Media: "Donald Trump is rude, offensive!" Has anyone mentioned that he is also RIGHT?

Meh. We all know he wasn't saying that 100 percent of the criminals flooding our borders are rapists.

Some of them are just whacked out murderers, and human traffickers. Oh wait, I think 100 percent of human traffickers are rapists. Well anyway. Meh. Who gives a shit. Shut the borders down. You may feel different when one of your loved ones is shot, I suppose.

Whatever he intended to say before he caught up with his own mouth so busy frothing it has no time to think, it's what he did say. Freudian slip perhaps. In any case it directly contradicts the title of this thread.

When I think of conservative Christians, I think of Jesus protecting us from those evil Mexicans.

Now that's a Jesus anyone would respect (or had better, anyway!).
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One things for sure and that is that Trump is a long way from the politically correct clowns currently occupying DC.

He could care less if you like what he has to say or you don't. Nothing PC about Donald Trump and that's a good thing.
Where did he call all Mexicans rapists?
"They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists," Trump said during his presidential launch. "And some, I assume, are good people."[/QUOTE]
Oh, I get it.

Where Trump obviously meant "some illegal aliens are rapists", little pogo is trying to fool people into thinking he meant "ALL illegal aliens are rapists".

The poster here was right. Little pogo DOES have to lie.

If he couldn't, he would have nothing to say at all.

Gee, that would be terrible, wouldn't it. :D

Back to the subject:
When will the media notice that maybe the issue he raised, is more important that whether he himself is "nice"?

Have they already forgotten that just a year ago, illegal alien minors were pouring across the border and being placed in detention camps in Texas, New Mexico, California etc.? And that doctors at those facilities were describing outbreaks of everything from measles to scabies to tuberculosis? Diseases which had been well contained in the U.S. until this flood of illegals began?

Why is the media complaining about how rude Trump is, and not complaining about the issue he brought up?
These people dumping on Trump and standing up for the ILLEGAL immigrants has to be getting PAID. Obama called us the people he represents: greedy, bible thumpers clinging to their guns, who is afraid of others not just like them. THAT was from YOUR OWN President about his OWN American citizens. and they didn't bat an eyelash over it.
the sheep in this country would sell us out in a heartbeat if they can use it put us and any Republican down.

When you have a combover con artist TV-thingy whose specialty is spending money he doesn't have, taking companies bankrupt and then suing everything that moves actually getting traction in a poll seriously considering who should run the country, you probably can't top what that says about "sheep".

From the same link above:
"For the people who say I'm doing it for my brand — this isn't good for my brand. I think it's bad for my brand," he said.
"Brand" .... he actually thinks he's selling the Rump Shittle Shuttle to the unwashed. That's all it means to him.

Meh. We all know he wasn't saying that 100 percent of the criminals flooding our borders are rapists.

Some of them are just whacked out murderers, and human traffickers. Oh wait, I think 100 percent of human traffickers are rapists. Well anyway. Meh. Who gives a shit. Shut the borders down. You may feel different when one of your loved ones is shot, I suppose.

Whatever he intended to say before he caught up with his own mouth so busy frothing it has no time to think, it's what he did say. Freudian slip perhaps. In any case it directly contradicts the title of this thread.
Meh. If that's the worst thing he says, he still stands head and shoulders above everybody else.

It won't be the worst. Have faith. :thup:
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Where did he call all Mexicans rapists?
"They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists," Trump said during his presidential launch. "And some, I assume, are good people."
Oh, I get it.

Where Trump obviously meant "some illegal aliens are rapists", little pogo is trying to fool people into thinking he meant "ALL illegal aliens are rapists".

The poster here was right. Little pogo DOES have to lie.

I quoted him verbatim.

Who da liar now beeyatch?
Trump has some relatively valid things to say.

But it would be silly to deny that the way he attempted to communicate those things came out sounding small minded and bigoted.

