Media Bias

....nothing about blacks murdering whites/etc
..or blacks murdering blacks
.....a lot of people don't do basic research on the issues
...obviously the blacks think with emotion and not with their brains
Must be a pretty good, and accurate, article based on the responses I'm seeing here.

Good stuff OP!
Must be a pretty good, and accurate, article based on the responses I'm seeing here.

Good stuff OP!

You just confirmed how Leftist biased it is as you are the poster boy for Leftism and the Weak Minded. Thanks! Don't let anyone tell you your not useful!
Yet it again proves just how right-wing some posters on this board are. CNN actually skews left on the chart, which is correct. Yep, NY Times and Wash Post are pretty middle of the road. Only in right-wing neocon la-la land are they not. And guess what? You guys don't get to say something is so just because you 'think' it is.

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