Marxist Media Continue to Push COVID 19 When Electorate Has Long Put it Behind Them

This entire mask-wearing pandemic thing has illustrated a point I have been making for decades, but I think it is finally sinking in.

I owe society no other duty but to not be violent and to not steal from others, in exchange for non-violence/theft of others toward me.


I will not obey mask laws! MAKE ME DO IT!!!
It's June almost July.... really Democrats? Your governor's, state legislators, Mayor's and city council's are using COVID 19 as an excuse for piss poor leadership.

Again, I ask, what reality do you right wingers live in? How do you create an alternative reality that deals in "facts" and "truths" that you believe? Is it right wing media? Are your minds that soft?, that weak?, that malleable?
Leadership starts from the top down. Those deaths and economic carnage get laid largely at the feet of the person who was responsible for coordinating and directing action to combat the spread of the virus...but he was too
busy denying and rallying. Now we're on the upward path to another March 11-13, 2020. And still, no leadership from the White House. I've given up at this point. Bring on November. Time to clean house.

But you just keep going on blaming the media.
Speaking of reality. Did you really think the virus would magically disappear after the lockdown?

Are we supposed to keep the country/world locked down?

The reality is you can't control a virus, the lockdown just prolonged the spike. 99+% of the people who contract the virus either don't show any symptoms whatsoever or recover within a week, that's reality.
Life must go forward. Democrats would destroy our economy, democracy, society, and our way of life because of their hatred of President Trump. Newsflash to the socialist/Marxist/ Democrats (all the same) the average working class American supports OUR President and OUR Republic.

Good of you to hit all the alt-right talking points. But you forgot "they hate America".
Oh yeah, Trump has already shown he doesn't care one iota about the virus or what havoc it wreaks.
Most of us have dismissed him already. We'll just formalize it in November. I sincerely hope that most
sane Americans will also take this opportunity to show the Republicans the door as well. Long past time
for them to be in the minority again.
The United States of America could not survive a Democratic White House and Congress. It would be tantamount to Soviet Union winning Cold War and occupying our nation. The greatest threat to the Republic is Democrats (who are just a front for communism).

The greatest threat to this country at the moment is the right wing. It's the greatest threat this republic has faced since the Civil War. I've never seen in my lifetime a group of people so rooted in hatred and bile, willing to believe in grand conspiracy theories, making their own reality and forming their own "post-truth" world. But I believe the majority of people in this country want to see a return to sanity. And since Republicans and Conservatives have nothing in the way of new ideas or even ideas that have a chance of success, I believe the voters will turn them (and Trump) out in November.
Conservatives can run a nation, a state, and a city. Why are our nation's cities shit hole places to live? Controlled by liberal Democrats.

Conservatives (and by in large Republicans) cannot govern. They've proven this consistently over four decades. Not one policy implementation that's a success. Just a litany of failure. They get into power and do....nothing. But go ahead, quote me something from Prager or Shapiro. :)
No, I will stand on my own, although I do like the before mentioned. New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Atlanta... which of these shining liberal success stories do you wish to discuss?

They're big cities. With a large, densely packed population. Of course they are going to have issues. Then again, you got my favorite red city of Tulsa, OK that doesn't look to be in great shape either.
Tulsa is a good city. Golden Cyclones is the University as I recall? Something like that. So are homeless people camped out on the streets and crapping on the sidewalks? Does Tulsa have six blocks of it's downtown area controlled by anarchist? Doubtful.
It's June almost July.... really Democrats? Your governor's, state legislators, Mayor's and city council's are using COVID 19 as an excuse for piss poor leadership.

Again, I ask, what reality do you right wingers live in? How do you create an alternative reality that deals in "facts" and "truths" that you believe? Is it right wing media? Are your minds that soft?, that weak?, that malleable?
Leadership starts from the top down. Those deaths and economic carnage get laid largely at the feet of the person who was responsible for coordinating and directing action to combat the spread of the virus...but he was too
busy denying and rallying. Now we're on the upward path to another March 11-13, 2020. And still, no leadership from the White House. I've given up at this point. Bring on November. Time to clean house.

But you just keep going on blaming the media.
Speaking of reality. Did you really think the virus would magically disappear after the lockdown?

Are we supposed to keep the country/world locked down?

The reality is you can't control a virus, the lockdown just prolonged the spike. 99+% of the people who contract the virus either don't show any symptoms whatsoever or recover within a week, that's reality.
Life must go forward. Democrats would destroy our economy, democracy, society, and our way of life because of their hatred of President Trump. Newsflash to the socialist/Marxist/ Democrats (all the same) the average working class American supports OUR President and OUR Republic.

Good of you to hit all the alt-right talking points. But you forgot "they hate America".
Oh yeah, Trump has already shown he doesn't care one iota about the virus or what havoc it wreaks.
Most of us have dismissed him already. We'll just formalize it in November. I sincerely hope that most
sane Americans will also take this opportunity to show the Republicans the door as well. Long past time
for them to be in the minority again.
So, just deflection. Got it.

What deflection? Nothing to deflect. There are no Democrats trying to destroy the economy, or the country, or anyone's way of life. Those are just alt-right wet dreams. No one wants to see a shutdown. But governors, mayors, and business leaders were forced to (and it looks like forced to again) take action when there was nothing in the way of guidance or action from the White House. Something that continues to this day. But I'm sure you'll absolve your hero of ANY responsibility. It's all the big, bad Democrats fault. :(
How long should the shutdown be? When will the virus disappear? How many times have you been out of your house since this all started?
Good question, although the answer has been given months ago. It's called flatten the curve. You reopen when the number of infections stabilizes. It's what's been done in most of the Western World and has proven an overall success. The goal is not to eradicate the virus but rather to control it. What the US did was reopen when the virus wasn't under control.
This entire mask-wearing pandemic thing has illustrated a point I have been making for decades, but I think it is finally sinking in.

I owe society no other duty but to not be violent and to not steal from others, in exchange for non-violence/theft of others toward me.


