Media Lake: TrumpUSA Drawn($)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-kingdom parable inspired by Broadcast News.

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Ali was a comic book fan who made doodles of the DC Comics super-villain Riddler (a mad scientist who trapped victims in terrible logic-oriented mind-games) paired with obese renditions of Riddler. Ali's Riddler-and-Fat-Riddler doodles became popular Internet posts, and many people commented on how they represented a pedestrian interest in easy-going social commentaries on comics-related media (now that comics-adapted films were all the rage!). Ali's Riddler-and-Fat-Riddler doodles symbolized an American curiosity about behaviour and customs!


American media-personality and TV-and-movie actress Lori Loughlin saw these doodles and appreciated how they made her feel (generally) about the accessibility of comics-related media. Loughlin was making holiday-movies on the Hallmark Channel, and she wondered how comics-media (which was youth-oriented) could be coordinated with values-oriented programs for youngsters and teens. Ali's doodles were simultaneously accessible and fun, so Loughlin decided to present them to the Hallmark office when a new holiday-movie about orphan kids drawing doodles in a new social hostel during Christmas was being made.


As expected, Hallmark released the film, titled "Christmas Doodles," but it drew the ire of ISIS (the iconic and deadly fundamental Muslim terrorist-group). ISIS believed "Christmas Doodles" and Ali's Riddler-and-Fat-Riddler doodles symbolized a moral apathy towards serious pluralism dialogue. ISIS contended that art could not solve the problem of traffic and immigration related violence, so would Loughlin's work with "Christmas Doodles" now be viewed as somehow...naïve/myopic? It was ironic how the modern age of media was making social criticism so darn public/accessible.


GOD: Will CNN become the new global church?
SATAN: No, I think NASDAQ is the new global church.
GOD: What about demands for real-time news?
SATAN: Interests in real-time stock-trade quotes are greater.
GOD: Really? It seems merchants and brokers are the specialists.
SATAN: No, more and more laymen want access to market trends.
GOD: So economics is now politics?
SATAN: More or less; that's why EWTN and Al Jazeera TV are popular.
GOD: Yes, Catholic-TV and Muslim-TV symbolize trade-negotiation production.
SATAN: Culture-contact is made easier through commerce than through politics.
GOD: Maybe Bill Gates should be President!
SATAN: Does Bill Gates like the Hallmark Channel?
GOD: I'm sure he likes Hallmark greeting-cards.
SATAN: This is the age of MTV, Facebook, and
GOD: Will Americans remember the impact of video-games?
SATAN: I hope politics (TrumpUSA) doesn't become a video-game.



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