Media mistakenly attacks Pete Buttigieg over identity politics


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Pete Buttigieg says Donald Trump's white 'identity politics' contributing to a 'crisis of belonging'

Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg confronted what he called a ā€œcrisis of belongingā€ in the country, criticizing President Donald Trump for using ā€œwhite identity politicsā€ ā€“ but also warning his fellow Democrats against elevating one groupā€™s interests above another's.

As Democrats try to determine who in their large field of candidates could best defeat Trump, they've debated whether the party should try to win back white, working class voters or focus instead on energizing core Democratic constituencies including women and racial minorities.

But Buttigieg, who is openly gay, said there is also some schismatic thinking in the Democratic Party, such as when "we're told we need to choose between supporting an auto worker and supporting a trans women of color, without stopping to think about the fact that sometimes the auto worker is a trans woman of color and she definitely needs all the support that she can get."


Mayor Pete is being criticized by some on the right and some on the left for bringing in identity politics.

I get where heā€™s coming from. He is saying we canā€™t just pick one group of people and help them. That we have to help all of the American middle class and the poor. The rich arenā€™t all that needy.

The message the GOP base gets from their leadership is that itā€™s whites against everybody else. But for the GOP leadership, itā€™s really about the rich against everyone else. The GOP leadership uses the GOPā€™s racist base to keep them believing that itā€™s really about race. But itā€™s not. Itā€™s really about who has money.

So Mira Pete was saying we have to lift everybody. Not just trans women or whatever minority he was suggesting.

So heā€™s right and heā€™s wrong, both. You do have to lift everybody. But sometimes you have to concentrate on minorities who is who have been mistreated and left behind. What makes it difficult is that you donā€™t want to pick one group to help over another group. Republicans will exploit that because itā€™s all about race to the GOP base.
Is this ironic or what? Republicans have been saying for years that everyone should be treated according to "the content of their character" and not because of the color of their skin, or their gender, or their ethnicity or sexual preference. In short, it is called being "color blind."

And Democrats have taken the opposite stance, wanting special treatment for women, name it...BECAUSE of their relative level of "oppression" by white males.

Now we have a Leftist Presidential aspirant saying...exactly what we have been saying all along. To the extent that Government has any say about it, Government should be trying to lift everyone, regardless of what group they identify with.

Ironic, isn't it?
Mistaken????!!!! Pete Buttplug is one of those man-whores who has no accomplishments of his own, so he defines himself as a gay guy obsessed/proud of being able to fuck countless other men. He's like Star Trek's loathsome George Takei, who defines his very existence by his sexual turn-ons. Which I find fucking PATHETIC. Why don't these gay attention whores GROW THE FUCK UP and learn how to act like mature adults? And lose the badgering, yammering public obsession over his own sexuality. I don't give a fuck - pardon the expression.

Speaking of phony, hypocritical gay attention whores, Takei has blasted Trump for his "inappropriate" sexual comments when Takei himself publicly jacked off another guy on (not surprisingly) the Howard Stern show.

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