I will not obey mask laws! MAKE ME DO IT!!!
Independent living and liberty dictates that I will not wear a mask or bow down to Democrat dictatorships like they have in New York, Illinois, California, Michigan, Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Virginia.
It's June almost July.... really Democrats? Your governor's, state legislators, Mayor's and city council's are using COVID 19 as an excuse for piss poor leadership.

Again, I ask, what reality do you right wingers live in? How do you create an alternative reality that deals in "facts" and "truths" that you believe? Is it right wing media? Are your minds that soft?, that weak?, that malleable?
Leadership starts from the top down. Those deaths and economic carnage get laid largely at the feet of the person who was responsible for coordinating and directing action to combat the spread of the virus...but he was too
busy denying and rallying. Now we're on the upward path to another March 11-13, 2020. And still, no leadership from the White House. I've given up at this point. Bring on November. Time to clean house.

But you just keep going on blaming the media.
Speaking of reality. Did you really think the virus would magically disappear after the lockdown?

Are we supposed to keep the country/world locked down?

The reality is you can't control a virus, the lockdown just prolonged the spike. 99+% of the people who contract the virus either don't show any symptoms whatsoever or recover within a week, that's reality.
Life must go forward. Democrats would destroy our economy, democracy, society, and our way of life because of their hatred of President Trump. Newsflash to the socialist/Marxist/ Democrats (all the same) the average working class American supports OUR President and OUR Republic.

Good of you to hit all the alt-right talking points. But you forgot "they hate America".
Oh yeah, Trump has already shown he doesn't care one iota about the virus or what havoc it wreaks.
Most of us have dismissed him already. We'll just formalize it in November. I sincerely hope that most
sane Americans will also take this opportunity to show the Republicans the door as well. Long past time
for them to be in the minority again.
So, just deflection. Got it.

What deflection? Nothing to deflect. There are no Democrats trying to destroy the economy, or the country, or anyone's way of life. Those are just alt-right wet dreams. No one wants to see a shutdown. But governors, mayors, and business leaders were forced to (and it looks like forced to again) take action when there was nothing in the way of guidance or action from the White House. Something that continues to this day. But I'm sure you'll absolve your hero of ANY responsibility. It's all the big, bad Democrats fault. :(
How long should the shutdown be? When will the virus disappear? How many times have you been out of your house since this all started?
Good question, although the answer has been given months ago. It's called flatten the curve. You reopen when the number of infections stabilizes. It's what's been done in most of the Western World and has proven an overall success. The goal is not to eradicate the virus but rather to control it. What the US did was reopen when the virus wasn't under control.
That's exactly what we did. And, when we started reopening it spiked again, duh. So, I'll ask again, how long should we shut down? No matter how long we shutdown the moment we reopen it will spike again. When will the virus disappear? The answer is after the election, that is if Biden wins.
It's June almost July.... really Democrats? Your governor's, state legislators, Mayor's and city council's are using COVID 19 as an excuse for piss poor leadership.

Again, I ask, what reality do you right wingers live in? How do you create an alternative reality that deals in "facts" and "truths" that you believe? Is it right wing media? Are your minds that soft?, that weak?, that malleable?
Leadership starts from the top down. Those deaths and economic carnage get laid largely at the feet of the person who was responsible for coordinating and directing action to combat the spread of the virus...but he was too
busy denying and rallying. Now we're on the upward path to another March 11-13, 2020. And still, no leadership from the White House. I've given up at this point. Bring on November. Time to clean house.

But you just keep going on blaming the media.
Speaking of reality. Did you really think the virus would magically disappear after the lockdown?

Are we supposed to keep the country/world locked down?

The reality is you can't control a virus, the lockdown just prolonged the spike. 99+% of the people who contract the virus either don't show any symptoms whatsoever or recover within a week, that's reality.
Life must go forward. Democrats would destroy our economy, democracy, society, and our way of life because of their hatred of President Trump. Newsflash to the socialist/Marxist/ Democrats (all the same) the average working class American supports OUR President and OUR Republic.

Good of you to hit all the alt-right talking points. But you forgot "they hate America".
Oh yeah, Trump has already shown he doesn't care one iota about the virus or what havoc it wreaks.
Most of us have dismissed him already. We'll just formalize it in November. I sincerely hope that most
sane Americans will also take this opportunity to show the Republicans the door as well. Long past time
for them to be in the minority again.
So, just deflection. Got it.

What deflection? Nothing to deflect. There are no Democrats trying to destroy the economy, or the country, or anyone's way of life. Those are just alt-right wet dreams. No one wants to see a shutdown. But governors, mayors, and business leaders were forced to (and it looks like forced to again) take action when there was nothing in the way of guidance or action from the White House. Something that continues to this day. But I'm sure you'll absolve your hero of ANY responsibility. It's all the big, bad Democrats fault. :(
How long should the shutdown be? When will the virus disappear? How many times have you been out of your house since this all started?
Good question, although the answer has been given months ago. It's called flatten the curve. You reopen when the number of infections stabilizes. It's what's been done in most of the Western World and has proven an overall success. The goal is not to eradicate the virus but rather to control it. What the US did was reopen when the virus wasn't under control.
That's exactly what we did. And, when we started reopening it spiked again, duh. So, I'll ask again, how long should we shut down? No matter how long we shutdown the moment we reopen it will spike again. When will the virus disappear? The answer is after the election, that is if Biden wins.
I challenge you to look at this site. Check out the curve for the US and then compare it to other nations who are reopening. See if you can spot the difference.
It's June almost July.... really Democrats? Your governor's, state legislators, Mayor's and city council's are using COVID 19 as an excuse for piss poor leadership.

Again, I ask, what reality do you right wingers live in? How do you create an alternative reality that deals in "facts" and "truths" that you believe? Is it right wing media? Are your minds that soft?, that weak?, that malleable?
Leadership starts from the top down. Those deaths and economic carnage get laid largely at the feet of the person who was responsible for coordinating and directing action to combat the spread of the virus...but he was too
busy denying and rallying. Now we're on the upward path to another March 11-13, 2020. And still, no leadership from the White House. I've given up at this point. Bring on November. Time to clean house.

