It Has Become Clearer To Everyone That The Media Is Spinning Everything About Trump


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The media has become so radically against Trump that nothing is beneath them to criticize.

Trump proposes having a military parade and the leftists in the media starts screaming about Soviet style parades. Never mind that Chuch Schumer suggested the same thing in 2014.

Hillary is accused of knowingly keeping a sexual predator on her staff for years and all of the sudden all the media wants to talk about is wild accusations of spousal abuse by a member of the White House staff.

It's getting to the point that normally rational people are being effected by this constant malicious coverage by the media.

Some think this is great. Their manufactured hatred for Trump justifies anything and everything.

However, this is becoming dangerous for our government and for our national security.

Here's why: Our Radicalized Media: A Clear And Present Danger

February 10, 2018
Our Radicalized Media: A Clear And Present Danger
By Peggy Ryan
Most associate the term "radicalized" with ISIS. But radical movements aren't limited to a religion. A jihad is a crusade for a principle or belief involving struggle" and "resistance."

The Washington establishment, the Deep State, and special interests have launched their own jihad, built on a battle cry to "resist." Today, calls to "resist!" echo through Congress as half of the House and Senate stage a mutiny against a duly elected president.

"Resist!" is the call to arms from Democrat leaders (Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama) and radical activist groups (Black Lives Matter, Antifa).

More than 50 organizations have formed to "resist!" the Trump administration.

Just as ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi calls on his followers to resist infidels, so this Washington cabal calls on its warriors to resist our government, to obstruct the president.

These machinations are not conducted in the shadows, not a secret plot carried out in the dead of night. It's all in our faces. Rush Limbaugh warns of a silent coup, Sean Hannity a "soft coup," Ambassador Bolton the "first coup d'état in [U.S.] history."

Wow – a domestic plot to take down our government, and the best we can do is chronicle the uprising? How did we get to the place where we witness a coup and tacitly accept it?

In a word, the media, the left's super-soldiers, brought us to this point.

This powerful propaganda tool is utilized to take the state message into every living room, bedroom, workplace, and gym, anywhere there's a TV or internet, omnipresent, Big Brother.

Like Hitler's "Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda," the media control information, reporting only news that attacks our president and those working to exonerate him. They bury news of lawlessness that implicates Democrats – Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, any member of the leftist cabal.

But why are the media protecting the bad actors? Is it their liberal bent, their far-left ideology? Well, yes and no. Yes, the media are radicalized, wholly devoted to the progressive dogma of the left, but it's more than that. These faux journalists couldn't spew their poison, advocate the overthrow of a president, without their boss's permission, without government approval.

Oh, I know: Time Warner, Comcast, and other private corporations, not government, own the media. Except corporate America and government are one and the same, partners in a corrupt merger.

The roots of this merger are in the iron triangle, a mutually beneficial three-way relationship among Congress, government bureaucrats (the Deep State), and special interests (corporate).

Iron triangles get their name because they are incredibly hard to remove once they are set in[. A]ll three components need each other in order to survive. It is not in the interests of any component to break the triangle.


This interdependence results in a shared agenda, the big money agenda. So corporate interests buy off Congress, at least enough to have an effective majority, then move to acquire media.

Corporate giants control 90 percent of [U.S.] mass media. These corporations are the special interests[. T]he direct links connect all five of these media conglomerates to the political establishment and the economic and political power[ ]elites of the United States. ... These conglomerates are in large measure responsible for inculcating the social, political, economic, and moral values of both adults and children in the United States.

This media behemoth has turned its back on the Constitution. The media use their unparalleled influence to shield an emerging police state, bury the metastasis of political corruption in our government, and actively collude to remove our president and nullify an election.

This is not OK. None of it is OK. It's a seditious conspiracy.

Evidence is now surfacing of a tainted FBI that engaged in political espionage and illegal unmasking – dictator tactics to weaponize our intelligence agencies against American citizens, against political opponents.

Even a biased media should be shocked at these revelations. Yet the press defends the treason, blows off politicized intelligence, and attacks the messengers. There's a media blackout on the Deep State conspiracy, a deliberate attempt to keep this information from the American people.

Why didn't the Founders warn us of a compromised media? Why only admonishments to protect the free press?

Director Marshall Herskovitz called it:

Our founding fathers could not have foreseen that freedom of the press might eventually be threatened just as much by media consolidation as by government.

These consolidated media use the power of the press to serve their interests, to advance their agenda. Then, when called out for disinformation, for hiding the government's malfeasance, they use the 1st Amendment as their shield against criticism, exposure, even prosecution.

But there are limits to free speech.

Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919):

The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic[.] ... The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent.

I'd say an attempt to usurp our president, to take control of our government in a bloodless coup, constitutes a "substantive evil that Congress has a right to prevent."

Yet we continue to treat this sedition as protected speech – a dangerous abdication. If we attribute benign motives to the subversive media while we allow them to serve as a firewall to America's domestic enemies, as a propaganda arm of the state, we may, in the end, surrender our republic.

Liberty demands a free press; it's the foundation of our republic, our gatekeeper to democracy. But this is not a free press. It's an enemy combatant attacking the American people in plain sight.

Ronald Reagan once said, "Don't be afraid to see what you see."

What do we see?

We see media drunk on power that tell us a man is a woman, that a baby is just a suspicious growth, a threat to the mother's health that must be removed. We see media that defend radicals who disrespect our flag, that justify trashing America. We see anti-American, globalist media that promote all other countries over our own.

We see media as co-conspirators working with the very traitors they're tasked to expose, a press that publishes fake news and outright lies, that withholds the real news that would indict its comrades.

We see an American Pravda, a state-run media posing as free press to avoid detection. Media that launch coordinated attacks on the president of the United States, that hammer the fake "Russia collusion" narrative 24/7, that "report" on the contrived obstruction of justice narrative, that push the 25th Amendment (insanity) charge, all in their traitorous drive to impeach this president.

We see an attack dog for the left, media that foment hate for the president, publicly label him a pathological liar, unstable, dangerous, Hitler, a white supremacist. Their hatred is palpable, their attacks unrelenting.

We see a press that conducts an orchestrated defense of seditious Democrats, the Deep State, and Washington's ruling elite, that act as a Praetorian Guard for the insurgents in the palace coup.

This is not a free press. It's a bastardized cabal dressed up as media that is working to defeat the American people and effect a coup d'état. Our free press is gone, eradicated by big money and government charlatans.

This counterfeit media are an enemy of the state, a threat to liberty and democracy, a clear and present danger.​
The media has become so radically against Trump that nothing is beneath them to criticize.

Trump proposes having a military parade and the leftists in the media starts screaming about Soviet style parades. Never mind that Chuch Schumer suggested the same thing in 2014.

