Manchin has gone full Bond Movie Villain, demanding “a firm work requirement” and means testing for Biden's child tax credit


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

For the poor and working class, Joe Manchin demands work requirements for child tax credits. Yet for the rich, he’s happy to support — and personally benefit from — work-free income

Manchin has publicly boasted of doing zero labor for his family’s coal company that has nonetheless been paying him hundreds of thousands of dollars annually and may be providing him preferential tax breaks on that passive, work-free income. Manchin has also previously supported legislation to expand tax breaks for heirs to vast family fortunes, and those benefits would flow to wealthy scions even if they are not working and they refuse to get a job

As Manchin continues deriding an “entitlement mentality” from the deck of his yacht, most of Manchin’s annual earnings come from sources that do not require him to do any work: He has been raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars each year from corporate dividends and a sprawling stock portfolio, according to his financial disclosures.

For the poor and working class, Joe Manchin demands work requirements for child tax credits. Yet for the rich, he’s happy to support — and personally benefit from — work-free income

Manchin has publicly boasted of doing zero labor for his family’s coal company that has nonetheless been paying him hundreds of thousands of dollars annually and may be providing him preferential tax breaks on that passive, work-free income. Manchin has also previously supported legislation to expand tax breaks for heirs to vast family fortunes, and those benefits would flow to wealthy scions even if they are not working and they refuse to get a job

As Manchin continues deriding an “entitlement mentality” from the deck of his yacht, most of Manchin’s annual earnings come from sources that do not require him to do any work: He has been raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars each year from corporate dividends and a sprawling stock portfolio, according to his financial disclosures.
He’s a villain for requiring poor people to work? the working class isn’t impacted from a work requirement

why do you think people are villains for requiring you to work or at least look for work?

you seem rather selfish and entitled to think others should support you while not working.

typical demafascit cultist…frankly your entitled mindset is why so many freedoms get lost in this country…the more you depend on govt to take care of your basic needs the more the Govt controls you
Here come the personal attacks on Manchin.

You left wing cultists are so predictable.

He is a racist misogynist homophobic Islamaphobic Transphobic Xenophobic misogynist, isn't he?

He hates puppies.

For the poor and working class, Joe Manchin demands work requirements for child tax credits. Yet for the rich, he’s happy to support — and personally benefit from — work-free income

Manchin has publicly boasted of doing zero labor for his family’s coal company that has nonetheless been paying him hundreds of thousands of dollars annually and may be providing him preferential tax breaks on that passive, work-free income. Manchin has also previously supported legislation to expand tax breaks for heirs to vast family fortunes, and those benefits would flow to wealthy scions even if they are not working and they refuse to get a job

As Manchin continues deriding an “entitlement mentality” from the deck of his yacht, most of Manchin’s annual earnings come from sources that do not require him to do any work: He has been raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars each year from corporate dividends and a sprawling stock portfolio, according to his financial disclosures.
Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia is reportedly seeking a $60,000 income cap for families to get the expanded child tax credit, a key element of President Joe Biden's domestic agenda up on the chopping block as negotiations over the scope of the spending bill drag on.
Manchin's $60,000 income threshold for Biden's expanded child tax credit could cause 37.4 million kids to lose out on federal aid

For the poor and working class, Joe Manchin demands work requirements for child tax credits. Yet for the rich, he’s happy to support — and personally benefit from — work-free income

Manchin has publicly boasted of doing zero labor for his family’s coal company that has nonetheless been paying him hundreds of thousands of dollars annually and may be providing him preferential tax breaks on that passive, work-free income. Manchin has also previously supported legislation to expand tax breaks for heirs to vast family fortunes, and those benefits would flow to wealthy scions even if they are not working and they refuse to get a job

