Mark Levin exposes Democrat lies about President Trump's early response to the CoronaVirus.


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
All the facts. And all the traitorous lies by Democrats are here.

Democrat premiere Lie: "Trump cut health care spending for Americans--" Those people are liars.
Facts found by Mr. Levin: Fact #1 "There have been no cuts to the cdc since Donald Trump was President, there have only been increases."
Fact #2Certain individuals have been quarantined by the United States government.
That's the first time in 50 years the quarantine has been imposed in the United States, and it was a step that has been triggered.
#3 The President over a month ago provided the Corona Virus task force when democrats were not even talking about htis.
#4. President temporarily suspended entry into the us of foreign nationsls who pose a risk for transmitting the coronavirus entrance.
#5 Jan 7, 2020 the virus is identified as a novel virus by Chinese authorities (6=7 weeks ago)
Jan 11, first death announced in China
Jan. 17, Second Death
Trump's response, implementing screens in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, greatest population of individuals from China entering and leaving the United States.

Jan 20 139 cases come up in China, 3rd death. The NIH announces they're working on a vaccine (5 weeks ago)
Jan 30 - 1st case of person-to-person transmission of coronavirus is registered in the usa.
Jan 31,, US announces banning deny entrance of individuals coming from China.​

Countering the lies: "AP Fact check, Democrats distort Corona Virus development"

Bronchitis: cdc- not suffering from budget cuts. Congressional budget measure that predates Trump before he became President. Congress is responsible for the slowdown in pandemic preparations.

Dr. anthony Faucci, who has advised 6 president has orchestrated cdc response to the Corona Virus as a high-risk threat.

While President Trump was closing doors to potential Corona Virus carriers the Democrats were conducting a lie-filled Impeachment to extend the time table for their government takeover without the approval of the American voters. And all of them were focused on getting Trump, not fighting threats from across wide oceans. Shame on the Democrats.

It's been lie after lie from the Democrats, and what is the Democrat proposed (answer): NOTHING!!! They have sent no response in law to the President's Desk

Schumer-Pelosi-House Democrat and the Democrat Media response plan: Force an Impeachment Trial against President Trump to get rid of him. Hawking a coup against the President of the United States and other absurdities, idealogy right down the line. Not paying attention to the early stages of the corona virus, while President Trump was fighting the good fight all by himself.

More Schumer-Pelosi-Sanders-biden, Buttagieg, etc. House Democrat and the Democrat Media response plan--only proposals lately have been:

Open borders
Eliminate ICE
No vetting
Sanctuary cities
Nationalized greatest health care
Massive taxes on pharmaceutical development companies, meaning no funds are available for fighting the coronavirus.

What containment vaccination plan by Democrat congress came up with: NONE, nothing, nada!
Democrats just attacked the President of the United states' leadership role even thought he was the only adult in the room fighting the virus tooth and nail, and prohibiting carriers from coming into the USA.

Senate by Schumer: Jan 16- Feb 5--Forced a Senate Impeachment trial while threat was growing in China.
Where was Acosta, Blitzer, other media spokespersons here: NOWHERE--too busy hawking the coup against the President of the United States. They missed this story completely.

That's the result of an idealogical Democrat socialist Media focus, not paying attention to the real news in the world. Lies, lies, lies by House Speaker and Democrats like Schumer who cracks the DNC whip in the Senate.

It's a disgrace! The Democrats in the House, Senate, and Presidential debates lied their butts off when they claimed President Trump didn't act. He did nothing of the sort. He was in there watching over the health of the American people and was in close contact every day with the cdc and this strange virus.

Please listen to the rest of the Levin speech in the above radio broadcast.

And please, if you're a human being who understands the corruption of lies coming from the Democrats who are spewing nonstop about the President in order to assume his power, consider walking away from all that. Only you can help your party quit the lying bullshit and start acting like adults concerned for the people of the United States of America. Information here:
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I know my post above was long, and I apologize. It's a complex issue.

Here are what the Democrats have done to tie America's hands in protecting the American citizens' health and welfare and and to impossibilitate providing for the common defense: demanded open borders, insisting on eliminate ICE; insisting on no vetting at entrance areas to the United States of America, creating sanctuary cities, trying to nationalize the world's greatest health care system which happens to be right here in the USA, and insisting on massive taxes against pharmaceutical development companies, who as a consequence have no federal funding for fighting the coronavirus.