Hillary is accused of knowingly keeping a sexual predator on her staff for years and all of the sudden all the media wants to talk about is wild accusations of spousal abuse by a member of the White House staff.

It's getting to the point that normally rational people are being effected by this constant malicious coverage by the media.

Some think this is great. Their manufactured hatred for Trump justifies anything and everything.

However, this is becoming dangerous for our government and for our national security.

Here's why: Our Radicalized Media: A Clear And Present Danger

February 10, 2018
Our Radicalized Media: A Clear And Present Danger
By Peggy Ryan
Most associate the term "radicalized" with ISIS. But radical movements aren't limited to a religion. A jihad is a crusade for a principle or belief involving struggle" and "resistance."

The Washington establishment, the Deep State, and special interests have launched their own jihad, built on a battle cry to "resist." Today, calls to "resist!" echo through Congress as half of the House and Senate stage a mutiny against a duly elected president.

"Resist!" is the call to arms from Democrat leaders (Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama) and radical activist groups (Black Lives Matter, Antifa).

More than 50 organizations have formed to "resist!" the Trump administration.

Just as ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi calls on his followers to resist infidels, so this Washington cabal calls on its warriors to resist our government, to obstruct the president.

These machinations are not conducted in the shadows, not a secret plot carried out in the dead of night. It's all in our faces. Rush Limbaugh warns of a silent coup, Sean Hannity a "soft coup," Ambassador Bolton the "first coup d'état in [U.S.] history."

Wow – a domestic plot to take down our government, and the best we can do is chronicle the uprising? How did we get to the place where we witness a coup and tacitly accept it?

In a word, the media, the left's super-soldiers, brought us to this point.

This powerful propaganda tool is utilized to take the state message into every living room, bedroom, workplace, and gym, anywhere there's a TV or internet, omnipresent, Big Brother.

Like Hitler's "Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda," the media control information, reporting only news that attacks our president and those working to exonerate him. They bury news of lawlessness that implicates Democrats – Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, any member of the leftist cabal.

But why are the media protecting the bad actors? Is it their liberal bent, their far-left ideology? Well, yes and no. Yes, the media are radicalized, wholly devoted to the progressive dogma of the left, but it's more than that. These faux journalists couldn't spew their poison, advocate the overthrow of a president, without their boss's permission, without government approval.

Oh, I know: Time Warner, Comcast, and other private corporations, not government, own the media. Except corporate America and government are one and the same, partners in a corrupt merger.

The roots of this merger are in the iron triangle, a mutually beneficial three-way relationship among Congress, government bureaucrats (the Deep State), and special interests (corporate).

Iron triangles get their name because they are incredibly hard to remove once they are set in[. A]ll three components need each other in order to survive. It is not in the interests of any component to break the triangle.


This interdependence results in a shared agenda, the big money agenda. So corporate interests buy off Congress, at least enough to have an effective majority, then move to acquire media.

Corporate giants control 90 percent of [U.S.] mass media. These corporations are the special interests[. T]he direct links connect all five of these media conglomerates to the political establishment and the economic and political power[ ]elites of the United States. ... These conglomerates are in large measure responsible for inculcating the social, political, economic, and moral values of both adults and children in the United States.

This media behemoth has turned its back on the Constitution. The media use their unparalleled influence to shield an emerging police state, bury the metastasis of political corruption in our government, and actively collude to remove our president and nullify an election.

This is not OK. None of it is OK. It's a seditious conspiracy.

Evidence is now surfacing of a tainted FBI that engaged in political espionage and illegal unmasking – dictator tactics to weaponize our intelligence agencies against American citizens, against political opponents.

Even a biased media should be shocked at these revelations. Yet the press defends the treason, blows off politicized intelligence, and attacks the messengers. There's a media blackout on the Deep State conspiracy, a deliberate attempt to keep this information from the American people.

Why didn't the Founders warn us of a compromised media? Why only admonishments to protect the free press?

Director Marshall Herskovitz called it:

Our founding fathers could not have foreseen that freedom of the press might eventually be threatened just as much by media consolidation as by government.

These consolidated media use the power of the press to serve their interests, to advance their agenda. Then, when called out for disinformation, for hiding the government's malfeasance, they use the 1st Amendment as their shield against criticism, exposure, even prosecution.

But there are limits to free speech.

Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919):

The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic[.] ... The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent.

I'd say an attempt to usurp our president, to take control of our government in a bloodless coup, constitutes a "substantive evil that Congress has a right to prevent."

Yet we continue to treat this sedition as protected speech – a dangerous abdication. If we attribute benign motives to the subversive media while we allow them to serve as a firewall to America's domestic enemies, as a propaganda arm of the state, we may, in the end, surrender our republic.

Liberty demands a free press; it's the foundation of our republic, our gatekeeper to democracy. But this is not a free press. It's an enemy combatant attacking the American people in plain sight.

Ronald Reagan once said, "Don't be afraid to see what you see."

What do we see?

We see media drunk on power that tell us a man is a woman, that a baby is just a suspicious growth, a threat to the mother's health that must be removed. We see media that defend radicals who disrespect our flag, that justify trashing America. We see anti-American, globalist media that promote all other countries over our own.

We see media as co-conspirators working with the very traitors they're tasked to expose, a press that publishes fake news and outright lies, that withholds the real news that would indict its comrades.

We see an American Pravda, a state-run media posing as free press to avoid detection. Media that launch coordinated attacks on the president of the United States, that hammer the fake "Russia collusion" narrative 24/7, that "report" on the contrived obstruction of justice narrative, that push the 25th Amendment (insanity) charge, all in their traitorous drive to impeach this president.

We see an attack dog for the left, media that foment hate for the president, publicly label him a pathological liar, unstable, dangerous, Hitler, a white supremacist. Their hatred is palpable, their attacks unrelenting.

We see a press that conducts an orchestrated defense of seditious Democrats, the Deep State, and Washington's ruling elite, that act as a Praetorian Guard for the insurgents in the palace coup.

This is not a free press. It's a bastardized cabal dressed up as media that is working to defeat the American people and effect a coup d'état. Our free press is gone, eradicated by big money and government charlatans.

This counterfeit media are an enemy of the state, a threat to liberty and democracy, a clear and present danger.​

Trump is playing the media. He's done it from day one and knew exactly what he's been doing.

He's go people like you hooked like a drug on his shit. He knows how to play you and the media alike so you'll accept fucking anything he does.

It's scary.

People wondered how ordinary Germans could accept mass slaughter in the Holocaust.