The propaganda arm of the left wing Democrat Parody (also known as the main stream media) is dutifully distorting the news. Ah. Reporting the news that makes Trump look small minded and they are (of course) completely ignoring those things in which he has spoken accurately. I know I'm shocked.

And the Fakey Smarmy branch of the GOP, with schmucks like Boehner leading the offensive, are also busy attacking conservatives and conservatism with a reckless abandon.

I am curious what chance the political philosophy of the right has when it is under such constant and heavy attack from the left AND from the main stream GOP, itself.

If Boehner, that douche bag, would spend a quarter of the time he spends on seeking petty revenge on the right side of the GOP on, instead, exposing the flaws in the left wing Obumbler agenda, we could have a chance of preserving the Republic.

Frankly, it is way past time to oust Boehner and his filthy ilk.
Where did he call all Mexicans rapists?
"They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists," Trump said during his presidential launch. "And some, I assume, are good people."
Oh, I get it.

Where Trump obviously meant "some illegal aliens are rapists", little pogo is trying to fool people into thinking he meant "ALL illegal aliens are rapists".

The poster here was right. Little pogo DOES have to lie.

I quoted him verbatim.
See? Little pogo IS trying to fool people into thinking Trump meant "all illegal aliens are rapists", when he knows Trump meant nothing of the kind. Lying is all the poor boy can do.

Back to the subject:
When will the media notice that maybe the issue he raised, is more important that whether he himself is "nice"?

Have they already forgotten that just a year ago, illegal alien minors were pouring across the border and being placed in detention camps in Texas, New Mexico, California etc.? And that doctors at those facilities were describing outbreaks of everything from measles to scabies to tuberculosis? Diseases which had been well contained in the U.S. until this flood of illegals began?

Why is the media complaining about how rude Trump is, and not complaining about the issue he brought up?
Meh. We all know he wasn't saying that 100 percent of the criminals flooding our borders are rapists.

Some of them are just whacked out murderers, and human traffickers. Oh wait, I think 100 percent of human traffickers are rapists. Well anyway. Meh. Who gives a shit. Shut the borders down. You may feel different when one of your loved ones is shot, I suppose.

Whatever he intended to say before he caught up with his own mouth so busy frothing it has no time to think, it's what he did say. Freudian slip perhaps. In any case it directly contradicts the title of this thread.

When I think of conservative Christians, I think of Jesus protecting us from those evil Mexicans.

Oh, do pardon our over-the-top concern about all this. We should all just relax since nothing has happened to us personally.

Murderers, Rapists, Kidnappers: Over 36,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants Released In 2013

Nearly 200 murderers, over 400 rapists, and 300 kidnappers in the U.S. illegally were released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement while awaiting deportation proceedings, according to a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies.

A total of 36,007 criminal illegal immigrants that were being processed for deportation were freed in 2013. Together, they committed nearly 88,000 crimes, according to the report, published Monday.

“I was astonished at not only the huge number of convicted criminals who were freed from ICE custody last year – an average of almost 100 a day — but also at the large number of very serious crimes they had committed,” said Jessica Vaughan, the director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, in a statement.

Read more: Over 36 000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants Released In 2013 The Daily Caller
little pogo said:
Where did he call all Mexicans rapists?
"They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists," Trump said during his presidential launch. "And some, I assume, are good people."
Oh, I get it.

Where Trump obviously meant "some illegal aliens are rapists", little pogo is trying to fool people into thinking he meant "ALL illegal aliens are rapists".

The poster here was right. Little pogo DOES have to lie.

If he couldn't, he would have nothing to say at all.

Gee, that would be terrible, wouldn't it. :D

Back to the subject:
When will the media notice that maybe the issue he raised, is more important that whether he himself is "nice"?

Have they already forgotten that just a year ago, illegal alien minors were pouring across the border and being placed in detention camps in Texas, New Mexico, California etc.? And that doctors at those facilities were describing outbreaks of everything from measles to scabies to tuberculosis? Diseases which had been well contained in the U.S. until this flood of illegals began?

Why is the media complaining about how rude Trump is, and not complaining about the issue he brought up?