But you just keep going on blaming the media.
Speaking of reality. Did you really think the virus would magically disappear after the lockdown?

Are we supposed to keep the country/world locked down?

The reality is you can't control a virus, the lockdown just prolonged the spike. 99+% of the people who contract the virus either don't show any symptoms whatsoever or recover within a week, that's reality.
Life must go forward. Democrats would destroy our economy, democracy, society, and our way of life because of their hatred of President Trump. Newsflash to the socialist/Marxist/ Democrats (all the same) the average working class American supports OUR President and OUR Republic.

Good of you to hit all the alt-right talking points. But you forgot "they hate America".
Oh yeah, Trump has already shown he doesn't care one iota about the virus or what havoc it wreaks.
Most of us have dismissed him already. We'll just formalize it in November. I sincerely hope that most
sane Americans will also take this opportunity to show the Republicans the door as well. Long past time
for them to be in the minority again.
The United States of America could not survive a Democratic White House and Congress. It would be tantamount to Soviet Union winning Cold War and occupying our nation. The greatest threat to the Republic is Democrats (who are just a front for communism).

The greatest threat to this country at the moment is the right wing. It's the greatest threat this republic has faced since the Civil War. I've never seen in my lifetime a group of people so rooted in hatred and bile, willing to believe in grand conspiracy theories, making their own reality and forming their own "post-truth" world. But I believe the majority of people in this country want to see a return to sanity. And since Republicans and Conservatives have nothing in the way of new ideas or even ideas that have a chance of success, I believe the voters will turn them (and Trump) out in November.
Conservatives can run a nation, a state, and a city. Why are our nation's cities shit hole places to live? Controlled by liberal Democrats.

Conservatives (and by in large Republicans) cannot govern. They've proven this consistently over four decades. Not one policy implementation that's a success. Just a litany of failure. They get into power and do....nothing. But go ahead, quote me something from Prager or Shapiro. :)
LMAO. Trump's policies brought about the lowest black unemployment EVER RECORDED and I could go on. But, you'll just deflect so, I won't waste my time.

You'll just have to deal with the reality that it's your side that is the failure. It's your side that is currently burning, looting, and destroying cities.

Keep quoting his crap lines and lines from his campaign website. Nothing that wasn't already occurring under President Obama...but none of you righties would ever give him credit for that. We can put the bow on the Republican party and conservatism. One can't govern, the other is an abject failure....time for some fresh ideas..and maybe a return to core conservative know, before they lost their shit (Thanks Newt!) :)
It's June almost July.... really Democrats? Your governor's, state legislators, Mayor's and city council's are using COVID 19 as an excuse for piss poor leadership.

Again, I ask, what reality do you right wingers live in? How do you create an alternative reality that deals in "facts" and "truths" that you believe? Is it right wing media? Are your minds that soft?, that weak?, that malleable?
Leadership starts from the top down. Those deaths and economic carnage get laid largely at the feet of the person who was responsible for coordinating and directing action to combat the spread of the virus...but he was too
busy denying and rallying. Now we're on the upward path to another March 11-13, 2020. And still, no leadership from the White House. I've given up at this point. Bring on November. Time to clean house.

But you just keep going on blaming the media.
Speaking of reality. Did you really think the virus would magically disappear after the lockdown?

Are we supposed to keep the country/world locked down?

The reality is you can't control a virus, the lockdown just prolonged the spike. 99+% of the people who contract the virus either don't show any symptoms whatsoever or recover within a week, that's reality.
Life must go forward. Democrats would destroy our economy, democracy, society, and our way of life because of their hatred of President Trump. Newsflash to the socialist/Marxist/ Democrats (all the same) the average working class American supports OUR President and OUR Republic.

Good of you to hit all the alt-right talking points. But you forgot "they hate America".
Oh yeah, Trump has already shown he doesn't care one iota about the virus or what havoc it wreaks.
Most of us have dismissed him already. We'll just formalize it in November. I sincerely hope that most
sane Americans will also take this opportunity to show the Republicans the door as well. Long past time
for them to be in the minority again.
The United States of America could not survive a Democratic White House and Congress. It would be tantamount to Soviet Union winning Cold War and occupying our nation. The greatest threat to the Republic is Democrats (who are just a front for communism).

The greatest threat to this country at the moment is the right wing. It's the greatest threat this republic has faced since the Civil War. I've never seen in my lifetime a group of people so rooted in hatred and bile, willing to believe in grand conspiracy theories, making their own reality and forming their own "post-truth" world. But I believe the majority of people in this country want to see a return to sanity. And since Republicans and Conservatives have nothing in the way of new ideas or even ideas that have a chance of success, I believe the voters will turn them (and Trump) out in November.
Conservatives can run a nation, a state, and a city. Why are our nation's cities shit hole places to live? Controlled by liberal Democrats.

Conservatives (and by in large Republicans) cannot govern. They've proven this consistently over four decades. Not one policy implementation that's a success. Just a litany of failure. They get into power and do....nothing. But go ahead, quote me something from Prager or Shapiro. :)
No, I will stand on my own, although I do like the before mentioned. New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston, Baltimore, Atlanta... which of these shining liberal success stories do you wish to discuss?
without these cities you would be like Canada. people visiting with rv's to witness the grandeur of montana, utah and arizona.
It's June almost July.... really Democrats? Your governor's, state legislators, Mayor's and city council's are using COVID 19 as an excuse for piss poor leadership.

Again, I ask, what reality do you right wingers live in? How do you create an alternative reality that deals in "facts" and "truths" that you believe? Is it right wing media? Are your minds that soft?, that weak?, that malleable?
Leadership starts from the top down. Those deaths and economic carnage get laid largely at the feet of the person who was responsible for coordinating and directing action to combat the spread of the virus...but he was too
busy denying and rallying. Now we're on the upward path to another March 11-13, 2020. And still, no leadership from the White House. I've given up at this point. Bring on November. Time to clean house.