Well, it's not so hard to see why.
unfortunately, it is not clear to everyone

BUT; the number is at 50%

that number will go up; unless the media starts behaving in a fair, impartial and responsible manner

so, like I said; that number will go up

I like our chances in this tear's elections...
The media has become so radically against Trump that nothing is beneath them to criticize.

Trump proposes having a military parade and the leftists in the media starts screaming about Soviet style parades. Never mind that Chuch Schumer suggested the same thing in 2014.

Hillary is accused of knowingly keeping a sexual predator on her staff for years and all of the sudden all the media wants to talk about is wild accusations of spousal abuse by a member of the White House staff.

It's getting to the point that normally rational people are being effected by this constant malicious coverage by the media.

Some think this is great. Their manufactured hatred for Trump justifies anything and everything.

However, this is becoming dangerous for our government and for our national security.

Here's why: Our Radicalized Media: A Clear And Present Danger

February 10, 2018
Our Radicalized Media: A Clear And Present Danger
By Peggy Ryan
Most associate the term "radicalized" with ISIS. But radical movements aren't limited to a religion. A jihad is a crusade for a principle or belief involving struggle" and "resistance."

The Washington establishment, the Deep State, and special interests have launched their own jihad, built on a battle cry to "resist." Today, calls to "resist!" echo through Congress as half of the House and Senate stage a mutiny against a duly elected president.

"Resist!" is the call to arms from Democrat leaders (Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama) and radical activist groups (Black Lives Matter, Antifa).

More than 50 organizations have formed to "resist!" the Trump administration.

Just as ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi calls on his followers to resist infidels, so this Washington cabal calls on its warriors to resist our government, to obstruct the president.

These machinations are not conducted in the shadows, not a secret plot carried out in the dead of night. It's all in our faces. Rush Limbaugh warns of a silent coup, Sean Hannity a "soft coup," Ambassador Bolton the "first coup d'état in [U.S.] history."

Wow – a domestic plot to take down our government, and the best we can do is chronicle the uprising? How did we get to the place where we witness a coup and tacitly accept it?

In a word, the media, the left's super-soldiers, brought us to this point.

This powerful propaganda tool is utilized to take the state message into every living room, bedroom, workplace, and gym, anywhere there's a TV or internet, omnipresent, Big Brother.

Like Hitler's "Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda," the media control information, reporting only news that attacks our president and those working to exonerate him. They bury news of lawlessness that implicates Democrats – Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, any member of the leftist cabal.

But why are the media protecting the bad actors? Is it their liberal bent, their far-left ideology? Well, yes and no. Yes, the media are radicalized, wholly devoted to the progressive dogma of the left, but it's more than that. These faux journalists couldn't spew their poison, advocate the overthrow of a president, without their boss's permission, without government approval.

Oh, I know: Time Warner, Comcast, and other private corporations, not government, own the media. Except corporate America and government are one and the same, partners in a corrupt merger.

The roots of this merger are in the iron triangle, a mutually beneficial three-way relationship among Congress, government bureaucrats (the Deep State), and special interests (corporate).

Iron triangles get their name because they are incredibly hard to remove once they are set in[. A]ll three components need each other in order to survive. It is not in the interests of any component to break the triangle.


This interdependence results in a shared agenda, the big money agenda. So corporate interests buy off Congress, at least enough to have an effective majority, then move to acquire media.

Corporate giants control 90 percent of [U.S.] mass media. These corporations are the special interests[. T]he direct links connect all five of these media conglomerates to the political establishment and the economic and political power[ ]elites of the United States. ... These conglomerates are in large measure responsible for inculcating the social, political, economic, and moral values of both adults and children in the United States.

This media behemoth has turned its back on the Constitution. The media use their unparalleled influence to shield an emerging police state, bury the metastasis of political corruption in our government, and actively collude to remove our president and nullify an election.

This is not OK. None of it is OK. It's a seditious conspiracy.

Evidence is now surfacing of a tainted FBI that engaged in political espionage and illegal unmasking – dictator tactics to weaponize our intelligence agencies against American citizens, against political opponents.

Even a biased media should be shocked at these revelations. Yet the press defends the treason, blows off politicized intelligence, and attacks the messengers. There's a media blackout on the Deep State conspiracy, a deliberate attempt to keep this information from the American people.

Why didn't the Founders warn us of a compromised media? Why only admonishments to protect the free press?

Director Marshall Herskovitz called it:

Our founding fathers could not have foreseen that freedom of the press might eventually be threatened just as much by media consolidation as by government.

These consolidated media use the power of the press to serve their interests, to advance their agenda. Then, when called out for disinformation, for hiding the government's malfeasance, they use the 1st Amendment as their shield against criticism, exposure, even prosecution.

But there are limits to free speech.

Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919):

The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic[.] ... The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent.

I'd say an attempt to usurp our president, to take control of our government in a bloodless coup, constitutes a "substantive evil that Congress has a right to prevent."

Yet we continue to treat this sedition as protected speech – a dangerous abdication. If we attribute benign motives to the subversive media while we allow them to serve as a firewall to America's domestic enemies, as a propaganda arm of the state, we may, in the end, surrender our republic.

Liberty demands a free press; it's the foundation of our republic, our gatekeeper to democracy. But this is not a free press. It's an enemy combatant attacking the American people in plain sight.

Ronald Reagan once said, "Don't be afraid to see what you see."

What do we see?

We see media drunk on power that tell us a man is a woman, that a baby is just a suspicious growth, a threat to the mother's health that must be removed. We see media that defend radicals who disrespect our flag, that justify trashing America. We see anti-American, globalist media that promote all other countries over our own.

We see media as co-conspirators working with the very traitors they're tasked to expose, a press that publishes fake news and outright lies, that withholds the real news that would indict its comrades.

We see an American Pravda, a state-run media posing as free press to avoid detection. Media that launch coordinated attacks on the president of the United States, that hammer the fake "Russia collusion" narrative 24/7, that "report" on the contrived obstruction of justice narrative, that push the 25th Amendment (insanity) charge, all in their traitorous drive to impeach this president.

We see an attack dog for the left, media that foment hate for the president, publicly label him a pathological liar, unstable, dangerous, Hitler, a white supremacist. Their hatred is palpable, their attacks unrelenting.

We see a press that conducts an orchestrated defense of seditious Democrats, the Deep State, and Washington's ruling elite, that act as a Praetorian Guard for the insurgents in the palace coup.

This is not a free press. It's a bastardized cabal dressed up as media that is working to defeat the American people and effect a coup d'état. Our free press is gone, eradicated by big money and government charlatans.

This counterfeit media are an enemy of the state, a threat to liberty and democracy, a clear and present danger.​

Trump is playing the media. He's done it from day one and knew exactly what he's been doing.

He's go people like you hooked like a drug on his shit. He knows how to play you and the media alike so you'll accept fucking anything he does.

