Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims That She Has Enough Evidence to Impeach Biden

She better have evidence. Every republican in the House ought to have evidence.

Just the fact that he obviously isn't mentally fit should be enough evidence.

Did anyone actually bother to read the article? MTG is saying that she has evidence of a "pay for play" that Biden did as VICE PRESIDENT, not as president, but she still has yet to release it.

My questions would be (a) did the statute of limitations expire while Trump was president (remember, Biden didn't hold office during Trump's tenure, so the clock would be running) and (b) does the Constitution allow for a sitting president to be impeached for actions taken as VP, or do they have to be actions he did as president?

And, while a VP can be impeached, can they be impeached after the fact of over 6 years ago? How would impeaching him for actions taken back then be grounds for his impeachment now?

There are a lot of questions to be answered on this.

Not sure what you're on about. Clearly the government doesn't care about the statute of limitations when they are now trying to charge Trump with crimes before he was even president.

Biden is incapable of running his own life much less the nation and world, so the question becomes, who is really running our country right now?

Agreed but lol at first I read this as Biden is incapable of running his own mouth which is true too.

Nobody has ever come close to the embarrassment that Trump was to our country IMO. He was a complete moron who acted like a child. Biden is an old man who stutters and gaffs. Not the sharpest rep in the world but much better than Trump

Wow, seriously? I somewhat agree with you on the Trump part although he needs his attitude to face the left. However, how is Biden better than Trump? What has he ever accomplished?
Do what? I'm not a republican and I have no standing to try to impeach a president. If left up to me, I'd just trip up that worthless POS by throwing a few banana peels in his path and watch him do a prat fall or fall off his bike again.

Joe Biden would never make it through two terms. Many would say he hasn't even made it half way through his first.

And they would all be wrong, but thank you for admitting the GQP is a pussy organization.
And that’s your opinion.
That's right. THAT IS MY OPINION. And well grounded in fact and observation.

I don’t mind having an inept old man in the White House slowing things down.
Problem is, Biden has slowed down all of the good things like border control, crime prevention, energy independence, economic stability and world peace, while speeding up all of the bad things like foreign invasion, crime, inflation, bank collapse, social decay and the likelihood of war.

Bid Trump Return Now.
The House of reps can come up with "evidence" to impeach Biden just as easily as the Nancy P. led former house came up with "evidence" to impeach Trump twice. And the senate will not convict.

Trump and his whistleblowing staffers gave the Democrats the evidence, they didn't have to "come up with anything". Republicans begged Democrats to get rid of Trump because they want him gone but they don't have the balls to dump him.
They are all thugs in this crooked stolen Administration.
MTG is right.

Although the article doesn't say what that evidence is, but I'm hopeful.

I'm not trying to diminish your post or you but it's time to put up or shut up.

Every week it seems someone has a megaton bombshell kraken 3000 to drop to impeach someone or take someone to court or whatever. But nothing ever happens.

Saying they are going to impeach Biden has no weight to it anymore. If they are gonna do it then do and make it count or don't even bother talking about it.

Ever since trump was president impeaching someone or having dammning evidence has lost all meaning. Making claims about trump started this whole "were gonna get em" trend and it never goes anywhere.
Did anyone actually bother to read the article? MTG is saying that she has evidence of a "pay for play" that Biden did as VICE PRESIDENT, not as president, but she still has yet to release it.

My questions would be (a) did the statute of limitations expire while Trump was president (remember, Biden didn't hold office during Trump's tenure, so the clock would be running) and (b) does the Constitution allow for a sitting president to be impeached for actions taken as VP, or do they have to be actions he did as president?

And, while a VP can be impeached, can they be impeached after the fact of over 6 years ago? How would impeaching him for actions taken back then be grounds for his impeachment now?

There are a lot of questions to be answered on this.
there is nothing here.

her claims are just that, claims.
All the Washington politicians are corrupt. Look at what they are worth going into office and coming out.

But any sentence that starts with "Marjorie Taylor Greene claims..." is close to worthless.

MTG also claimed Jewish Space Lasers started wildfires, the gazpacho police are watching us, step-parents aren't real parents, and that joining the military was like throwing your life away.

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