -

Is this a media source?

The real McCain: Paul Harris uncovers the dark side of John McCain

Is this a media source?

McCain Advised Ultra-Right Group Tied to Death Squads | HuffPost

You were WRONG. Have some integrity for fuck sake and just admit it.
Folks, what we have here is the time tested tactic of saying, “Not everyone did it”
In other words, intelligent analysis, as opposed to hamhanded, overly general fallacies. Yes, fine by me, I will let my comments sit right next to yours all day every day.
Your comments next to his?

It’s like you’re the guy on a moped telling the person in the new corvette next you his car sucks.

The left was calling McCain a racist right up until noon yesterday. Suddenly he’s a lefty hero.

Again --- bullshit revisionist history.
And yes I know that's redundant but it's also exactly what's going on here. "Retroactive strawman".
Revisionist history is pretending you assholes haven’t call every republican running for any office over the last 20 years racist, mysoginists. So kiss my ass with your newly found sense of decency.
Yes, McCain had been a media darling from 2000-2007. But, when he got the GOP nomination in 2008, suddenly he became a Bush clone, a radical, a closet racist, an enemy of the poor, a homophobe, etc., etc.
That are hundreds of articles from 2008 that accuse McCain of being racist.

Liberals are liars.

This is why I haven’t trusted the media since I was old enough to consume media.

The left want to blame Trump.....blame fucking Dan Rather. That POS KNOWINGLY AIRED A FAKE DOCUMENT AS NEWS AND THEN DOUBLED DOWN ON THE STORY...just to try to embarrass Bush.

“Although the document was not authentic, the information in the document was.”

We are supposed to trust that LYING PIECE OF SHIT?


The ultimate fake news was Dan Rather trying to push 1972 Microsoft fonts as authentic. The same rage and vitriol Nixon had for his enemies is the same level of rage and vitriol
Rather had for Bush. In both cases, their logic was blinded by fury and it cost them.
funny i remember the sc thing where the gop called and told people mccain has a black child....never mentioning that child was adopted....this was the gop
Funny, when specifically was he no longer a racist?

He was in 2008.

LMGTFY- Media :John McCain is a racist.LMGTFY

Bush, McCain, Romney, Trump....they are all racists according to the left.

The lefts playbook is thin, but often effective . :113:

Paul Begala is another despicable racist demagogue Democrat.
A Democrat politician's worst nightmare is racial harmony.
Funny, when specifically was he no longer a racist?

He was in 2008.

LMGTFY- Media :John McCain is a racist.LMGTFY

Bush, McCain, Romney, Trump....they are all racists according to the left.

The lefts playbook is thin, but often effective . :113:

Paul Begala is another despicable racist demagogue Democrat.
A Democrat politician's worst nightmare is racial harmony.

Yes, their platform is division. They will never get to their fairy tale endgame because it’s bullshit. They have to divide to survive.

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