It's scary.

People wondered how ordinary Germans could accept mass slaughter in the Holocaust.

Well, it's not so hard to see why.
Yep.....Hitler used a friendly media to make no atrocity out of bounds.
yeah hmm mebbbbe maybe if Trump kept his beaker shut and wasnt such a fuckin liar there'd be slightly less media about things such as.....what on gods fuckin earth would compel this retard to lie about something as easily disproven as tv ratings? He's a dunce and 3/4, so Im guessing himself has a lot to do with this.
The media has become so radically against Trump that nothing is beneath them to criticize.

Trump proposes having a military parade and the leftists in the media starts screaming about Soviet style parades. Never mind that Chuch Schumer suggested the same thing in 2014.

Hillary is accused of knowingly keeping a sexual predator on her staff for years and all of the sudden all the media wants to talk about is wild accusations of spousal abuse by a member of the White House staff.

It's getting to the point that normally rational people are being effected by this constant malicious coverage by the media.

Some think this is great. Their manufactured hatred for Trump justifies anything and everything.

However, this is becoming dangerous for our government and for our national security.

Here's why: Our Radicalized Media: A Clear And Present Danger

February 10, 2018
Our Radicalized Media: A Clear And Present Danger
By Peggy Ryan
Most associate the term "radicalized" with ISIS. But radical movements aren't limited to a religion. A jihad is a crusade for a principle or belief involving struggle" and "resistance."

The Washington establishment, the Deep State, and special interests have launched their own jihad, built on a battle cry to "resist." Today, calls to "resist!" echo through Congress as half of the House and Senate stage a mutiny against a duly elected president.

"Resist!" is the call to arms from Democrat leaders (Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama) and radical activist groups (Black Lives Matter, Antifa).

More than 50 organizations have formed to "resist!" the Trump administration.

Just as ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi calls on his followers to resist infidels, so this Washington cabal calls on its warriors to resist our government, to obstruct the president.

These machinations are not conducted in the shadows, not a secret plot carried out in the dead of night. It's all in our faces. Rush Limbaugh warns of a silent coup, Sean Hannity a "soft coup," Ambassador Bolton the "first coup d'état in [U.S.] history."

Wow – a domestic plot to take down our government, and the best we can do is chronicle the uprising? How did we get to the place where we witness a coup and tacitly accept it?

In a word, the media, the left's super-soldiers, brought us to this point.

This powerful propaganda tool is utilized to take the state message into every living room, bedroom, workplace, and gym, anywhere there's a TV or internet, omnipresent, Big Brother.

Like Hitler's "Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda," the media control information, reporting only news that attacks our president and those working to exonerate him. They bury news of lawlessness that implicates Democrats – Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, any member of the leftist cabal.

But why are the media protecting the bad actors? Is it their liberal bent, their far-left ideology? Well, yes and no. Yes, the media are radicalized, wholly devoted to the progressive dogma of the left, but it's more than that. These faux journalists couldn't spew their poison, advocate the overthrow of a president, without their boss's permission, without government approval.

Oh, I know: Time Warner, Comcast, and other private corporations, not government, own the media. Except corporate America and government are one and the same, partners in a corrupt merger.

The roots of this merger are in the iron triangle, a mutually beneficial three-way relationship among Congress, government bureaucrats (the Deep State), and special interests (corporate).

Iron triangles get their name because they are incredibly hard to remove once they are set in[. A]ll three components need each other in order to survive. It is not in the interests of any component to break the triangle.


This interdependence results in a shared agenda, the big money agenda. So corporate interests buy off Congress, at least enough to have an effective majority, then move to acquire media.

Corporate giants control 90 percent of [U.S.] mass media. These corporations are the special interests[. T]he direct links connect all five of these media conglomerates to the political establishment and the economic and political power[ ]elites of the United States. ... These conglomerates are in large measure responsible for inculcating the social, political, economic, and moral values of both adults and children in the United States.

This media behemoth has turned its back on the Constitution. The media use their unparalleled influence to shield an emerging police state, bury the metastasis of political corruption in our government, and actively collude to remove our president and nullify an election.

This is not OK. None of it is OK. It's a seditious conspiracy.

Evidence is now surfacing of a tainted FBI that engaged in political espionage and illegal unmasking – dictator tactics to weaponize our intelligence agencies against American citizens, against political opponents.

Even a biased media should be shocked at these revelations. Yet the press defends the treason, blows off politicized intelligence, and attacks the messengers. There's a media blackout on the Deep State conspiracy, a deliberate attempt to keep this information from the American people.

Why didn't the Founders warn us of a compromised media? Why only admonishments to protect the free press?

Director Marshall Herskovitz called it:

Our founding fathers could not have foreseen that freedom of the press might eventually be threatened just as much by media consolidation as by government.

These consolidated media use the power of the press to serve their interests, to advance their agenda. Then, when called out for disinformation, for hiding the government's malfeasance, they use the 1st Amendment as their shield against criticism, exposure, even prosecution.

But there are limits to free speech.

Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919):

The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic[.] ... The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent.

I'd say an attempt to usurp our president, to take control of our government in a bloodless coup, constitutes a "substantive evil that Congress has a right to prevent."

Yet we continue to treat this sedition as protected speech – a dangerous abdication. If we attribute benign motives to the subversive media while we allow them to serve as a firewall to America's domestic enemies, as a propaganda arm of the state, we may, in the end, surrender our republic.

Liberty demands a free press; it's the foundation of our republic, our gatekeeper to democracy. But this is not a free press. It's an enemy combatant attacking the American people in plain sight.

Ronald Reagan once said, "Don't be afraid to see what you see."

What do we see?

We see media drunk on power that tell us a man is a woman, that a baby is just a suspicious growth, a threat to the mother's health that must be removed. We see media that defend radicals who disrespect our flag, that justify trashing America. We see anti-American, globalist media that promote all other countries over our own.

We see media as co-conspirators working with the very traitors they're tasked to expose, a press that publishes fake news and outright lies, that withholds the real news that would indict its comrades.

We see an American Pravda, a state-run media posing as free press to avoid detection. Media that launch coordinated attacks on the president of the United States, that hammer the fake "Russia collusion" narrative 24/7, that "report" on the contrived obstruction of justice narrative, that push the 25th Amendment (insanity) charge, all in their traitorous drive to impeach this president.

We see an attack dog for the left, media that foment hate for the president, publicly label him a pathological liar, unstable, dangerous, Hitler, a white supremacist. Their hatred is palpable, their attacks unrelenting.

We see a press that conducts an orchestrated defense of seditious Democrats, the Deep State, and Washington's ruling elite, that act as a Praetorian Guard for the insurgents in the palace coup.

