Maxine Waters: 'The Tea Party Can Go Straight To Hell'


is wrong.

It targets an individual.
Christ, you truly are an idiot.

Targeting a state......Good!

Targeting a district......Bad!

Seriously, do you not understand just how ridiculous you look, son?

Face it, Palin's map had absolutely nothing to do with the hole in Giffords head. No matter how hard you click your heels and wish it true.

Fuckin' liberals.......They are the epoitomy of stupid and ignorant.:cuckoo:

is wrong.

It targets an individual.
Christ, you truly are an idiot.

Targeting a state......Good!

I've not said it's good...I've said it's NOT THE SAME as targetting an individual.

Targeting a district......Bad!

Targetting a district is the same as targeting a state...not good/not bad, but CERTAINLY NOT THE SAME as targetting an individual.

Would you like me to go back and point out the posts where I've already said that?

Seriously, do you not understand just how ridiculous you look, son?

Self identifying yourself again? Not really necessary, you know.

Face it, Palin's map had absolutely nothing to do with the hole in Giffords head. No matter how hard you click your heels and wish it true.

Fuckin' liberals.......They are the epoitomy of stupid and ignorant.:cuckoo:

Palin's map targetting INDIVIDUALS...including Gifford. Not appropriate. VERY MUCH not appropriate.

Now...let me know when you grow up enough to be able to tell the difference between targetting states or districts.....and individuals. I'm not holding my breath tho.

is wrong.

It targets an individual.
Christ, you truly are an idiot.

Targeting a state......Good!

I've not said it's good...I've said it's NOT THE SAME as targetting an individual.

Targetting a district is the same as targeting a state...not good/not bad, but CERTAINLY NOT THE SAME as targetting an individual.

Would you like me to go back and point out the posts where I've already said that?

Seriously, do you not understand just how ridiculous you look, son?

Self identifying yourself again? Not really necessary, you know.

Face it, Palin's map had absolutely nothing to do with the hole in Giffords head. No matter how hard you click your heels and wish it true.

Fuckin' liberals.......They are the epoitomy of stupid and ignorant.:cuckoo:

Palin's map targetting INDIVIDUALS...including Gifford. Not appropriate. VERY MUCH not appropriate.

Now...let me know when you grow up enough to be able to tell the difference between targetting states or districts.....and individuals. I'm not holding my breath tho.

You've been pawned, yet again, Bodey.

Christ, your hypocrisy is downright funny.

Targeting a district.......Not approriate.

Targeting a state of many districts and people......Somehow different.

You're a friggin' loon.:cuckoo:
Larry Elder is a sell out with a personal agenda against Maxine Waters because he requested that she debate him and she blew him off so just because he calls he racist doesn't make her a racist, its rather him that hates her guts.
He's a sellout because he doesn't blindly parrot the "blame whitey" mantra?

Have you ever even tried thinking for yourself?

No he's a sellout for race hustling for white rightwingers, why else would he write a book called 'Stupid Black Men" parroting the same shat the white rightwingers say about Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? When they write facked up books like that the audience they're pandering to is dipshats like you and WankerJester.

So he should only be race hustling for weak-minded fools like you instead?
So any black rightwinger who attacks a black liberal is truthful and honest and all black liberals are dirty and dishonest? Jester shut the fack up you partisan dipshat.
Waters is certainly dirty and dishonest. Or do you think it was just coincidence that a bank her husband owns stock in received bailout money?

Waters Helped Bank Whose Stock She Once Owned -

It's not racism to point out a minority's ethical lapses.

What the fact was ethically wrong with what she did you facking moron? What was dirty and dishonest about what she did since you own link said she made everything public that she's done with that bank? You're just another facked up in the brain rightwinger trying to stir up the shat pot with lies, unless she's convicted in a court of laws or found guilty of ethic violations you have no reason to call her dirty and dishonest you little lying piece of shat.

You sure are a fragile little thing, aren't you?

You don't see that what she did was unethical because you don't want to see it.
No, not at all. I don't discriminate on people based on what they do with consenting adults.

Now why would you say that? (Since I'm half Southerner myself and spent a great deal of my adult life in the South and currently live just as South if not more South than most self-declared Southerners)
Because you have a tendency to look down upon those with whom you disagree.

Or are you going to deny that, too?

Isn't that what you do to liberals? Facking hypocritical piece of right wingnut trash.
I don't look down on liberals. I laugh at you, mostly. :lol:

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