Marijuana Nullification on the Rise, Despite SCOTUS ruling!

Me too. He was so memorable at how irrational his hatred of pot was, it was hilarious.
No, I made up a real life medical use for the drug and it's proven.

Smoking weed is a great way to get high and any excuse will do.

That's not a counter argument to the fact that it negates part of the ill effect of chemotherapy. That's an emotion based, meaningless sentence.

Marijuana causes stroke, heart attack and psychosis. There are many treatments that negate or ameliorate the effects of chemotherapy or those who chose not to get high would not have those treatments available to them.
Smoking weed is a great way to get high and any excuse will do.

So what if it is? Was it worth gutting the 4th Amendment to keep people from getting high?

Nope, If they can ban smoking in private homes they can ban using pot in private homes too. Or use in cars for that matter.

Pot smoking mother drives off with baby on car roof | Reuters

A marijuana-smoking woman was arrested on Saturday in Phoenix after she accidentally drove away with her five-week-old son in a child safety seat on the roof of her vehicle, police said.
Smoking weed is a great way to get high and any excuse will do.

So what if it is? Was it worth gutting the 4th Amendment to keep people from getting high?

Nope, If they can ban smoking in private homes they can ban using pot in private homes too. Or use in cars for that matter.

Pot smoking mother drives off with baby on car roof | Reuters

A marijuana-smoking woman was arrested on Saturday in Phoenix after she accidentally drove away with her five-week-old son in a child safety seat on the roof of her vehicle, police said.

I can give you extreme examples of ANYTHING, all day long.. The government doesn't have the right to command people not to smoke in homes, not to smoke weed, etc etc.. this slippery slope of tyranny is coming to a boiling point.. you cannot pick and choose liberty.. You either support the concept of freedom or you support STATISM. Choose.
Smoking weed is a great way to get high and any excuse will do.

So what if it is? Was it worth gutting the 4th Amendment to keep people from getting high?

Nope, If they can ban smoking in private homes they can ban using pot in private homes too. Or use in cars for that matter.

Pot smoking mother drives off with baby on car roof | Reuters

A marijuana-smoking woman was arrested on Saturday in Phoenix after she accidentally drove away with her five-week-old son in a child safety seat on the roof of her vehicle, police said.

That wasn't the question. Was the War on Drugs worth gutting the Fourth Amendment?
So what if it is? Was it worth gutting the 4th Amendment to keep people from getting high?

Nope, If they can ban smoking in private homes they can ban using pot in private homes too. Or use in cars for that matter.

Pot smoking mother drives off with baby on car roof | Reuters

A marijuana-smoking woman was arrested on Saturday in Phoenix after she accidentally drove away with her five-week-old son in a child safety seat on the roof of her vehicle, police said.

That wasn't the question. Was the War on Drugs worth gutting the Fourth Amendment?

It wasn't gutted. It was intact until obama's spying program.
Right, because the War on Terror had so much to do with cases deciding whether or not cops could kick in doors over what a cop thought was a smell in a hallway. Certainly the War on Terror was the motivation when the Courts expanded the Exclusionary Rule to cover pretty much everything back in the mid 1980s.
You either embrace freedom or you don't! Marijuana was here before we were, and it will be here when were gone, and it will still be enjoyed by millions then.

For you idiots that think that the drug war doesn't compound any potential deleterios affects of drugs - what the fuck is wrong with you? You cannot eradicate pot, because too many Americans have decided that they are going to smoke it.

Why don't you make the same argument for alcohol, and tobacco? Because your heads are stuck in your asses; you cannot apreciate the whole picture. The blood is on your hands! You are vehement against smoking, but OK with the brutal crimes pedicated on it's illicit nature. Your probably a bunch of chain smoking, hateful drunks.

I am the steward of my body. I will do with it as I please. Fuck the SCOTUS, and anyone else who doesn't embrace that reality!
Nope, If they can ban smoking in private homes they can ban using pot in private homes too. Or use in cars for that matter.

Pot smoking mother drives off with baby on car roof | Reuters

A marijuana-smoking woman was arrested on Saturday in Phoenix after she accidentally drove away with her five-week-old son in a child safety seat on the roof of her vehicle, police said.

That wasn't the question. Was the War on Drugs worth gutting the Fourth Amendment?

It wasn't gutted. It was intact until obama's spying program.

why do you even engage in threads about Pot Katz? get your ass handed to you by 90% of the posters in the threads.....everything you post gets countered all your extreme stories about how one time a person on pot did this....while 99% of the other people getting high would never put them selves in that situation......talking to you about Pot is like talking to Dean about Republicans......both of you have these preconceived notions that EVERYONE is the Dean ALL Republicans are the you ALL Pot smokers are the i have said have more fucking Bullshit then the dam Bull does....
Smoking weed is a great way to get high and any excuse will do.

So what if it is? Was it worth gutting the 4th Amendment to keep people from getting high?

Nope, If they can ban smoking in private homes they can ban using pot in private homes too. Or use in cars for that matter.

Pot smoking mother drives off with baby on car roof | Reuters

A marijuana-smoking woman was arrested on Saturday in Phoenix after she accidentally drove away with her five-week-old son in a child safety seat on the roof of her vehicle, police said.
The mug shot of Catalina Clouser, pot-smoking mom who abused child by driving with it on the roof:


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