
Platinum Member
Jun 19, 2009
The following is taken from a poor man's bad customer service ordeal, used to make a point.
So you place an online order in the evening of May 7. Receive an email that it was ready for pickup May 9th.
Bewildered as to why and disappointing as their website indicates a typical 1 hr window for readiness. The item is small and in stock - door lock hardware, not large lumber, etc., where they ask for 24 hr timeframe. Oh well, you get over it, and think nothing of it.

So you arrive at the store for pickup May 11 and they have a look at
your personal info & online receipt. They then proceed place a storewide announcement for "customer pickup". 15 minutes pass ... nothing. You ask the customer service rep again what's going on. They say that the 'guy' is not available. Then they make another "customer pickup at the front" announcement. Another 10 minutes pass ... nothing ... still waiting. At that point, you give up.
You have to be somewhere else in 30 minutes. So you come back the next day when the 'guy' is available.
As you leave, you ask if they can just hold your order at the front customer service desk for tomorrow. The rep then says to 'call ahead' and they can have it ready. What the heck, you just asked now to hold it upfront for you for tomorrow. Oh well, you had to run
And didn't think much about it.
The next day you arrive and the store is not as busy as the orior day ... great. Same routine, "customer pickup at the front" and wait for 5 minutes. This time an asst. manager is right there. She says the usual 'guy' is busy and to find someone else to help the customer. Hold up ... You ask the asst. manager, "I received an email indicating that the order is ready for pickup is it not? Why don't you have it up front for pickup?" She says "we do, 'll go check". Then she proceeds to open a locker and looks for two minutes and asks my name again and says it's not there. The asst. manager proceeds to walk away without resolving the issue of my missing order. The customer service rep says again just to wait for the guy and he will bring the order from the back. WTH?

At this point, you get fed up & just go to the shelf and take the item back to the counter. The 'guy' still hasn't arrived yet. You lay down the item, "This is my order. Can I take it?" The customer service rep says no, I refuse to serve someone with a make America Great Again hat on.

Now imagine the outrage if it was because of your color, or because you wore a cross, or a Star of David, or your online payment had an Arabic name on the card payment, or because you were LGBT, or because you went to a rival school or live in a rival town or wore a rival company shirt logo, or wore a sports Jersey with a hated rival stars name?
How far do you want to go with discrimination? Can it get any further then being refused food and water?
Will we have our utilities messed with too? The I.R.S. scandal shows that these things are posible, in just how deep prejudices can really go.
When we get to this point where our political system has these prejudices and it infiltrates our agencies and Justice dept, and has politicians calling for discrimination over politics, then the system is severely broken. We Have to "RESTORE" the system before it gets way out of hand, or is it to late?

Call your state reps, organize on meetup, hit social media with this cry out, and have them vote Maxine Waters out of office (impeach)
The hate, rid the violence and
division and be intolerant no more.
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"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

Let her be.
Second law of politics: Never stand between your opponent and that cliff he's trying to run over.
We should take a page from Alinsky, stop showering, wear dirty clothes and show up at democrat Party rallies demanding Maxine be made minority leader since she represents "our values" and is a genuine minority to boot
Chuckle.... Let me get this straight..... Are all of you saying we should “Walk on Waters” and disperse her....lol.... Or do as little children do and jump up and down on any puddle of Waters they find till that Water is sent in all directions to never bother us again.....

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