As Manchin continues deriding an “entitlement mentality” from the deck of his yacht, most of Manchin’s annual earnings come from sources that do not require him to do any work: He has been raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars each year from corporate dividends and a sprawling stock portfolio, according to his financial disclosures.
While Manchin may be a hypocrite he is 100% correct to require both of those things.
Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia is reportedly seeking a $60,000 income cap for families to get the expanded child tax credit, a key element of President Joe Biden's domestic agenda up on the chopping block as negotiations over the scope of the spending bill drag on.
Manchin's $60,000 income threshold for Biden's expanded child tax credit could cause 37.4 million kids to lose out on federal aid
What federal aid? It's a tax credit....and it's capped at $60K....why is the left now pushing for tax breaks for the wealthy that don't need it
Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia is reportedly seeking a $60,000 income cap for families to get the expanded child tax credit, a key element of President Joe Biden's domestic agenda up on the chopping block as negotiations over the scope of the spending bill drag on.
Manchin's $60,000 income threshold for Biden's expanded child tax credit could cause 37.4 million kids to lose out on federal aid

I think $60,000 is too high. Do they limit the number of kids for which you get a tax credit? Should be 3 at the most IMHO.
What federal aid? It's a tax credit....and it's capped at $60K....why is the left now pushing for tax breaks for the wealthy that don't need it
Exactly.... they have gone full out of control with no real direction at all..... it's hilarious.


For the poor and working class, Joe Manchin demands work requirements for child tax credits. Yet for the rich, he’s happy to support — and personally benefit from — work-free income

Manchin has publicly boasted of doing zero labor for his family’s coal company that has nonetheless been paying him hundreds of thousands of dollars annually and may be providing him preferential tax breaks on that passive, work-free income. Manchin has also previously supported legislation to expand tax breaks for heirs to vast family fortunes, and those benefits would flow to wealthy scions even if they are not working and they refuse to get a job

As Manchin continues deriding an “entitlement mentality” from the deck of his yacht, most of Manchin’s annual earnings come from sources that do not require him to do any work: He has been raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars each year from corporate dividends and a sprawling stock portfolio, according to his financial disclosures.
The unemployed were never allowed to claim the credit before. We need to quit with the mentality of poor single women having more kids on purpose to collect yet more benefits.
Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia is reportedly seeking a $60,000 income cap for families to get the expanded child tax credit, a key element of President Joe Biden's domestic agenda up on the chopping block as negotiations over the scope of the spending bill drag on.
Manchin's $60,000 income threshold for Biden's expanded child tax credit could cause 37.4 million kids to lose out on federal aid
I say that’s good. After all, he’s talking about the EXPANDED Government support check. Lower-income families would still get the larger amount; middle-income families would get the original amount.

As far as your last sentence crying about “kids losing out on federal aid,” you meant to say, “waaaah…..the kids whose parents are bringing in $150,000 a year won’t get subsidized by other people, such as Granny living on $40,000 a year.”
The unemployed were never allowed to claim the credit before. We need to quit with the mentality of poor single women having more kids on purpose to collect yet more benefits.
Yes. I know a young woman, early 20s, with three children she can’t support. She is now three months pregnant - conceived over the summer when the expanded government child support was announced.
The unemployed were never allowed to claim the credit before. We need to quit with the mentality of poor single women having more kids on purpose to collect yet more benefits.
Yup. The way the expanded “tax credit” works (misnomer since people get the money who don’t even pay any tax) allows a single welfare mother with four young kids, living in a subsidized townhouse, getting food stamps for her kids, everyone on Medicaid, etc., an additional $1,200 a MONTH, no questions asked.

A tax credit means a credit against taxes owed. People who don’t work don’t have any income against which the “credit” is applied.
Why should we tax payers pay them more money for their kids? No way should the tax payers be on the hook for this child credit bull shit. More social spending from the millionaire Bidung.

Its one lousy bill and I hope Manchin hangs tough and that thing gets kicked to the curb.

For the poor and working class, Joe Manchin demands work requirements for child tax credits. Yet for the rich, he’s happy to support — and personally benefit from — work-free income

Manchin has publicly boasted of doing zero labor for his family’s coal company that has nonetheless been paying him hundreds of thousands of dollars annually and may be providing him preferential tax breaks on that passive, work-free income. Manchin has also previously supported legislation to expand tax breaks for heirs to vast family fortunes, and those benefits would flow to wealthy scions even if they are not working and they refuse to get a job

As Manchin continues deriding an “entitlement mentality” from the deck of his yacht, most of Manchin’s annual earnings come from sources that do not require him to do any work: He has been raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars each year from corporate dividends and a sprawling stock portfolio, according to his financial disclosures.
Working families? You mean the dregs with 8 kids NOT working don't you?

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