Mars water discovery is a liberal-muslim plot, cry moist conspiracy theorists



Leading the pack of doubters is waning US shock jock Rush Limbaugh, who was quick to denounce NASA's announcement as both unimportant and probably a conspiracy to bolster the case for climate change. He said that NASA has lied about environmental data in the past, so why should it be believed about water on Mars – if that's even its real name.

"They're lying and making up false charts and so forth, so what's to stop them from making up something that happened on Mars that will help advance their left-wing agenda on this planet?" the calm and measured one said.

"OK, flowing water on Mars, if we're even to believe that, what are they gonna tell us that means? That's what I'm gonna wait for. Because I guarantee, let's just wait and see. Don't know how long it's gonna take, but this news that there is flowing water on Mars is somehow gonna find its way into a technique to advance the leftist agenda."

Mars water discovery is a liberal-muslim plot, cry moist conspiracy theorists

I read this and couldn't tell if it is real or satire. I can never tell with right wingers. The things they come up with.
I'm all for space exploration but NASA is wasting a lot of resources trying to search for life. They need to look for resources we can use to make scientific advances to help mankind, not wishful thinking about life supposedly evolving out of inorganic materials.
Leading the pack of doubters is waning US shock jock Rush Limbaugh, who was quick to denounce NASA's announcement as both unimportant and probably a conspiracy to bolster the case for climate change. He said that NASA has lied about environmental data in the past, so why should it be believed about water on Mars – if that's even its real name.

"They're lying and making up false charts and so forth, so what's to stop them from making up something that happened on Mars that will help advance their left-wing agenda on this planet?" the calm and measured one said.

"OK, flowing water on Mars, if we're even to believe that, what are they gonna tell us that means? That's what I'm gonna wait for. Because I guarantee, let's just wait and see. Don't know how long it's gonna take, but this news that there is flowing water on Mars is somehow gonna find its way into a technique to advance the leftist agenda."

Mars water discovery is a liberal-muslim plot, cry moist conspiracy theorists

I read this and couldn't tell if it is real or satire. I can never tell with right wingers. The things they come up with.

What it would take to drink the water on Mars
Leading the pack of doubters is waning US shock jock Rush Limbaugh, who was quick to denounce NASA's announcement as both unimportant and probably a conspiracy to bolster the case for climate change. He said that NASA has lied about environmental data in the past, so why should it be believed about water on Mars – if that's even its real name.
And his dittoheads are eating it up and begging for more.
I'm all for space exploration but NASA is wasting a lot of resources trying to search for life. They need to look for resources we can use to make scientific advances to help mankind, not wishful thinking about life supposedly evolving out of inorganic materials.

I don't see anything wrong with that kind of thinking. The problem right now is the lack of a spaceship fast enough for a manned mission to Mars.
Leading the pack of doubters is waning US shock jock Rush Limbaugh, who was quick to denounce NASA's announcement as both unimportant and probably a conspiracy to bolster the case for climate change. He said that NASA has lied about environmental data in the past, so why should it be believed about water on Mars – if that's even its real name.

"They're lying and making up false charts and so forth, so what's to stop them from making up something that happened on Mars that will help advance their left-wing agenda on this planet?" the calm and measured one said.

"OK, flowing water on Mars, if we're even to believe that, what are they gonna tell us that means? That's what I'm gonna wait for. Because I guarantee, let's just wait and see. Don't know how long it's gonna take, but this news that there is flowing water on Mars is somehow gonna find its way into a technique to advance the leftist agenda."

Mars water discovery is a liberal-muslim plot, cry moist conspiracy theorists

I read this and couldn't tell if it is real or satire. I can never tell with right wingers. The things they come up with.

What it would take to drink the water on Mars

Yeah desalination would use a lot of energy, but the fuel needed to do desalination would be less than transporting all the needed water.
Leading the pack of doubters is waning US shock jock Rush Limbaugh, who was quick to denounce NASA's announcement as both unimportant and probably a conspiracy to bolster the case for climate change. He said that NASA has lied about environmental data in the past, so why should it be believed about water on Mars – if that's even its real name.

"They're lying and making up false charts and so forth, so what's to stop them from making up something that happened on Mars that will help advance their left-wing agenda on this planet?" the calm and measured one said.