This is not a free press. It's a bastardized cabal dressed up as media that is working to defeat the American people and effect a coup d'état. Our free press is gone, eradicated by big money and government charlatans.

This counterfeit media are an enemy of the state, a threat to liberty and democracy, a clear and present danger.​

The brainwashed partisan media has always been a threat to our freedom.
yeah hmm mebbbbe maybe if Trump kept his beaker shut and wasnt such a fuckin liar there'd be slightly less media about things such as.....what on gods fuckin earth would compel this retard to lie about something as easily disproven as tv ratings? He's a dunce and 3/4, so Im guessing himself has a lot to do with this.
:huh1:That makes absolutely no sense. The purpose of a POTUS is to lead.....and he can't lead if he keeps his mouth shut.
When Obama took office there wasn't a day that he wasn't giving a speech on TV. It was easier to count the days he wasn't on TV.

:th_spinspin:I can spin anything you say in a negative manner.
Imagine if you have thousands of people working on doing this 24/7.
Trump has to go around these assholes to get his message out because they'll twist everything he says or does in an attempt to destroy him.
The media has become so radically against Trump that nothing is beneath them to criticize.

Trump proposes having a military parade and the leftists in the media starts screaming about Soviet style parades. Never mind that Chuch Schumer suggested the same thing in 2014.

Hillary is accused of knowingly keeping a sexual predator on her staff for years and all of the sudden all the media wants to talk about is wild accusations of spousal abuse by a member of the White House staff.

It's getting to the point that normally rational people are being effected by this constant malicious coverage by the media.

Some think this is great. Their manufactured hatred for Trump justifies anything and everything.

However, this is becoming dangerous for our government and for our national security.

Here's why: Our Radicalized Media: A Clear And Present Danger

February 10, 2018
Our Radicalized Media: A Clear And Present Danger
By Peggy Ryan
Most associate the term "radicalized" with ISIS. But radical movements aren't limited to a religion. A jihad is a crusade for a principle or belief involving struggle" and "resistance."

The Washington establishment, the Deep State, and special interests have launched their own jihad, built on a battle cry to "resist." Today, calls to "resist!" echo through Congress as half of the House and Senate stage a mutiny against a duly elected president.

"Resist!" is the call to arms from Democrat leaders (Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama) and radical activist groups (Black Lives Matter, Antifa).

More than 50 organizations have formed to "resist!" the Trump administration.

Just as ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi calls on his followers to resist infidels, so this Washington cabal calls on its warriors to resist our government, to obstruct the president.

These machinations are not conducted in the shadows, not a secret plot carried out in the dead of night. It's all in our faces. Rush Limbaugh warns of a silent coup, Sean Hannity a "soft coup," Ambassador Bolton the "first coup d'état in [U.S.] history."

Wow – a domestic plot to take down our government, and the best we can do is chronicle the uprising? How did we get to the place where we witness a coup and tacitly accept it?

In a word, the media, the left's super-soldiers, brought us to this point.

This powerful propaganda tool is utilized to take the state message into every living room, bedroom, workplace, and gym, anywhere there's a TV or internet, omnipresent, Big Brother.

Like Hitler's "Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda," the media control information, reporting only news that attacks our president and those working to exonerate him. They bury news of lawlessness that implicates Democrats – Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, any member of the leftist cabal.

But why are the media protecting the bad actors? Is it their liberal bent, their far-left ideology? Well, yes and no. Yes, the media are radicalized, wholly devoted to the progressive dogma of the left, but it's more than that. These faux journalists couldn't spew their poison, advocate the overthrow of a president, without their boss's permission, without government approval.

Oh, I know: Time Warner, Comcast, and other private corporations, not government, own the media. Except corporate America and government are one and the same, partners in a corrupt merger.

The roots of this merger are in the iron triangle, a mutually beneficial three-way relationship among Congress, government bureaucrats (the Deep State), and special interests (corporate).

Iron triangles get their name because they are incredibly hard to remove once they are set in[. A]ll three components need each other in order to survive. It is not in the interests of any component to break the triangle.


This interdependence results in a shared agenda, the big money agenda. So corporate interests buy off Congress, at least enough to have an effective majority, then move to acquire media.

Corporate giants control 90 percent of [U.S.] mass media. These corporations are the special interests[. T]he direct links connect all five of these media conglomerates to the political establishment and the economic and political power[ ]elites of the United States. ... These conglomerates are in large measure responsible for inculcating the social, political, economic, and moral values of both adults and children in the United States.

This media behemoth has turned its back on the Constitution. The media use their unparalleled influence to shield an emerging police state, bury the metastasis of political corruption in our government, and actively collude to remove our president and nullify an election.

This is not OK. None of it is OK. It's a seditious conspiracy.

Evidence is now surfacing of a tainted FBI that engaged in political espionage and illegal unmasking – dictator tactics to weaponize our intelligence agencies against American citizens, against political opponents.

Even a biased media should be shocked at these revelations. Yet the press defends the treason, blows off politicized intelligence, and attacks the messengers. There's a media blackout on the Deep State conspiracy, a deliberate attempt to keep this information from the American people.

Why didn't the Founders warn us of a compromised media? Why only admonishments to protect the free press?

Director Marshall Herskovitz called it:

Our founding fathers could not have foreseen that freedom of the press might eventually be threatened just as much by media consolidation as by government.

These consolidated media use the power of the press to serve their interests, to advance their agenda. Then, when called out for disinformation, for hiding the government's malfeasance, they use the 1st Amendment as their shield against criticism, exposure, even prosecution.

But there are limits to free speech.

Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919):

The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic[.] ... The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent.

I'd say an attempt to usurp our president, to take control of our government in a bloodless coup, constitutes a "substantive evil that Congress has a right to prevent."

Yet we continue to treat this sedition as protected speech – a dangerous abdication. If we attribute benign motives to the subversive media while we allow them to serve as a firewall to America's domestic enemies, as a propaganda arm of the state, we may, in the end, surrender our republic.

Liberty demands a free press; it's the foundation of our republic, our gatekeeper to democracy. But this is not a free press. It's an enemy combatant attacking the American people in plain sight.

Ronald Reagan once said, "Don't be afraid to see what you see."

What do we see?

We see media drunk on power that tell us a man is a woman, that a baby is just a suspicious growth, a threat to the mother's health that must be removed. We see media that defend radicals who disrespect our flag, that justify trashing America. We see anti-American, globalist media that promote all other countries over our own.

We see media as co-conspirators working with the very traitors they're tasked to expose, a press that publishes fake news and outright lies, that withholds the real news that would indict its comrades.

