Mask Assault "for the children"


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Kids need an education. Parents pays for schools. But now they are finding out those running the schools teaching other people's kids with their money don't think you or the parents have any say in the service they are buying!

Parents in Austin Texas are fighting with teachers to take their damned masks off. They are absolutely no danger to the children nor the children to them. One parent went so far as to rip the mask off one teacher's face! But parents do not matter. Science does not matter to this progressive institution. The school actually thinks THEY and not the actual students and parents suffering through all of this abject stupidity think are the ones at the "front line" of the pandemic. Some parents are getting so frustrated at the school's intransigence to science, common dsense and reason that some meetings have come to blows.

But the final assault was when the school told the parents not to bring mask wars into THEIR schools. In other words, the school belongs to the school board! The parents and students are just kind of "renting" it out or "visiting" the facilities. Schools are even defying the governor's orders and state laws thinking they are entitled to "cowboy justice."

Kids need an education. Parents pays for schools. But now they are finding out those running the schools teaching other people's kids with their money don't think you or the parents have any say in the service they are buying!

Parents in Austin Texas are fighting with teachers to take their damned masks off. They are absolutely no danger to the children nor the children to them. One parent went so far as to rip the mask off one teacher's face! But parents do not matter. Science does not matter to this progressive institution. The school actually thinks THEY and not the actual students and parents suffering through all of this abject stupidity think are the ones at the "front line" of the pandemic. Some parents are getting so frustrated at the school's intransigence to science, common dsense and reason that some meetings have come to blows.

But the final assault was when the school told the parents not to bring mask wars into THEIR schools. In other words, the school belongs to the school board! The parents and students are just kind of "renting" it out or "visiting" the facilities. Schools are even defying the governor's orders and state laws thinking they are entitled to "cowboy justice."

Okay first: ripping the mask off someone's face is assault. You can't do that, no matter what you think of masks. Or the person wearing it.

That said:

The school belongs to the community. Not just to the Board, or the staff, admin and teacher, and not just to the parents. To both. And you absolutely need both.

Public schools are not parent co-ops. You don't come in having no system set up, and you have to set it up yourself. Your tax dollars pay for something already set up.

But for obvious reasons the school also does not belong JUST to the school personnel. It belongs to the community--obviously, parents and children, the people the school exists to serve.

As for masks: I'm really done with educators not educating themselves on the issues. The masks children wear do nothing. That's it.
ripping the mask off someone's face is assault.

You mean in the legal sense? Boy, have we all become a bunch of pussies. How do you "assault" someone by removing a mask off their face while never touching the person? If I swat a fly on their arm, have I assaulted them there as well? Or just the fly?

I grew up understanding assault was to do bodily harm to someone. To attack them bodily. Now if I take a Kleenex out of their shirt pocket because the scent offends me, I guess I could get charged and arrested?

Boy-- -- and we wonder why people are going nuts everywhere. Pansies.

So that raises the question: is it assault if someone forces me to WEAR a mask?
You mean in the legal sense? Boy, have we all become a bunch of pussies. How do you "assault" someone by removing a mask off their face while never touching the person? If I swat a fly on their arm, have I assaulted them there as well? Or just the fly?

I grew up understanding assault was to do bodily harm to someone. To attack them bodily. Now if I take a Kleenex out of their shirt pocket because the scent offends me, I guess I could get charged and arrested?

Boy-- -- and we wonder why people are going nuts everywhere. Pansies.

So that raises the question: is it assault if someone forces me to WEAR a mask?

Of course. You're going after something on their FACE. That is definitely assault. How can you remove a mask from someone's face without assaulting them? And no--the legal definition of assault does not have to inflict injury.

So yes, you could make the same argument that INVOLUNTARY masks and INVOLUNTARY shots are also assault--although that's shakier. If someone snags the mask off you face you didn't really have a choice. You can make the argument that if you don't want the shot you can choose not to go to school, or choose not to keep your job. So mask-snatching is more "assault" than the latter examples.
You're going after something on their FACE. That is definitely assault.
I don't see it that way. What if I steal the sunglasses off your nose? Or the hat off your head? Did I assault you or am I just a thief? If we take assault to that degree then if I simply yell at you or call you a name I've assaulted you. If I simply upset you by saying something that you disagree with, I've assaulted you.

How can you remove a mask from someone's face without assaulting them?
Easy. They are barely hanging on your ears by two rubber bands. Any tug at all and it falls off. I don't care what the legal definition of assault is TODAY, I care what it was the rest of my life when people still had some common sense. Is it any wonder why today we are the headquarters of the world for laws, regulations, restrictions and people incarcerated?