"OK, flowing water on Mars, if we're even to believe that, what are they gonna tell us that means? That's what I'm gonna wait for. Because I guarantee, let's just wait and see. Don't know how long it's gonna take, but this news that there is flowing water on Mars is somehow gonna find its way into a technique to advance the leftist agenda."

Mars water discovery is a liberal-muslim plot, cry moist conspiracy theorists

I read this and couldn't tell if it is real or satire. I can never tell with right wingers. The things they come up with.

It was satire, dude. :eusa_eh:
Leading the pack of doubters is waning US shock jock Rush Limbaugh, who was quick to denounce NASA's announcement as both unimportant and probably a conspiracy to bolster the case for climate change. He said that NASA has lied about environmental data in the past, so why should it be believed about water on Mars – if that's even its real name.

"They're lying and making up false charts and so forth, so what's to stop them from making up something that happened on Mars that will help advance their left-wing agenda on this planet?" the calm and measured one said.

"OK, flowing water on Mars, if we're even to believe that, what are they gonna tell us that means? That's what I'm gonna wait for. Because I guarantee, let's just wait and see. Don't know how long it's gonna take, but this news that there is flowing water on Mars is somehow gonna find its way into a technique to advance the leftist agenda."

Mars water discovery is a liberal-muslim plot, cry moist conspiracy theorists

I read this and couldn't tell if it is real or satire. I can never tell with right wingers. The things they come up with.

What it would take to drink the water on Mars

Yeah desalination would use a lot of energy, but the fuel needed to do desalination would be less than transporting all the needed water.

Let's face it, NASA, much like Limbaugh, is seriously lacking in the way of credibility at this stage of the game. So it would be foolish to give much weight to their recent claims that liquid water exists on Mars. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. That's about where I'm at on this and for good reason. We've been fooled before by images suggesting something might be there only to learn later there was nothing there at all. And that's going back a long time. Canals, faces, and now elongated shadows appearing to flow like water down a hill.

At best, this startling new discovery will be used to promote sending even more space junk costing countless billions of dollars to Mars while doing nothing to advance manned space exploration.
Leading the pack of doubters is waning US shock jock Rush Limbaugh, who was quick to denounce NASA's announcement as both unimportant and probably a conspiracy to bolster the case for climate change. He said that NASA has lied about environmental data in the past, so why should it be believed about water on Mars – if that's even its real name.

"They're lying and making up false charts and so forth, so what's to stop them from making up something that happened on Mars that will help advance their left-wing agenda on this planet?" the calm and measured one said.

"OK, flowing water on Mars, if we're even to believe that, what are they gonna tell us that means? That's what I'm gonna wait for. Because I guarantee, let's just wait and see. Don't know how long it's gonna take, but this news that there is flowing water on Mars is somehow gonna find its way into a technique to advance the leftist agenda."

Mars water discovery is a liberal-muslim plot, cry moist conspiracy theorists

I read this and couldn't tell if it is real or satire. I can never tell with right wingers. The things they come up with.

What it would take to drink the water on Mars

Yeah desalination would use a lot of energy, but the fuel needed to do desalination would be less than transporting all the needed water.

Let's face it, NASA, much like Limbaugh, is seriously lacking in the way of credibility at this stage of the game. So it would be foolish to give much weight to their recent claims that liquid water exists on Mars. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. That's about where I'm at on this and for good reason. We've been fooled before by images suggesting something might be there only to learn later there was nothing there at all. And that's going back a long time. Canals, faces, and now elongated shadows appearing to flow like water down a hill.

At best, this startling new discovery will be used to promote sending even more space junk costing countless billions of dollars to Mars while doing nothing to advance manned space exploration.

I doubt that sending a probe to one of the Martian water flow sites would be an insurmountable problem for NASA.

In fact, I would imagine that wherever NASA decided to build our first manned post on Mars would be near such a water flow and that building of said post would be preceded by multiple robotic explorations
Leading the pack of doubters is waning US shock jock Rush Limbaugh, who was quick to denounce NASA's announcement as both unimportant and probably a conspiracy to bolster the case for climate change. He said that NASA has lied about environmental data in the past, so why should it be believed about water on Mars – if that's even its real name.

"They're lying and making up false charts and so forth, so what's to stop them from making up something that happened on Mars that will help advance their left-wing agenda on this planet?" the calm and measured one said.

