Man-hating feminist judge in Larry Nassar case crossed line. Remove & disbar

And the perfect example of why we need the STFU button in every forum.

The board notes your call for censoring conservatives and their refusal to accept the establishment view on every story.
"We have all been inspired by the courage of the American gymnasts coming forward to tell their stories. The crimes committed against these young women are atrocious and rattle us all to the core." - President Trump
Was Nassar even guilty.? Looks like he was beaten down and forced to plead guilty. The state was clearly out to get him. The media also.

The moment the judge in the Larry Nassar case crossed a line

jan 25 2o18 Many of us have watched in horror as victim after victim testified at the sentencing hearing for Larry Nassar, the doctor who pleaded guilty to molesting US gymnasts under his care. Though Nassar had admitted to molesting seven victims, Judge Rosemarie Aquilina opened the courtroom in this phase to anyone wishing to speak, including victims of Nassar who were not part of the official case.

Ultimately, there were more than 160 witnesses, including numerous Olympic athletes, who gave gut-wrenching testimony about his effect on their lives.

On Wednesday, Judge Aquilina sentenced Nassar to 40 to 175 years in prison — a sentence she assured him means he will die in prison, since it will be served subsequent to a 60-year sentence in another case for possession of child pornography. “I have signed your death warrant,” she announced.

Throughout the sentencing hearing, Aquilina was praised for her compassion towards victims, and her comments Wednesday drew further exultant commentary. But her words to Nassar should make us uncomfortable. That’s because, perhaps without realizing it, Aquilina overstepped her bounds as a judge and adopted the role of victim advocate.

She told Nassar, “It is my honor and privilege to sentence you,” and observed, at one point: “Our Constitution does not allow for cruel and unusual punishment. If it did … I would allow some or many people to do to him what he did to others.”

That is a human reaction, but it is one you’d expect to be expressed by a victim rather than a judge. (Many observers, including me, heard the “do to him what he did to others” line as a not-so-coded expression of a hope that Nassar would be raped in prison.)

Throughout the proceedings, which were televised, Aquilina essentially transformed herself into a champion for a movement. It is understandable to feel empathy for previously voiceless victims, especially ones whose testimony took such bravery. But there are crucial distinctions between judge and advocate, and she traversed those lines repeatedly.

She talked to victims as though she were their confidante, telling one, “The monster who took advantage of you is going to wither, much like the scene in The Wizard of Oz where the water gets poured on the witch and the witch withers away.”

She passionately thanked victims and called them “superheroes.” defend Larry Nassar. Go right ahead.
Was Nassar even guilty.? Looks like he was beaten down and forced to plead guilty. The state was clearly out to get him. The media also.

The moment the judge in the Larry Nassar case crossed a line

jan 25 2o18 Many of us have watched in horror as victim after victim testified at the sentencing hearing for Larry Nassar, the doctor who pleaded guilty to molesting US gymnasts under his care. Though Nassar had admitted to molesting seven victims, Judge Rosemarie Aquilina opened the courtroom in this phase to anyone wishing to speak, including victims of Nassar who were not part of the official case.

Ultimately, there were more than 160 witnesses, including numerous Olympic athletes, who gave gut-wrenching testimony about his effect on their lives.

On Wednesday, Judge Aquilina sentenced Nassar to 40 to 175 years in prison — a sentence she assured him means he will die in prison, since it will be served subsequent to a 60-year sentence in another case for possession of child pornography. “I have signed your death warrant,” she announced.

Throughout the sentencing hearing, Aquilina was praised for her compassion towards victims, and her comments Wednesday drew further exultant commentary. But her words to Nassar should make us uncomfortable. That’s because, perhaps without realizing it, Aquilina overstepped her bounds as a judge and adopted the role of victim advocate.

She told Nassar, “It is my honor and privilege to sentence you,” and observed, at one point: “Our Constitution does not allow for cruel and unusual punishment. If it did … I would allow some or many people to do to him what he did to others.”

That is a human reaction, but it is one you’d expect to be expressed by a victim rather than a judge. (Many observers, including me, heard the “do to him what he did to others” line as a not-so-coded expression of a hope that Nassar would be raped in prison.)

Throughout the proceedings, which were televised, Aquilina essentially transformed herself into a champion for a movement. It is understandable to feel empathy for previously voiceless victims, especially ones whose testimony took such bravery. But there are crucial distinctions between judge and advocate, and she traversed those lines repeatedly.

She talked to victims as though she were their confidante, telling one, “The monster who took advantage of you is going to wither, much like the scene in The Wizard of Oz where the water gets poured on the witch and the witch withers away.”

She passionately thanked victims and called them “superheroes.”

That is a human reaction, but it is one you’d expect to be expressed by a victim rather than a judge. (Many observers, including me, heard the “do to him what he did to others” line as a not-so-coded expression of a hope that Nassar would be raped in prison.)

I don't think his fellow prisoners need the judge to give them any kind of message, coded or otherwise, to see who will fill his dance card first. I figure there will be no more high pitched tones when he farts

He will spend his life in administrative segregation so he isn't killed.
Too bad.
Wikipedia says "Aquilina moved to the United States with her family as a toddler, and became a naturalized citizen when she was twelve.[" Wiki doesn't say where she was born and i'm still trying to find out the answer.

Article also says " Aquilina lives in Meridian Township with her parents. She was married after graduation and had two children while in law school; she has since had another daughter and, in her fifties, twins through a sperm bank.[1]"

Sperm bank?? HAHAHA. She's a liberal loony as i thought.

Rosemarie Aquilina - Wikipedia
If he really did rape these women then I hope he's fucking raped by big negro john in prison for the next 175 years.

Don't get me wrong,,,,I don't trust a lot of women as they're liars and are out to take down men, but it is unacceptable to rape another human being.
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If he really did rape these women then I hope he fucking raped by big negro john in prison for the next 175 years.

Don't get me wrong,,,,I don't trust a lot of women as they're liars and are out to take down men, but it is unacceptable to rape another human being.

Fine - but this thread is about the judge's behavior. She should have announced the sentence and kept her own personal opinions out of this.
And the perfect example of why we need the STFU button in every forum.

The board notes your call for censoring conservatives and their refusal to accept the establishment view on every story.

Because telling you to shut the fuck up would make you shut up, right? THINK. You need to learn the difference between censorship and people telling you in a round about way that you're a fucking moron.
If he really did rape these women then I hope he fucking raped by big negro john in prison for the next 175 years.

Don't get me wrong,,,,I don't trust a lot of women as they're liars and are out to take down men, but it is unacceptable to rape another human being.

Fine - but this thread is about the judge's behavior. She should have announced the sentence and kept her own personal opinions out of this.
You made it about the victims credibility. Thats why people are holding their noses.
Did the "victims" have any evidence other than their word??. We saw with roy moore that all whores need in america is an accusation. " He abused me and i want a million bucks."
Well, he got 60 years for possession of child porn so he ain't getting out. THINK!

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