But you just keep going on blaming the media.
Speaking of reality. Did you really think the virus would magically disappear after the lockdown?

Are we supposed to keep the country/world locked down?

The reality is you can't control a virus, the lockdown just prolonged the spike. 99+% of the people who contract the virus either don't show any symptoms whatsoever or recover within a week, that's reality.
Life must go forward. Democrats would destroy our economy, democracy, society, and our way of life because of their hatred of President Trump. Newsflash to the socialist/Marxist/ Democrats (all the same) the average working class American supports OUR President and OUR Republic.

Good of you to hit all the alt-right talking points. But you forgot "they hate America".
Oh yeah, Trump has already shown he doesn't care one iota about the virus or what havoc it wreaks.
Most of us have dismissed him already. We'll just formalize it in November. I sincerely hope that most
sane Americans will also take this opportunity to show the Republicans the door as well. Long past time
for them to be in the minority again.
So, just deflection. Got it.

What deflection? Nothing to deflect. There are no Democrats trying to destroy the economy, or the country, or anyone's way of life. Those are just alt-right wet dreams. No one wants to see a shutdown. But governors, mayors, and business leaders were forced to (and it looks like forced to again) take action when there was nothing in the way of guidance or action from the White House. Something that continues to this day. But I'm sure you'll absolve your hero of ANY responsibility. It's all the big, bad Democrats fault. :(
How long should the shutdown be? When will the virus disappear? How many times have you been out of your house since this all started?
Good question, although the answer has been given months ago. It's called flatten the curve. You reopen when the number of infections stabilizes. It's what's been done in most of the Western World and has proven an overall success. The goal is not to eradicate the virus but rather to control it. What the US did was reopen when the virus wasn't under control.
That's exactly what we did. And, when we started reopening it spiked again, duh. So, I'll ask again, how long should we shut down? No matter how long we shutdown the moment we reopen it will spike again. When will the virus disappear? The answer is after the election, that is if Biden wins.
I challenge you to look at this site. Check out the curve for the US and then compare it to other nations who are reopening. See if you can spot the difference.
Sorry, but I don't trust ANY information that is being reported on this virus. If the democrats know so much why aren't they leading the way?
It's June almost July.... really Democrats? Your governor's, state legislators, Mayor's and city council's are using COVID 19 as an excuse for piss poor leadership.

Again, I ask, what reality do you right wingers live in? How do you create an alternative reality that deals in "facts" and "truths" that you believe? Is it right wing media? Are your minds that soft?, that weak?, that malleable?
Leadership starts from the top down. Those deaths and economic carnage get laid largely at the feet of the person who was responsible for coordinating and directing action to combat the spread of the virus...but he was too
busy denying and rallying. Now we're on the upward path to another March 11-13, 2020. And still, no leadership from the White House. I've given up at this point. Bring on November. Time to clean house.

But you just keep going on blaming the media.
Speaking of reality. Did you really think the virus would magically disappear after the lockdown?

Are we supposed to keep the country/world locked down?

The reality is you can't control a virus, the lockdown just prolonged the spike. 99+% of the people who contract the virus either don't show any symptoms whatsoever or recover within a week, that's reality.
Life must go forward. Democrats would destroy our economy, democracy, society, and our way of life because of their hatred of President Trump. Newsflash to the socialist/Marxist/ Democrats (all the same) the average working class American supports OUR President and OUR Republic.

Good of you to hit all the alt-right talking points. But you forgot "they hate America".
Oh yeah, Trump has already shown he doesn't care one iota about the virus or what havoc it wreaks.
Most of us have dismissed him already. We'll just formalize it in November. I sincerely hope that most
sane Americans will also take this opportunity to show the Republicans the door as well. Long past time
for them to be in the minority again.
The United States of America could not survive a Democratic White House and Congress. It would be tantamount to Soviet Union winning Cold War and occupying our nation. The greatest threat to the Republic is Democrats (who are just a front for communism).

The greatest threat to this country at the moment is the right wing. It's the greatest threat this republic has faced since the Civil War. I've never seen in my lifetime a group of people so rooted in hatred and bile, willing to believe in grand conspiracy theories, making their own reality and forming their own "post-truth" world. But I believe the majority of people in this country want to see a return to sanity. And since Republicans and Conservatives have nothing in the way of new ideas or even ideas that have a chance of success, I believe the voters will turn them (and Trump) out in November.
Conservatives can run a nation, a state, and a city. Why are our nation's cities shit hole places to live? Controlled by liberal Democrats.

Conservatives (and by in large Republicans) cannot govern. They've proven this consistently over four decades. Not one policy implementation that's a success. Just a litany of failure. They get into power and do....nothing. But go ahead, quote me something from Prager or Shapiro. :)
LMAO. Trump's policies brought about the lowest black unemployment EVER RECORDED and I could go on. But, you'll just deflect so, I won't waste my time.

You'll just have to deal with the reality that it's your side that is the failure. It's your side that is currently burning, looting, and destroying cities.

Keep quoting his crap lines and lines from his campaign website. Nothing that wasn't already occurring under President Obama...but none of you righties would ever give him credit for that. We can put the bow on the Republican party and conservatism. One can't govern, the other is an abject failure....time for some fresh ideas..and maybe a return to core conservative know, before they lost their shit (Thanks Newt!) :)
8 years of Obama showed they have no "fresh" ideas. Only ideas that have failed miserably.
It's June almost July.... really Democrats? Your governor's, state legislators, Mayor's and city council's are using COVID 19 as an excuse for piss poor leadership.

Again, I ask, what reality do you right wingers live in? How do you create an alternative reality that deals in "facts" and "truths" that you believe? Is it right wing media? Are your minds that soft?, that weak?, that malleable?
Leadership starts from the top down. Those deaths and economic carnage get laid largely at the feet of the person who was responsible for coordinating and directing action to combat the spread of the virus...but he was too
busy denying and rallying. Now we're on the upward path to another March 11-13, 2020. And still, no leadership from the White House. I've given up at this point. Bring on November. Time to clean house.

