Matt Gaetz: “On First Day of Republican Control, We Should Take Over J6 Committee and Release Every Second of Footage That'll Exonerate Our Patriots'


So which was Ashli Babbitt? Antifa or BLM?

Which were the Proud Boys? Antifa or BLM?

My god, the level of mental retardation required to make this unbelievably stupid claim is mind boggling.
Your mental retardation is mind boggling you retard. The FBI has admitted they had people there dumbfuck. They just refuse to state how many. You just loving showing what an uneducated ignorant shitstain you are.
He bleevs it because he has been on a steady diet of manufactured bullshit for decades and his mind is gone. He's been reduced to the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.
^^^This from a mental midget who still believes in Russian Collusion, the pee tape, two shampeachments, the list goes on....
Not at all. It’s very well documented what Trump tried to do.

He tried to make himself president even after the votes were counted and he lost.

There’s only one way to do that. Take away our votes.

You should try paying attention instead of living in your media bubble. They keep you dumb so they can take advantage of you. That’s what led to the Jan 6th riot. People kept dumb by their media bubble who were manipulated to the point of violence. This has destroyed democracies in the past.
Oh yeah. That's funny shit.
Your mental retardation is mind boggling you retard. The FBI has admitted they had people there dumbfuck. They just refuse to state how many. You just loving showing what an uneducated ignorant shitstain you are.
Of the 2,000 terrorists who invaded the Capitol that day, you think most were FBI, Antifa, and BLM?

You are actually this stupid?

And of course the FBI infiltrates terrorist organizations. That's their job!
Of the 2,000 terrorists who invaded the Capitol that day, you think most were FBI, Antifa, and BLM?

You are actually this stupid?

And of course the FBI infiltrates terrorist organizations. That's their job!
Poor little dumbfuck. Your pathetic “arguments” shot to hell and you now try to whine about something I never said retard. The FBI ADMITTED they had instigators there moron. INSTIGATORS. Being the retard you are, you don’t know the meaning of the word. Keep burying yourself. You’ve made yourself look dumber than ever the last few days.
Do you know what a straw man logical fallacy is?

You just made one.
No I didn’t asswipe. Just brought up your stupidity and ignorance that you have Tom try to run away from. Legitimate comparison. Know what a loser is? You.
Was the terrorist Antifa or BLM?

They both work together.........and are on the payroll of the democrat party...on call to burn, loot and murder when necessary...

The unarmed, female Trump supporter who was shot without warning will one day be a martyr against you leftists...
No I didn’t asswipe. Just brought up your stupidity and ignorance that you have Tom try to run away from. Legitimate comparison. Know what a loser is? You.
You made a straw man argument.

You poor bastards need to take some courses in Logic to undo all the gaslighting you have subjected yourselves to.

I'm not kidding. Anyone who thinks January 6 was a plot by the FBI, Antifa, and BLM is mentally ill. I meant that literally..

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