In fact, the Democrats have utilized ALL THEIR TIME NOT ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, but instead have tried to undo the system that brought 30 states to usher in President Trump as our President.

President Trump has not had one single piece of help from the Democrat speaker of the House, Pelosi - nor from the Senate Democrat spokesman, Schumer.

They're on this self-serving spiel that President Trump (the actual hero here) is bad, and that their Presidential candidates are good. Not one single one of them has come up with any kind of plan to fight the corona virus. Not one. Just criticism and lies that the President hasn't done anything to fight it. President Trump has fought it from the beginning of the Chinese scare, and he's in close contact with the cdc to make sure American citizens are as protected as he can by closing the borders to people travelling to and from infected countries in the world to stop the spread.

But damn it, the southern borders are open on account of the Democrats. And that's how seed people get in here. (seed people = individuals from infected countries entering our borders to spread the misery on us.)
Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise
How Trump's fund-slashing prevents the CDC from fighting outbreaks like coronavirus

The president introduced his fiscal year 2021 budget proposal on Feb. 10, just 11 days after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concerns. The spending plan included a 16 percent reduction in CDC funding from the 2020 spending levels.

In fact, all of Trump’s budget proposals have called for cuts to CDC funding, but Congress has intervened each time by passing spending bills with year-over-year increases for the CDC that Trump then signed into law.

Did Trump try to cut the CDC's budget as Democrats claim?: ANALYSIS
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That is not true and you know it, IM2.
It is true. You just need to stop blindly believing everything trump and the right wing media tells you. Mark Levin doesn't know the difference between his head and a pimple, but you take what he says like it's the gospel. Get out of fact free world.
Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise
How Trump's fund-slashing prevents the CDC from fighting outbreaks like coronavirus

The president introduced his fiscal year 2021 budget proposal on Feb. 10, just 11 days after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concerns. The spending plan included a 16 percent reduction in CDC funding from the 2020 spending levels.

In fact, all of Trump’s budget proposals have called for cuts to CDC funding, but Congress has intervened each time by passing spending bills with year-over-year increases for the CDC that Trump then signed into law.

Did Trump try to cut the CDC's budget as Democrats claim?: ANALYSIS
That "analysis" is not about the CDC's budget, it's about the stock market. Try again with something relevant, IM2. You're way off.
Liberals have zero (or near zero anyway) standing to blame the coronavirus on the blob. Spending more money on the CDC would have almost certainly done nothing to make us more prepared to deal with this threat. That being said, the blob did get rid of the refugee screening funds that were made available to the States in 2017. What the refugee screening programs did was ensure that someone with a disease who gained entry into the nation had access to medicines to get rid of tapeworms, bacteria, etc... It costs almost literal pennies per script since the drugs that were being dispensed were generics.

But blaming an epidemic on one political figure is stupid. Especially since it could have just as easily been ebola, the plague, smallpox, or anyone of a number of other maladies that would infect the public.
That is not true and you know it, IM2.
It is true. You just need to stop blindly believing everything trump and the right wing media tells you. Mark Levin doesn't know the difference between his head and a pimple, but you take what he says like it's the gospel. Get out of fact free world.
No it isn't. And your analysis was accompanied by a stock market drop that was imposed by Soros money trying to do to the USA what Soros did to the Brits a few years back when they acted in their own national interest against his greed. He really hurt them, but they bounced back because the Brits ain't afraid of nothin' bad from greedmongers and powerbrokers like Soros when they're on an evil rampage. But you knew that, didn't you, and you're pooping on the President some more so your evil mavens can assume all power and destroy the Constitution and replace it with stark, raving mad communism which requires them to kill all opposition.

That's what communist countries do, IM2. Look at the history books. Mao killed one hundred million chinese to herald in his communist - Marxist rule. They don't listen to protesters, they send in the military and murder all of them.

Edit: typo "adn" should have been "and" :rolleyes:
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That is not true and you know it, IM2.