But you just keep going on blaming the media.
Speaking of reality. Did you really think the virus would magically disappear after the lockdown?

Are we supposed to keep the country/world locked down?

The reality is you can't control a virus, the lockdown just prolonged the spike. 99+% of the people who contract the virus either don't show any symptoms whatsoever or recover within a week, that's reality.
Life must go forward. Democrats would destroy our economy, democracy, society, and our way of life because of their hatred of President Trump. Newsflash to the socialist/Marxist/ Democrats (all the same) the average working class American supports OUR President and OUR Republic.

Good of you to hit all the alt-right talking points. But you forgot "they hate America".
Oh yeah, Trump has already shown he doesn't care one iota about the virus or what havoc it wreaks.
Most of us have dismissed him already. We'll just formalize it in November. I sincerely hope that most
sane Americans will also take this opportunity to show the Republicans the door as well. Long past time
for them to be in the minority again.
The United States of America could not survive a Democratic White House and Congress. It would be tantamount to Soviet Union winning Cold War and occupying our nation. The greatest threat to the Republic is Democrats (who are just a front for communism).

The greatest threat to this country at the moment is the right wing. It's the greatest threat this republic has faced since the Civil War. I've never seen in my lifetime a group of people so rooted in hatred and bile, willing to believe in grand conspiracy theories, making their own reality and forming their own "post-truth" world. But I believe the majority of people in this country want to see a return to sanity. And since Republicans and Conservatives have nothing in the way of new ideas or even ideas that have a chance of success, I believe the voters will turn them (and Trump) out in November.
Conservatives can run a nation, a state, and a city. Why are our nation's cities shit hole places to live? Controlled by liberal Democrats.

Conservatives (and by in large Republicans) cannot govern. They've proven this consistently over four decades. Not one policy implementation that's a success. Just a litany of failure. They get into power and do....nothing. But go ahead, quote me something from Prager or Shapiro. :)
LMAO. Trump's policies brought about the lowest black unemployment EVER RECORDED and I could go on. But, you'll just deflect so, I won't waste my time.

You'll just have to deal with the reality that it's your side that is the failure. It's your side that is currently burning, looting, and destroying cities.

Keep quoting his crap lines and lines from his campaign website. Nothing that wasn't already occurring under President Obama...but none of you righties would ever give him credit for that. We can put the bow on the Republican party and conservatism. One can't govern, the other is an abject failure....time for some fresh ideas..and maybe a return to core conservative know, before they lost their shit (Thanks Newt!) :)
8 years of Obama showed they have no "fresh" ideas. Only ideas that have failed miserably.

Yeah, just bailing the country out of the mess that Bush Jr created. Jump starting one of the longest economic expansion in our country's history.
Remind me again, how many recessions have there been in the last four decades? And which party held the presidency during those recessions?
And which party had to come in and clean up the mess left behind? Conservatism...has...nothing. Bupkus.
It's June almost July.... really Democrats? Your governor's, state legislators, Mayor's and city council's are using COVID 19 as an excuse for piss poor leadership.

Again, I ask, what reality do you right wingers live in? How do you create an alternative reality that deals in "facts" and "truths" that you believe? Is it right wing media? Are your minds that soft?, that weak?, that malleable?
Leadership starts from the top down. Those deaths and economic carnage get laid largely at the feet of the person who was responsible for coordinating and directing action to combat the spread of the virus...but he was too
busy denying and rallying. Now we're on the upward path to another March 11-13, 2020. And still, no leadership from the White House. I've given up at this point. Bring on November. Time to clean house.

But you just keep going on blaming the media.

According to right wingers covid will go away the day after election. Thinking this is only a left wing virus is so fucked up and unreal, I guess it was true what they said about trump voter's. I don't think the bar can get much lower.
It's June almost July.... really Democrats? Your governor's, state legislators, Mayor's and city council's are using COVID 19 as an excuse for piss poor leadership.
You think the electorate has put COVID behind them?! What do you make of the Marxist states of Texas and Florida reversing the opening and closing bars after seeing dramatic spikes in cases and hospitalizations? Is that fake news?
It's June almost July.... really Democrats? Your governor's, state legislators, Mayor's and city council's are using COVID 19 as an excuse for piss poor leadership.

Again, I ask, what reality do you right wingers live in? How do you create an alternative reality that deals in "facts" and "truths" that you believe? Is it right wing media? Are your minds that soft?, that weak?, that malleable?
Leadership starts from the top down. Those deaths and economic carnage get laid largely at the feet of the person who was responsible for coordinating and directing action to combat the spread of the virus...but he was too
busy denying and rallying. Now we're on the upward path to another March 11-13, 2020. And still, no leadership from the White House. I've given up at this point. Bring on November. Time to clean house.

But you just keep going on blaming the media.
Speaking of reality. Did you really think the virus would magically disappear after the lockdown?

Are we supposed to keep the country/world locked down?

The reality is you can't control a virus, the lockdown just prolonged the spike. 99+% of the people who contract the virus either don't show any symptoms whatsoever or recover within a week, that's reality.
Life must go forward. Democrats would destroy our economy, democracy, society, and our way of life because of their hatred of President Trump. Newsflash to the socialist/Marxist/ Democrats (all the same) the average working class American supports OUR President and OUR Republic.

Man you are so far out there it is the right destroying the economy by not adhering to wearing a mask. There should never have been a shut down but a mandatory mask law. The best is yet to come when the stock market catches up with the recession.
It's June almost July.... really Democrats? Your governor's, state legislators, Mayor's and city council's are using COVID 19 as an excuse for piss poor leadership.

Again, I ask, what reality do you right wingers live in? How do you create an alternative reality that deals in "facts" and "truths" that you believe? Is it right wing media? Are your minds that soft?, that weak?, that malleable?
Leadership starts from the top down. Those deaths and economic carnage get laid largely at the feet of the person who was responsible for coordinating and directing action to combat the spread of the virus...but he was too
busy denying and rallying. Now we're on the upward path to another March 11-13, 2020. And still, no leadership from the White House. I've given up at this point. Bring on November. Time to clean house.