So yes, you could make the same argument that INVOLUNTARY masks and INVOLUNTARY shots are also assault--although that's shakier. If someone snags the mask off you face you didn't really have a choice.
People are not being given a choice to wear a mask or get the shot either. People are being refused the right to work and live now just for choosing not to want the vax. Hospitals are now bumping transplant patients in dire need waiting years for an organ off the list to die because they don't have a vax shot even if they don't have the virus! THAT is assault.

You can make the argument that if you don't want the shot you can choose not to go to school
No you can't. The police will be at your house with a truant officer. You MUST go to school.

or choose not to keep your job.
That is not a choice. You need a job to live because you need an income.

So mask-snatching is more "assault" than the latter examples.
I disagree. If I snatch your purse from you and run, I'm a robber and as purse thief, not an assaulter. Can't you see the word "assault" has been made SO BROAD now as to be meaningless?
I don't see it that way. What if I steal the sunglasses off your nose? Or the hat off your head? Did I assault you or am I just a thief? If we take assault to that degree then if I simply yell at you or call you a name I've assaulted you. If I simply upset you by saying something that you disagree with, I've assaulted you.

Easy. They are barely hanging on your ears by two rubber bands. Any tug at all and it falls off. I don't care what the legal definition of assault is TODAY, I care what it was the rest of my life when people still had some common sense. Is it any wonder why today we are the headquarters of the world for laws, regulations, restrictions and people incarcerated?

People are not being given a choice to wear a mask or get the shot either. People are being refused the right to work and live now just for choosing not to want the vax. Hospitals are now bumping transplant patients in dire need waiting years for an organ off the list to die because they don't have a vax shot even if they don't have the virus! THAT is assault.

No you can't. The police will be at your house with a truant officer. You MUST go to school.

That is not a choice. You need a job to live because you need an income.

I disagree. If I snatch your purse from you and run, I'm a robber and as purse thief, not an assaulter. Can't you see the word "assault" has been made SO BROAD now as to be meaningless?

Turn it around another way. You are at a conservative rally, wearing a patriotic mask because you have to for whatever reason, and some Leftist idiot snatches it off you, in the process, grabbing at your FACE, out of spite.

Right. See?

Agree with you on mandates.
Turn it around another way. You are at a conservative rally, wearing a patriotic mask because you have to for whatever reason, and some Leftist idiot snatches it off you, in the process, grabbing at your FACE, out of spite.

Then I would get it back off of them or get another. But I wouldn't feel "assaulted." Nor claim it to police. Few men would ever claim to have been assaulted without being bloody and beaten--- that would be "emasculating."
Then I would get it back off of them or get another. But I wouldn't feel "assaulted." Nor claim it to police. Few men would ever claim to have been assaulted without being bloody and beaten--- that would be "emasculating."

Fair enough--you are thinking as a man. I understand that. I am a woman and not only that--a particularly small woman. Easily, most men double my weight. If a man grabbed the mask off my face I would definitely be assaulted.

Matter of context and circumstances, perhaps
I am a woman
I was pretty sure of that! :SMILEW~130:

and not only that--a particularly small woman. Easily, most men double my weight. If a man grabbed the mask off my face I would definitely be assaulted.
I'm 6'4" and nearly 325 pounds (mostly muscle not flab). If someone grabbed a mask off your face, I'd go get it back, then either threaten to pound the guy if he ever touched you or anyone again, or if he was particularly intransigent, pick him up by the throat and groin and throw him.

Then I'd buy you dinner and tell you never to worry again about being "assaulted."
I was pretty sure of that! :SMILEW~130:

I'm 6'4" and nearly 325 pounds (mostly muscle not flab). If someone grabbed a mask off your face, I'd go get it back, then either threaten to pound the guy if he ever touched you or anyone again, or if he was particularly intransigent, pick him up by the throat and groin and throw him.

Then I'd buy you dinner and tell you never to worry again about being "assaulted."
You mean in the legal sense? Boy, have we all become a bunch of pussies. How do you "assault" someone by removing a mask off their face while never touching the person? If I swat a fly on their arm, have I assaulted them there as well? Or just the fly?

I grew up understanding assault was to do bodily harm to someone. To attack them bodily. Now if I take a Kleenex out of their shirt pocket because the scent offends me, I guess I could get charged and arrested?

Boy-- -- and we wonder why people are going nuts everywhere. Pansies.

So that raises the question: is it assault if someone forces me to WEAR a mask?
Taking ANYTHING from the body of a person is ASSAULT.

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