IM2 is a dedicated "chump" and the odds that he listened to the video or read your well written post are nil.. :smiliehug:

MalcomXChumpsForVoting.jpg ...Malcolm X on Democrats .. oh, the irony..

Liberals have zero (or near zero anyway) standing to blame the coronavirus on the blob. Spending more money on the CDC would have almost certainly done nothing to make us more prepared to deal with this threat. That being said, the blob did get rid of the refugee screening funds that were made available to the States in 2017. What the refugee screening programs did was ensure that someone with a disease who gained entry into the nation had access to medicines to get rid of tapeworms, bacteria, etc... It costs almost literal pennies per script since the drugs that were being dispensed were generics.

But blaming an epidemic on one political figure is stupid. Especially since it could have just as easily been ebola, the plague, smallpox, or anyone of a number of other maladies that would infect the public.
The President has acted on containment of the Corona Virus. This thread is about the CoronaVirus, not other issues facing the nation. While President Trump was working on this "novel" virus in China, the Democrats were trying to draw and quarter him politically with their exclusive, media-assisted coup attempt via a bogus impeachment trial.

The Democrats were distracted by their revenge motives against a Republican President who makes it harder and harder for them to impose communism into this nation and destroy the Constitutional freedom of speech, religion, and armaments so they will have an easier time of total control over human thought and deed when they assume the total power they're after, if they have to doom freedom eternally, they're certainly after it hot and heavy right now.

They're criticizing the doers, from a non-doer's party of do-nothings. And they think nobody notices.
<they're wrong!>​
Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise
How Trump's fund-slashing prevents the CDC from fighting outbreaks like coronavirus

The president introduced his fiscal year 2021 budget proposal on Feb. 10, just 11 days after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concerns. The spending plan included a 16 percent reduction in CDC funding from the 2020 spending levels.

In fact, all of Trump’s budget proposals have called for cuts to CDC funding, but Congress has intervened each time by passing spending bills with year-over-year increases for the CDC that Trump then signed into law.

Did Trump try to cut the CDC's budget as Democrats claim?: ANALYSIS

A proposal never adopted by congress. So fuck off commie.

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise
How Trump's fund-slashing prevents the CDC from fighting outbreaks like coronavirus

The president introduced his fiscal year 2021 budget proposal on Feb. 10, just 11 days after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concerns. The spending plan included a 16 percent reduction in CDC funding from the 2020 spending levels.

In fact, all of Trump’s budget proposals have called for cuts to CDC funding, but Congress has intervened each time by passing spending bills with year-over-year increases for the CDC that Trump then signed into law.

Did Trump try to cut the CDC's budget as Democrats claim?: ANALYSIS
Trump won the presidency with 304 votes. We've always been able to do more with less
That is not true and you know it, IM2.

IM2 is a dedicated "chump" and the odds that he listened to the video or read your well written post are nil.. :smiliehug:

View attachment 309434 ...Malcolm X on Democrats .. oh, the irony..

Yes, and the TDS makes people blind to reality. Trump acted in favor of the American people. Democrats lied and said the opposite of him with a few other false narratives. :(
Liberals have zero (or near zero anyway) standing to blame the coronavirus on the blob. Spending more money on the CDC would have almost certainly done nothing to make us more prepared to deal with this threat. That being said, the blob did get rid of the refugee screening funds that were made available to the States in 2017. What the refugee screening programs did was ensure that someone with a disease who gained entry into the nation had access to medicines to get rid of tapeworms, bacteria, etc... It costs almost literal pennies per script since the drugs that were being dispensed were generics.

But blaming an epidemic on one political figure is stupid. Especially since it could have just as easily been ebola, the plague, smallpox, or anyone of a number of other maladies that would infect the public.

"Blob" .... :icon_rolleyes: .. otherwise .. WOW
All the facts. And all the traitorous lies by Democrats are here.

