Matt Gaetz Under Federal Investigation Over Possible Sexual Relationship With A Teenage Girl

Gaetz says it’s extortion and the FBI hasn’t provided details of the investigation yet. That’s it. That’s where we are at. Neither side should pretend that they know something they don’t know. Gaetz is a prick though, we can all confidently say that.

Actually, Gaetz is innocent until proven guilty. So, Gaetz and supporters are right to defend his innocence until proven guilty. The New York Times and other detractors are simply slandering Gaetz's name at this point.

Not to mention, the FBI lost any remaining credibility through the Russia Collusion/Mueller investigation corruption. We'll never forget.
So much for the party of law and order. You're now the blind defenders. If Gaetz is guilty how you gonna feel for blindly defending him?

So, the party of law and order is supposed to support blatant corruption? Maybe that's enough for Democrats, but for the rest of us it's well past time to abolish the corrupt FBI. There are other federal law enforcement agencies that can do the job they're supposed to be doing.

You only think the FBI is corrupt when they come down hard on someone from your team.
That's it - You want a political FBI under Republican presidents who investigate stupid stuff like Hunter Biden and the Clintons ...
But abolish them and call them corrupt, deep state actors when they get to close to criminal idiots like Roger Stone.
Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity? Meh

I think the FBI is corrupt when they are corrupt. And, what they excuse as "isolated mistakes" are part of a pattern of blatant corruption that always just happens to go against Trump and allies.

Abolishing the FBI would be a good start. We need to start sending a message to these traitors.

FACTS bumfuzzle u? Got it! :rolleyes-41:

How about these for starters?

Former FBI lawyer pleads guilty in first criminal charge from Durham probe

DOJ watchdog tells Senate he has deep concerns about FBI errors in Russia probe

A lone underling at the FBI done something wrong? Oh the humanity!
Hey, wasn’t Durham supposed to find something more damning than this? :lol:
I think we are still supposed to wait and see... if not then I believe Durham would now be considered a deep stater out to destroy America
The libs went nuts like this when Trump made his "grab them by the...." remark.
This is another nothing burger.
Gaetz says it’s extortion and the FBI hasn’t provided details of the investigation yet. That’s it. That’s where we are at. Neither side should pretend that they know something they don’t know. Gaetz is a prick though, we can all confidently say that.

Actually, Gaetz is innocent until proven guilty. So, Gaetz and supporters are right to defend his innocence until proven guilty. The New York Times and other detractors are simply slandering Gaetz's name at this point.

Not to mention, the FBI lost any remaining credibility through the Russia Collusion/Mueller investigation corruption. We'll never forget.
So much for the party of law and order. You're now the blind defenders. If Gaetz is guilty how you gonna feel for blindly defending him?

So, the party of law and order is supposed to support blatant corruption? Maybe that's enough for Democrats, but for the rest of us it's well past time to abolish the corrupt FBI. There are other federal law enforcement agencies that can do the job they're supposed to be doing.

You only think the FBI is corrupt when they come down hard on someone from your team.
That's it - You want a political FBI under Republican presidents who investigate stupid stuff like Hunter Biden and the Clintons ...
But abolish them and call them corrupt, deep state actors when they get to close to criminal idiots like Roger Stone.
Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity? Meh

I think the FBI is corrupt when they are corrupt. And, what they excuse as "isolated mistakes" are part of a pattern of blatant corruption that always just happens to go against Trump and allies.

Abolishing the FBI would be a good start. We need to start sending a message to these traitors.

FACTS bumfuzzle u? Got it! :rolleyes-41:

How about these for starters?

Former FBI lawyer pleads guilty in first criminal charge from Durham probe

DOJ watchdog tells Senate he has deep concerns about FBI errors in Russia probe

A lone underling at the FBI done something wrong? Oh the humanity!
Hey, wasn’t Durham supposed to find something more damning than this? :lol:

If you can't recognize such obvious corruption, there's no sense discussing any further with you.

The Horowitz report is damning (17 "errors" in the FISA applications for example) and Durham is still investigating. Clinesmith was his first scalp, also very damning.

Try not to forget, Coronavirus has conveniently delayed the Durham investigation. Not that anyone's counting on him much at this point.
Gaetz says it’s extortion and the FBI hasn’t provided details of the investigation yet. That’s it. That’s where we are at. Neither side should pretend that they know something they don’t know. Gaetz is a prick though, we can all confidently say that.

Actually, Gaetz is innocent until proven guilty. So, Gaetz and supporters are right to defend his innocence until proven guilty. The New York Times and other detractors are simply slandering Gaetz's name at this point.