We see an American Pravda, a state-run media posing as free press to avoid detection. Media that launch coordinated attacks on the president of the United States, that hammer the fake "Russia collusion" narrative 24/7, that "report" on the contrived obstruction of justice narrative, that push the 25th Amendment (insanity) charge, all in their traitorous drive to impeach this president.

We see an attack dog for the left, media that foment hate for the president, publicly label him a pathological liar, unstable, dangerous, Hitler, a white supremacist. Their hatred is palpable, their attacks unrelenting.

We see a press that conducts an orchestrated defense of seditious Democrats, the Deep State, and Washington's ruling elite, that act as a Praetorian Guard for the insurgents in the palace coup.

This is not a free press. It's a bastardized cabal dressed up as media that is working to defeat the American people and effect a coup d'état. Our free press is gone, eradicated by big money and government charlatans.

This counterfeit media are an enemy of the state, a threat to liberty and democracy, a clear and present danger.​

Trump is playing the media. He's done it from day one and knew exactly what he's been doing.

He's go people like you hooked like a drug on his shit. He knows how to play you and the media alike so you'll accept fucking anything he does.

It's scary.

People wondered how ordinary Germans could accept mass slaughter in the Holocaust.

Well, it's not so hard to see why.
Glad to see you saved your tin foil hat from the Bush years.
This did not start with Trump the media's bias has been around for a long time in the past it was just more subtle and nuanced and Republicans just went along with it becuase they felt they couldn't have the media more against them then they already are. Social media changed all that politicans found they could bypass the press and it's spin and bias and take their message directly to the people Trump understood this early on and used it sometimes in a good way sometimes not and the media realized Trump was not going to kiss their collective ass and threw out all pretense of being fair, objective, or honest when it comes to Trump and his administration.
yeah hmm mebbbbe maybe if Trump kept his beaker shut and wasnt such a fuckin liar there'd be slightly less media about things such as.....what on gods fuckin earth would compel this retard to lie about something as easily disproven as tv ratings? He's a dunce and 3/4, so Im guessing himself has a lot to do with this.
:huh1:That makes absolutely no sense. The purpose of a POTUS is to lead.....and he can't lead if he keeps his mouth shut.
When Obama took office there wasn't a day that he wasn't giving a speech on TV. It was easier to count the days he wasn't on TV.

:th_spinspin:I can spin anything you say in a negative manner.
Imagine if you have thousands of people working on doing this 24/7.
Trump has to go around these assholes to get his message out because they'll twist everything he says or does in an attempt to destroy him.
You cant spin him into being an honest and forthright man.

I mean, he lies about what fucking day it is. It makes complete sense to advise a habitual liar to keep his mouth shut. ratings! lmao

I never met putin i mean me and putin are good friends i mean i dont even know who putin is

He literally forgets that video exists.
This did not start with Trump the media's bias has been around for a long time in the past it was just more subtle and nuanced and Republicans just went along with it becuase they felt they couldn't have the media more against them then they already are. Social media changed all that politicans found they could bypass the press and it's spin and bias and take their message directly to the people Trump understood this early on and used it sometimes in a good way sometimes not and the media realized Trump was not going to kiss their collective ass and threw out all pretense of being fair, objective, or honest when it comes to Trump and his administration.
Not only that.....they feel that anything nasty they say about him is well deserved.
yeah hmm mebbbbe maybe if Trump kept his beaker shut and wasnt such a fuckin liar there'd be slightly less media about things such as.....what on gods fuckin earth would compel this retard to lie about something as easily disproven as tv ratings? He's a dunce and 3/4, so Im guessing himself has a lot to do with this.
:huh1:That makes absolutely no sense. The purpose of a POTUS is to lead.....and he can't lead if he keeps his mouth shut.
When Obama took office there wasn't a day that he wasn't giving a speech on TV. It was easier to count the days he wasn't on TV.

:th_spinspin:I can spin anything you say in a negative manner.
Imagine if you have thousands of people working on doing this 24/7.
Trump has to go around these assholes to get his message out because they'll twist everything he says or does in an attempt to destroy him.
You cant spin him into being an honest and forthright man.

I mean, he lies about what fucking day it is. It makes complete sense to advise a habitual liar to keep his mouth shut. ratings! lmao

I never met putin i mean me and putin are good friends i mean i dont even know who putin is

He literally forgets that video exists.
You are just giving us a perfect example of what happens to rational people who are still willing to believe our media.
yeah hmm mebbbbe maybe if Trump kept his beaker shut and wasnt such a fuckin liar there'd be slightly less media about things such as.....what on gods fuckin earth would compel this retard to lie about something as easily disproven as tv ratings? He's a dunce and 3/4, so Im guessing himself has a lot to do with this.
:huh1:That makes absolutely no sense. The purpose of a POTUS is to lead.....and he can't lead if he keeps his mouth shut.
When Obama took office there wasn't a day that he wasn't giving a speech on TV. It was easier to count the days he wasn't on TV.

:th_spinspin:I can spin anything you say in a negative manner.
Imagine if you have thousands of people working on doing this 24/7.
Trump has to go around these assholes to get his message out because they'll twist everything he says or does in an attempt to destroy him.
You cant spin him into being an honest and forthright man.

I mean, he lies about what fucking day it is. It makes complete sense to advise a habitual liar to keep his mouth shut. ratings! lmao

I never met putin i mean me and putin are good friends i mean i dont even know who putin is

He literally forgets that video exists.
You are just giving us a perfect example of what happens to rational people who are still willing to believe our media.
Dude. Its the media lying about the tv ratings? Its the media on video in 2014 saying "im good friends with putin" and then on video in 2017 saying he never met putin and doesnt even know who putin is?

Theres fucking video, OF HIM, and you wanna talk about who is rational? What earth is this dude.....>¿
This did not start with Trump the media's bias has been around for a long time in the past it was just more subtle and nuanced and Republicans just went along with it becuase they felt they couldn't have the media more against them then they already are. Social media changed all that politicans found they could bypass the press and it's spin and bias and take their message directly to the people Trump understood this early on and used it sometimes in a good way sometimes not and the media realized Trump was not going to kiss their collective ass and threw out all pretense of being fair, objective, or honest when it comes to Trump and his administration.

And now the social media and internet sell outs attempt to shut down anyone who doesn't tow their line...
I can see why its the media's fault at the 44 second mark that exists an awesome video montage of Trump saying he knows putin, doesnt know putin, spoke directly and indirectly with putin in moscow and later debated clinton and said he doesnt even know who putin is...

i can see how the video of trump proving trump my lack of reasoning. makes sense.

The media has become so radically against Trump that nothing is beneath them to criticize.

Trump proposes having a military parade and the leftists in the media starts screaming about Soviet style parades. Never mind that Chuch Schumer suggested the same thing in 2014.