But you just keep going on blaming the media.
Speaking of reality. Did you really think the virus would magically disappear after the lockdown?

Are we supposed to keep the country/world locked down?

The reality is you can't control a virus, the lockdown just prolonged the spike. 99+% of the people who contract the virus either don't show any symptoms whatsoever or recover within a week, that's reality.
Life must go forward. Democrats would destroy our economy, democracy, society, and our way of life because of their hatred of President Trump. Newsflash to the socialist/Marxist/ Democrats (all the same) the average working class American supports OUR President and OUR Republic.

Good of you to hit all the alt-right talking points. But you forgot "they hate America".
Oh yeah, Trump has already shown he doesn't care one iota about the virus or what havoc it wreaks.
Most of us have dismissed him already. We'll just formalize it in November. I sincerely hope that most
sane Americans will also take this opportunity to show the Republicans the door as well. Long past time
for them to be in the minority again.
The United States of America could not survive a Democratic White House and Congress. It would be tantamount to Soviet Union winning Cold War and occupying our nation. The greatest threat to the Republic is Democrats (who are just a front for communism).

The greatest threat to this country at the moment is the right wing. It's the greatest threat this republic has faced since the Civil War. I've never seen in my lifetime a group of people so rooted in hatred and bile, willing to believe in grand conspiracy theories, making their own reality and forming their own "post-truth" world. But I believe the majority of people in this country want to see a return to sanity. And since Republicans and Conservatives have nothing in the way of new ideas or even ideas that have a chance of success, I believe the voters will turn them (and Trump) out in November.
Conservatives can run a nation, a state, and a city. Why are our nation's cities shit hole places to live? Controlled by liberal Democrats.

Conservatives (and by in large Republicans) cannot govern. They've proven this consistently over four decades. Not one policy implementation that's a success. Just a litany of failure. They get into power and do....nothing. But go ahead, quote me something from Prager or Shapiro. :)
LMAO. Trump's policies brought about the lowest black unemployment EVER RECORDED and I could go on. But, you'll just deflect so, I won't waste my time.

You'll just have to deal with the reality that it's your side that is the failure. It's your side that is currently burning, looting, and destroying cities.
I don’t see black unemployment at the lowest levels ever... unemployment for all races is at an extremely high level right now because of trumps policies.
It's June almost July.... really Democrats? Your governor's, state legislators, Mayor's and city council's are using COVID 19 as an excuse for piss poor leadership.

Again, I ask, what reality do you right wingers live in? How do you create an alternative reality that deals in "facts" and "truths" that you believe? Is it right wing media? Are your minds that soft?, that weak?, that malleable?
Leadership starts from the top down. Those deaths and economic carnage get laid largely at the feet of the person who was responsible for coordinating and directing action to combat the spread of the virus...but he was too
busy denying and rallying. Now we're on the upward path to another March 11-13, 2020. And still, no leadership from the White House. I've given up at this point. Bring on November. Time to clean house.

But you just keep going on blaming the media.
Speaking of reality. Did you really think the virus would magically disappear after the lockdown?

Are we supposed to keep the country/world locked down?

The reality is you can't control a virus, the lockdown just prolonged the spike. 99+% of the people who contract the virus either don't show any symptoms whatsoever or recover within a week, that's reality.
Life must go forward. Democrats would destroy our economy, democracy, society, and our way of life because of their hatred of President Trump. Newsflash to the socialist/Marxist/ Democrats (all the same) the average working class American supports OUR President and OUR Republic.

Good of you to hit all the alt-right talking points. But you forgot "they hate America".
Oh yeah, Trump has already shown he doesn't care one iota about the virus or what havoc it wreaks.
Most of us have dismissed him already. We'll just formalize it in November. I sincerely hope that most
sane Americans will also take this opportunity to show the Republicans the door as well. Long past time
for them to be in the minority again.
The United States of America could not survive a Democratic White House and Congress. It would be tantamount to Soviet Union winning Cold War and occupying our nation. The greatest threat to the Republic is Democrats (who are just a front for communism).

The greatest threat to this country at the moment is the right wing. It's the greatest threat this republic has faced since the Civil War. I've never seen in my lifetime a group of people so rooted in hatred and bile, willing to believe in grand conspiracy theories, making their own reality and forming their own "post-truth" world. But I believe the majority of people in this country want to see a return to sanity. And since Republicans and Conservatives have nothing in the way of new ideas or even ideas that have a chance of success, I believe the voters will turn them (and Trump) out in November.
Conservatives can run a nation, a state, and a city. Why are our nation's cities shit hole places to live? Controlled by liberal Democrats.

Conservatives (and by in large Republicans) cannot govern. They've proven this consistently over four decades. Not one policy implementation that's a success. Just a litany of failure. They get into power and do....nothing. But go ahead, quote me something from Prager or Shapiro. :)
LMAO. Trump's policies brought about the lowest black unemployment EVER RECORDED and I could go on. But, you'll just deflect so, I won't waste my time.

You'll just have to deal with the reality that it's your side that is the failure. It's your side that is currently burning, looting, and destroying cities.

Keep quoting his crap lines and lines from his campaign website. Nothing that wasn't already occurring under President Obama...but none of you righties would ever give him credit for that. We can put the bow on the Republican party and conservatism. One can't govern, the other is an abject failure....time for some fresh ideas..and maybe a return to core conservative know, before they lost their shit (Thanks Newt!) :)
8 years of Obama showed they have no "fresh" ideas. Only ideas that have failed miserably.

Yeah, just bailing the country out of the mess that Bush Jr created. Jump starting one of the longest economic expansion in our country's history.
Remind me again, how many recessions have there been in the last four decades? And which party held the presidency during those recessions?
And which party had to come in and clean up the mess left behind? Conservatism...has...nothing. Bupkus.
The way you bail out the economy is putting people back to work, something Obama knows nothing about, as he proved. Trump showed how to do it in less than 3 years. Deal with it.
It's June almost July.... really Democrats? Your governor's, state legislators, Mayor's and city council's are using COVID 19 as an excuse for piss poor leadership.