If they weren't Dishonest and lied to the people this whole country would faint. but they are back to their same old DIRTY politics. they just lost control of Congress because of this same kind of crap. and here they are, AGAIN
I hope the same people who kicked them out congress is still taking note and votes that nasty party filled with liars completely OUR OF LIVES come 2016
Trump has some relatively valid things to say.

But it would be silly to deny that the way he attempted to communicate those things came out sounding small minded and bigoted.
And it would be a good way to avoid discussing the issue... which is exactly why the media (and lying sycophants like little pogo) are trying to talk about that while fleeing from the real issue: That letting in hordes of illegal aliens is vey bad for the country.

Back to the subject:
When will the media notice that maybe the issue he raised, is more important that whether he himself is "nice"?

Have they already forgotten that just a year ago, illegal alien minors were pouring across the border and being placed in detention camps in Texas, New Mexico, California etc.? And that doctors at those facilities were describing outbreaks of everything from measles to scabies to tuberculosis? Diseases which had been well contained in the U.S. until this flood of illegals began?

Why is the media complaining about how rude Trump is, and not complaining about the issue he brought up?
Where did he call all Mexicans rapists?
"They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists," Trump said during his presidential launch. "And some, I assume, are good people."
Oh, I get it.

Where Trump obviously meant "some illegal aliens are rapists", little pogo is trying to fool people into thinking he meant "ALL illegal aliens are rapists".

The poster here was right. Little pogo DOES have to lie.

I quoted him verbatim.
See? Little pogo IS trying to fool people into thinking Trump meant "all illegal aliens are rapists", when he knows Trump meant nothing of the kind. Lying is all the poor boy can do.

Back to the subject:
When will the media notice that maybe the issue he raised, is more important that whether he himself is "nice"?

Have they already forgotten that just a year ago, illegal alien minors were pouring across the border and being placed in detention camps in Texas, New Mexico, California etc.? And that doctors at those facilities were describing outbreaks of everything from measles to scabies to tuberculosis? Diseases which had been well contained in the U.S. until this flood of illegals began?

Why is the media complaining about how rude Trump is, and not complaining about the issue he brought up?

Probably because his delivery demonstrates that he doesn't know shit from shinola about the issue and is just mouthing what will sell his "brand" to the poor unwashed proletariat peons who don't have the mad money to sue a Florida county three times because we don't like planes flying over our estate. :gay:
Probably because his delivery demonstrates that he doesn't know shit from shinola about the issue and is just mouthing what will sell his "brand" to the poor unwashed proletariat peons who don't have the mad money to sue a Florida county three times because we don't like planes flying over our estate.
Poor little pogo is proving my point well: That the leftist fanatics are desperate to divert the subject to ANYTHING except the important issues.

Back to the subject:
When will the media notice that maybe the issue he raised, is more important that whether he himself is "nice"?

Have they already forgotten that just a year ago, illegal alien minors were pouring across the border and being placed in detention camps in Texas, New Mexico, California etc.? And that doctors at those facilities were describing outbreaks of everything from measles to scabies to tuberculosis? Diseases which had been well contained in the U.S. until this flood of illegals began?

Why are the media (and lying sycophants like little pogo) complaining about how rude Trump is, and not complaining about the issue he brought up?
Probably because his delivery demonstrates that he doesn't know shit from shinola about the issue and is just mouthing what will sell his "brand" to the poor unwashed proletariat peons who don't have the mad money to sue a Florida county three times because we don't like planes flying over our estate.
Poor little pogo is proving my point well: That the leftist fanatics are desperate to divert the subject to ANYTHING except the important issues.

Is the topic somehow NOT Donald T. Rump?

Has Donald Tramp NOT indicated an intention to run for President? Is that not an "important issue"?

Who da deflector now, beeyatch?
Reagan was an actor. Trump is a pitchman.
Is the topic somehow NOT Donald T. Rump?
See? "Let's talk about Trump, not about what he said! Please!!!"