Hillary is accused of knowingly keeping a sexual predator on her staff for years and all of the sudden all the media wants to talk about is wild accusations of spousal abuse by a member of the White House staff.

It's getting to the point that normally rational people are being effected by this constant malicious coverage by the media.

Some think this is great. Their manufactured hatred for Trump justifies anything and everything.

However, this is becoming dangerous for our government and for our national security.

Here's why: Our Radicalized Media: A Clear And Present Danger

February 10, 2018
Our Radicalized Media: A Clear And Present Danger
By Peggy Ryan
Most associate the term "radicalized" with ISIS. But radical movements aren't limited to a religion. A jihad is a crusade for a principle or belief involving struggle" and "resistance."

The Washington establishment, the Deep State, and special interests have launched their own jihad, built on a battle cry to "resist." Today, calls to "resist!" echo through Congress as half of the House and Senate stage a mutiny against a duly elected president.

"Resist!" is the call to arms from Democrat leaders (Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama) and radical activist groups (Black Lives Matter, Antifa).

More than 50 organizations have formed to "resist!" the Trump administration.

Just as ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi calls on his followers to resist infidels, so this Washington cabal calls on its warriors to resist our government, to obstruct the president.

These machinations are not conducted in the shadows, not a secret plot carried out in the dead of night. It's all in our faces. Rush Limbaugh warns of a silent coup, Sean Hannity a "soft coup," Ambassador Bolton the "first coup d'état in [U.S.] history."

Wow – a domestic plot to take down our government, and the best we can do is chronicle the uprising? How did we get to the place where we witness a coup and tacitly accept it?

In a word, the media, the left's super-soldiers, brought us to this point.

This powerful propaganda tool is utilized to take the state message into every living room, bedroom, workplace, and gym, anywhere there's a TV or internet, omnipresent, Big Brother.

Like Hitler's "Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda," the media control information, reporting only news that attacks our president and those working to exonerate him. They bury news of lawlessness that implicates Democrats – Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, any member of the leftist cabal.

But why are the media protecting the bad actors? Is it their liberal bent, their far-left ideology? Well, yes and no. Yes, the media are radicalized, wholly devoted to the progressive dogma of the left, but it's more than that. These faux journalists couldn't spew their poison, advocate the overthrow of a president, without their boss's permission, without government approval.

Oh, I know: Time Warner, Comcast, and other private corporations, not government, own the media. Except corporate America and government are one and the same, partners in a corrupt merger.

The roots of this merger are in the iron triangle, a mutually beneficial three-way relationship among Congress, government bureaucrats (the Deep State), and special interests (corporate).

Iron triangles get their name because they are incredibly hard to remove once they are set in[. A]ll three components need each other in order to survive. It is not in the interests of any component to break the triangle.


This interdependence results in a shared agenda, the big money agenda. So corporate interests buy off Congress, at least enough to have an effective majority, then move to acquire media.

Corporate giants control 90 percent of [U.S.] mass media. These corporations are the special interests[. T]he direct links connect all five of these media conglomerates to the political establishment and the economic and political power[ ]elites of the United States. ... These conglomerates are in large measure responsible for inculcating the social, political, economic, and moral values of both adults and children in the United States.

This media behemoth has turned its back on the Constitution. The media use their unparalleled influence to shield an emerging police state, bury the metastasis of political corruption in our government, and actively collude to remove our president and nullify an election.

This is not OK. None of it is OK. It's a seditious conspiracy.

Evidence is now surfacing of a tainted FBI that engaged in political espionage and illegal unmasking – dictator tactics to weaponize our intelligence agencies against American citizens, against political opponents.

Even a biased media should be shocked at these revelations. Yet the press defends the treason, blows off politicized intelligence, and attacks the messengers. There's a media blackout on the Deep State conspiracy, a deliberate attempt to keep this information from the American people.

Why didn't the Founders warn us of a compromised media? Why only admonishments to protect the free press?

Director Marshall Herskovitz called it:

Our founding fathers could not have foreseen that freedom of the press might eventually be threatened just as much by media consolidation as by government.

These consolidated media use the power of the press to serve their interests, to advance their agenda. Then, when called out for disinformation, for hiding the government's malfeasance, they use the 1st Amendment as their shield against criticism, exposure, even prosecution.

But there are limits to free speech.

Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919):

The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic[.] ... The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent.

I'd say an attempt to usurp our president, to take control of our government in a bloodless coup, constitutes a "substantive evil that Congress has a right to prevent."

Yet we continue to treat this sedition as protected speech – a dangerous abdication. If we attribute benign motives to the subversive media while we allow them to serve as a firewall to America's domestic enemies, as a propaganda arm of the state, we may, in the end, surrender our republic.

Liberty demands a free press; it's the foundation of our republic, our gatekeeper to democracy. But this is not a free press. It's an enemy combatant attacking the American people in plain sight.

Ronald Reagan once said, "Don't be afraid to see what you see."

What do we see?

We see media drunk on power that tell us a man is a woman, that a baby is just a suspicious growth, a threat to the mother's health that must be removed. We see media that defend radicals who disrespect our flag, that justify trashing America. We see anti-American, globalist media that promote all other countries over our own.

We see media as co-conspirators working with the very traitors they're tasked to expose, a press that publishes fake news and outright lies, that withholds the real news that would indict its comrades.

We see an American Pravda, a state-run media posing as free press to avoid detection. Media that launch coordinated attacks on the president of the United States, that hammer the fake "Russia collusion" narrative 24/7, that "report" on the contrived obstruction of justice narrative, that push the 25th Amendment (insanity) charge, all in their traitorous drive to impeach this president.

We see an attack dog for the left, media that foment hate for the president, publicly label him a pathological liar, unstable, dangerous, Hitler, a white supremacist. Their hatred is palpable, their attacks unrelenting.

We see a press that conducts an orchestrated defense of seditious Democrats, the Deep State, and Washington's ruling elite, that act as a Praetorian Guard for the insurgents in the palace coup.

This is not a free press. It's a bastardized cabal dressed up as media that is working to defeat the American people and effect a coup d'état. Our free press is gone, eradicated by big money and government charlatans.

This counterfeit media are an enemy of the state, a threat to liberty and democracy, a clear and present danger.​

Trump is playing the media. He's done it from day one and knew exactly what he's been doing.

He's go people like you hooked like a drug on his shit. He knows how to play you and the media alike so you'll accept fucking anything he does.

It's scary.

People wondered how ordinary Germans could accept mass slaughter in the Holocaust.

Well, it's not so hard to see why.

Wow, the first response.

The media has become so radically against Trump that nothing is beneath them to criticize.