Not to mention, the FBI lost any remaining credibility through the Russia Collusion/Mueller investigation corruption. We'll never forget.
So much for the party of law and order. You're now the blind defenders. If Gaetz is guilty how you gonna feel for blindly defending him?

So, the party of law and order is supposed to support blatant corruption? Maybe that's enough for Democrats, but for the rest of us it's well past time to abolish the corrupt FBI. There are other federal law enforcement agencies that can do the job they're supposed to be doing.
I didn’t say a thing about supporting corruption. What exactly did I say to make you think that was my message?

I didn't say you said anything about supporting corruption, I did. Try to follow along.

In review, to support the FBI is to support a corrupt government agency, period. Therefore, those who support law and order can no longer support the FBI.

The FBI is like Fredo now -- dead to me.

I didn't hear that Junior died! :)


No, but the FBI did.

Yo newbie, yer gettin ya ass kicked. Fall back & try again later eh? ;)

You wish. Not gonna happen.
Gaetz says it’s extortion and the FBI hasn’t provided details of the investigation yet. That’s it. That’s where we are at. Neither side should pretend that they know something they don’t know. Gaetz is a prick though, we can all confidently say that.

Actually, Gaetz is innocent until proven guilty. So, Gaetz and supporters are right to defend his innocence until proven guilty. The New York Times and other detractors are simply slandering Gaetz's name at this point.

Not to mention, the FBI lost any remaining credibility through the Russia Collusion/Mueller investigation corruption. We'll never forget.
So much for the party of law and order. You're now the blind defenders. If Gaetz is guilty how you gonna feel for blindly defending him?

So, the party of law and order is supposed to support blatant corruption? Maybe that's enough for Democrats, but for the rest of us it's well past time to abolish the corrupt FBI. There are other federal law enforcement agencies that can do the job they're supposed to be doing.

You only think the FBI is corrupt when they come down hard on someone from your team.
That's it - You want a political FBI under Republican presidents who investigate stupid stuff like Hunter Biden and the Clintons ...
But abolish them and call them corrupt, deep state actors when they get to close to criminal idiots like Roger Stone.
Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity? Meh

I think the FBI is corrupt when they are corrupt. And, what they excuse as "isolated mistakes" are part of a pattern of blatant corruption that always just happens to go against Trump and allies.

Abolishing the FBI would be a good start. We need to start sending a message to these traitors.

FACTS bumfuzzle u? Got it! :rolleyes-41:

How about these for starters?

Former FBI lawyer pleads guilty in first criminal charge from Durham probe

DOJ watchdog tells Senate he has deep concerns about FBI errors in Russia probe

A lone underling at the FBI done something wrong? Oh the humanity!
Hey, wasn’t Durham supposed to find something more damning than this? :lol:

If you can't recognize such obvious corruption, there's no sense discussing any further with you.

The Horowitz report is damning (17 "errors" in the FISA applications for example) and Durham is still investigating. Clinesmith was his first scalp, also very damning.

Try not to forget, Coronavirus has conveniently delayed the Durham investigation. Not that anyone's counting on him much at this point.
Damning in what way?! That cops cut corners during an investigation? Yes that is bad. Yes it should be investigated. Yes those who cut corners should be punished. But the level y’all are trying to take this narrative to paint the entire FBI as corrupt deep staters is quite laughable
The Horowitz report is damning (17 "errors" in the FISA applications for example) and Durham is still investigating. Clinesmith was his first scalp, also very damning.

Try not to forget, Coronavirus has conveniently delayed the Durham investigation. Not that anyone's counting on him much at this point.
We all eagerly await Trump's "investigators" who "can't believe what they are finding!" reporting back from Hawaii, and Sleuth Kobach tracking down one - or maybe even two - of the 5-7 million illegal voters who all cast bogus ballots against the reality-TV performer in 2016, not to mention the blood-curdling content of "Hunter's Laptop from Hell!"

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We'll just have to take all the shocking revelations one at a time.

In the meantime, they all seem to fizzle as desperate diversions from the ongoing scandal.

A Justice Department investigation into Representative Matt Gaetz and an indicted Florida politician is focusing on their involvement with multiple women who were recruited online for sex and received cash payments, according to people close to the investigation and text messages and payment receipts reviewed by The New York Times.
Investigators believe Joel Greenberg, the former tax collector in Seminole County, Fla., who was indicted last year on a federal sex trafficking charge and other crimes, initially met the women through websites that connect people who go on dates in exchange for gifts, fine dining, travel and allowances, according to three people with knowledge of the encounters. Mr. Greenberg introduced the women to Mr. Gaetz, who also had sex with them, the people said.
One of the women who had sex with both men also agreed to have sex with an unidentified associate of theirs in Florida Republican politics, according to a person familiar with the arrangement. Mr. Greenberg had initially contacted her online and introduced her to Mr. Gaetz, the person said.
Mr. Gaetz denied ever paying a woman for sex.
The Justice Department inquiry is also examining whether Mr. Gaetz had sex with a 17-year-old girl and whether she received anything of material value, according to four people familiar with the investigation. The sex trafficking count against Mr. Greenberg involved the same girl, according to two people briefed on the investigation...
That's funny. Did you used to write comics for Bazooka Joe bubble gum?
You have that innate knowledge of how a ten year old thinks.