"OK, flowing water on Mars, if we're even to believe that, what are they gonna tell us that means? That's what I'm gonna wait for. Because I guarantee, let's just wait and see. Don't know how long it's gonna take, but this news that there is flowing water on Mars is somehow gonna find its way into a technique to advance the leftist agenda."

Mars water discovery is a liberal-muslim plot, cry moist conspiracy theorists

I read this and couldn't tell if it is real or satire. I can never tell with right wingers. The things they come up with.

What it would take to drink the water on Mars

Yeah desalination would use a lot of energy, but the fuel needed to do desalination would be less than transporting all the needed water.

Let's face it, NASA, much like Limbaugh, is seriously lacking in the way of credibility at this stage of the game. So it would be foolish to give much weight to their recent claims that liquid water exists on Mars. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. That's about where I'm at on this and for good reason. We've been fooled before by images suggesting something might be there only to learn later there was nothing there at all. And that's going back a long time. Canals, faces, and now elongated shadows appearing to flow like water down a hill.

At best, this startling new discovery will be used to promote sending even more space junk costing countless billions of dollars to Mars while doing nothing to advance manned space exploration.

I doubt that sending a probe to one of the Martian water flow sites would be an insurmountable problem for NASA.

In fact, I would imagine that wherever NASA decided to build our first manned post on Mars would be near such a water flow and that building of said post would be preceded by multiple robotic explorations

I never suggested that sending space junk to mars was an insurmountable problem. Just costly. So costly in fact, there's no money left for anything else that might make a manned mission to Mars possible.
Leading the pack of doubters is waning US shock jock Rush Limbaugh, who was quick to denounce NASA's announcement as both unimportant and probably a conspiracy to bolster the case for climate change. He said that NASA has lied about environmental data in the past, so why should it be believed about water on Mars – if that's even its real name.

"They're lying and making up false charts and so forth, so what's to stop them from making up something that happened on Mars that will help advance their left-wing agenda on this planet?" the calm and measured one said.

"OK, flowing water on Mars, if we're even to believe that, what are they gonna tell us that means? That's what I'm gonna wait for. Because I guarantee, let's just wait and see. Don't know how long it's gonna take, but this news that there is flowing water on Mars is somehow gonna find its way into a technique to advance the leftist agenda."

Mars water discovery is a liberal-muslim plot, cry moist conspiracy theorists

I read this and couldn't tell if it is real or satire. I can never tell with right wingers. The things they come up with.

Damn Rderp, you couldn't tell it was satire?
Leading the pack of doubters is waning US shock jock Rush Limbaugh, who was quick to denounce NASA's announcement as both unimportant and probably a conspiracy to bolster the case for climate change. He said that NASA has lied about environmental data in the past, so why should it be believed about water on Mars – if that's even its real name.

"They're lying and making up false charts and so forth, so what's to stop them from making up something that happened on Mars that will help advance their left-wing agenda on this planet?" the calm and measured one said.

"OK, flowing water on Mars, if we're even to believe that, what are they gonna tell us that means? That's what I'm gonna wait for. Because I guarantee, let's just wait and see. Don't know how long it's gonna take, but this news that there is flowing water on Mars is somehow gonna find its way into a technique to advance the leftist agenda."

Mars water discovery is a liberal-muslim plot, cry moist conspiracy theorists

I read this and couldn't tell if it is real or satire. I can never tell with right wingers. The things they come up with.

What it would take to drink the water on Mars

Yeah desalination would use a lot of energy, but the fuel needed to do desalination would be less than transporting all the needed water.

Solar and wind would be plentiful enough. Solar desalination already exists. In some places people use an small inexpensive easy system to provide five gallons of drinkable water a day.

If people and animals were to be there, waste matter could be used for fuel as well.
Gray water could be recycled as well. Any attempts at capsule farming would provide material for decomp which would provide fertilization and fuel.
Leading the pack of doubters is waning US shock jock Rush Limbaugh, who was quick to denounce NASA's announcement as both unimportant and probably a conspiracy to bolster the case for climate change. He said that NASA has lied about environmental data in the past, so why should it be believed about water on Mars – if that's even its real name.

"They're lying and making up false charts and so forth, so what's to stop them from making up something that happened on Mars that will help advance their left-wing agenda on this planet?" the calm and measured one said.

