Martial Law Has Been Declared!


Agent P
Sep 15, 2008
Little Rock, AR
Martial Law has been declared. Listen how the representative who represents 820,000 North Texans say how no one was allowed to review the bill and how it is under secrecy. As a result of the passing of this illegal bill to bailout Wallstreet, the United States will experience Hyper-inflation and the economy will collapse resulting in a transition currency and economic environment to a new one to save us. This transformation will require martial law to insure its survival, according to the bill.

[ame=]YouTube - Martial Law Has Been Declared! -C-SPAN - read summary on right side of screen, click the link to[/ame]
Dear Senator Murray,

If you vote for the Wall Street Bail Out bill without its being posted for public review, I consider you a traitor. If there is no roll call vote, all of congress is guilty of treason.

Thank you,


Feel free to copy and paste if you want - this is no time to worry about copyrights!

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Damn, that was the most powerful 1 minute speach I've heard in a VERY long time, coming from a DEMOCRAT!. I don't know any specifics about Marcy Kapture, but I agree with her 100%.

We probably won't be hearing from her anytime soon. They've probably got her locked away in a bunker in Kansas.
Did anyone hear Dennis Kucinich yesterday in a news conference? "Not only am I going to Vote NO, but I'm Voting HELL NO!!" As I mentioned yesterday, it's not often I agree with him, but these congressmen and women who take a stand on this are the ones that really have the American peoples interests at heart.

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