Back to the subject:
When will the media notice that maybe the issue he raised, is more important that whether he himself is "nice"?

Have they already forgotten that just a year ago, illegal alien minors were pouring across the border and being placed in detention camps in Texas, New Mexico, California etc.? And that doctors at those facilities were describing outbreaks of everything from measles to scabies to tuberculosis? Diseases which had been well contained in the U.S. until this flood of illegals began?

Why are the media (and lying sycophants like little pogo) complaining about how rude Trump is, and not complaining about the issue he brought up?
Meh. We all know he wasn't saying that 100 percent of the criminals flooding our borders are rapists.

Some of them are just whacked out murderers, and human traffickers. Oh wait, I think 100 percent of human traffickers are rapists. Well anyway. Meh. Who gives a shit. Shut the borders down. You may feel different when one of your loved ones is shot, I suppose.

Whatever he intended to say before he caught up with his own mouth so busy frothing it has no time to think, it's what he did say. Freudian slip perhaps. In any case it directly contradicts the title of this thread.
Meh. If that's the worst thing he says, he still stands head and shoulders above everybody else.

These people dumping on Trump and standing up for the ILLEGAL immigrants has to be getting PAID. Obama called us the people he represents: greedy, bible thumpers clinging to their guns, who is afraid of others not just like them. THAT was from YOUR OWN President about his OWN American citizens. and they didn't bat an eyelash over it.
the sheep in this country would sell us out in a heartbeat if they can use it put us and any Republican down.
The bottom line is this....progressives want criminals to kill us.
Mr. Trump has clearly been paying attention to the tactics of UKIP's Nigel Farage, and the dividends they pay.

Never apologise. Never back down.
Meh. We all know he wasn't saying that 100 percent of the criminals flooding our borders are rapists.

Some of them are just whacked out murderers, and human traffickers. Oh wait, I think 100 percent of human traffickers are rapists. Well anyway. Meh. Who gives a shit. Shut the borders down. You may feel different when one of your loved ones is shot, I suppose.

Whatever he intended to say before he caught up with his own mouth so busy frothing it has no time to think, it's what he did say. Freudian slip perhaps. In any case it directly contradicts the title of this thread.
Meh. If that's the worst thing he says, he still stands head and shoulders above everybody else.

These people dumping on Trump and standing up for the ILLEGAL immigrants has to be getting PAID. Obama called us the people he represents: greedy, bible thumpers clinging to their guns, who is afraid of others not just like them. THAT was from YOUR OWN President about his OWN American citizens. and they didn't bat an eyelash over it.
the sheep in this country would sell us out in a heartbeat if they can use it put us and any Republican down.
The bottom line is this....progressives want criminals to kill us.
And since Trump speaks the truth the progressives want to kill the messenger. As per usual.
Meh. We all know he wasn't saying that 100 percent of the criminals flooding our borders are rapists.

Some of them are just whacked out murderers, and human traffickers. Oh wait, I think 100 percent of human traffickers are rapists. Well anyway. Meh. Who gives a shit. Shut the borders down. You may feel different when one of your loved ones is shot, I suppose.

Whatever he intended to say before he caught up with his own mouth so busy frothing it has no time to think, it's what he did say. Freudian slip perhaps. In any case it directly contradicts the title of this thread.
Meh. If that's the worst thing he says, he still stands head and shoulders above everybody else.

These people dumping on Trump and standing up for the ILLEGAL immigrants has to be getting PAID. Obama called us the people he represents: greedy, bible thumpers clinging to their guns, who is afraid of others not just like them. THAT was from YOUR OWN President about his OWN American citizens. and they didn't bat an eyelash over it.
the sheep in this country would sell us out in a heartbeat if they can use it put us and any Republican down.
The bottom line is this....progressives want criminals to kill us.
And since Trump speaks the truth the progressives want to kill the messenger. As per usual.

Don't know about "Progressives" -- they gotta be like 140 years old by now --- but Rump is actually SELLING the messenger. That's why it's the topic.

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