"OK, flowing water on Mars, if we're even to believe that, what are they gonna tell us that means? That's what I'm gonna wait for. Because I guarantee, let's just wait and see. Don't know how long it's gonna take, but this news that there is flowing water on Mars is somehow gonna find its way into a technique to advance the leftist agenda."

Mars water discovery is a liberal-muslim plot, cry moist conspiracy theorists

I read this and couldn't tell if it is real or satire. I can never tell with right wingers. The things they come up with.

It was satire, dude. :eusa_eh:
What about Fast and Furious? Gunrunning to Mexican Drug Lords and hoping they murder to take away gun rights in this country? Is that satire too?

See what I mean?
What about Fast and Furious? Gunrunning to Mexican Drug Lords and hoping they murder to take away gun rights in this country? Is that satire too?
No, that was just a bad joke on the American people.
Leading the pack of doubters is waning US shock jock Rush Limbaugh, who was quick to denounce NASA's announcement as both unimportant and probably a conspiracy to bolster the case for climate change. He said that NASA has lied about environmental data in the past, so why should it be believed about water on Mars – if that's even its real name.

"They're lying and making up false charts and so forth, so what's to stop them from making up something that happened on Mars that will help advance their left-wing agenda on this planet?" the calm and measured one said.

"OK, flowing water on Mars, if we're even to believe that, what are they gonna tell us that means? That's what I'm gonna wait for. Because I guarantee, let's just wait and see. Don't know how long it's gonna take, but this news that there is flowing water on Mars is somehow gonna find its way into a technique to advance the leftist agenda."

Mars water discovery is a liberal-muslim plot, cry moist conspiracy theorists

I read this and couldn't tell if it is real or satire. I can never tell with right wingers. The things they come up with.

I listened to Rush on the day he talked about the discovery, and I also listened the day after this lie came out.

He never said any of that shit. From memory, what he said was that it wasn't a surprise to find water on Mars, we have known about the ice at to polar region for a very long time. He pointed out a left wing nut talking head who mentioned that there might have been a whole ocean on the planet, but it dried up likely due to Climate Change.

The left took what he said out of context, and added in lies. Just as they always do.
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Leading the pack of doubters is waning US shock jock Rush Limbaugh, who was quick to denounce NASA's announcement as both unimportant and probably a conspiracy to bolster the case for climate change. He said that NASA has lied about environmental data in the past, so why should it be believed about water on Mars – if that's even its real name.
And his dittoheads are eating it up and begging for more.

Actually no. You empty heads are being lied to and you are eating the lies up because you don't have the intelligence to know when you are being idiot tools.
Leading the pack of doubters is waning US shock jock Rush Limbaugh, who was quick to denounce NASA's announcement as both unimportant and probably a conspiracy to bolster the case for climate change. He said that NASA has lied about environmental data in the past, so why should it be believed about water on Mars – if that's even its real name.

"They're lying and making up false charts and so forth, so what's to stop them from making up something that happened on Mars that will help advance their left-wing agenda on this planet?" the calm and measured one said.

"OK, flowing water on Mars, if we're even to believe that, what are they gonna tell us that means? That's what I'm gonna wait for. Because I guarantee, let's just wait and see. Don't know how long it's gonna take, but this news that there is flowing water on Mars is somehow gonna find its way into a technique to advance the leftist agenda."

Mars water discovery is a liberal-muslim plot, cry moist conspiracy theorists

I read this and couldn't tell if it is real or satire. I can never tell with right wingers. The things they come up with.

What it would take to drink the water on Mars

Yeah desalination would use a lot of energy, but the fuel needed to do desalination would be less than transporting all the needed water.

Let's face it, NASA, much like Limbaugh, is seriously lacking in the way of credibility at this stage of the game. So it would be foolish to give much weight to their recent claims that liquid water exists on Mars. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. That's about where I'm at on this and for good reason. We've been fooled before by images suggesting something might be there only to learn later there was nothing there at all. And that's going back a long time. Canals, faces, and now elongated shadows appearing to flow like water down a hill.

At best, this startling new discovery will be used to promote sending even more space junk costing countless billions of dollars to Mars while doing nothing to advance manned space exploration.

It wouldn't be hard to figure out. We know at what temperature and pressure water freezes, all that is needed is to gather the temp and pressure data of Mars and see if it's possible. If it is at least on paper, then there probably is flowing water on Mars. If the temp never gets warm enough then probably not.

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