Marijuana Nullification on the Rise, Despite SCOTUS ruling!

Why not just treat them as just as liable as anyone else?

Are heavy smokers or drinkers given any special dispensations from the laws?

Tobacco use has no cognitive impairment. Drinkers are not given any special dispensation from laws.

I had a woman visit me high on pot, she was in her 70s and fell, I dragged her out in the hallway by her ankles and left her there after putting a note down that said "DRUG ADDICT".

The way to treat druggies is with zero tolerance. If we have drunks, there is no improvement to increase that number by those drugged out.

Good thing Cory Monteith just offed himself, one less to worry about.

Someone who gets high is a drug addict? What about someone who takes valium, Xanax? Do you drag them out by their feet and label them a drug addict leaving them in the hall way? That sounds completely NUTS if you ask me. A lot of my friends get high.. They're funny as hell and totally cognoscente.. they don't fall down.. worst case scenario we laugh our mouths to a frozen Joker smile.. LOL

I did not say she fell down because she was high. She fell down. She is in her 70s and sometimes they fall. Her being high might have had something to do with it. The last time I looked valium and xanex were presecribed by real doctors with real medical practices for real medical conditions. Not some pot clinic doctor who writes a letter in exchange for $200.00 then sits there and waits for the next $200.00 to come through the door.
how did you know she was "high" on Pot?......

She was smoking it at the time. That's how it happened. I told her to leave and she said it was medically necessary she had a "card". I told her that if she did not immediately leave, I would call the police and make a complaint of distribution. When she got up to leave, something happened and she fell. When she fell it was "Help I've fallen and I can't get up". So I helped her by grabbing her ankles and dragging her out into the hallway.

You drug a woman out by her feet who most likely had cancer and left her in the hallway??? :eek::eek:

She didn't have cancer. She didn't have anything except a predisposition to enjoy getting high on pot. After all, this was my neighbor a woman I had known for quite sometime, otherwise she would not have felt comfortable coming to my apartment thinking I wouldn't mind her getting high.
Tobacco use has no cognitive impairment. Drinkers are not given any special dispensation from laws.

I had a woman visit me high on pot, she was in her 70s and fell, I dragged her out in the hallway by her ankles and left her there after putting a note down that said "DRUG ADDICT".

The way to treat druggies is with zero tolerance. If we have drunks, there is no improvement to increase that number by those drugged out.

Good thing Cory Monteith just offed himself, one less to worry about.

Someone who gets high is a drug addict? What about someone who takes valium, Xanax? Do you drag them out by their feet and label them a drug addict leaving them in the hall way? That sounds completely NUTS if you ask me. A lot of my friends get high.. They're funny as hell and totally cognoscente.. they don't fall down.. worst case scenario we laugh our mouths to a frozen Joker smile.. LOL

I did not say she fell down because she was high. She fell down. She is in her 70s and sometimes they fall. Her being high might have had something to do with it. The last time I looked valium and xanex were presecribed by real doctors with real medical practices for real medical conditions. Not some pot clinic doctor who writes a letter in exchange for $200.00 then sits there and waits for the next $200.00 to come through the door.

Did you know that chemotherapy leads to appetite suppression? Have you seen the weight-loss? Smoking weed is a great way to reduce that ill effect on the sickly.
Tobacco use has no cognitive impairment. Drinkers are not given any special dispensation from laws.

I had a woman visit me high on pot, she was in her 70s and fell, I dragged her out in the hallway by her ankles and left her there after putting a note down that said "DRUG ADDICT".

The way to treat druggies is with zero tolerance. If we have drunks, there is no improvement to increase that number by those drugged out.

Good thing Cory Monteith just offed himself, one less to worry about.

Someone who gets high is a drug addict? What about someone who takes valium, Xanax? Do you drag them out by their feet and label them a drug addict leaving them in the hall way? That sounds completely NUTS if you ask me. A lot of my friends get high.. They're funny as hell and totally cognoscente.. they don't fall down.. worst case scenario we laugh our mouths to a frozen Joker smile.. LOL

I did not say she fell down because she was high. She fell down. She is in her 70s and sometimes they fall. Her being high might have had something to do with it. The last time I looked valium and xanex were presecribed by real doctors with real medical practices for real medical conditions. Not some pot clinic doctor who writes a letter in exchange for $200.00 then sits there and waits for the next $200.00 to come through the door.

So being a prescribed drug addict is ok because it's licensed??? That makes no sense Katz.. I don't agree with you in this area quite obviously.
Someone who gets high is a drug addict? What about someone who takes valium, Xanax? Do you drag them out by their feet and label them a drug addict leaving them in the hall way? That sounds completely NUTS if you ask me. A lot of my friends get high.. They're funny as hell and totally cognoscente.. they don't fall down.. worst case scenario we laugh our mouths to a frozen Joker smile.. LOL

I did not say she fell down because she was high. She fell down. She is in her 70s and sometimes they fall. Her being high might have had something to do with it. The last time I looked valium and xanex were presecribed by real doctors with real medical practices for real medical conditions. Not some pot clinic doctor who writes a letter in exchange for $200.00 then sits there and waits for the next $200.00 to come through the door.

