Maybe the fake polls are part of the plan.

Diver Diva

Platinum Member
Jun 2, 2019
The Dems know Trump is going to win in a landslide, in fact they even said as much when they warned their minions that election night will probably be a Trump victory. Plus you have Hillary telling Biden not to concede under any circumstances.

Maybe they are going to use the fake pre-election polls showing Biden with a huge lead to claim Trump stole the election, and unleash a wave of social unrest.
The Dems know Trump is going to win in a landslide, in fact they even said as much when they warned their minions that election night will probably be a Trump victory. Plus you have Hillary telling Biden not to concede under any circumstances.

Maybe they are going to use the fake pre-election polls showing Biden with a huge lead to claim Trump stole the election, and unleash a wave of social unrest.
Social unrest? No way, full blown Rioting, Burning, Looting and Murder....
That's always been the plan.... the fake news trying to do their part to discourage Trump supporters from voting.

It didn't work in 2016. And it won't work to get this stuttering fuck elected either. Trump will take 38 states. Bank it.
Trump cultists, why fight it? You were happier being losers. You'll be happy again being losers. Loserdom is your natural state. When you have to govern, the whole planet plainly sees what fascist fuckups you are, and that makes you cry. When you're losers, you just have to whine a lot, and that makes you happy.
So...just to make sure we have it straight...all these polls are fake...are they controlled by that the theory?
Those polls are what I call pressure polls, designed to discourage voters on one side and encourage voters on the other.

The only poll that counts is the election itself. The questions asked are not open to being manipulated with biased wording such as "Do you favor the policy being promoted by the Republican Party to destroy the environment?"

The questions are simply choices between candidates for each race listed on the ballot and each proposal listed on the ballot, the ballot being specific to the precinct in which the voter participates.

The polling is not restricted to a selected group of respondents such as 53% Democrats, 10% Independents and 34% Republicans. The polling is not restricted to telephone callers. The polling is not restricted to political districts within in one state.

The election is a polling supposedly of all active registered voters eligible to vote in US federal elections.

The votes submitted will include those of all of the above active registered eligible voters mentioned above PLUS fraudulent votes submitted by unregistered voters, multiple votes by registered voters, votes by deceased formerly registered voters, and fraudulent votes submitted by proxy for non-existent people.

The votes counted will not include those that are inadvertently misplaced, those that are deliberately misplaced or trashed and those that are destroyed.

Election fraud is expected as it has occurred in previous elections and will be exacerbated by the implementation of mass unsolicited mailed ballots being received without postmarks days after the polls are closed on the evening of November 3rd.

I predict that despite the election fraud that will occur, President Trump will win the election and that the liberal/Marxist/communist/Islamist/Antifa/BLM will have a collective meltdown that will make 2016 look like a peaceful protest.

The bottom line is:

That's always been the plan.... the fake news trying to do their part to discourage Trump supporters from voting.

It didn't work in 2016. And it won't work to get this stuttering fuck elected either. Trump will take 38 states. Bank it.
Th-th-th-that's easy for you to say.

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