Mariupol: Over 1000 Ukrainian soldiers surrender


Nov 14, 2012
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1026 Ukrainian marines surrendered today in Mariupol. The Russians take care of their wounded. It is but a matter of days or even hours until the entire city is liberated.

The Mariupol battle is almost over. Russian forces have almost seized the city (or more correctly, what is left out of it). Ukrainian forces are present only on Azovstal territory. Russia and so called 'DNR' are planning to hold a military parade there on 9th May.
The Mariupol battle is almost over. Russian forces have almost seized the city (or more correctly, what is left out of it). Ukrainian forces are present only on Azovstal territory. Russia and so called 'DNR' are planning to hold a military parade there on 9th May.
Ukraine is a so called country, DNR is just DNR.
The Ukrainians have lotsa Russian prisoners too ( wonder if they can ship them to the west )
Remember when people thought it was stupid for Trump to propose moving our troops/bases from Germany to Poland?

Remember when Trump was laughed at by the Germans at the UN when he said that Germany would be dependent on Russian energy?

But it's not stupid of course to be dependent on American or some other energy that's twice or more expensive, is it? Besides, what's that fracking oil America has? It's like when you're thirsty and the only water you have is that you can squeeze out of your bathroom sponge.
History repeats itself today in eastern Ukraine.

And the Russian fascists and their Useful Idiots on the Internet justify their lies.

Come on, Darth Putin, that is beyond ridiculousness.
But it's not stupid of course to be dependent on American or some other energy that's twice or more expensive, is it? Besides, what's that fracking oil America has? It's like when you're thirsty and the only water you have is that you can squeeze out of your bathroom sponge.

It’s stupid to rely on Russian energy if Russia is using the proceeds to rape, torture and kill its neighbors due to some chauvinistic revanchist 19th century egotistical ideology.
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