Did you know that chemotherapy leads to appetite suppression? Have you seen the weight-loss? Smoking weed is a great way to reduce that ill effect on the sickly.

Really! So you made up a fake cancer diagnosis and are running with it.
Tobacco use has no cognitive impairment. Drinkers are not given any special dispensation from laws.

I had a woman visit me high on pot, she was in her 70s and fell, I dragged her out in the hallway by her ankles and left her there after putting a note down that said "DRUG ADDICT".

The way to treat druggies is with zero tolerance. If we have drunks, there is no improvement to increase that number by those drugged out.

Good thing Cory Monteith just offed himself, one less to worry about.

sure you did Katz.....

Yep, left her in the hallway to holler for help. I think two guys from upstairs finally helped her get up.

I would not cut a druggie a single break. Put them in warehouses and give them all the drugs they want until they "Monteith" themselves out.
You do realize Marijuana has medicinal purposes?How do you know she wasn't smoking weed for cancer or some other disease?
Marijuana is a natural herb placed here by God, if you believe in God.. it has medicinal properties. Why shouldn't it be legal?
Someone who gets high is a drug addict? What about someone who takes valium, Xanax? Do you drag them out by their feet and label them a drug addict leaving them in the hall way? That sounds completely NUTS if you ask me. A lot of my friends get high.. They're funny as hell and totally cognoscente.. they don't fall down.. worst case scenario we laugh our mouths to a frozen Joker smile.. LOL

I did not say she fell down because she was high. She fell down. She is in her 70s and sometimes they fall. Her being high might have had something to do with it. The last time I looked valium and xanex were presecribed by real doctors with real medical practices for real medical conditions. Not some pot clinic doctor who writes a letter in exchange for $200.00 then sits there and waits for the next $200.00 to come through the door.

So being a prescribed drug addict is ok because it's licensed??? That makes no sense Katz.. I don't agree with you in this area quite obviously.

Yes there are people who abuse prescription drugs, which doesn't mean that there should be an abuse of illegal drugs too and that will help the prescription drug addicts.
I did not say she fell down because she was high. She fell down. She is in her 70s and sometimes they fall. Her being high might have had something to do with it. The last time I looked valium and xanex were presecribed by real doctors with real medical practices for real medical conditions. Not some pot clinic doctor who writes a letter in exchange for $200.00 then sits there and waits for the next $200.00 to come through the door.

Did you know that chemotherapy leads to appetite suppression? Have you seen the weight-loss? Smoking weed is a great way to reduce that ill effect on the sickly.

Really! So you made up a fake cancer diagnosis and are running with it.

No, I made up a real life medical use for the drug and it's proven.
I agree with the mexican drug cartel's way of dealing with druggies. They kill off one another's customers. The cartels have taken over 50,000 users off the streets permanently. That's the way to handle drugs.
Did you know that chemotherapy leads to appetite suppression? Have you seen the weight-loss? Smoking weed is a great way to reduce that ill effect on the sickly.

Really! So you made up a fake cancer diagnosis and are running with it.

No, I made up a real life medical use for the drug and it's proven.

Smoking weed is a great way to get high and any excuse will do.
American history has a colorful Native American past who routinely smoked herb.. What gave Government the right to make it illegal to begin with?
I agree with the mexican drug cartel's way of dealing with druggies. They kill off one another's customers. The cartels have taken over 50,000 users off the streets permanently. That's the way to handle drugs.

How about their decapitating innocent civilians to prove "points," do ya love that shit too? smh.
I agree with the mexican drug cartel's way of dealing with druggies. They kill off one another's customers. The cartels have taken over 50,000 users off the streets permanently. That's the way to handle drugs.

So you want to sanction murder now for anyone smoking weed? Isn't that a bit extreme??
I agree with the mexican drug cartel's way of dealing with druggies. They kill off one another's customers. The cartels have taken over 50,000 users off the streets permanently. That's the way to handle drugs.

So you want to sanction murder now for anyone smoking weed? Isn't that a bit extreme??

Someone should introduce her to gdoane, what a lovely couple they'd make.
I agree with the mexican drug cartel's way of dealing with druggies. They kill off one another's customers. The cartels have taken over 50,000 users off the streets permanently. That's the way to handle drugs.

So you want to sanction murder now for anyone smoking weed? Isn't that a bit extreme??

Someone should introduce her to gdoane, what a lovely couple they'd make.

LMAO!!!! I remember his posts!!

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