Matt Gaetz: “sadly, we cannot rely on Senate Republican leadership for a backbone on anything other than Federalist Society-blessed judges”

I too had reservations about pulling SCOTUS candidates out of one basket but I'm going to reserve judgment till after the SCOTUS abortion ruling.....It's going to take a backbone of steel to overturn RvW.

Personally I hope they punt and somehow incorporate MS's 15 week thing within RvW but it will be a stretch that Nixon's secretary (of "Rose Mary Stretch" fame) would be proud of. ;)

Blah, then again maybe Roberts will find a way to see it as a tax like with Halfrican Care.
RINO (Republican In Name Only) = Dementocratic mole.
example: The Bushes.....ALL of them.

The problem is the laws have not been updated and adapted to modern times, only modern greed and power hungry traitors.

Laws need to be severely updated to fight and delete the corruption in political offices.
Updated laws need to include:

Term limits
Wage limits
Benefit limits
Power limits
Immediate execution for any traitorous action against this country and it's legal citizens (bribes, threats, coercion, anti-American anything, hate propaganda, lies, hypocrisy, and pretty much any and all actions not in favor of the American tax paying LEGAL citizens of this country)

The corrupt make laws for the corrupt to become more corrupt.
The power mad make laws for the power mad to become more mad with power.

There needs to be a watchdog group that has no affiliation with ANY political party, is uncorruptable, and lives by the Constitution and all laws made for ALL citizens. This group has the power over politicians, in regards to policing them and keeping them from stepping outside the boundaries of ALL laws and Constitutional legislation.

Yeah, I know. It's a nice thought, but will never happen.
Only because most citizens are too lazy to stand up and be counted on as someone that will actually show up for the fight.
As long as the money goes to defense firms and the military, a spending increase is okay. It the wasteful liberal programs like welfare, medicare, and social security that need to go away.

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