And I'll let you know when the media informs me of "facts" about Captain Crack Head's lap top.
The only fact I'm aware of is the FBI took possession of it and that's the last anyone ever heard about it.
Ever see the warehouse scene in Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark?
So reminiscent of how the Biden lap top vanished.

It certainly was made off limits during the Big Guy's bumbling sleep walking basement dwelling
quest for the presidency.

What a lucky break for Joe, eh? You may crawl back under your rock now.
Now I've gone and upset you, I can tell.

Isn't that you're reason for existing on this board?
Isn't that you're reason for existing on this board?
Far be it from me to cast doubt upon your existential musings.

Actually, I'm slumming to indulge my lascivious prurient interests:

Rudy Giuliani:
Purported Hunter Biden emails will 'shock the hell out of you!'

October 16, 2020
I can't wait!
The Horowitz report is damning (17 "errors" in the FISA applications for example) and Durham is still investigating. Clinesmith was his first scalp, also very damning.

Try not to forget, Coronavirus has conveniently delayed the Durham investigation. Not that anyone's counting on him much at this point.
We all eagerly await Trump's "investigators" who "can't believe what they are finding!" reporting back from Hawaii, and Sleuth Kobach tracking down one - or maybe even two - of the 5-7 million illegal voters who all cast bogus ballots against the reality-TV performer in 2016, not to mention the blood-curdling content of "Hunter's Laptop from Hell!"

We'll just have to take all the shocking revelations one at a time.

In the meantime, they all seem to fizzle as desperate diversions from the ongoing scandal.

A Justice Department investigation into Representative Matt Gaetz and an indicted Florida politician is focusing on their involvement with multiple women who were recruited online for sex and received cash payments, according to people close to the investigation and text messages and payment receipts reviewed by The New York Times.
Investigators believe Joel Greenberg, the former tax collector in Seminole County, Fla., who was indicted last year on a federal sex trafficking charge and other crimes, initially met the women through websites that connect people who go on dates in exchange for gifts, fine dining, travel and allowances, according to three people with knowledge of the encounters. Mr. Greenberg introduced the women to Mr. Gaetz, who also had sex with them, the people said.
One of the women who had sex with both men also agreed to have sex with an unidentified associate of theirs in Florida Republican politics, according to a person familiar with the arrangement. Mr. Greenberg had initially contacted her online and introduced her to Mr. Gaetz, the person said.
Mr. Gaetz denied ever paying a woman for sex.
The Justice Department inquiry is also examining whether Mr. Gaetz had sex with a 17-year-old girl and whether she received anything of material value, according to four people familiar with the investigation. The sex trafficking count against Mr. Greenberg involved the same girl, according to two people briefed on the investigation...

So, is that where we are at now in the US? An openly aparatchik for the Democrat party makes a claim, and instantly the person who is their target is guilty of said inpropriety?

Much of what you are relying on to smear this congressman are either based on anonymous sourcing (no way to verify it) or supposed evidence that can be easily faked...

Aren't you the least bit ashamed that you run with anything just because a known lying outlet prints it?

I will say this, IF, (and it's a big if) these allegations are true then Gaetz will pay the price...But at this point it is fishy considering that a former DoJ official is trying to extort the family of the congressman over this....

Now I understand it's great fun in here to try and enrage your debate opponent, but if you never even try and have a civil conversation about issues, then what is your purpose here?
Isn't that you're reason for existing on this board?
Far be it from me to cast doubt upon your existential musings.

Actually, I'm slumming to indulge my lascivious prurient interests:

Rudy Giuliani:
Purported Hunter Biden emails will 'shock the hell out of you!'

October 16, 2020
I can't wait!

More like observations my friend....Since seeing your first post that I can remember in here, I don't recall you EVER actually debating an issue, rather taking the low road of insult, and bait and flame...Nothing ever comes of behavior like that....
ISo, is that where we are at now in the US? An openly aparatchik for the Democrat party makes a claim, and instantly the person who is their target is guilty of said inpropriety?
You appear to be confused. The investigation that was initiated under the Trump Justice Department is ongoing, and no one has been found guilty in a court of law. Anyone screeching, "Lock him up! Lock him up!" is being contemptuous of the U S Constitution.

