Mariupol: Over 1000 Ukrainian soldiers surrender

It means justice for thugs.


You have really a strange form of intelligence, Borg. To use the Z for the freedom fighter Zorro is by the way not any problem in Germany, fake-German. To use the Z for to say "I am a Nazi" and to glorify terror is a crime in Germany. Many Nazis do here so since they saw this symbol on Russian tanks in the Ukraine.

And it is not justice to ignore the international court how Russia is doing. And justice means also: There is no statute of limitations on war crimes.
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Empty stupid phrases.

Again my question to you: "What will Russia win if it will win this criminal war?" I expect a serios answer. I like to understand why is happening this senseless murderous bullshit without hope for anyone.

Last sentence: I only now when l will die the true mother will cry.

Dipshit, you are obviously uneducated on Ukraine as a drug hub. We're not surprised you get screwed out of the truth along with the others. CIA-MI6 has scrubbed the Zelenskiy video on the c.u.n.t.'s cocaine-induced movements:
What means criminal Nazis like you plan to genocide a big part of the Ukrainian population and try to call this genocide "denacification".
Neo-nazism in Ukraine is no myth, Podunk.

Empty stupid phrases.

Again my question to you: "What will Russia win if it will win this criminal war?" I expect a serios answer. I like to understand why is happening this senseless murderous bullshit without hope for anyone.

Last sentence: I only now when l will die the true mother will cry.

Russia is going to win, Low-IQ Breath.

Scott Ritter: Russia Is Poised To Win Decisively
You have really a strange form of intelligence, Borg. To use the Z for the freedom fighter Zorro is by the way not any problem in Germany, fake-German. To use the Z for to say "I am a Nazi" and to glorify terror is a crime in Germany. Many Nazis do here so since they saw this symbol on Russian tanks in the Ukraine.

And it is not justice to ignore the international court how Russia is doing. And justice means also: There is no statute of limitations on war crimes.
No it isn´t because the order to confiscate Zs has no legal basis in Germany.

"The emperor was widely perceived to rule by divine right, though he often contradicted or rivaled the pope, most notably during the Investiture controversy."

Russia, the third major enemy was out of the war in 1918. They made peace with Germany after the October Revolution, which weakened their supply. Germany got its own communist Revolution in November 2018 which halted supply and overthrew the government. The Emperor left Germany. When Germany surrendered, no allied soldiers were in Germany.


This implies a massive superiority of Germany militarily. It was the German plan to end the hostilities in the west quickly to be able to fight Russia. This situation proves that the war has been forced upon Germany, even the party SPD, which today rules Germany in a coalition with Green party and FDP, acknowledged the necessity of preparing for war, voting in favor of the funds required in the parliament which could have denied this funds.
The plan did not work out but luckily for Germany the Russian forces were not as strong as expected.

Nothing in the wikipedia article says that the HRE emperor had authority over the Pope. It only says that there was a conflict and a compromise.

The very fact that Germany attacked France thru Belgium, thereby drawing the U.K. into the war, shows the incredible failure of leadership in Germany. It was probably the greatest military blunder in history.

War was extremely unpopular in France - if the Germans had waited until the next French election, pacifists would have been elected and France would have withdrawn it declaration of war.

What makes the attack even stupider is that the U.K. was neutral until Germany attacked Belgium. The U.K. had by far the strongest navy in the world. It was obvious that the U.K. would blockade the North Sea and drive Germany into economic chaos and starvation.

Of course there was a rebellion in Germany. The Kaiser's stupidity drove the German people to the brink.

If Germany had done nothing but fight the Russians, they would have won the war almost immediately.

Yet, again in 1939 the Germans were stupid enough to start a 2 front war again. They learned NOTHING from WWI.
Russia is going to win, Low-IQ Breath.

Scott Ritter: Russia Is Poised To Win Decisively

Are they going to win by sinking their own ships, if we are to believe that Russia wasn't attacked by Ukranian missles? LMAO
A war correspondent from Italy, Vittorio Rangeloni, has visited Mariupol and talked to local residents:
"...All these people (corpses) have been lying around since March. They were killed by snipers from among the Ukrainian Nazis who were based in the plant. The Nazis' mission is to destroy the infrastructure and civilians.
...I have been here since the launch of the special military operation, and I have witnessed the whole thing. The Russian army targeted the plants where the militants were deployed. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Nazis fired on civilians with weapons of all kinds..."
Regardless of the numbers, what is true is that the city is rubble, the Ukes failed at relieving/rescuing their Azov Nazis, regulars, and assorted foreign mercenaries that were there and the Russians are mopping up the few remaining fighters.

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