Matt Gaetz: “On First Day of Republican Control, We Should Take Over J6 Committee and Release Every Second of Footage That'll Exonerate Our Patriots'

By "exhonorate", I assume you mean footage of them not storming the capitol. There are pictures of Bonnie and Clide when they were not robbing banks. Do those pictures exhonorate them the same way Gates intends to exhonorate the insurrectionists that had their illegal actions recored on video? If that works, I can forsee court proceedings where the defendent says " but judge, look at these pictures where I wasn't raping anybody"
"Storming" as in being led by the cops
It's really hard to name the top ten most stupid conspiracy theories of all time, but this Antifa/BLM January 6 conspiracy is definitely on the llst.

Right up there with the faked moon landings conspiracy theory.

And Bigfoot.
Ashli Babbitt. Antifa or BLM?

Jeremy Bertino. Antifa or BLM?

Joshua Pruitt. Antifa or BLM?

Enrique Tarrio. Antifa or BLM?

Dominic Pezzola. Antifa or BLM?

Ethan Nordean. Antifa or BLM?

Joseph Biggs. Antifa or BLM?

Zachary Rehl. Antifa or BLM?

John Charles Stewart. Antifa or BLM?

Roseanne Boyland. Antifa or BLM?

The Proud Boys are on tape planning the attack, dipshit.

So the attack was NOT planned or carried about by Antifa or BLM, right?

Which of these violent criminals are Antifa or BLM:

The FBI had about 8 informants leading that discussion you dope....

The defense had to bring this out since the democrat party inquisitors hid this....

The existence of the informants came to light over the past few days in a flurry of veiled court filings by defense lawyers for five members of the Proud Boys who are set to go on trial next month on seditious conspiracy charges connected to the Capitol attack.

In the papers, some of which were heavily redacted, the lawyers claimed that some of the information the confidential sources had provided to the government was favorable to their efforts to defend their clients against sedition charges and was improperly withheld by prosecutors until several days ago.
The dispute about the informants in the Proud Boys came on the heels of revelations that the F.B.I. also had a well-placed source in the inner circle of Stewart Rhodes, the leader of the Oath Keepers militia, another far-right group that took part in the Capitol attack.

Last week, lawyers for Mr. Rhodes and four other Oath Keepers who are being tried on sedition charges planned to call the informant — Greg McWhirter, the group’s former vice president — as a defense witness, believing that his testimony would bolster their case. But on the eve of his planned appearance, Mr. McWhirter suffered a heart attack and the defense put other witnesses in his place.

Questions about informants reporting to the government from inside extremist groups have been raised repeatedly throughout the Justice Department’s sprawling investigation of the Capitol attack. They have included concerns about why the informants were not able to give the government advanced warning about plans to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6 or seemingly to corroborate accusations after the fact that the groups conspired in plotting the attack.

I am telling you now.....we are going to find out that the FBI provoked this situation......and blm and antifa were the ones fighting with the police...not Trump supporters.
I swear. It's like Trumptards are cattle and they are being led around by the rings in their noses. Even to their very deaths and imprisonment.

All for the glory of a megalomaniac.

Very sad.
Of the 2,000 terrorists who invaded the Capitol that day, you think most were FBI, Antifa, and BLM?

You are actually this stupid?

And of course the FBI infiltrates terrorist organizations. That's their job!
Hey, asshole, not one Trump supporter has been charged with terrorism.

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