Democrat premiere Lie: "Trump cut health care spending for Americans--" Those people are liars.
Facts found by Mr. Levin: Fact #1 "There have been no cuts to the cdc since Donald Trump was President, there have only been increases."
Fact #2Certain individuals have been quarantined by the United States government.
That's the first time in 50 years the quarantine has been imposed in the United States, and it was a step that has been triggered.
#3 The President over a month ago provided the Corona Virus task force when democrats were not even talking about htis.
#4. President temporarily suspended entry into the us of foreign nationsls who pose a risk for transmitting the coronavirus entrance.
#5 Jan 7, 2020 the virus is identified as a novel virus by Chinese authorities (6=7 weeks ago)
Jan 11, first death announced in China
Jan. 17, Second Death
Trump's response, implementing screens in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, greatest population of individuals from China entering and leaving the United States.

Jan 20 139 cases come up in China, 3rd death. The NIH announces they're working on a vaccine (5 weeks ago)
Jan 30 - 1st case of person-to-person transmission of coronavirus is registered in the usa.
Jan 31,, US announces banning deny entrance of individuals coming from China.​

Countering the lies: "AP Fact check, Democrats distort Corona Virus development"

Bronchitis: cdc- not suffering from budget cuts. Congressional budget measure that predates Trump before he became President. Congress is responsible for the slowdown in pandemic preparations.

Dr. anthony Faucci, who has advised 6 president has orchestrated cdc response to the Corona Virus as a high-risk threat.

While President Trump was closing doors to potential Corona Virus carriers the Democrats were conducting a lie-filled Impeachment to extend the time table for their government takeover without the approval of the American voters. And all of them were focused on getting Trump, not fighting threats from across wide oceans. Shame on the Democrats.

It's been lie after lie from the Democrats, and what is the Democrat proposed (answer): NOTHING!!! They have sent no response in law to the President's Desk

Schumer-Pelosi-House Democrat and the Democrat Media response plan: Force an Impeachment Trial against President Trump to get rid of him. Hawking a coup against the President of the United States and other absurdities, idealogy right down the line. Not paying attention to the early stages of the corona virus, while President Trump was fighting the good fight all by himself.

More Schumer-Pelosi-Sanders-biden, Buttagieg, etc. House Democrat and the Democrat Media response plan--only proposals lately have been:

Open borders
Eliminate ICE
No vetting
Sanctuary cities
Nationalized greatest health care
Massive taxes on pharmaceutical development companies, meaning no funds are available for fighting the coronavirus.

What containment vaccination plan by Democrat congress came up with: NONE, nothing, nada!
Democrats just attacked the President of the United states' leadership role even thought he was the only adult in the room fighting the virus tooth and nail, and prohibiting carriers from coming into the USA.

Senate by Schumer: Jan 16- Feb 5--Forced a Senate Impeachment trial while threat was growing in China.
Where was Acosta, Blitzer, other media spokespersons here: NOWHERE--too busy hawking the coup against the President of the United States. They missed this story completely.

That's the result of an idealogical Democrat socialist Media focus, not paying attention to the real news in the world. Lies, lies, lies by House Speaker and Democrats like Schumer who cracks the DNC whip in the Senate.

It's a disgrace! The Democrats in the House, Senate, and Presidential debates lied their butts off when they claimed President Trump didn't act. He did nothing of the sort. He was in there watching over the health of the American people and was in close contact every day with the cdc and this strange virus.

Please listen to the rest of the Levin speech in the above radio broadcast.

And please, if you're a human being who understands the corruption of lies coming from the Democrats who are spewing nonstop about the President in order to assume his power, consider walking away from all that. Only you can help your party quit the lying bullshit and start acting like adults concerned for the people of the United States of America. Information here:

Mark Levin is a fraud. He hated Trump more than anybody before his creditors came calling.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
I don't believe they've come up with a cure for the common cold (coronavirus) ever.

This new strain sounds like it's most threatening to us older folks and goes pneumonia/bronchitis/? quicker.

... a cure... :dunno:
All the facts. And all the traitorous lies by Democrats are here.

Democrat premiere Lie: "Trump cut health care spending for Americans--" Those people are liars.
Facts found by Mr. Levin: Fact #1 "There have been no cuts to the cdc since Donald Trump was President, there have only been increases."
Fact #2Certain individuals have been quarantined by the United States government.
That's the first time in 50 years the quarantine has been imposed in the United States, and it was a step that has been triggered.
#3 The President over a month ago provided the Corona Virus task force when democrats were not even talking about htis.
#4. President temporarily suspended entry into the us of foreign nationsls who pose a risk for transmitting the coronavirus entrance.
#5 Jan 7, 2020 the virus is identified as a novel virus by Chinese authorities (6=7 weeks ago)
Jan 11, first death announced in China
Jan. 17, Second Death
Trump's response, implementing screens in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, greatest population of individuals from China entering and leaving the United States.

