Marxist-Based BLM Doubles-Down On Anti-American Propaganda On Independence Day Weekend


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Black Lives Matter chapter declares US flag ‘symbol of hatred’ in July 4th post, then doubles down

Black Lives Matter chapter declares US flag ‘symbol of hatred’ in July 4th post, then doubles down

The self-professed Marxist founder of BLM made it clear that BLM has nothing to do with George Floyd, Police Brutality, or how Black Lives matter - it was about making her an ass-load of money, duping leftist idiots and blacks, dividing the nation, and setting it on fire before walking away. Mission accomplished.

In the void left behind when the con woman founder of BLM walked away, America-hating idiots like this stepped up:


In a fiery Fourth of July Facebook post, Utah’s Black Lives Matter Chapter declared the American flag "a symbol of hatred."

"When we Black Americans see this flag we know the person flying it is not safe to be around. When we see this flag we know the person flying it is a racist. When we see this flag we know that the person flying it lives in a different America than we do. When we see this flag, we question your intelligence. We know to avoid you. It is a symbol of hatred."
-- Chapter founder Lex Scott

Yes, this duped idiot, conned by a self-professed con artist who bought 4 mansions and millions of dollars in real estate idiots like this gave her, is saying flying the American flag makes you 1) dangerous to be around, 2) a racist, 3) stupid, 4) filled with hatred. Again, says the idiot (stupid) racist who was conned by a Marxist, who leads a group who commits acts of terrorism (dangerous to be around) and is consumed by hatred because the con artist Marxist told her she should be.


This is how reactionary groups like BLM shoot themselves in the foot.

Instead of attacking the flag, they should be reminding people that the flag is theirs, too.

All this does is play into the hands of people who are ignorant and paranoid and claiming that the flag is theirs.
Black LIES Matter claiming the flag is there's too?

That's really dumb.

BLM is a domestic terrorist group.

A racist hate White people group.

There is NOTHING American about them.

Even they know that.
This is how reactionary groups like BLM shoot themselves in the foot.

Instead of attacking the flag, they should be reminding people that the flag is theirs, too.

All this does is play into the hands of people who are ignorant and paranoid and claiming that the flag is theirs.
Nope, this is who they are. What we on the right have been saying since day one, BLM are Marxists who hate America.

So be sure to praise the next idiot you see with a BLM t-shirt, because you’re just as anti-American as they are.
What's the point of making a statement like "the American flag is a symbol of hate" unless you think you're talking to a bunch of dumb fucks.
This is how reactionary groups like BLM shoot themselves in the foot.

Instead of attacking the flag, they should be reminding people that the flag is theirs, too.

All this does is play into the hands of people who are ignorant and paranoid and claiming that the flag is theirs.
Nope, this is who they are. What we on the right have been saying since day one, BLM are Marxists who hate America.

So be sure to praise the next idiot you see with a BLM t-shirt, because you’re just as anti-American as they are.
Right on cue.
Black Lives Matter chapter declares US flag ‘symbol of hatred’ in July 4th post, then doubles down

Black Lives Matter chapter declares US flag ‘symbol of hatred’ in July 4th post, then doubles down

The self-professed Marxist founder of BLM made it clear that BLM has nothing to do with George Floyd, Police Brutality, or how Black Lives matter - it was about making her an ass-load of money, duping leftist idiots and blacks, dividing the nation, and setting it on fire before walking away. Mission accomplished.

In the void left behind when the con woman founder of BLM walked away, America-hating idiots like this stepped up:

View attachment 510301

In a fiery Fourth of July Facebook post, Utah’s Black Lives Matter Chapter declared the American flag "a symbol of hatred."

"When we Black Americans see this flag we know the person flying it is not safe to be around. When we see this flag we know the person flying it is a racist. When we see this flag we know that the person flying it lives in a different America than we do. When we see this flag, we question your intelligence. We know to avoid you. It is a symbol of hatred."
-- Chapter founder Lex Scott

Yes, this duped idiot, conned by a self-professed con artist who bought 4 mansions and millions of dollars in real estate idiots like this gave her, is saying flying the American flag makes you 1) dangerous to be around, 2) a racist, 3) stupid, 4) filled with hatred. Again, says the idiot (stupid) racist who was conned by a Marxist, who leads a group who commits acts of terrorism (dangerous to be around) and is consumed by hatred because the con artist Marxist told her she should be.


This is a lie.

BLM is neither Marxist based nor anti-American.
This is a lie. BLM is neither Marxist based nor anti-American.

You are an idiot, an uninformed, uneducated idiot.