Trump proposes having a military parade and the leftists in the media starts screaming about Soviet style parades. Never mind that Chuch Schumer suggested the same thing in 2014.

Hillary is accused of knowingly keeping a sexual predator on her staff for years and all of the sudden all the media wants to talk about is wild accusations of spousal abuse by a member of the White House staff.

It's getting to the point that normally rational people are being effected by this constant malicious coverage by the media.

Some think this is great. Their manufactured hatred for Trump justifies anything and everything.

However, this is becoming dangerous for our government and for our national security.

Here's why: Our Radicalized Media: A Clear And Present Danger

February 10, 2018
Our Radicalized Media: A Clear And Present Danger
By Peggy Ryan
Most associate the term "radicalized" with ISIS. But radical movements aren't limited to a religion. A jihad is a crusade for a principle or belief involving struggle" and "resistance."

The Washington establishment, the Deep State, and special interests have launched their own jihad, built on a battle cry to "resist." Today, calls to "resist!" echo through Congress as half of the House and Senate stage a mutiny against a duly elected president.

"Resist!" is the call to arms from Democrat leaders (Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama) and radical activist groups (Black Lives Matter, Antifa).

More than 50 organizations have formed to "resist!" the Trump administration.

Just as ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi calls on his followers to resist infidels, so this Washington cabal calls on its warriors to resist our government, to obstruct the president.

These machinations are not conducted in the shadows, not a secret plot carried out in the dead of night. It's all in our faces. Rush Limbaugh warns of a silent coup, Sean Hannity a "soft coup," Ambassador Bolton the "first coup d'état in [U.S.] history."

Wow – a domestic plot to take down our government, and the best we can do is chronicle the uprising? How did we get to the place where we witness a coup and tacitly accept it?

In a word, the media, the left's super-soldiers, brought us to this point.

This powerful propaganda tool is utilized to take the state message into every living room, bedroom, workplace, and gym, anywhere there's a TV or internet, omnipresent, Big Brother.

Like Hitler's "Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda," the media control information, reporting only news that attacks our president and those working to exonerate him. They bury news of lawlessness that implicates Democrats – Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, any member of the leftist cabal.

But why are the media protecting the bad actors? Is it their liberal bent, their far-left ideology? Well, yes and no. Yes, the media are radicalized, wholly devoted to the progressive dogma of the left, but it's more than that. These faux journalists couldn't spew their poison, advocate the overthrow of a president, without their boss's permission, without government approval.

Oh, I know: Time Warner, Comcast, and other private corporations, not government, own the media. Except corporate America and government are one and the same, partners in a corrupt merger.

The roots of this merger are in the iron triangle, a mutually beneficial three-way relationship among Congress, government bureaucrats (the Deep State), and special interests (corporate).

Iron triangles get their name because they are incredibly hard to remove once they are set in[. A]ll three components need each other in order to survive. It is not in the interests of any component to break the triangle.


This interdependence results in a shared agenda, the big money agenda. So corporate interests buy off Congress, at least enough to have an effective majority, then move to acquire media.

Corporate giants control 90 percent of [U.S.] mass media. These corporations are the special interests[. T]he direct links connect all five of these media conglomerates to the political establishment and the economic and political power[ ]elites of the United States. ... These conglomerates are in large measure responsible for inculcating the social, political, economic, and moral values of both adults and children in the United States.

This media behemoth has turned its back on the Constitution. The media use their unparalleled influence to shield an emerging police state, bury the metastasis of political corruption in our government, and actively collude to remove our president and nullify an election.

This is not OK. None of it is OK. It's a seditious conspiracy.

Evidence is now surfacing of a tainted FBI that engaged in political espionage and illegal unmasking – dictator tactics to weaponize our intelligence agencies against American citizens, against political opponents.

Even a biased media should be shocked at these revelations. Yet the press defends the treason, blows off politicized intelligence, and attacks the messengers. There's a media blackout on the Deep State conspiracy, a deliberate attempt to keep this information from the American people.

Why didn't the Founders warn us of a compromised media? Why only admonishments to protect the free press?

Director Marshall Herskovitz called it:

Our founding fathers could not have foreseen that freedom of the press might eventually be threatened just as much by media consolidation as by government.

These consolidated media use the power of the press to serve their interests, to advance their agenda. Then, when called out for disinformation, for hiding the government's malfeasance, they use the 1st Amendment as their shield against criticism, exposure, even prosecution.

But there are limits to free speech.

Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919):

The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic[.] ... The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent.

I'd say an attempt to usurp our president, to take control of our government in a bloodless coup, constitutes a "substantive evil that Congress has a right to prevent."

Yet we continue to treat this sedition as protected speech – a dangerous abdication. If we attribute benign motives to the subversive media while we allow them to serve as a firewall to America's domestic enemies, as a propaganda arm of the state, we may, in the end, surrender our republic.

Liberty demands a free press; it's the foundation of our republic, our gatekeeper to democracy. But this is not a free press. It's an enemy combatant attacking the American people in plain sight.

Ronald Reagan once said, "Don't be afraid to see what you see."

What do we see?

We see media drunk on power that tell us a man is a woman, that a baby is just a suspicious growth, a threat to the mother's health that must be removed. We see media that defend radicals who disrespect our flag, that justify trashing America. We see anti-American, globalist media that promote all other countries over our own.

We see media as co-conspirators working with the very traitors they're tasked to expose, a press that publishes fake news and outright lies, that withholds the real news that would indict its comrades.

We see an American Pravda, a state-run media posing as free press to avoid detection. Media that launch coordinated attacks on the president of the United States, that hammer the fake "Russia collusion" narrative 24/7, that "report" on the contrived obstruction of justice narrative, that push the 25th Amendment (insanity) charge, all in their traitorous drive to impeach this president.

We see an attack dog for the left, media that foment hate for the president, publicly label him a pathological liar, unstable, dangerous, Hitler, a white supremacist. Their hatred is palpable, their attacks unrelenting.

We see a press that conducts an orchestrated defense of seditious Democrats, the Deep State, and Washington's ruling elite, that act as a Praetorian Guard for the insurgents in the palace coup.

This is not a free press. It's a bastardized cabal dressed up as media that is working to defeat the American people and effect a coup d'état. Our free press is gone, eradicated by big money and government charlatans.

This counterfeit media are an enemy of the state, a threat to liberty and democracy, a clear and present danger.​

Thank you president Trump he did something I never thought was possible...
I can see why its the media's fault at the 44 second mark that exists an awesome video montage of Trump saying he knows putin, doesnt know putin, spoke directly and indirectly with putin in moscow and later debated clinton and said he doesnt even know who putin is...

i can see how the video of trump proving trump my lack of reasoning. makes sense.


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