Mass shooting in Santa Clarita, CA.

Those strict gun laws omg they really saved a life here. Maybe they should have had MORE SIGNS that say NNO GUNS ALLOWED they're too scaryeeeee.
Obviously the report of the shooting is fake news.

California has the strictest gun control laws in the nation so it is impossible that someone would have a gun to use in a crime.

Also, the report is that the shooter is an Oriental. Only White Males ever shoot people so the report is obviously fake.
Just think. Right now that school shooter is armed and running lose and the people in the neighborhood can't protect themselves because the stupid anti gun laws in that filthy ass commie state makes it almost impossible to have a gun for self protection.
Obviously the report of the shooting is fake news.

California has the strictest gun control laws in the nation so it is impossible that someone would have a gun to use in a crime.

Also, the report is that the shooter is an Oriental. Only White Males ever shoot people so the report is obviously fake.

Obviously. The news just reported the shooter is 15.
It's against the law for a 15 yr old to have a weapon.
Fake news.
my thoughts and prayers are currently with the law enforcement officers searching for the subhuman kid who did this.
My worst thoughts are for the rotten little shit perp as well as the parents who didn't parent him.
Down to 5 injured.
No evidence all were shot. Some could have been trampled.
May not be a MASS shooting.
I generally have tremendous respect for law enforcement.

However, when I see law enforcement from California I have the opposite reaction.

I perceive them to be the enforcement thugs for the oppressive out of control commie Democrat controled government. A government that oppresses the people and panders to the elements of filth in the state.

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