The link to the interview with the founder of BLM has been posted close to a dozen times in numerous threads, there have been numerous threads, and probably hundreds of posts on this.

The founder of BLM is a self-professed Marxist who declared 'BLM' was a 'PROJECT' she started years ago with the intent being to enrich herself.

The media did some digging, and the story of how she bought 4 (four) MANSIONS and MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN REAL ESTATE with money she had received for 'BLM' went 'viral'.

In the interview she said after the stories came out and she started to take some flak she decided to WALK AWAY in search of other 'financially lucrative opportunities'....for example, in the interview she stated she was in negotiations for a TV deal and was working on her 2nd book.

If Black Lives really did matter, you just don't 'WALK AWAY'. It certainly was not as worthy enough cause as getting out after it was exposed she was scamming MILLIONS from the suckers buying into her 'BLM' 'project'.

The BLM Leader in Portland was nationally highlighted for saying shortly after that he was stepping away from BLM because he learned 'BLM' focused in part about destroying the traditional family model among Blacks, leading to even more of a problem with Blacks having a highly disproportionate number of single-parent (mother) families where there in no much needed fathers tohelp brinng up black children.


And every time some snowflake steps up to defend it they self-identify as another sheep duped by this con artist.
i want to know why these black flies matter shit stains don't come out to the country and try to pull their shit....they are afraid of a tree blowing in the wind....they wouldn't survive 5 minutes...they have no balls, or brains...FUCK THE RACIST GROUP-BLACK lives flies matter more--they don't go out and set shit on fire, steal, or lie
Black Lives Matter chapter declares US flag ‘symbol of hatred’ in July 4th post, then doubles down

Black Lives Matter chapter declares US flag ‘symbol of hatred’ in July 4th post, then doubles down

The self-professed Marxist founder of BLM made it clear that BLM has nothing to do with George Floyd, Police Brutality, or how Black Lives matter - it was about making her an ass-load of money, duping leftist idiots and blacks, dividing the nation, and setting it on fire before walking away. Mission accomplished.

In the void left behind when the con woman founder of BLM walked away, America-hating idiots like this stepped up:

View attachment 510301

In a fiery Fourth of July Facebook post, Utah’s Black Lives Matter Chapter declared the American flag "a symbol of hatred."

"When we Black Americans see this flag we know the person flying it is not safe to be around. When we see this flag we know the person flying it is a racist. When we see this flag we know that the person flying it lives in a different America than we do. When we see this flag, we question your intelligence. We know to avoid you. It is a symbol of hatred."
-- Chapter founder Lex Scott

Yes, this duped idiot, conned by a self-professed con artist who bought 4 mansions and millions of dollars in real estate idiots like this gave her, is saying flying the American flag makes you 1) dangerous to be around, 2) a racist, 3) stupid, 4) filled with hatred. Again, says the idiot (stupid) racist who was conned by a Marxist, who leads a group who commits acts of terrorism (dangerous to be around) and is consumed by hatred because the con artist Marxist told her she should be.


They represent Totalitarianism.
They use violence to get what they want.
Black Lives Matter chapter declares US flag ‘symbol of hatred’ in July 4th post, then doubles down

Black Lives Matter chapter declares US flag ‘symbol of hatred’ in July 4th post, then doubles down

The self-professed Marxist founder of BLM made it clear that BLM has nothing to do with George Floyd, Police Brutality, or how Black Lives matter - it was about making her an ass-load of money, duping leftist idiots and blacks, dividing the nation, and setting it on fire before walking away. Mission accomplished.

In the void left behind when the con woman founder of BLM walked away, America-hating idiots like this stepped up:

View attachment 510301

In a fiery Fourth of July Facebook post, Utah’s Black Lives Matter Chapter declared the American flag "a symbol of hatred."

"When we Black Americans see this flag we know the person flying it is not safe to be around. When we see this flag we know the person flying it is a racist. When we see this flag we know that the person flying it lives in a different America than we do. When we see this flag, we question your intelligence. We know to avoid you. It is a symbol of hatred."
-- Chapter founder Lex Scott

Yes, this duped idiot, conned by a self-professed con artist who bought 4 mansions and millions of dollars in real estate idiots like this gave her, is saying flying the American flag makes you 1) dangerous to be around, 2) a racist, 3) stupid, 4) filled with hatred. Again, says the idiot (stupid) racist who was conned by a Marxist, who leads a group who commits acts of terrorism (dangerous to be around) and is consumed by hatred because the con artist Marxist told her she should be.


This is a lie.

BLM is neither Marxist based nor anti-American.
Somebody needs to remind BLM. They seem to have forgotten.

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