Jan 20 139 cases come up in China, 3rd death. The NIH announces they're working on a vaccine (5 weeks ago)
Jan 30 - 1st case of person-to-person transmission of coronavirus is registered in the usa.
Jan 31,, US announces banning deny entrance of individuals coming from China.​

Countering the lies: "AP Fact check, Democrats distort Corona Virus development"

Bronchitis: cdc- not suffering from budget cuts. Congressional budget measure that predates Trump before he became President. Congress is responsible for the slowdown in pandemic preparations.

Dr. anthony Faucci, who has advised 6 president has orchestrated cdc response to the Corona Virus as a high-risk threat.

While President Trump was closing doors to potential Corona Virus carriers the Democrats were conducting a lie-filled Impeachment to extend the time table for their government takeover without the approval of the American voters. And all of them were focused on getting Trump, not fighting threats from across wide oceans. Shame on the Democrats.

It's been lie after lie from the Democrats, and what is the Democrat proposed (answer): NOTHING!!! They have sent no response in law to the President's Desk

Schumer-Pelosi-House Democrat and the Democrat Media response plan: Force an Impeachment Trial against President Trump to get rid of him. Hawking a coup against the President of the United States and other absurdities, idealogy right down the line. Not paying attention to the early stages of the corona virus, while President Trump was fighting the good fight all by himself.

More Schumer-Pelosi-Sanders-biden, Buttagieg, etc. House Democrat and the Democrat Media response plan--only proposals lately have been:

Open borders
Eliminate ICE
No vetting
Sanctuary cities
Nationalized greatest health care
Massive taxes on pharmaceutical development companies, meaning no funds are available for fighting the coronavirus.

What containment vaccination plan by Democrat congress came up with: NONE, nothing, nada!
Democrats just attacked the President of the United states' leadership role even thought he was the only adult in the room fighting the virus tooth and nail, and prohibiting carriers from coming into the USA.

Senate by Schumer: Jan 16- Feb 5--Forced a Senate Impeachment trial while threat was growing in China.
Where was Acosta, Blitzer, other media spokespersons here: NOWHERE--too busy hawking the coup against the President of the United States. They missed this story completely.

That's the result of an idealogical Democrat socialist Media focus, not paying attention to the real news in the world. Lies, lies, lies by House Speaker and Democrats like Schumer who cracks the DNC whip in the Senate.

It's a disgrace! The Democrats in the House, Senate, and Presidential debates lied their butts off when they claimed President Trump didn't act. He did nothing of the sort. He was in there watching over the health of the American people and was in close contact every day with the cdc and this strange virus.

Please listen to the rest of the Levin speech in the above radio broadcast.

And please, if you're a human being who understands the corruption of lies coming from the Democrats who are spewing nonstop about the President in order to assume his power, consider walking away from all that. Only you can help your party quit the lying bullshit and start acting like adults concerned for the people of the United States of America. Information here:

Mark Levin is a fraud. He hated Trump more than anybody before his creditors came calling.

:popcorn: .. Trump certainly wasn't his first choice in 2016 (politics).. but fraud.. :slap:
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All the facts. And all the traitorous lies by Democrats are here.

Democrat premiere Lie: "Trump cut health care spending for Americans--" Those people are liars.
Facts found by Mr. Levin: Fact #1 "There have been no cuts to the cdc since Donald Trump was President, there have only been increases."
Fact #2Certain individuals have been quarantined by the United States government.
That's the first time in 50 years the quarantine has been imposed in the United States, and it was a step that has been triggered.
#3 The President over a month ago provided the Corona Virus task force when democrats were not even talking about htis.
#4. President temporarily suspended entry into the us of foreign nationsls who pose a risk for transmitting the coronavirus entrance.
#5 Jan 7, 2020 the virus is identified as a novel virus by Chinese authorities (6=7 weeks ago)
Jan 11, first death announced in China
Jan. 17, Second Death
Trump's response, implementing screens in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, greatest population of individuals from China entering and leaving the United States.

