Mariupol: Over 1000 Ukrainian soldiers surrender

"One of Russia's most essential warships, a guided missile cruiser named Moskva, sank on Thursday while it was being towed to port, the Russian military said."
ivan, The “Moskva” Flag Ship of the Russian Black Sea fleet, has now joined the Russian Underwater Special Operations - permanently, and has been officially withdrawn from the surface fleet.
The sinking of the Moskva today is the largest successful attack on a military ship since the U.S. struck vessels of the Japanese Imperial Navy in July 1945. Congratulations to Ukraine :thup: for sinking the largest military ship in 76 years.

The sinking of the Moskva today is the largest successful attack on a military ship since the U.S. struck vessels of the Japanese Imperial Navy in July 1945. Congratulations to Ukraine :thup: for sinking the largest military ship in 76 years.

The Ukrainian navy:
"One of Russia's most essential warships, a guided missile cruiser named Moskva, sank on Thursday while it was being towed to port, the Russian military said."
Being a missile strike is not confirmed. If sunk, onboard fire can likely be confirmed.
In post #88, one can scroll to the report for Gorenka, 77% destroyed, near Kiev. Visiting Google Maps will retrieve the village of Gorenka. The blue body of water is the Dniepr. We have already posted today and previously on Desna. Moving the map with the fingers across the Dniepr will retrieve the location of Desna. One can follow approx. northeast, as the River Desna flows to Mezin, Ukraine. This is the Ice Age origin of the swastika that Hitler undoubtedly knew about, discovered in 1907. The river itself physically forms the nazi fylfot.
I don´t think so. War is war and there will be casualties. Lets not be like presstitutes. The Ukrainian military is not that weak and maybe the Russians underestimated them. Does that change the righteousness of the Russian mission? No, it doesn´t.
However, now that the flagship is out, the rest of the Black Sea Fleet is in jeopardy. Ukraine will not be able to go near the ship to confirm either fire or missile attack. They would be destroyed. But what came next was the trashing of Gorenka and Konashenkov's warning to Kiev. Following the Desna River, on the other side of the Dniepr, one eventually arrives at the site Hitler knew about for the Ice Age swastika: Mezin. Putin's parking at Kiev has more implications than simply wanting to crucify a president with a cocaine habit.
However, now that the flagship is out, the rest of the Black Sea Fleet is in jeopardy. Ukraine will not be able to go near the ship to confirm either fire or missile attack. They would be destroyed. But what came next was the trashing of Gorenka and Konashenkov's warning to Kiev. Following the Desna River, on the other side of the Dniepr, one eventually arrives at the site Hitler knew about for the Ice Age swastika: Mezin. Putin's parking at Kiev has more implications than simply wanting to crucify a president with a cocaine habit.
Realize how this works: Ukraine does not have to confirm anything. When they say something, it will be the ultimative truth here in the West. Russia has presented many proofs regarding war crimes in Ukraine but people in the West will never hear about them.

Illegal censorship:

Our freedom is a fucking joke. We don´t have freedom of opinion but freedom of their opinion. Opinions are being criminalized, although law doesn´t allow for such moves. They dictate their "view" on Ukraine as the only acceptable one. We are now Ukraine-light, self-destructing with just one hand left to polish Uncle Sams boots. Its sickening.
Who the fuck cares what monkey invented the swastika? Propaganda is worse than it has been in the 3. Reich. The media is not diverse, there is only propaganda left.

Z-Symbols are being confiscated here and you will be charged.
Realize how this works: Ukraine does not have to confirm anything. When they say something, it will be the ultimative truth here in the West. Russia has presented many proofs regarding war crimes in Ukraine but people in the West will never hear about them.

Illegal censorship:

Our freedom is a fucking joke. We don´t have freedom of opinion but freedom of their opinion. Opinions are being criminalized, although law doesn´t allow for such moves. They dictate their "view" on Ukraine as the only acceptable one. We are now Ukraine-light, self-destructing with just one hand left to polish Uncle Sams boots. Its sickening.
Who the fuck cares what monkey invented the swastika? Propaganda is worse than it has been in the 3. Reich. The media is not diverse, there is only propaganda left.

Z-Symbols are being confiscated here and you will be charged.
Realize how this works, Dipshit. The first thing you should do is to get the cocksucker in the photograph to stop moving and shapeshifting. Next, make sure the reader can find out what it wants to say. Next, if that is your paragraph about the monkey and swastika below the photograph, admit it in front of the other readers so that badger can proceed to crucify you. OK?
Realize how this works, Dipshit. The first thing you should do is to get the cocksucker in the photograph to stop moving and shapeshifting. Next, make sure the reader can find out what it wants to say. Next, if that is your paragraph about the monkey and swastika below the photograph, admit it in front of the other readers so that badger can proceed to crucify you. OK?
Ach, fuck off, you drunken bum.

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