Again, I ask, what reality do you right wingers live in? How do you create an alternative reality that deals in "facts" and "truths" that you believe? Is it right wing media? Are your minds that soft?, that weak?, that malleable?
Leadership starts from the top down. Those deaths and economic carnage get laid largely at the feet of the person who was responsible for coordinating and directing action to combat the spread of the virus...but he was too
busy denying and rallying. Now we're on the upward path to another March 11-13, 2020. And still, no leadership from the White House. I've given up at this point. Bring on November. Time to clean house.

But you just keep going on blaming the media.
Speaking of reality. Did you really think the virus would magically disappear after the lockdown?

Are we supposed to keep the country/world locked down?

The reality is you can't control a virus, the lockdown just prolonged the spike. 99+% of the people who contract the virus either don't show any symptoms whatsoever or recover within a week, that's reality.
Life must go forward. Democrats would destroy our economy, democracy, society, and our way of life because of their hatred of President Trump. Newsflash to the socialist/Marxist/ Democrats (all the same) the average working class American supports OUR President and OUR Republic.

Good of you to hit all the alt-right talking points. But you forgot "they hate America".
Oh yeah, Trump has already shown he doesn't care one iota about the virus or what havoc it wreaks.
Most of us have dismissed him already. We'll just formalize it in November. I sincerely hope that most
sane Americans will also take this opportunity to show the Republicans the door as well. Long past time
for them to be in the minority again.
The United States of America could not survive a Democratic White House and Congress. It would be tantamount to Soviet Union winning Cold War and occupying our nation. The greatest threat to the Republic is Democrats (who are just a front for communism).

The greatest threat to this country at the moment is the right wing. It's the greatest threat this republic has faced since the Civil War. I've never seen in my lifetime a group of people so rooted in hatred and bile, willing to believe in grand conspiracy theories, making their own reality and forming their own "post-truth" world. But I believe the majority of people in this country want to see a return to sanity. And since Republicans and Conservatives have nothing in the way of new ideas or even ideas that have a chance of success, I believe the voters will turn them (and Trump) out in November.
Conservatives can run a nation, a state, and a city. Why are our nation's cities shit hole places to live? Controlled by liberal Democrats.

Conservatives (and by in large Republicans) cannot govern. They've proven this consistently over four decades. Not one policy implementation that's a success. Just a litany of failure. They get into power and do....nothing. But go ahead, quote me something from Prager or Shapiro. :)
LMAO. Trump's policies brought about the lowest black unemployment EVER RECORDED and I could go on. But, you'll just deflect so, I won't waste my time.

You'll just have to deal with the reality that it's your side that is the failure. It's your side that is currently burning, looting, and destroying cities.
I don’t see black unemployment at the lowest levels ever... unemployment for all races is at an extremely high level right now because of trumps policies.

This is why you dems. can't be taken seriously.
It's June almost July.... really Democrats? Your governor's, state legislators, Mayor's and city council's are using COVID 19 as an excuse for piss poor leadership.

Again, I ask, what reality do you right wingers live in? How do you create an alternative reality that deals in "facts" and "truths" that you believe? Is it right wing media? Are your minds that soft?, that weak?, that malleable?
Leadership starts from the top down. Those deaths and economic carnage get laid largely at the feet of the person who was responsible for coordinating and directing action to combat the spread of the virus...but he was too
busy denying and rallying. Now we're on the upward path to another March 11-13, 2020. And still, no leadership from the White House. I've given up at this point. Bring on November. Time to clean house.

But you just keep going on blaming the media.
Speaking of reality. Did you really think the virus would magically disappear after the lockdown?

Are we supposed to keep the country/world locked down?

The reality is you can't control a virus, the lockdown just prolonged the spike. 99+% of the people who contract the virus either don't show any symptoms whatsoever or recover within a week, that's reality.
Life must go forward. Democrats would destroy our economy, democracy, society, and our way of life because of their hatred of President Trump. Newsflash to the socialist/Marxist/ Democrats (all the same) the average working class American supports OUR President and OUR Republic.

Good of you to hit all the alt-right talking points. But you forgot "they hate America".
Oh yeah, Trump has already shown he doesn't care one iota about the virus or what havoc it wreaks.
Most of us have dismissed him already. We'll just formalize it in November. I sincerely hope that most
sane Americans will also take this opportunity to show the Republicans the door as well. Long past time
for them to be in the minority again.
The United States of America could not survive a Democratic White House and Congress. It would be tantamount to Soviet Union winning Cold War and occupying our nation. The greatest threat to the Republic is Democrats (who are just a front for communism).

The greatest threat to this country at the moment is the right wing. It's the greatest threat this republic has faced since the Civil War. I've never seen in my lifetime a group of people so rooted in hatred and bile, willing to believe in grand conspiracy theories, making their own reality and forming their own "post-truth" world. But I believe the majority of people in this country want to see a return to sanity. And since Republicans and Conservatives have nothing in the way of new ideas or even ideas that have a chance of success, I believe the voters will turn them (and Trump) out in November.
Conservatives can run a nation, a state, and a city. Why are our nation's cities shit hole places to live? Controlled by liberal Democrats.

Conservatives (and by in large Republicans) cannot govern. They've proven this consistently over four decades. Not one policy implementation that's a success. Just a litany of failure. They get into power and do....nothing. But go ahead, quote me something from Prager or Shapiro. :)
LMAO. Trump's policies brought about the lowest black unemployment EVER RECORDED and I could go on. But, you'll just deflect so, I won't waste my time.

You'll just have to deal with the reality that it's your side that is the failure. It's your side that is currently burning, looting, and destroying cities.
I don’t see black unemployment at the lowest levels ever... unemployment for all races is at an extremely high level right now because of trumps policies.

This is why you dems. can't be taken seriously.
“This”... wow there’s a great explanation can’t argue with that, you win.
It's June almost July.... really Democrats? Your governor's, state legislators, Mayor's and city council's are using COVID 19 as an excuse for piss poor leadership.