Jan 20 139 cases come up in China, 3rd death. The NIH announces they're working on a vaccine (5 weeks ago)
Jan 30 - 1st case of person-to-person transmission of coronavirus is registered in the usa.
Jan 31,, US announces banning deny entrance of individuals coming from China.​

Countering the lies: "AP Fact check, Democrats distort Corona Virus development"

Bronchitis: cdc- not suffering from budget cuts. Congressional budget measure that predates Trump before he became President. Congress is responsible for the slowdown in pandemic preparations.

Dr. anthony Faucci, who has advised 6 president has orchestrated cdc response to the Corona Virus as a high-risk threat.

While President Trump was closing doors to potential Corona Virus carriers the Democrats were conducting a lie-filled Impeachment to extend the time table for their government takeover without the approval of the American voters. And all of them were focused on getting Trump, not fighting threats from across wide oceans. Shame on the Democrats.

It's been lie after lie from the Democrats, and what is the Democrat proposed (answer): NOTHING!!! They have sent no response in law to the President's Desk

Schumer-Pelosi-House Democrat and the Democrat Media response plan: Force an Impeachment Trial against President Trump to get rid of him. Hawking a coup against the President of the United States and other absurdities, idealogy right down the line. Not paying attention to the early stages of the corona virus, while President Trump was fighting the good fight all by himself.

More Schumer-Pelosi-Sanders-biden, Buttagieg, etc. House Democrat and the Democrat Media response plan--only proposals lately have been:

Open borders
Eliminate ICE
No vetting
Sanctuary cities
Nationalized greatest health care
Massive taxes on pharmaceutical development companies, meaning no funds are available for fighting the coronavirus.

What containment vaccination plan by Democrat congress came up with: NONE, nothing, nada!
Democrats just attacked the President of the United states' leadership role even thought he was the only adult in the room fighting the virus tooth and nail, and prohibiting carriers from coming into the USA.

Senate by Schumer: Jan 16- Feb 5--Forced a Senate Impeachment trial while threat was growing in China.
Where was Acosta, Blitzer, other media spokespersons here: NOWHERE--too busy hawking the coup against the President of the United States. They missed this story completely.

That's the result of an idealogical Democrat socialist Media focus, not paying attention to the real news in the world. Lies, lies, lies by House Speaker and Democrats like Schumer who cracks the DNC whip in the Senate.

It's a disgrace! The Democrats in the House, Senate, and Presidential debates lied their butts off when they claimed President Trump didn't act. He did nothing of the sort. He was in there watching over the health of the American people and was in close contact every day with the cdc and this strange virus.

Please listen to the rest of the Levin speech in the above radio broadcast.

And please, if you're a human being who understands the corruption of lies coming from the Democrats who are spewing nonstop about the President in order to assume his power, consider walking away from all that. Only you can help your party quit the lying bullshit and start acting like adults concerned for the people of the United States of America. Information here:

Mark Levin is a fraud. He hated Trump more than anybody before his creditors came calling.

He changed his opinion when he found out the Democrat press was lying its ass off about our new President.

He now simply looks at the percentages of who's doing what. President Trump is a doer of good deeds, and he acts in the best interests of the citizens of the United States of America. He's fulfilled his constitutional duty of providing for the common defense over and over. That gets honest people's loyalty.

Instead of being a fraud, Levin follows the facts, not the fiction of the Democrat Press.
I don't believe they've come up with a cure for the common cold (coronavirus) ever.

This new strain sounds like it's most threatening to us older folks and goes pneumonia/bronchitis/? quicker.

... a cure... :dunno:
That fatality rate for people over 60 sure got my attention!
I don't believe they've come up with a cure for the common cold (coronavirus) ever.

This new strain sounds like it's most threatening to us older folks and goes pneumonia/bronchitis/? quicker.

... a cure... :dunno:
That fatality rate for people over 60 sure got my attention!

Yup, I'd plan on getting to the doctor .. quicker .. if I caught a cold.

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