Massive Anti Kremlin Protests In Eastern Russia Over Arrest Of Popularly Elected Governor


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

Tens of thousands of people marched through Khabarovsk Saturday in protest.

KHABAROVSK — Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Russia’s Far East for the third Saturday running for the latest rally in an unprecedented protest movement that is gaining momentum and taking on an anti-Kremlin bent.

Now entering their third week, the protests in the Khabarovsk region on the border with China kicked off after the arrest of governor Sergei Furgal earlier this month on several 15-year-old murder charges his supporters believe are politically motivated. This week the protest movement was spurred on by the Kremlin’s decision Tuesday to replace Furgal with a new governor who has never lived in the region.

“They keep spitting in our faces, so we keep coming out,” said Alexei Potashenko, a 49-year-old small business owner, at the scene of the main rally in the region’s capital city of Khabarovsk. “It’s quickly becoming a new tradition.”

This is a big fucking deal. If this grows out of hand, which it looks like it will. Biden will have a golden opportunity to hasten the demise of Vladimir, if he plays this right.

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