Media Flogging Photo of Russian "Massacre" Without a Drop of Blood Anywhere

He "stud" up?

You can see that in a 5 second video? Why do you lie to try and prove a point?

Well, he more like rolled over and kneeled, to be exact, and that's where video stops.

If you can't see well, either see the optometrist, or try another radical idea, play video frame by frame.

Now, since we're on it, I was digging little bit and I discovered few interesting things.

According to news in OP, this alleged massacre happened, or was discovered on Sunday, April 3rd. But according to Ukrainian news Bucha was liberated on March 31. Azov troops entered city on April 2. Why they would wait for full 3 days to publish this? Is it possible that Ukrainians staged it? Is it possible that Ukrainians killed collaborators, like they did in other cities. To me, it looks like staged.
Well, he more like rolled over and kneeled, to be exact, and that's where video stops.

If you can't see well, either see the optometrist, or try another radical idea, play video frame by frame.

Now, since we're on it, I was digging little bit and I discovered few interesting things.

According to news in OP, this alleged massacre happened, or was discovered on Sunday, April 3rd. But according to Ukrainian news Bucha was liberated on March 31. Azov troops entered city on April 2. Why they would wait for full 3 days to publish this? Is it possible that Ukrainians staged it? Is it possible that Ukrainians killed collaborators, like they did in other cities. To me, it looks like staged.
Doesn't help that so much Ukrainian propaganda has been proven false, yet lapped up by the Western press as gospel. Ghost of Kiev, anyone?
Yahoo News/AP

Not saying it didn't happen but that is the dangest massakree I've ever seen. I've seen pictures of My Lai, Chicago Valentines Day gang-land slaughter, I mean blood everywhere, soaking in ground, faces unrecognizable, yikes. So please forgive my skepticism, MSM. The same MSM which also tells me Jeffrey Epstein hung himself from a bunk, and Covid is Spanish Flu.

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Massakree? WTF, over?

Those people are dead. Yu can see here the blood ahs pooled in their portions of their body closest to the ground if you enlarge it. The body with it's head at the bottom of the photo is completely missing the left eye.
Doesn't help that so much Ukrainian propaganda has been proven false, yet lapped up by the Western press as gospel. Ghost of Kiev, anyone?

There is propaganda on all sides. Ukrainians are doing it, Russians as well. I just can't accept that worst possible propaganda is from our own media who are doing everything in their power to shill for Democrats and defend the failure of this administration.
A week and they are still laying there?

Hmmmm the photo still doesn't look right to me too clean looking pile of death no sign of rigor mortis and no clear sign of desiccation either which indicate to me they haven't been dead long.
Some of those pictures are from Mariupol. Who the fuck is gonna go out in that city (where it rains more than just water) to collect dead bodies? It’s been raining BOMBS!

If there are any surviving sanitation crews, I doubt that the past few weeks have caused them to be overwhelmed with shame at their reluctance to go pick up dead bodies from the streets.
In 39 days, this is the first you are hearing about Zelensky mobilizing every male between 18-60? Wow. No point talking to someone who is so uninformed.
In 39 days, this is the first you are hearing about Zelensky mobilizing every male between 18-60? Wow. No point talking to someone who is so uninformed.
Again, does this ring any bells?

yet were supposedly unarmed in enemy occupied territory.
If they were armed they were combatants, if not they were what, collaborators? Not many options.
You have now reduced yourself to babbling incoherently.

None of the draftees were armed or equipped for a fight, once they reported as ordered they got their equipment.

Why is this so difficult to grasp?

Our national and State guardsmen don't get to take their weapons home either, when they are called up, they are issued weapons.
A week and they are still laying there?

Hmmmm the photo still doesn't look right to me too clean looking pile of death no sign of rigor mortis and no clear sign of desiccation either which indicate to me they haven't been dead long.
Just what does rigor mortis look like in a still photo?

How long have each of them been dead?

What stage of rigor should we expect them to be in not knowing when they died?
You have now reduced yourself to babbling incoherently.

None of the draftees were armed or equipped for a fight, once they reported as ordered they got their equipment.

Why is this so difficult to grasp?

Our national and State guardsmen don't get to take their weapons home either, when they are called up, they are issued weapons.
These people were in occupied territory, how do not see the problem?

Are you so dense you can't comprehend how Ukrainians that reoccuppied an area might see a problem with folks who spent over a month living side by side with the people who shelled Kiev every single day? You can't be that stupid.
Just what does rigor mortis look like in a still photo?

How long have each of them been dead?

What stage of rigor should we expect them to be in not knowing when they died?

Already conceded to Backagain city photo you can relax now.
These people were in occupied territory, how do not see the problem?

Are you so dense you can't comprehend how Ukrainians that reoccuppied an area might see a problem with folks who spent over a month living side by side with the people who shelled Kiev every single day? You can't be that stupid.
You continue babbling like a fool here.

A lot of people could not get out and they weren't "living side by side with the people shelling Keiv" nor could you possibly show that to be the case.

The only issue would be if any of these poor bastards could be shown to have been a collaborator with the enemy.

What does any of this have to do with arming conscripts?

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