CDZ Marijuana


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Just heard Tucker Carlson quote some Psychological study claiming that Schizophrenia can be caused by Marijuana. The study cited crimes were committed by Schizos who were on Marijuana. The 'conclusion' is that Marijuana is 'bad for you.'

I'm sorry, but as much as I agree with Carlson, could it also be that Marijuana soothes Schizos and that a small fraction of these Schizo-Marijuana takers commit crimes while on the substance? Could it be that our mental health care and available medications either do not work very well or are unobtainable? Could it be that Marijuana actually PREVENTS some of these poor souls from suffering their own inner torture?

What say you?
I say recreational drug use cannot be stopped, and it's a waste of time and resources to try.

Those who use will use in any case. The same people who failed with Prohibition are failing again.

Look up Harry Anslinger for a little history.
Just heard Tucker Carlson quote some Psychological study claiming that Schizophrenia can be caused by Marijuana. The study cited crimes were committed by Schizos who were on Marijuana. The 'conclusion' is that Marijuana is 'bad for you.'

I'm sorry, but as much as I agree with Carlson, could it also be that Marijuana soothes Schizos and that a small fraction of these Schizo-Marijuana takers commit crimes while on the substance? Could it be that our mental health care and available medications either do not work very well or are unobtainable? Could it be that Marijuana actually PREVENTS some of these poor souls from suffering their own inner torture?

What say you?
Tucker gets it right far more often than not.....This is one of those "not" times.
Just heard Tucker Carlson quote some Psychological study claiming that Schizophrenia can be caused by Marijuana. The study cited crimes were committed by Schizos who were on Marijuana. The 'conclusion' is that Marijuana is 'bad for you.'

I'm sorry, but as much as I agree with Carlson, could it also be that Marijuana soothes Schizos and that a small fraction of these Schizo-Marijuana takers commit crimes while on the substance? Could it be that our mental health care and available medications either do not work very well or are unobtainable? Could it be that Marijuana actually PREVENTS some of these poor souls from suffering their own inner torture?

What say you?
Carlson has never smoked or ingested Maryjane and don't know jack..

Not qualified to comment on Schizophrenia. But I know alcohol is far more dangerous than weed.

I've seen a lot, and I mean a lot of men beat each other senseless, go to jail and lose everything under the influence of alcohol. Ruined lives. I've seen marriages destroyed. Families ruined. Children scarred. A dear friend of mine killed a family of seven by cutting their station wagon in half with his Porsche while DWI. That was in the '80's. He's still a paraplegic half wit who has to be fed and changed.

I've never seen anyone high on pot commit violence.

Well, there was that one shoving incident back in '73 over that "last Twinkie".
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Not qualified to comment on Schizophrenia. But I know alcohol is far more dangerous than weed.

I've seen a lot, and I mean a lot of men beat each other senseless, go to jail and lose everything under the influence of alcohol. Ruined lives. I've seen marriages destroyed. Families ruined. Children scarred. A dear friend of mine killed a family of seven by cutting their station wagon in half with his Porsche while DWI. That was in '89. He's still a paraplegic half wit who has to be fed and changed.

I've never seen anyone high on pot commit violence.

Well, there was that one shoving incident back in '73 over that "last Twinkie".

Ya, alcohol is a strong drug. So is Caffeine, so are Twinkies so are a lot of things but, we are in agreement with the ravages of too much alcohol mainly due to diminished mental/physical capacity and even detachment from reality. Sorry for your friend. One wonders about the effects of Marijuana vs Alcohol on the Schizo brain. I mean, aren't Schizos naturally 'high?' Maybe imbibing a little weed sort of evens them to speak.

Not qualified to comment on Schizophrenia. But I know alcohol is far more dangerous than weed.

I've seen a lot, and I mean a lot of men beat each other senseless, go to jail and lose everything under the influence of alcohol. Ruined lives. I've seen marriages destroyed. Families ruined. Children scarred. A dear friend of mine killed a family of seven by cutting their station wagon in half with his Porsche while DWI. That was in '89. He's still a paraplegic half wit who has to be fed and changed.

I've never seen anyone high on pot commit violence.

Well, there was that one shoving incident back in '73 over that "last Twinkie".
Yeah, nobody gets "smoked up" and goes home and beats their wife or knocks over a liquor store. The worst I've ever seen happen was someone who drove to slow to escape while shoplifting said Twinkies. Store security was on foot, he never got outta the parking lot. I think he got lost. Lol.
Sorry for your friend.