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I don't recall you EVER actually debating an issue, rather taking the low road of insult, and bait and flame...
You don't like substantive, fact-based, credible sources being cited if they don't concur with your dogmatic beliefs.

So it goes.
Isn't that you're reason for existing on this board?
My interest in defending the nation and democracy from the goons who swallow a "Big Lie" and attack the United States Congress to prevent the certification of a democratic election is apt to ruffle the feathers of a few angry birds, no doubt.
I don't recall you EVER actually debating an issue, rather taking the low road of insult, and bait and flame...
You don't like substantive, fact-based, credible sources being cited if they don't concur with your dogmatic beliefs.

So it goes.

I don't? Why not try it and see....Although I would guess that what you consider "fact based, credible sourcing" is largely those sources that agree with your own ideoligical beliefs, at least we could discuss something...But my thought is that you'd like to continue to denegrate other posters in here with what you think are clever, flowery postings that are meaningless in the grand scheme of serious discussion of an issue...

I don't know what you do Schmiddy, but if I had to guess you're probably a blue collar schmo like me, but unlike myself, you seem to want to come in here and make believe that winning hearts and minds to your beliefs involves mockery, shaming, and insult...I can't think of a more uneducated, pedestrian approach to debate, and in many cases only serves to continue the wedge, and divide rather than any goal you hope to achieve while in here...You certainly don't gain any meaningful disscussion....

So, while you formulate your thoughts and hatred of people you don't know, and have never met in RL, I have to laugh at the utter BS that spews from your keyboard...

I can only say that you're lucky that the rules around here seem to be enforced weakly....Otherwise you might have to find a different outlet for your vile vitriol....
Isn't that you're reason for existing on this board?
My interest in defending the nation and democracy from the goons who swallow a "Big Lie" and attack the United States Congress to prevent the certification of a democratic election is apt to ruffle the feathers of a few angry birds, no doubt.

Did that come straight from the propaganda circle you attended last night...Meaningless talking points and insults don't sway me, nor impress anyone.
I don't recall you EVER actually debating an issue, rather taking the low road of insult, and bait and flame...
You don't like substantive, fact-based, credible sources being cited if they don't concur with your dogmatic beliefs.

So it goes.

I don't? Why not try it and see....Although I would guess that what you consider "fact based, credible sourcing" is largely those sources that agree with your own ideoligical beliefs, at least we could discuss something...But my thought is that you'd like to continue to denegrate other posters in here with what you think are clever, flowery postings that are meaningless in the grand scheme of serious discussion of an issue...

I don't know what you do Schmiddy, but if I had to guess you're probably a blue collar schmo like me, but unlike myself, you seem to want to come in here and make believe that winning hearts and minds to your beliefs involves mockery, shaming, and insult...I can't think of a more uneducated, pedestrian approach to debate, and in many cases only serves to continue the wedge, and divide rather than any goal you hope to achieve while in here...You certainly don't gain any meaningful disscussion....

So, while you formulate your thoughts and hatred of people you don't know, and have never met in RL, I have to laugh at the utter BS that spews from your keyboard...

I can only say that you're lucky that the rules around here seem to be enforced weakly....Otherwise you might have to find a different outlet for your vile vitriol....
Your petty ad hominems aside, whenever you want to confront substantive matters such as what Trump's investigators are finding in Hawaii, Kobach's progress in identifying the 3-5 million illegitimate voters who all cast ballots against Trump in 2016, the lurid content of "Hunter's Laptop from Hell!", or the essential who?, what?, where?, when?, why?, and how? of the vast conspiracy to pervert Trump's 2020 winning "in a landslide", just present your "facts" and sources.

My tolerance for lies is limited.

Do I have contempt for goons who swallow a self-serving Big Lie that incites them to violently attack Congress to prevent certification of the People's will? Yes, I do.

I don't deny which side I'm on:

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Well, I suspect the poster Schmidlap (the target of the above isolated quotes) really doesn't need any imprimatur from my poor avatar; however, I personally think his stuff has been clever and insightful. I've even stated that opinion previously.

His "schadenfreude" post re: Liz Cheney was witty and funny. IMHO
(ps....I cut & pasted it and emailed it to Cheney's staff in Casper. But I took credit for it. Well, a little credit.)

What you are missing, I think, poster "J-mac" is that avataree Schmidlap's contributions here play well in an f-bomb free zone. In contrast to our HitlerYouth pair, a couple of the purported gals who post here, and that avatar who rides the bike, I forget his name. So an f-bomb free, witty, and insightful contribution does.....well, it does have its appeal.

Poster 'jmac'.....I personally think it is regrettable that your avatar simply doesn't get the joke.

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