Man who saved little girl pulled int a van is illegal

They're probably not married legally. How could they be? They can't be! Maybe, with a stolen identity and that's not legal! So get over your La Raza self and try to be someone who loves America and not someone who want to take over America!

They probably have 6 kids that American taxpayers are supporting! They should deport his illegal ass!

One illegal alien family, costs the U.S. taxpayers more than $32,000 in federal, state and local benefits each year. That same family contributes an average of $9,000 a year in taxes, resulting in a net tax burden of $22,449 each year. If the lower figure of 12 million illegal aliens is used for estimation purposes, the total tax burden translates to $2.2 trillion per year.

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They're probably not married legally. How could they be? They can't be! Maybe, with a stolen identity and that's not legal! So get over your La Raza self and try to be someone who loves America and not someone who want to take over America!



Department of Justice, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Department of Homeland Security spent $20 million or more in 2008 to litigate deportation orders for illegal aliens.

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They probably have 6 kids that American taxpayers are supporting! They should deport his illegal ass!

You have a lot of hyperbole and 'probabilities' and jack shit as fact. I have one fact - and it is the only relevant one.... he married an American citizen. That entitles him to stay. I would rather than one of him than one hundred morons like you.
They're probably not married legally. How could they be? They can't be! Maybe, with a stolen identity and that's not legal! So get over your La Raza self and try to be someone who loves America and not someone who want to take over America!



Hysterical lies gets you negged. Don't call me a traitor unless you can prove that I have committed treason - in accordance with the US Constitution. I bet you have to look that up before you can respond.

Fucking moron.

hysterical lies gets you negged. Don't call me a traitor unless you can prove that i have committed treason - in accordance with the us constitution. I bet you have to look that up before you can respond.

Fucking moron.


In 2007, DHS apprehended nearly 961,000 foreign nationals. Nearly 89 percent were natives of Mexico.
The leading countries of origin of those removed were Mexico. DHS removed 99,900 known criminal aliens from the United States." Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2007 Or

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Cali grow up.

its the mans own words.

If they tried to deport him he could get a public defender to have it tossed because he is eligible to remain in the country with his citizen wife.

Grow up little girl.

If he is married to a US citizen he is not how about you grow up and not make threads with disingenuous titles in order to editorialize?

good luck with that.....
You cant hes married to an citizen

Oh yes you can. I would hope, someone sees that he gets money for a lawyer. Barring that, he is here illegally.

TM! Why do you hate apostrophes?

He's married to an American, all he needs to do is the paperwork. He's no longer illegal - he just hasn't done the paperwork.

Again. He. Is. Not. Here. Illegally.

He is illegal until he legally changes his status.
My ex entered the country illegally from Brazil and married a citizen. In order to change her status, she had to return to Brazil and obtain a visa to emigrate legally. She was given special consideration given she had 2 children and a husband all born here. It was mostly a formality, but she could have been deported at any time until she went through the proper procedure. Had she been deported, she would never been allowed back into the country.

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