Thanks. He was a great friend but it's hard to forgive him for what he did. I have to remember it's not our job to judge. I only posted this as an example of how alcohol can kill and ruin lives.

I enjoy alcohol but within limits. I've seen it do damage as you all have. Not so much with weed. The most damage I've seen weed do is to kill initiative.

Like I said, I'm not qualified to comment on Schizophrenia. Hope I didn't distract too much from the thread.
Just heard Tucker Carlson quote some Psychological study claiming that Schizophrenia can be caused by Marijuana. The study cited crimes were committed by Schizos who were on Marijuana. The 'conclusion' is that Marijuana is 'bad for you.'

I'm sorry, but as much as I agree with Carlson, could it also be that Marijuana soothes Schizos and that a small fraction of these Schizo-Marijuana takers commit crimes while on the substance? Could it be that our mental health care and available medications either do not work very well or are unobtainable? Could it be that Marijuana actually PREVENTS some of these poor souls from suffering their own inner torture?

What say you?

Actually what the study said was that it could cause such conditions in CHILDREN. It didn't say anything about adult recreational usage. And I've seen that study before, it seems conclusive , not to mention common sense, that marijuana would negatively affect still developing brains with regular recreational use.
Just heard Tucker Carlson quote some Psychological study claiming that Schizophrenia can be caused by Marijuana. The study cited crimes were committed by Schizos who were on Marijuana. The 'conclusion' is that Marijuana is 'bad for you.'

I'm sorry, but as much as I agree with Carlson, could it also be that Marijuana soothes Schizos and that a small fraction of these Schizo-Marijuana takers commit crimes while on the substance? Could it be that our mental health care and available medications either do not work very well or are unobtainable? Could it be that Marijuana actually PREVENTS some of these poor souls from suffering their own inner torture?

What say you?

That's BS.

I recently discovered that the infused brownie mix, prebaked is that absolutely best!

Next batch, I'm setting aside half the mix. maybe the whole thing, we'll see
The deleterious effects described were also ascribed to "heavy use".

Heavy use of alcohol is even worse, and yet we drink freely.

Prohibition of alcohol didn't work. Neither does the modern version.
One day people will mock how this country used to ban Marijuana, just like we now laugh about prohibition
I say recreational drug use cannot be stopped, and it's a waste of time and resources to try.

Those who use will use in any case. The same people who failed with Prohibition are failing again.

Yep, because we’re trying to change people. That’s not realistic. Instead, the druggies, boozers, murderers and rapists need to be executed. THAT will eventually reduce the number of malcontents who can’t live a proper life.
It is easier to control alcohol use by children than marijuana use. Good parents are concerned about this. Bad parents don't care.
It is easier to control alcohol use by children than marijuana use. Good parents are concerned about this. Bad parents don't care.

And this is an area where pro legalization people have hurt themselves. Doing stupid shit like THC infused candy and such that is OBVIOUSLY geared towards children....

I've said this before, if people want marijuana legalized they need to start treating it just the same at cigarettes and alcohol.

And yes, I'd legalize marijuana if it was my choice.
Just heard Tucker Carlson quote some Psychological study claiming that Schizophrenia can be caused by Marijuana. The study cited crimes were committed by Schizos who were on Marijuana. The 'conclusion' is that Marijuana is 'bad for you.'

I'm sorry, but as much as I agree with Carlson, could it also be that Marijuana soothes Schizos and that a small fraction of these Schizo-Marijuana takers commit crimes while on the substance? Could it be that our mental health care and available medications either do not work very well or are unobtainable? Could it be that Marijuana actually PREVENTS some of these poor souls from suffering their own inner torture?

What say you?

Its gonna be a difficult one to determine.

MORE folks who have problems want to be stoned everyday. So folks on their way to Schizophrenia or a ton of other disorders/diseases are going to hide from reality in a puff of smoke or bottom of a glass.

That said, I swear my former stoner friends have real life flashbacks. Was it the pot or other drugs though?

Its still probably best if you can enjoy a football game, sunset or sex straight and not drunk or stoned but all things in moderation also. If Donald Trump comes over a couple times a year and we each have a beer while talking about what porn stars we'd do/did do, it isn't gonna come and get us. If Bill Clinton comes over every night and we get stoned talking about how depressed we are because him signing Bush's NAFTA cost Hillary the White House, every night is gonna pile up.

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