Again, I ask, what reality do you right wingers live in? How do you create an alternative reality that deals in "facts" and "truths" that you believe? Is it right wing media? Are your minds that soft?, that weak?, that malleable?
Leadership starts from the top down. Those deaths and economic carnage get laid largely at the feet of the person who was responsible for coordinating and directing action to combat the spread of the virus...but he was too
busy denying and rallying. Now we're on the upward path to another March 11-13, 2020. And still, no leadership from the White House. I've given up at this point. Bring on November. Time to clean house.

But you just keep going on blaming the media.
Speaking of reality. Did you really think the virus would magically disappear after the lockdown?

Are we supposed to keep the country/world locked down?

The reality is you can't control a virus, the lockdown just prolonged the spike. 99+% of the people who contract the virus either don't show any symptoms whatsoever or recover within a week, that's reality.
Life must go forward. Democrats would destroy our economy, democracy, society, and our way of life because of their hatred of President Trump. Newsflash to the socialist/Marxist/ Democrats (all the same) the average working class American supports OUR President and OUR Republic.

Good of you to hit all the alt-right talking points. But you forgot "they hate America".
Oh yeah, Trump has already shown he doesn't care one iota about the virus or what havoc it wreaks.
Most of us have dismissed him already. We'll just formalize it in November. I sincerely hope that most
sane Americans will also take this opportunity to show the Republicans the door as well. Long past time
for them to be in the minority again.
So, just deflection. Got it.

What deflection? Nothing to deflect. There are no Democrats trying to destroy the economy, or the country, or anyone's way of life. Those are just alt-right wet dreams. No one wants to see a shutdown. But governors, mayors, and business leaders were forced to (and it looks like forced to again) take action when there was nothing in the way of guidance or action from the White House. Something that continues to this day. But I'm sure you'll absolve your hero of ANY responsibility. It's all the big, bad Democrats fault. :(
How long should the shutdown be? When will the virus disappear? How many times have you been out of your house since this all started?

No one is advocating for a shutdown. That's the point. People are advocating for common sense and TESTING. Masks, social distancing, making sure enough tests are available, contact tracing, etc. Work on a reliable anti-body test.
I believe the first shutdown would not have been largely necessary if people could just be trusted to do the right fucking thing. Wear a mask, social distance, hygiene..and if you have so much as a sniffle...STAY HOME!!
I also think if we had anything resembling a functional head of the federal government, we'd be in better shape. But the guy was more interested in campaigning (like he has since the day he was inaugurated) than he was in doing his job.

I've been out of my house quite a bit over the last two months. I wear a mask, give people a wide berth, and make sure I use hand sanitizer and scrub my hands until they are almost bleeding.
So, you are against the shutdowns then? Good to know, and me too. Thanks.
It's June almost July.... really Democrats? Your governor's, state legislators, Mayor's and city council's are using COVID 19 as an excuse for piss poor leadership.

Again, I ask, what reality do you right wingers live in? How do you create an alternative reality that deals in "facts" and "truths" that you believe? Is it right wing media? Are your minds that soft?, that weak?, that malleable?
Leadership starts from the top down. Those deaths and economic carnage get laid largely at the feet of the person who was responsible for coordinating and directing action to combat the spread of the virus...but he was too
busy denying and rallying. Now we're on the upward path to another March 11-13, 2020. And still, no leadership from the White House. I've given up at this point. Bring on November. Time to clean house.

But you just keep going on blaming the media.
Speaking of reality. Did you really think the virus would magically disappear after the lockdown?

Are we supposed to keep the country/world locked down?

The reality is you can't control a virus, the lockdown just prolonged the spike. 99+% of the people who contract the virus either don't show any symptoms whatsoever or recover within a week, that's reality.
Life must go forward. Democrats would destroy our economy, democracy, society, and our way of life because of their hatred of President Trump. Newsflash to the socialist/Marxist/ Democrats (all the same) the average working class American supports OUR President and OUR Republic.

Good of you to hit all the alt-right talking points. But you forgot "they hate America".
Oh yeah, Trump has already shown he doesn't care one iota about the virus or what havoc it wreaks.
Most of us have dismissed him already. We'll just formalize it in November. I sincerely hope that most
sane Americans will also take this opportunity to show the Republicans the door as well. Long past time
for them to be in the minority again.
So, just deflection. Got it.

What deflection? Nothing to deflect. There are no Democrats trying to destroy the economy, or the country, or anyone's way of life. Those are just alt-right wet dreams. No one wants to see a shutdown. But governors, mayors, and business leaders were forced to (and it looks like forced to again) take action when there was nothing in the way of guidance or action from the White House. Something that continues to this day. But I'm sure you'll absolve your hero of ANY responsibility. It's all the big, bad Democrats fault. :(
How long should the shutdown be? When will the virus disappear? How many times have you been out of your house since this all started?

No one is advocating for a shutdown. That's the point. People are advocating for common sense and TESTING. Masks, social distancing, making sure enough tests are available, contact tracing, etc. Work on a reliable anti-body test.
I believe the first shutdown would not have been largely necessary if people could just be trusted to do the right fucking thing. Wear a mask, social distance, hygiene..and if you have so much as a sniffle...STAY HOME!!
I also think if we had anything resembling a functional head of the federal government, we'd be in better shape. But the guy was more interested in campaigning (like he has since the day he was inaugurated) than he was in doing his job.

I've been out of my house quite a bit over the last two months. I wear a mask, give people a wide berth, and make sure I use hand sanitizer and scrub my hands until they are almost bleeding.
So, you are against the shutdowns then? Good to know, and me too. Thanks.

If human beings could be trusted to do the right thing. Wear a mask, social distance, keep in mind the more vulnerable. Stay away from people if you feel the slightest bit under the weather. And if our President and his merry band of sycophants would have taken this virus seriously in January. But that time has passed and that shipped has sailed, and as Memorial Day proved, most people are idiots. 40K new cases just today. Just too many people who aren't taking the threat seriously. We may be screwed here. Some states may have to shut down again...maybe for an even longer period of time.

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